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# Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Radovan Semancik
# Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Evolveum
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# schema2ldif: Tool for converting OpenLDAP-style schemas to the LDIF format
# -----------
# The LDIF-formated LDAP schemas are difficult to edit and maintain. OpenLDAP
# defined a similar schema format that is more free-form and easier to edit.
# This tool converts the OpenLDAP-formatted schema files to the LDIF.
# Original author: Radovan Semancik
# Usage
# -----
# schema2ldif < foo.schema > foo.ldif
# OpenLDAP schema format
# ----------------------
# objectIdentifier nLight
# objectIdentifier nLightLdap nLight:1
# attributetype ( oid-my-attr-1
# NAME 'my-attr-1'
# DESC 'description of my-attr-1 attribute'
# )
# attributetype ( nLightLdap:2
# NAME 'my-attr-2'
# DESC 'description of my-attr-2 attribute'
# )
# objectclass ( oid-my-person
# NAME 'my-person'
# DESC 'description of my-person attribute'
# SUP 'inetOrgPerson'
# MAY ( my-attr-1 )
# )
# LDIF schema format
# ------------------
# dn: cn=schema
# objectClass: top
# objectClass: ldapSubentry
# objectClass: subschema
# cn: schema
# attributeTypes: ( oid-my-attr-1 NAME 'my-attr-1' DESC 'description of my-attr-1 attribute' SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'user defined' )
# attributeTypes: ( NAME 'my-attr-2' DESC 'description of my-attr-2 attribute' SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'user defined' )
# objectClasses: ( oid-my-person NAME 'my-person' DESC 'description of my-person attribute' SUP 'inetOrgPerson' MAY ( my-attr-1 ) X-ORIGIN 'user defined' )
use strict;
my $mode = "static";
my $flavor = "schema";
my $flavorName = undef;
my $origin = 'user defined';
# Turns on debug mode (for development purposes only)
my $debug = 0;
# Process command-line
while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) {
my $arg = shift;
if ($arg eq "-h") {
} elsif ($arg eq "-m") {
$mode = "modify";
} elsif ($arg eq "-s") {
$flavor = "openldap";
$flavorName = shift;
} elsif ($arg eq "-o") {
$origin = shift;
} else {
print STDERR "Unknown option $arg\n";
my $attrNameMap = undef;
my %ldifAttrNameMap = (
'attributetype' => 'attributeTypes',
'objectclass' => 'objectClasses',
my %openLdapAttrNameMap = (
'attributetype' => 'olcAttributeTypes',
'objectclass' => 'olcObjectClasses',
my @definitionOrder = qw(attributetype objectclass);
my %oidMapping = ();
my %definitions = ();
# Print proper LDIF header
if ($flavor eq "openldap") {
print "dn: cn=".$flavorName.",cn=schema,cn=config\n";
if ($mode eq "modify") {
print "changetype: add\n";
print "objectClass: olcSchemaConfig\n";
print "cn: ".$flavorName."\n";
$attrNameMap = \%openLdapAttrNameMap;
} else {
# schema (pure) flavor
if ($mode eq "static") {
# Header for static schema
# used to drop into a file that server picks up on start
print "dn: cn=schema\n";
print "objectClass: top\n";
print "objectClass: ldapSubentry\n";
print "objectClass: subschema\n";
print "cn: schema\n";
} elsif ($mode eq "modify") {
# Header for schema that is being uploaded to running server
print "dn: cn=schema\n";
print "changetype: modify\n";
} else {
die ("Unknown mode $mode\n");
$attrNameMap = \%ldifAttrNameMap;
# Reading the input schema file in loop
# processing definitions
while (<>) {
# Comments
if (/^\s*#/) {
# In static mode pass the comments to output file
print if ($mode eq "static");
