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executable file 1929 lines (1500 sloc) 47.4 KB
# Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Evolveum
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Author: Radovan Semancik
# Required packages:
# Ubuntu: libnet-ldap-perl libauthen-sasl-perl perl-doc
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::LDAP;
use Net::LDAP::LDIF;
use Authen::SASL;
use Digest::SHA qw(sha1);
use MIME::Base64;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config bundling no_auto_abbrev pass_through);
use Pod::Usage;
use File::Basename;
use File::Temp;
use IPC::Open3;
use Data::Dumper;
my ($verbose,$optHelp);
my $hostname;
my $port;
my $uri;
my ($bindDn,$bindPassword,$bindSaslMechanism);
my ($filename);
my $debug = 0;
my $defaultIndexes = [ 'objectClass eq', 'uid eq,sub', 'cn eq,sub', 'sn eq,sub', 'givenName eq,sub', 'mail eq,sub',
'member eq', ];
# my $defaultTLSCipherSuite = "TLSv1+RSA:!EXPORT:!NULL"; # OpenSSL
my $defaultTLSCipherSuite = "NORMAL"; # GnuTLS
my %defaultOlcSuffix = (
'olcAccess' => [
'to attrs=userPassword,shadowLastChange '.
'by dn="%%%ROOT_DN%%%" write '.
'by dn.exact=gidNumber=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth write '.
'by anonymous auth '.
'by self write '.
'by * none',
'to dn.base="" by * read',
'to * '.
'by dn="%%%ROOT_DN%%%" write '.
'by dn.exact=gidNumber=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth write '.
'by * read',
my $defaultReplicationManagerNamingAttribute = "cn";
my $defaultReplicationManagerName="replication manager";
my $defaultReplicationManagerPassword="rsecret";
my @replicationProviderIndexes = ('entryUUID eq', 'entryCSN eq');
my @replicationConsumerIndexes = ('entryUUID eq', 'entryCSN eq');
my %defaultSyncprovOlcConfig = (
'olcSpCheckpoint' => '100 10',
'olcSpSessionlog' => '100',
my $databases = {
hdb => {
objectClass => "olcHdbConfig",
initialConfig => {
'olcDbConfig' => [
"set_cachesize 0 2097152 0",
"set_lk_max_objects 1500",
"set_lk_max_locks 1500",
"set_lk_max_lockers 1500",
'olcDbIndex' => $defaultIndexes,
'olcDbCheckpoint' => '512 30',
mdb => {
objectClass => "olcMdbConfig",
initialConfig => {
'olcDbIndex' => $defaultIndexes,
my @olcServerProps = qw(olcIdleTimeout olcLogLevel olcReferral olcTLSCACertificateFile olcTLSCertificateFile olcTLSCertificateKeyFile olcTLSCipherSuite);
my @olcSuffixProps = qw(olcDatabase olcDbDirectory olcRootDN olcRootPW olcAccess olcLimits olcDb.*);
my @syncreplConfOrder = qw(rid provider type searchbase bindmethod binddn credentials);
my @saltChars = ('.','/',0..9,'A'..'Z','a'..'z');
my %overlayObjectClasses = (
sssvlv => 'olcSssVlvConfig',
ppolicy => 'olcPPolicyConfig',
memberof => 'olcMemberOf',
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { Carp::confess(@_) };
my $command;
if (defined $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] !~ /^-/) {
$command = shift;
GetOptions (
"hostname|h=s" => \$hostname,
"port|p=i" => \$port,
"uri|H=s" => \$uri,
"bindDn|D=s" => \$bindDn,
"bindPassword|w=s" => \$bindPassword,
"saslMechanism|Y=s" => \$bindSaslMechanism,
"file|f=s" => \$filename,
"verbose|v" => \$verbose,
"debug|d" => \$debug,
"help" => \$optHelp,
) or usage();
usage() if $optHelp;
if (!defined($command)) {
$command = shift;
if (!$command) { usage(); }
if ($command eq "--help") { usage(); }
if (!$hostname && !$port && !$uri) {
$uri = "ldapi:///";
} elsif ($hostname && !$port) {
$port = 389;
} elsif (!$hostname && $port) {
$hostname = "localhost";
if (!$bindDn && !$bindPassword && !$bindSaslMechanism) {
$bindSaslMechanism = "EXTERNAL";
print("DEBUG: $command: hostname: $hostname, port: $port\n") if $debug;
