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# COmanage Match Localizations
# Portions licensed to the University Corporation for Advanced Internet
# Development, Inc. ("UCAID") under one or more contributor license agreements.
# See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.
# UCAID licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
# License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# @link COmanage Project
# @package match
# @since COmanage Match v1.0.0
# @license Apache License, Version 2.0 (
# For common code to know which component it is
msgid "product.code"
msgstr "match"
# This should match the ISO 639-1 two letter language code for the translation
msgid "match.meta.lang"
msgstr "en"
msgid "match.meta.logo"
msgstr "COmanage Logo"
msgid "match.meta.match"
msgstr "COmanage Match"
msgid "match.meta.match.a"
msgstr "COmanage Match: {0}"
msgid "match.meta.powered"
msgstr "Powered By"
msgid "match.meta.version"
msgstr "Version {0}"
### Banners
msgid "match.banner.api_users.matchgrid"
msgstr "This page is for configuring Matchgrid API Users. Platform API Users can only be created by Platform Administrators via the platform level menu option.<hr />The Match API is available at {0}"
msgid "match.banner.api_users.platform"
msgstr "This page is for configuring Platform API Users, which have full read/write access to the entire platform. To create API Users restricted to a given Matchgrid, go to the management page for the desired Matchgrid and select <i>API Users</i> from there.<hr />The Match API is available at {0}"
### Command Line text
msgid ""
msgstr "Dropping matchgrid indexes..."
msgid ""
msgstr "Rebuilding matchgrid indexes..."
msgid ""
msgstr "{0} records processed..."
msgid ""
msgstr "Loading records to matchgrid table mg_{0}"
msgid ""
msgstr "Finished processing {0} records ({1} errors, {2} unresolved matches, total elapsed time {3} seconds)"
msgid "match.cmd.db.noop"
msgid "match.cmd.db.ok"
msgstr "Database schema update successful"
msgid "match.cmd.db.schema"
msgstr "- Loading database schema from {0}"
msgid "match.cmd.opt.admin-username"
msgstr "Username of initial platform administrator"
msgid "match.cmd.opt.force"
msgstr "Force a rerun of setup (only if you know what you are doing)""
msgid "match.cmd.opt.not"
msgstr "Calculate changes but do not apply"
msgid "match.cmd.opt.skip-match"
msgstr "Do not run Match Rules while processing records"
msgid ""
msgstr "- Creating initial administrator permission"
msgid ""
msgstr "Enter administrator's login username"
msgid ""
msgstr "Setup appears to have already run"
msgid ""
msgstr "- Generating salt file"
### Controllers (Models)
msgid "match.ct.ApiUsers"
msgstr "{0,plural,=1{API User} other{API Users}}"
msgid "match.ct.AttributeGroups"
msgstr "{0,plural,=1{Attribute Group} other{Attribute Groups}}"
msgid "match.ct.AttributeMappings"
msgstr "{0,plural,=1{Attribute Mapping} other{Attribute Mappings}}"
msgid "match.ct.AttributeMaps"
msgstr "{0,plural,=1{Attribute Map} other{Attribute Maps}}"
msgid "match.ct.Attributes"
msgstr "{0,plural,=1{Attribute} other{Attributes}}"
msgid "match.ct.MatchgridSettings"
msgstr "{0,plural,=1{Matchgrid Settings} other{Matchgrid Settings}}"
msgid "match.ct.Matchgrids"
msgstr "{0,plural,=1{Matchgrid} other{Matchgrids}}"
msgid "match.ct.MatchgridRecords"
msgstr "{0,plural,=1{Matchgrid Record} other{Matchgrid Records}}"
msgid "match.ct.Permissions"
msgstr "{0,plural,=1{Permission} other{Permissions}}"
msgid "match.ct.SystemsOfRecord"
msgstr "{0,plural,=1{System of Record} other{Systems of Record}}"
msgid "match.ct.Rules"
msgstr "{0,plural,=1{Rule} other{Rules}}"