# the comments are ignored in other modes as they make
# problems when used with some LDAP clients
if ( /^\s*objectIdentifier\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
# We have got objectIdentifier macro here.
# Parse it and process to the %oidMapping map
my ($name,$oidExpression) = ($1,$2);
print STDERR "[P] objectIdentifier: $name -> $oidExpression\n" if $debug;
if (isOid($oidExpression)) {
$oidMapping{$name} = $oidExpression;
print STDERR " adding mapping $name -> $oidExpression\n" if $debug;
} else {
my $oid = expandOidMacro($oidExpression);
if (defined $oid) {
$oidMapping{$name} = $oid;
print STDERR " adding mapping $name -> $oid\n" if $debug;
} else {
print STDERR "Error processing objectIdentifier macro: $_\n";
if ( /^\s*(attributetype)\s*\(/i ||
/^\s*(objectclass)\s*\(/i ) {
my $type = lc($1);
my $ldifLine = $attrNameMap->{$type}.": (";
$_ = $';
my $level = 1;
my $foundOrigin = undef;
my $oid = undef;
while ($level) {
# raise or lower parenthesis level as necessary
while ( /\(/g ) { $level++ }
while ( /\)/g ) { $level-- }
# OID expression should be the very first token
# therefore process if it was not processed yet
if (! defined $oid && /^\s*(\S+)\s*/) {
my $oidExpression = $1;
if (isOid($oidExpression)) {
# OID expression is OID, no transformation needed
$oid = $oidExpression;
} else {
# Try if OID expression is macro
$oid = expandOidMacro($oidExpression);
if (! defined $oid) {
# OID expression is not macro, copy it verbatim to output
# This is used if symbolic names are used instead of OIDs
$oid = $oidExpression;
$ldifLine .= " $oid";
$_ = $';
# find X-ORIGIN clause in the input
if (/X\-ORIGIN\s+\'([^\'*])\'/) {
$foundOrigin = $1;
# if we are at the end (level 0) and there was no
# X-ORIGIN clause, insert the default one
# just before the last parenthesis
if ($level == 0 && !defined($foundOrigin)) {
s/\)\s*$/ X-ORIGIN \'$origin\' \)/;
$ldifLine .= $_;
# is we are at the end, check if the SINGLE-VALUE is in correct place
if ($level == 0) {
if ($ldifLine =~ /SINGLE-VALUE/ && $ldifLine !~ /SINGLE-VALUE\s+X-ORIGIN/) {
warn("The SINGLE-VALUE must be the last clause before X-ORIGIN (oid $oid)\n");
$_ = <>;
last unless defined $_;
# trim whitespaces
s/^\s+/ /;
print STDERR "[P] $type: $oid\n" if $debug;
if ($mode eq "static") {
print $ldifLine . "\n";
} else {
if (!$definitions{$type}) {
$definitions{$type} = [];
push @{$definitions{$type}},$ldifLine;
last unless defined $_;
if ($mode eq "modify") {
my $first = 1;
foreach my $type (@definitionOrder) {
next unless ($definitions{$type});
if ($flavor eq "schema") {
if ($first) {
$first = 0;
} else {
print "-\n";
print "add: ".$attrNameMap->{$type}."\n";
foreach my $line (@{$definitions{$type}}) {
print $line."\n";
sub isOid {
my ($s) = @_;
return ($s =~ /^[\.\d]+$/);
sub expandOidMacro {
my ($macro) = @_;
if ($macro =~ /:/) {
my $key = $`;
my $suffix = $';
if (exists $oidMapping{$key}) {
return $oidMapping{$key}.".".$suffix;
} else {
return undef;
return $oidMapping{$macro};
sub usage {
print STDERR "Usage: $0 [-h ] [-m] [-o <origin> ] in.schema > out.ldif\n";
print STDERR "\t-h\t\tThis help message.\n";
print STDERR "\t-m\t\tGenerate \"modify\" LDIF instead of \"static\"\n";
print STDERR "\t-s <name>\t\tGenerate OpenLDAP LDIF flavor\n";
print STDERR "\t-o <origin>\tSpecify X-ORIGIN to inject (default: user defined)\n";
print STDERR "(c) 2000-2015 Radovan Semancik, Evolveum \n";