if ($command eq "root-dse") { rootDse() }
elsif ($command eq "test") { testConnection() }
elsif ($command eq "get-server-prop") { getServerProp() }
elsif ($command eq "set-server-prop") { setServerProp() }
elsif ($command eq "get-log-level") { getLogLevel() }
elsif ($command eq "set-log-level") { setLogLevel() }
elsif ($command eq "dump-configuration") { dumpConfiguration() }
elsif ($command eq "list-databases") { listDatabases() }
elsif ($command eq "list-suffixes") { listSuffixes() }
elsif ($command eq "create-suffix") { createSuffix() }
elsif ($command eq "delete-suffix") { deleteSuffix() }
elsif ($command eq "get-suffix-prop") { getSuffixProp() }
elsif ($command eq "set-suffix-prop") { setSuffixProp() }
elsif ($command eq "get-suffix-acis") { getSuffixAcis() }
elsif ($command eq "set-suffix-acis") { setSuffixAcis() }
elsif ($command eq "edit-suffix-acis") { editSuffixAcis() }
elsif ($command eq "set-tls") { setTls() }
elsif ($command eq "list-schemas") { listSchemas() }
elsif ($command eq "add-schema") { addSchema() }
elsif ($command eq "delete-schema") { deleteSchema() }
elsif ($command eq "list-modules") { listModules() }
elsif ($command eq "add-module") { addModule() }
elsif ($command eq "delete-module") { deleteModule() }
elsif ($command eq "list-suffix-overlays") { listSuffixOverlays() }
elsif ($command eq "add-overlay") { addOverlay() }
elsif ($command eq "get-overlay-prop") { getOverlayProp() }
elsif ($command eq "set-overlay-prop") { setOverlayProp() }
elsif ($command eq "enable-repl-provider") { enableReplProvider() }
elsif ($command eq "disable-repl-provider") { disableReplProvider() }
elsif ($command eq "get-repl-provider") { getReplProvider() }
elsif ($command eq "enable-repl-consumer") { enableReplConsumer() }
elsif ($command eq "disable-repl-consumer") { disableReplConsumer() }
elsif ($command eq "get-repl-consumer") { getReplConsumer() }
elsif ($command eq "help") { usage() }
else { usage() }
sub getServerProp {
my $conn = ldapConnectBind();
my ($entry) = getConfigEntriesByDn($conn,"cn=config","base");
$entry->dump if $verbose;
foreach my $prop (@olcServerProps) {
sub setServerProp {
my @propvals = @ARGV;
my $conn = ldapConnectBind();
my %replace = ();
my %add = ();
parsePropVals(\@propvals, \%replace, \%add, \@olcServerProps);
replace => \%replace,
add => \%add);
sub parsePropVals {
my ($propvals, $replace, $add, $allowedValues) = @_;
foreach my $propval (@$propvals) {
my ($prop,$val) = ($propval =~ /^\s*(\+?[^:]+)\s*:\s*(.*)\s*$/);
if (!$prop) { die("No property name specified\n"); }
# print "$prop -> $val\n";
my ($propName,$hash);
if ($prop =~ /^\+/) {
$propName = substr($prop,1);
$hash = $add;
} else {
$propName = $prop;
$hash = $replace;
if ($propName !~ /^olc/) {
$propName = olcizeName($propName);
if ($propName eq 'olcRootPW') {
$val = hashPassword($val);
# print Dumper(\%add);
sub olcizeName {
my ($origName) = @_;
return "olc" . join('', map {ucfirst($_)} split('-',$origName));
sub collectPropToHash {
my ($mods,$prop,$val,$allowedValues) = @_;
if ($allowedValues) {
if (!grep {$prop =~ /^$_$/} @$allowedValues) { die("Unknown property $prop\n"); }
if (ref $mods->{$prop}) {
push @{$mods->{$prop}},$val;
} elsif ($mods->{$prop}) {
$mods->{$prop} = [ $mods->{$prop}, $val ];
} else {
$mods->{$prop} = $val;
sub displayProp {
my ($entry,$propName) = @_;
my @values = $entry->get_value($propName);
if (@values) {
if (scalar(@values) == 1) {
print "$propName : @values\n";
} else {
print "$propName :\n ".join("\n ",@values)."\n";
sub getSuffixProp {
my $conn = ldapConnectBind();
my $suffix = getSuffixArg($conn);
my $entry = getConfigObjectBySuffix($conn,$suffix,1);
