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OpenLDAP slapd for COmanage Registry

Intended to build an OpenLDAP slapd image to use with COmanage Registry.

Build Arguments

No arguments are required for building the image.

The following arguments may be supplied during the build:

--build-arg COMANAGE_REGISTRY_SLAPD_BASE_IMAGE_VERSION=<slapd base image version>

Build Requirements

This image uses a multi-stage build. It requires that the OpenLDAP slapd base image be built first.


docker build \
  --build-arg COMANAGE_REGISTRY_SLAPD_BASE_IMAGE_VERSION=<slapd base image version> \
  -t comanage-registry-slapd:<tag> .

Building Example

docker build \
  -t comanage-registry-slapd:$TAG .

Volumes and Data Persistence

See OpenLDAP slapd for COmanage Registry Volumes and Data Persistence.

Environment Variables

See the list of environment variables common to slapd images including this image.


By default the container instantiated from the image binds to and listens for LDAP protocol traffic on port 389 only. To bind to other or all network interfaces and listen on port 636 as well override the default command for the image (see below for details).


See other documentation in this repository for details on how to orchestrate running this image with other images using an orchestration tool like Docker Compose, Docker Swarm, or Kubernetes.

To run this image:

docker run -d \
  --name comanage-registry-ldap \
  -e OLC_ROOT_DN=cn=admin,dc=my,dc=org \
  -e OLC_SUFFIX=dc=my,dc=org \
  -e OLC_ROOT_PW={SSHA}emcy1JA+mxbHH0PMPcnasE9apBStAMks \
  -v /opt/docker/var/lib/ldap:/var/lib/ldap \
  -v /opt/docker/etc/ldap/slapd.d:/etc/ldap/slapd.d \
  -p 389:389 \
  comanage-registry-slapd:2 \
  slapd -d 256 -h 'ldapi:/// ldap:///' -u openldap -g openldap

To run this image with slapd using TLS and listening on port 636

docker run -d \
  --name comanage-registry-ldap \
  -e OLC_ROOT_DN=cn=admin,dc=my,dc=org \
  -e OLC_SUFFIX=dc=my,dc=org \
  -e OLC_ROOT_PW={SSHA}emcy1JA+mxbHH0PMPcnasE9apBStAMks \
  -e SLAPD_CERT_FILE=/run/secrets/slapd_cert_file \
  -e SLAPD_CHAIN_FILE=/run/secrets/slapd_chain_file \
  -e SLAPD_PRIVKEY_FILE=/run/secrets/slapd_privkey_file \
  -v /opt/docker/var/lib/ldap:/var/lib/ldap \
  -v /opt/docker/etc/ldap/slapd.d:/etc/ldap/slapd.d \
  -p 389:389 \
  -p 636:636 \
  comanage-registry-slapd:2 \
  slapd -d 256 -h 'ldapi:/// ldap:/// ldaps:///' -u openldap -g openldap

Executing LDIF Files

See Executing LDIF Files.


The slapd daemon logs to the stdout and stderr of the container.

TLS Configuration

See the section on environment variables and the SLAPD_CERT_FILE, SLAPD_CHAIN_FILE, and SLAPD_PRIVKEY_FILE variables.

Additionally you may bind mount or COPY in an X.509 certificate file, CA chain file, and associated private key file. For example

COPY cert.pem /etc/ldap/slapd.crt
COPY chain.pem /etc/ldap/
COPY privkey.pem /etc/ldap/slapd.key