msgid "match.ct.RuleAttributes"
msgstr "{0,plural,=1{Rule Attribute} other{Rule Attributes}}"
### Actions
msgid ""
msgstr "{0,plural,=1{Pending Request} other{Pending Requests}}"
### Enumerations
msgid "match.en.ConfidenceModeEnum.C"
msgstr "Canonical"
msgid "match.en.ConfidenceModeEnum.P"
msgstr "Potential"
msgid "match.en.ConfidenceModeEnum.S"
msgstr "Suspended"
msgid "match.en.PermissionEnum.A"
msgstr "Platform Administrator"
msgid "match.en.PermissionEnum.MA"
msgstr "Matchgrid Administrator"
msgid "match.en.PermissionEnum.RM"
msgstr "Reconciliation Manager"
msgid "match.en.PermissionEnum.RS"
msgstr "Reconciliation Support"
msgid "match.en.PermissionEnum.X"
msgstr "None"
msgid "match.en.ReferenceIdEnum.S"
msgstr "Sequence"
msgid "match.en.ReferenceIdEnum.U"
msgstr "UUID (Type 4)"
msgid "match.en.ResolutionModeEnum.E"
msgstr "External"
msgid "match.en.ResolutionModeEnum.I"
msgstr "Interactive"
msgid "match.en.SearchTypeEnum.D"
msgstr "Distance"
msgid "match.en.SearchTypeEnum.E"
msgstr "Exact"
msgid "match.en.SearchTypeEnum.M"
msgstr "Mapping"
msgid "match.en.SearchTypeEnum.X"
msgstr "Skip"
msgid "match.en.SearchTypeEnum.S"
msgstr "Substring"
msgid "match.en.StatusEnum.A"
msgstr "Active"
msgid "match.en.StatusEnum.S"
msgstr "Suspended"
### Error Messages
msgid ""
msgstr "Incorrect arguments provided to {0}"
msgid ""
msgstr "Required attribute {0} not found in request"
msgid ""
msgstr "Error at line {0}: {1}"
msgid ""
msgstr "Error applying matchgrid schema: {0}"
msgid ""
msgstr "Failed to connect to database: {0}"
msgid ""
msgstr "Unsupported database driver: {0}"
msgid ""
msgstr "Possibly failed to update database schema"
msgid ""
msgstr "Delete Failed"
msgid ""
msgstr "Duplicate Failed"
msgid ""
msgstr "Cannot read file {0}"
msgid ""
msgstr "Invalid format"
msgid ""
msgstr "Value cannot consist of only blank characters"
msgid ""
msgstr "When this value is selected, {0} cannot be empty"
msgid ""
msgstr "Invalid character found"
msgid ""
msgstr "Matchgrid table not found, was the Matchgrid built? ({0})"
msgid ""
msgstr "Could not find Matchgrid ID in request"
msgid ""
msgstr "{0} \"{1}\" not found"
msgid ""
msgstr "Page number may not be larger than {0}"
msgid ""
msgstr "Page number must be an integer"
msgid ""
msgstr "Unknown type {0} for key {1} (parseFromJSON)"
msgid ""
msgstr "Could not find value for Primary Link {0}"
msgid ""
msgstr "Error obtaining pending requests: {0}"
msgid ""
msgstr "Request ID {0} already resolved"
msgid ""
msgstr "Request ID {0} already has a Reference ID assigned, contact an administrator for assistance"
msgid ""
msgstr "The requested Reference ID is not a valid candidate, resubmit the request or contact an administrator for assistance"
msgid ""
msgstr "Request ID {0} not found"
msgid ""
msgstr "Match Request {0} already exists for this System of Record ID"
msgid ""
msgstr "A System of Record ID is required"
msgid ""
msgstr "Changing the System of Record ID is not supported"
msgid ""
msgstr "No rules successfully completed"
msgid ""
msgstr "Save Failed ({0})"
msgid ""
msgstr "No type defined for table {0} column {1}"
msgid ""
msgstr "Failed to parse file {0}"
msgid ""
msgstr "{0} does not have any valid permissions"
msgid ""
msgstr "Unknown search type '{0}'"
msgid ""
msgstr "Matchgrid table %1$s does not exist"
msgid ""
msgstr "Provided value exceeds maximum length of {0}"
msgid ""
msgstr "Value must be between {0} and {1}"
msgid ""
msgstr "Requested Reference ID must already be in use, or be the keyword 'new'"
### Fields
### Keys of the form match.fd.MyModels.field_name[.desc] will apply only to MyModels.field_name
### Keys of the form match.fd.field_name[.desc] will apply if no model specific key is found
msgid "match.fd.action"