$entry->dump if $verbose;
foreach my $prop ($entry->attributes) {
if (grep {$prop =~ /^$_$/} @olcSuffixProps) {
sub setSuffixProp {
my $conn = ldapConnectBind();
my $suffix = getSuffixArg($conn);
my @propvals = @ARGV;
my $entry = getConfigObjectBySuffix($conn,$suffix,1);
my %replace = ();
my %add = ();
parsePropVals(\@propvals, \%replace, \%add, \@olcSuffixProps);
replace => \%replace,
add => \%add);
sub getSuffixAcis {
my $conn = ldapConnectBind();
my $suffix = getSuffixArg($conn);
print join("\n", getSuffixAcisToList($conn, $suffix));
sub getSuffixAcisToList {
my ($conn, $suffix) = @_;
my $entry = getConfigObjectBySuffix($conn,$suffix,1);
$entry->dump if $verbose;
my @acis = $entry->get_value('olcAccess');
@acis = sort { getOrdinal($a) <=> getOrdinal($b) } @acis;
map { s/^{\d+}// } @acis;
return @acis;
sub getOrdinal {
if ($_[0] =~ /^{(\d+)}/) {
return $1;
} else {
return 0;
sub setSuffixAcis {
my $conn = ldapConnectBind();
my $suffix = getSuffixArg($conn);
my @propvals = @ARGV;
my @acis;
while (<>) {
push @acis,$_;
setSuffixAcisFromList($conn, $suffix, @acis);
sub setSuffixAcisFromList {
my ($conn, $suffix, @acis) = @_;
my $entry = getConfigObjectBySuffix($conn,$suffix,1);
replace => {
olcAccess => \@acis
sub editSuffixAcis {
my $conn = ldapConnectBind();
my $suffix = getSuffixArg($conn);
my @acis = getSuffixAcisToList($conn, $suffix);
my @newAcis = editLines(@acis);
if (@newAcis) {
@newAcis = grep { $_ !~ /^\s*$/ } @newAcis;
if ($verbose) {
print "Setting ACIs:\n";
print join("\n", @newAcis);
setSuffixAcisFromList($conn, $suffix, @newAcis);
} else {
print "The editor output was empty. Not changing any ACIs\n";
sub getSuffixArg {
my ($conn) = @_;
my $suffix = shift @ARGV;
if (!$suffix) {
my @suffixes = getSuffixDns($conn);
if (!@suffixes) {
die("No suffixes configures\n");
if (scalar(@suffixes) > 1) {
die("More than one suffix configured. Please specify suffix name.\nAvailable Suffixes:\n".join("\n",@suffixes));
$suffix = shift @suffixes;
return $suffix;
sub listSuffixOverlays {
my $conn = ldapConnectBind();
my $suffix = getSuffixArg($conn);
my $sentry = getConfigObjectBySuffix($conn,$suffix,1);
my (@entries) = getConfigEntriesByDn($conn,$sentry->dn,"sub","(objectclass=olcOverlayConfig)");
foreach my $entry (@entries) {
my $olcOverlay = $entry->get_value('olcOverlay');
my ($objectClass) = grep { $_ ne "olcOverlayConfig" } $entry->get_value('objectClass');
print "$olcOverlay ($objectClass)\n";
sub getOverlayProp {
my $conn = ldapConnectBind();
my $suffix = getSuffixArg($conn);
my $overlayName = shift @ARGV;
if (!$overlayName) {
die("No overlay name specified\n");
my $sentry = getConfigObjectBySuffix($conn,$suffix,1);
my $oentry = getOverlayEntry($conn,$overlayName,$suffix,$sentry,1);
$oentry->dump if $verbose;
# Guesswork. TODO: work with schema here
foreach my $attr ($oentry->attributes) {
if ($attr !~ /^olc/) { next; }
if ($attr eq "olcOverlay") { next; }
sub setOverlayProp {
my $conn = ldapConnectBind();
my $suffix = getSuffixArg($conn);
my $overlayName = shift @ARGV;
if (!$overlayName) {
die("No overlay name specified\n");
my @propvals = @ARGV;
my $sentry = getConfigObjectBySuffix($conn,$suffix,1);
my $oentry = getOverlayEntry($conn,$overlayName,$suffix,$sentry,1);
my %replace = ();
my %add = ();
parsePropVals(\@propvals, \%replace, \%add);
replace => \%replace,
add => \%add);
sub addOverlay {
my $conn = ldapConnectBind();
my $suffix = getSuffixArg($conn);
my $overlayName = shift @ARGV;
if (!$overlayName) {
die("No overlay name specified\n");
my $overlayClass = shift @ARGV;
if (!$overlayClass) {
$overlayClass = $overlayObjectClasses{$overlayName};
if (!$overlayClass) {
