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executable file 212 lines (176 sloc) 6.15 KB
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Query tool for showing information about entities in a SAML metadata aggregate.
# Useful when there are multiple registration authorities.
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use XML::Twig;
$| = 1;
binmode(STDOUT, ":encoding(UTF-8)");
my $DEBUG;
$DEBUG = 0;
sub help {
usage: [--help] [--head] [--idonly] [--idp] [--sp] [--reg <registrationAuthority>] [--notreg <registrationAuthority>] [--org <OrganizationName>] <file>
Outputs the entityID, display name(s) and other information about entities in the given SAML metadata aggregate file.
--help - prints this help and exits
--head - prints out a header for the CSV file
--idonly - outputs a list of entityIDs only
(can only have one of --head and --idonly specified)
--idp - only outputs IdPs
--sp - only outputs SPs
(By default the script outputs all IdP and SP entities)
--reg <registrationAuthority> - outputs entities registered by registrationAuthority
--notreg <registrationAuthority> - outputs those entities NOT registered by registrationAuthority
(By default the script outputs all entities; can only have one of --reg or --notreg)
--org <OrganizationName> - outputs entities with this OrganizationName (xml:lang="en" only in this version))
Example 1:
To output all SPs in the UK federation metadata which have been imported (i.e. are not registered by the UKAMF registrationAuthority, and to include a header on the CSV file: --head --sp --notreg ukfederation-metadata.xml
Example 2:
To output all IdPs exported by the UK federation, and include a header --head --idp -reg ukfederation-export.xml
Example 3:
To output all entities with OrganizationName 'University of Edinburgh' --org 'University of Edinburgh' ukfederation-metadata.xml
my $idp;
my $sp;
my $reg;
my $notreg;
my $help;
my $head;
my $idonly;
my $org;
my $result = GetOptions(
"idp" => \$idp,
"sp" => \$sp,
"reg=s" => \$reg,
"notreg=s" => \$notreg,
"help" => \$help,
"head" => \$head,
"idonly" => \$idonly,
"org=s" => \$org
if ($help) {
exit 0;
# Input checking
if (!$ARGV[0]) {
print "\nError: you must define an input file\n";
exit 1;
if ( ! -r $ARGV[0] ) {
print "\nError: input file $ARGV[0] must be readable\n";
exit 2;
my $infile = $ARGV[0];
# If no IdP/SP discriminator set,
if ( ! $idp && ! $sp ) { $idp = 1; $sp = 1; }
# Can only have one of -reg and -notreg set
if ( $reg && $notreg ) {
print "\nError: can only have one of --reg and --notreg set at the same time\n";
exit 3;
# Can only have one of --head and --entityID
if ( $head && $idonly ) {
print "\nError: can only have one of --head and --idonly set at the same time\n";
exit 3
# Debug printing of input flags
if ($DEBUG) {
if ($idp) { print "idp: $idp\n"; }
if ($sp) { print "sp: $sp\n"; }
if ($reg) { print "reg: $reg\n"; }
if ($notreg) { print "notreg: $notreg\n"; }
if ($org) { print "org: $org\n"; }
# Get contents of file
my $xml;
$DEBUG && print "input file: $infile\n";
open(FILE, $infile) || die "Error: could not open $infile";
while (<FILE>) { $xml .= $_; }
close FILE;
if (!length $xml) {
print "Error: length of file $infile is zero\n";
exit 4;
# print header
if ($head) { print "# type, entityID, registrationAuthority, OrganizationName, OrganizationDisplayName, OrganizationURL\n"; }
# Workhorse
my $twig = XML::Twig->new(
pretty_print => "indented",
twig_handlers =>
'EntityDescriptor' => \&is_entity
sub is_entity () {
my ($t, $section)= @_;
my ($entityID, $OrganizationName, $ODN, $URL, $registrationAuthority, $type, $temp);
$entityID = "No entityID found";
$entityID = $section->{'att'}->{'entityID'};
$OrganizationName = "No OrganizationName found";
$ODN = "No OrganizationDisplayName found";
$URL = "No URL found";
# Turns out the Organization element is optional
if ( $section->first_child('Organization') ) {
if ( $section->first_child('Organization')->first_child('OrganizationDisplayName[@xml:lang="en"]') ) {
if ( $temp = $section->first_child('Organization')->first_child('OrganizationDisplayName[@xml:lang="en"]')->text) {
$ODN = $temp;
if ( $section->first_child('Organization')->first_child('OrganizationName[@xml:lang="en"]') ) {
if ( $temp = $section->first_child('Organization')->first_child('OrganizationName[@xml:lang="en"]')->text) {
$OrganizationName = $temp;
if ( $section->first_child('Organization')->first_child('OrganizationURL') ) {
if ( $temp = $section->first_child('Organization')->first_child('OrganizationURL')->text) {
$URL = $temp;
if ( $org && $org ne $OrganizationName ) { return; }
$registrationAuthority = "No registrationAuthority found";
# Even though eduGAIN Metadata profile says entities MUST have MDRPI, turns out the eduGAIN aggregate does not enforce this rule. However, the eduGAIN site allows people to validate federations' incoming aggregates. See and go to countries' entry 'validate this metadata set'
if ( $section->first_child('Extensions')) {
if ( $section->first_child('Extensions')->first_child('mdrpi:RegistrationInfo') ) {
if ( $section->first_child('Extensions')->first_child('mdrpi:RegistrationInfo')->{'att'} ) {
if ( $section->first_child('Extensions')->first_child('mdrpi:RegistrationInfo')->{'att'}->{'registrationAuthority'} ) {
$registrationAuthority = $section->first_child('Extensions')->first_child('mdrpi:RegistrationInfo')->{'att'}->{'registrationAuthority'};
if ( $notreg && $notreg eq $registrationAuthority ) { return; }
if ( $reg && $reg ne $registrationAuthority ) { return; }
$type = "Unknown";
if ( $section->first_child('IDPSSODescriptor') ) { $type = "IdP"; }
if ( $section->first_child('SPSSODescriptor') ) { $type = "SP"; }
if ( ($sp && $type eq "SP") || ($idp && $type eq "IdP") ) {
if ($idonly) {
print "$entityID\n";
} else {
print "$type, $entityID, $registrationAuthority, \"$OrganizationName\", \"$ODN\", $URL\n"