msgstr "Action"
msgid "match.fd.alphanumeric"
msgstr "Alphanumeric"
msgid "match.fd.api_name"
msgstr "API Name"
msgid "match.fd.ApiUsers.username"
msgstr "API Username"
msgid "match.fd.ApiUsers.username.desc"
msgstr "Username must begin with matchgrid name and a dot (for Matchgrid API Users), or must not contain a dot (for Platform API Users)"
msgid "match.fd.AttributeMappings.query.desc"
msgstr "String used as a lookup key or query value"
msgid "match.fd.AttributeMappings.value.desc"
msgstr "Value used as a matching string to query key"
msgid ""
msgstr "Value must be a valid SQL identifier, as it will be used to construct the matchgrid column name"
msgid "match.fd.MatchgridRecords.referenceid.desc"
msgstr "Manually assigning a Reference Identifier is not recommended, except when forcing a match to an existing Matchgrid entry. For more information, see <a href=\"\">the documentation</a>."
msgid "match.fd.RuleAttributes.crosscheck_attribute_id"
msgstr "Crosscheck Attribute"
msgid "match.fd.case_sensitive"
msgstr "Case Sensitive"
msgid "match.fd.confidence_mode"
msgstr "Confidence Mode"
msgid "match.fd.copy_of"
msgstr "Copy of {0}"
msgid "match.fd.description"
msgstr "Description"
msgid ""
msgstr "ID"
msgid "match.fd.invalidates"
msgstr "Invalidates"
msgid "match.fd.label"
msgstr "Label"
msgid "match.fd.matchgrid_id"
msgstr "Matchgrid ID"
msgid ""
msgstr "Name"
msgid "match.fd.notification_email"
msgstr "Notification Email"
msgid "match.fd.notification_email.desc"
msgstr "On potential match, notify this address of the request requiring resolution"
msgid "match.fd.MatchgridSettings.notification_email.desc"
msgstr "On potential match, notify this address of the request requiring resolution (used if no SOR specific value is set)"
msgid "match.fd.null_equivalents"
msgstr "Null Equivalents"
msgid "match.fd.ordr"
msgstr "Order"
msgid "match.fd.password"
msgstr "Password"
msgid "match.fd.permission"
msgstr "Permission"
msgid "match.fd.query"
msgstr "Query"
msgid "match.fd.referenceid"
msgstr "Reference ID"
msgid "match.fd.referenceid_method"
msgstr "Reference ID Assignment Method"
msgid "match.fd.referenceid_prefix"
msgstr "Reference ID Prefix"
msgid "match.fd.referenceid_prefix.desc"
msgstr "For sequence based Reference IDs, the prefix to prepend to the assigned integer"
msgid "match.fd.referenceid_start"
msgstr "Reference ID Initial Value"
msgid "match.fd.referenceid_start.desc"
msgstr "For sequence based Reference IDs, the first value to assign"
msgid "match.fd.req"
msgstr "* Denotes Required Field"
msgid "match.fd.request_time"
msgstr "Request Time"
msgid "match.fd.required"
msgstr "Required"
msgid "match.fd.resolution_mode"
msgstr "Resolution Mode"
msgid "match.fd.RuleAttributes.match_empty"
msgstr "Match Empty Values"
msgid "match.fd.search_distance"
msgstr "Search Distance"
msgid "match.fd.search_exact"
msgstr "Search Exact"
msgid "match.fd.search_substr_from"
msgstr "Search Substring From"
msgid "match.fd.search_substr_for"
msgstr "Search Substring For"
msgid "match.fd.search_type"
msgstr "Search Type"
msgid ""
msgstr "(Please select a value)"
msgid "match.fd.sor"
msgstr "System of Record"
msgid "match.fd.sorid"
msgstr "System of Record ID"
msgid "match.fd.status"
msgstr "Status"
msgid "match.fd.table_name"
msgstr "Table Name"
msgid "match.fd.table_name.desc"
msgstr "Unique name for matchgrid, must be a valid SQL identifier (will be prefixed mg_ for actual table name)"
msgid "match.fd.username"
msgstr "Username"
msgid "match.fd.value"
msgstr "Value"
msgid "match.home.welcome"
msgstr "Welcome to {0}."