die("No overlay objectClass specified\n");
my @propvals = @ARGV;
my $sentry = getConfigObjectBySuffix($conn,$suffix,1);
my $oentry = getOverlayEntry($conn,$overlayName,$suffix,$sentry,0);
if ($oentry) {
die("Overlay $overlayName already exists in suffix $suffix\n");
my %replace = ();
my %add = ();
parsePropVals(\@propvals, \%replace, \%add);
ldapAdd($conn, "olcOverlay=$overlayName,".$sentry->dn,
'objectClass' => [ 'olcOverlayConfig', $overlayClass ],
'olcOverlay' => $overlayName,
sub createSuffix {
my $suffix;
if ($ARGV[0] !~ /^-/) {
$suffix = shift @ARGV;
my ($dbDirectory,$dbType,$rootDn,$rootPassword);
GetOptions (
"dbDir|B=s" => \$dbDirectory,
"dbType=s" => \$dbType,
"rootDn=s" => \$rootDn,
"rootPassword=s" => \$rootPassword,
) or usage();
if (!defined($suffix)) {
$suffix = shift @ARGV;
if (!$suffix) {
die("No suffix name specified\n");
$dbDirectory = "/var/lib/ldap" unless $dbDirectory;
$rootDn = "cn=admin,".$suffix unless $rootDn;
$rootPassword = "secret" unless $rootPassword;
$dbType = "mdb" unless $dbType;
my $dbconf = $databases->{$dbType};
if (!$dbconf) {
die("Unknown database type $dbType\n");
my $conn = ldapConnectBind();
my $entry = getConfigObjectBySuffix($conn,$suffix,0);
if ($entry) {
die("Suffix $suffix already exists\n");
my $resp = $conn->search(
base => "cn=config",
filter => "(&(objectclass=olcDatabaseConfig)(olcDbDirectory=$dbDirectory))",
scope => "sub",
attrs => ['*','+'],
if ($resp->code) {
die("Error searching configuration object for database $dbDirectory: ".$resp->error." (".$resp->code.")\n");
if ($resp->count > 0) {
die("The database directory $dbDirectory is already used by database ".$resp->entry(0)->get_value('olcDatabase').
", suffix ".$resp->entry(0)->get_value('olcSuffix')."\n");
$entry = Net::LDAP::Entry->new("olcDatabase=$dbType,cn=config",
'objectClass' => ['olcDatabaseConfig', $dbconf->{objectClass}],
'olcDatabase' => $dbType,
'olcSuffix' => $suffix,
'olcDbDirectory' => $dbDirectory,
'olcRootDN' => $rootDn,
'olcRootPW' => hashPassword($rootPassword),
'olcAccess' => replaceAdmin($rootDn, $defaultOlcSuffix{olcAccess}),
$entry->dump if $verbose;
$resp = $conn->add($entry);
if ($resp->code) {
die("Error creating configuration object for suffix $suffix: ".$resp->error." (".$resp->code.")\n");
sub deleteSuffix {
my $suffix = shift @ARGV;
if (!$suffix) {
die("No suffix name specified\n");
my $conn = ldapConnectBind();
my $entry = getConfigObjectBySuffix($conn,$suffix,0);
if (!$entry) {
die("Suffix $suffix not found\n");
sub replaceAdmin {
my ($rootDn, $valuesRef) = @_;
my @res = map {my $x = $_; $x =~ s/%%%ROOT_DN%%%/$rootDn/g; $x} @$valuesRef;
return \@res;
sub listDatabases {
my $conn = ldapConnectBind();
my @entries = getConfigEntriesByObjectclass($conn,"cn=config","sub","olcDatabaseConfig");
print "------------------------------------------------------\n";
foreach my $entry (@entries) {
my $database = $entry->get_value("olcDatabase");
my $suffix = $entry->get_value("olcSuffix") || "";
printf("%-25s %-40s\n",$database,$suffix);
sub listSuffixes {
my $conn = ldapConnectBind();
foreach my $suffix (getSuffixDns($conn)) {
sub getSuffixDns {
my ($conn) = @_;
my @entries = getConfigEntriesByObjectclass($conn,"cn=config","sub","olcDatabaseConfig");
my @suffixes;
foreach my $entry (@entries) {
my $suffix = $entry->get_value("olcSuffix");
if ($suffix) {
push @suffixes,$suffix;
return @suffixes;
##### Schema
sub listSchemas {
my $conn = ldapConnectBind();
foreach my $entry (getSchemaEntries($conn)) {
print $entry->get_value("cn");
if ($verbose) {
my @attrTypes = $entry->get_value("olcAttributeTypes");
my @objectClasses = $entry->get_value("olcObjectClasses");