### Informational Messages
msgid ""
msgstr "Display all records associated with this Matchgrid."
msgid ""
msgstr "Resolve matching records when COmanage determines the same person may be coming from multiple systems of record."
msgid ""
msgstr "Select the Matchgrid you'd like to manage. A Matchgrid is used to match identity records across multiple authoritative systems of record."
msgid ""
msgstr "There are no matchgrids currently defined."
msgid ""
msgstr "Page {{page}} of {{pages}}, Viewing {{start}}-{{end}} of {{count}}"
### Operations (Commands)
msgid "match.op.add.a"
msgstr "Add New {0}"
msgid "match.op.assign.confirm"
msgstr "Are you sure you wish to assign this Reference ID?"
msgid "match.op.AttributeMappings.install.nicknames.en"
msgstr "Install English Nicknames"
msgid ""
msgstr "Build"
msgid ""
msgstr "Are you sure you wish to (re)build this matchgrid?"
msgid "match.op.configure.a"
msgstr "Configure {0}"
msgid "match.op.delete"
msgstr "Delete"
msgid "match.op.delete.confirm"
msgstr "Are you sure you wish to delete this record ({0})?"
msgid "match.op.display"
msgstr "Display"
msgid "match.op.display.records"
msgstr "Display Records"
msgid "match.op.duplicate"
msgstr "Duplicate"
msgid "match.op.edit"
msgstr "Edit"
msgid "match.op.edit.a"
msgstr "Edit {0}"
msgid "match.op.first"
msgstr "First"
msgid "match.op.go"
msgstr "Go"
msgid "match.op.last"
msgstr "Last"
msgid "match.op.login"
msgstr "Login"
msgid "match.op.logout"
msgstr "Logout"
msgid "match.op.manage"
msgstr "Manage"
msgid "match.op.manage.a"
msgstr "Manage {0}"
msgid ""
msgstr "New"
msgid ""
msgstr "Next"
msgid ""
msgstr "Display"
msgid ""
msgstr "Go To Page"
msgid "match.op.platform"
msgstr "Platform"
msgid "match.op.previous"
msgstr "Previous"
msgid "match.op.reconcile"
msgstr "Reconcile"
msgid "match.op.reconcile.requests"
msgstr "Reconcile Requests"
msgid "match.op.reconcile.a"
msgstr "Reconcile Unresolved Requests ({0})"
msgid "match.op.reconcile.assign"
msgstr "Assign This Reference ID"
msgid "match.op.reconcile.generate"
msgstr "Generate New Reference ID"
msgid "match.op.reconcile.request"
msgstr "Reconcile Unresolved Request {0}/{1}"
msgid ""
msgstr "Save"
msgid ""
msgstr "Matchgrid Selection"
msgid "match.op.skip_to_content"
msgstr "Skip to main content"
### Results
msgid ""
msgstr "Attribute Mapping successfully installed"
msgid ""
msgstr "Matchgrid schema successfully applied"
msgid ""
msgstr "Deleted"
msgid ""
msgstr "{0} Deleted"
msgid ""
msgstr "Duplicated"
msgid ""
msgstr "{0} Duplicated"
msgid ""
msgstr "{0,plural,=1{# Pending Match} other{# Pending Matches}}"
msgid ""
msgstr "Assigned Reference ID {0}"
msgid ""
msgstr "Matched to existing Reference ID {0}"
msgid ""
msgstr "Request could not be canonically resolved, pending record {0} created"
msgid ""
msgstr "Saved"
### Titles
msgid "match.ti.matchgrid.config"
msgstr "Matchgrid Configuration"
msgid "match.ti.matchgrid"
msgstr "Matchgrid: {0}"