print (" (".scalar(@attrTypes)." attribute types, ".scalar(@objectClasses)." object classes)");
print "\n";
sub addSchema {
my $schemaName = shift @ARGV;
my $schemaFilename = $filename;
print "schemaName=$schemaName, schemaFilename=$schemaFilename\n" if $debug;
my $schemaType = "schema";
if ($schemaFilename) {
my ($baseFileName, $dirs, $suffix) = fileparse($schemaFilename,"ldif","schema");
print ("schemaFilename=$schemaFilename, baseFileName=$baseFileName, dirs=$dirs, suffix=$suffix\n") if $debug;
$baseFileName = substr($baseFileName,0,-1);
$schemaType = $suffix;
if (!$schemaName) {
$schemaName = $baseFileName;
if (!$schemaName) {
die("Schema name not provided\n");
my $schemaIndex = undef;
($schemaName, $schemaIndex) = parseIndexedName($schemaName);
print "schemaName=$schemaName, schemaIndex=$schemaIndex, schemaFilename=$schemaFilename, schemaType=$schemaType\n" if $debug;
my $conn = ldapConnectBind();
foreach my $entry (getSchemaEntries($conn)) {
my $entryCn = $entry->get_value("cn");
my ($entryName, $entryIndex) = parseIndexedName($entryCn);
if ($entryName eq $schemaName) {
die("Schema $schemaName already present\n");
if ($schemaIndex && $schemaIndex eq $entryIndex) {
die("Index $schemaIndex already present (schema $entryName)\n");
my $entry;
if ($schemaType eq "schema") {
# need to convert to LDIF
$entry = schema2ldif($schemaName, $schemaFilename);
} elsif ($schemaType eq "ldif") {
open(LDIF, $schemaFilename) or die("Cannot open $schemaFilename: $!\n");
$entry = parseLdifEntry(\*LDIF);
} else {
die ("Unknown schema type $schemaType\n");
print ("Adding entry:\n".$entry->ldif."\n") if $debug;
my $resp = $conn->add($entry);
if ($resp->code) {
die("Error adding schema entry: ".$resp->error." (".$resp->code.")\n");
print ("Added schema entry ".$entry->dn.", response code ".$resp->code."\n") if $debug;
sub schema2ldif {
my ($schemaName, $fileName) = @_;
my ($baseFileName, $path, $suffix) = fileparse($0);
my $schema2ldifCommand = $path . "/schema2ldif -m -s '$schemaName'";
print ("schema2ldifCommand=$schema2ldifCommand\n") if $debug;
my $pid = open3(\*WRITE, \*READ, \*ERR, $schema2ldifCommand);
if ($fileName) {
open(SCHEMA,$fileName) or die("Cannot open $fileName: $!\n");
while (<SCHEMA>) {
print WRITE $_;
} else {
while (<STDIN>) {
print WRITE $_;
my $entry = parseLdifEntry(\*READ);
while(<ERR>) {
print STDERR;
waitpid($pid, 1);
return $entry;
sub parseLdifEntry {
my ($fh) = @_;
my $ldif = Net::LDAP::LDIF->new($fh);
my $entry;
while ( not $ldif->eof() ) {
if ( $ldif->error ( ) ) {
die("Error parsing LDIF: ".$ldif->error()."\n".$ldif->error_lines()."\n");
} else {
$entry = $ldif->read_entry();
$ldif->done ( );
return $entry;
sub deleteSchema {
my $schemaName = shift @ARGV;
if (!$schemaName) {
die("Schema name not provided\n");
my $schemaIndex = undef;
($schemaName, $schemaIndex) = parseIndexedName($schemaName);
print "schemaName=$schemaName, schemaIndex=$schemaIndex\n" if $debug;
my $conn = ldapConnectBind();
my $schemaEntry = undef;
foreach my $entry (getSchemaEntries($conn)) {
my $entryCn = $entry->get_value("cn");
my ($entryName, $entryIndex) = parseIndexedName($entryCn);
if ($entryName eq $schemaName) {
if (defined $schemaIndex && $schemaIndex != $entryIndex) {
die("Schema $schemaName present, but it does have index $entryIndex and not $schemaIndex\n");
$schemaEntry = $entry;
if (!$schemaEntry) {
die("Schema $schemaName does not exist\n");
print ("Deleting entry:\n".$schemaEntry->ldif."\n") if $debug;
ldapDelete($conn, $schemaEntry->dn);
sub getSchemaEntries {
my ($conn) = @_;
return getConfigEntriesByObjectclass($conn,"cn=schema,cn=config","one","olcSchemaConfig");
##### DSE, EXPORT, MODULES, etc.
sub listModules {
my $conn = ldapConnectBind();
my ($entry) = getConfigEntriesByObjectclass($conn,"cn=config","sub","olcModuleList");
foreach my $module ($entry->get_value("olcModuleload")) {
print "$module\n";
sub addModule {
my $module = shift @ARGV;
if (!$module) {
die("No module name specified\n");
my $conn = ldapConnectBind();
my ($entry) = getConfigEntriesByObjectclass($conn,"cn=config","sub","olcModuleList");
if (!$entry) {
die("Cannot find module configuration entry (olcModuleList)");
if (! grep { $_ =~ /^(\{\d+\})?$module$/ } $entry->get_value("olcModuleload")) {
add => { 'olcModuleload' => [ $module ] },
} else {
print "Module $module already active in the server\n";
sub deleteModule {
my $module = shift @ARGV;
if (!$module) {
die("No module name specified\n");
my $conn = ldapConnectBind();
my ($entry) = getConfigEntriesByObjectclass($conn,"cn=config","sub","olcModuleList");
my @modids = grep { $_ =~ /^(\{\d+\})?$module$/ } $entry->get_value("olcModuleload");
if (! @modids) {
print "Module $module not active in the server\n";
add => { 'olcModuleload' => [ $module ] },
} else {
delete => { 'olcModuleload' => \@modids },
sub dumpConfiguration {
my $conn = ldapConnectBind();
my $resp = $conn->search(
base => "cn=config",
filter => "(objectclass=*)",
scope => "sub",
attrs => ['*','+'],
if ($resp->code) {
die("Fetch configuratin (cn=config): ERROR: ".$resp->error." (".$resp->code.")\n");
my $ldif;
if ($filename) {
$ldif = Net::LDAP::LDIF->new($filename, "w");
} else {
$ldif = Net::LDAP::LDIF->new(\*STDOUT, "w",
wrap => 1);
sub rootDse {
my $conn = ldapConnectBind();
my $arg = shift @ARGV || '';
my $resp = $conn->search(
base => "",
filter => "(objectclass=*)",
scope => "base",
attrs => ['*','+'],
if ($resp->code) {
die("Fetch root DSE: ERROR: ".$resp->error." (".$resp->code.")\n");
my $rootDseEntry = $resp->entry(0);
if ($arg eq '--raw') {
} else {
$rootDseEntry->dump if ($verbose);
my $version = $rootDseEntry->get_value("supportedLDAPVersion");
print("LDAP version $version\n");
my @suffixes = $rootDseEntry->get_value("namingContexts");
foreach my $suffix (@suffixes) { print (" $suffix\n") };
sub testConnection {
my $conn = ldapConnect();
if ($uri) {
print "Connect to $uri: OK\n";
} else {
print "Connect to $hostname:$port: OK\n";
my ($resp,$bindDesc) = ldapBind($conn,0);
if ($resp->code) {
print "Bind $bindDesc: ERROR: ".$resp->error." (".$resp->code.")\n";
} else {
print "Bind $bindDesc: OK\n";
my $dseResp = testFetchEntry($conn,"","base","root DSE");
my ($schemaDn) = $dseResp->entry->get_value('subschemaSubentry');
if (!$schemaDn) {
$schemaDn = "cn=schema";
testFetchEntry($conn,"cn=config","sub","configuration entry");
# todo
$resp = $conn->unbind;
if ($resp->code) {
print "Unbind: ERROR: ".$resp->error." (".$resp->code.")\n";
} else {
print "Unbind: OK\n";
sub testFetchEntry {
my ($conn,$dn,$scope,$entryName) = @_;
my $resp = $conn->search(
base => $dn,
filter => "(objectclass=*)",
scope => $scope,
attrs => ['*','+'],
if ($resp->code) {
print "Fetch $entryName (dn: $dn): ERROR: ".$resp->error." (".$resp->code.")\n";
} else {
print "Fetch $entryName (dn: $dn): OK";
if ($scope ne "base") { print " (".$resp->count." entries)"; }
print "\n";
if ($verbose) {
foreach my $entry ($resp->entries) { $entry->dump; }
return $resp;
sub getLogLevel {
my $conn = ldapConnectBind();
my ($entry) = getConfigEntriesByDn($conn,"cn=config","base");
my (@loglevels) = $entry->get_value('olcLogLevel');
print "olcLogLevel : ".join(" ",@loglevels)."\n";
sub setLogLevel {
my (@newLevels) = @ARGV;
my $conn = ldapConnectBind();
my ($entry) = getConfigEntriesByDn($conn,"cn=config","base");
# my $loglevel = $entry->get_value('olcLogLevel');
# print "olcLogLevel : $loglevel\n";
replace => { 'olcLogLevel' => \@newLevels },
sub setTls {
my ($cacert,$cert,$key,$ciphersuite);
GetOptions (
"cacert=s" => \$cacert,
"cert=s" => \$cert,
"key=s" => \$key,
"ciphersuite=s" => \$ciphersuite,
) or usage();
if (!$cacert) { die("No CA certificate file (cacert) specified\n"); }
if (!$cert) { die("No certificate file (cert) specified\n"); }
if (!$key) { die("No certificate key file (key) specified\n"); }
my $conn = ldapConnectBind();
my $replace = {
'olcTLSCACertificateFile' => $cacert,
'olcTLSCertificateFile' => $cert,
'olcTLSCertificateKeyFile' => $key,
if ($ciphersuite) {
$replace->{olcTLSCipherSuite} = $ciphersuite;
} else {
my ($entry) = getConfigEntriesByDn($conn,"cn=config","base");
my ($olcTLSCipherSuite) = $entry->get_value('olcTLSCipherSuite');
if (!$olcTLSCipherSuite) {
$replace->{olcTLSCipherSuite} = $defaultTLSCipherSuite;
# print(Dumper($replace)."\n");
replace => $replace,
sub enableReplProvider {
my $suffix;
if ($ARGV[0] !~ /^-/) {
$suffix = shift @ARGV;
my ($rpassword,$serverId);
GetOptions (
"rpassword=s" => \$rpassword,
"server-id|sid=s" => \$serverId,
) or usage();
if (!defined($suffix)) {
$suffix = shift @ARGV;
if (!$suffix) {
die("No suffix name specified\n");
my $conn = ldapConnectBind();
my ($centry) = getConfigEntriesByDn($conn,"cn=config","base");
my $olcServerId = $centry->get_value('olcServerID');
if (defined $serverId) {
if (!defined($olcServerId)) {
add => {
olcServerID => $serverId,
} elsif (!defined($olcServerId)) {
print("Note: server ID is not set\n");
my $suffixEntry = getConfigObjectBySuffix($conn,$suffix,0);
if (!$suffixEntry) {
die("Suffix $suffix does not exists\n");
my $rmDn = setupReplicationManager($conn,$suffix,$rpassword);
sub getReplProvider {
my $suffix;
if ($ARGV[0] !~ /^-/) {
$suffix = shift @ARGV;
my $conn = ldapConnectBind();
my ($centry) = getConfigEntriesByDn($conn,"cn=config","base");
my $serverId = $centry->get_value('olcServerID');
if (defined($serverId)) {
print "Server ID set: $serverId\n";
} else {
print "Server ID NOT set\n";
my $mentry = getModuleLoadEntry($conn,'syncprov',0);
if ($mentry) {
print "Module syncProv loaded\n";
} else {
print "Module syncProv NOT loaded\n";
if ($suffix) {
print "Replication configuration for $suffix:\n";
my $rmDn = findReplicationManager($conn,$suffix);
if ($rmDn) {
print " Replication manager: $rmDn.\n";
} else {
print " No replication manager entry\n";
$rmDn = "$defaultReplicationManagerNamingAttribute=$defaultReplicationManagerName,$suffix";
my $sentry = getConfigObjectBySuffix($conn,$suffix,1);
my @acls = $sentry->get_value('olcAccess');
my (@good,@bad);
foreach my $acl (@acls) {
if ($acl =~ / by dn="$rmDn" read/ || $acl =~ / by \* read/) {
push @good,$acl;
} else {
push @bad,$acl;
if (!@bad) {
print(" replication ACL entries present\n");
} elsif (!@good) {
print(" replication ACL entries NOT present\n");
} else {
print(" replication ACL entries partially present. Wrong entries:\n");
foreach my $acl (@bad) {
print(" $acl\n");
my @indexes = $sentry->get_value('olcDbIndex');
my @missingIndexes;
foreach my $rIndex (@replicationProviderIndexes) {
if (!(grep {$_ eq $rIndex} @indexes)) {
push @missingIndexes,$rIndex;
if (@missingIndexes) {
print(" some replication indexes missing:\n");
for my $index (@missingIndexes) {
print(" $index\n");
} else {
print(" replication indexes present\n");
my $oentry = getOverlayEntry($conn,'syncprov',$suffix,$sentry,0);
if ($oentry) {
print(" syncprov overlay configured\n");
print(" checkpoint: ".$oentry->get_value('olcSpCheckpoint')."\n");
print(" session log: ".$oentry->get_value('olcSpSessionlog')."\n");
} else {
print(" syncprov overlay NOT configured\n");
sub findReplicationManager {
my ($conn, $suffix) = @_;
my $resp = $conn->search(
base => $suffix,
filter => "(&(objectclass=simpleSecurityObject)($defaultReplicationManagerNamingAttribute=$defaultReplicationManagerName))",
scope => "sub",
if ($resp->code) {
die("Error searching for replication manager in $suffix: ".$resp->error." (".$resp->code.")\n");
if ($resp->count == 0) {
return undef;
} else {
return $resp->entry(0)->dn;
sub setupReplicationManager {
my ($conn, $suffix, $rpassword) = @_;
my $rmdn = findReplicationManager($conn,$suffix);
if ($rmdn) {
return $rmdn;
} else {
# No replication manager. We need to create it.
my $replicationManagerDn = "$defaultReplicationManagerNamingAttribute=$defaultReplicationManagerName,$suffix";
# WARNING! This is dangerous. Just for testing. ganerate the password later.
my $password = $rpassword || $defaultReplicationManagerPassword;
'objectClass' => [ 'simpleSecurityObject', 'organizationalRole' ],
$defaultReplicationManagerNamingAttribute => $defaultReplicationManagerName,
'description' => 'Replication Manager',
'userPassword' => hashPassword($password),
return $replicationManagerDn;
sub setupReplicationProviderACLsAndIndexes {
my ($conn,$suffix,$suffixEntry,$rmDn) = @_;
my %replace = ();
my @acls = $suffixEntry->get_value('olcAccess');
my $changed = aclAddReadEverywhere(\@acls,$rmDn);
# print "Post-processed ACLS ($changed):\n".Dumper(\@acls)."\n";
if ($changed) {
$replace{olcAccess} = \@acls;
my (@indexes) = $suffixEntry->get_value('olcDbIndex');
$changed = addToList(\@indexes, @replicationProviderIndexes);
if ($changed) {
$replace{olcDbIndex} = \@indexes;
if (%replace) {
replace => \%replace);
sub aclAddReadEverywhere {
my ($aclsref, $rmDn) = @_;
my $changed = 0;
foreach my $acl (@$aclsref) {
if ($acl !~ / by dn="$rmDn" read/ && $acl !~ / by \* read/) {
if ($acl =~ s/ by / by dn="$rmDn" read by /) {
$changed = 1;
return $changed;
sub setupSyncprovOverlay {
my ($conn,$suffix,$sentry) = @_;
my $oentry = getOverlayEntry($conn,'syncprov',$suffix,$sentry,0);
if (!$oentry) {
ldapAdd($conn, "olcOverlay=syncprov,".$sentry->dn,
'objectClass' => [ 'olcOverlayConfig', 'olcSyncProvConfig' ],
'olcOverlay' => 'syncprov',
sub enableReplConsumer {
my $suffix;
if ($ARGV[0] !~ /^-/) {
$suffix = shift @ARGV;
my ($optReadOnly,$providerUri,$rid,$rmDn,$rmPassword,$replType);
GetOptions (
"provider-uri|P=s" => \$providerUri,
"rid=s" => \$rid,
"read-only" => \$optReadOnly,
) or usage();
if (!defined($suffix)) {
$suffix = shift @ARGV;
if (!$suffix) {
die("No suffix name specified\n");
my $conn = ldapConnectBind();
my $suffixEntry = getConfigObjectBySuffix($conn,$suffix,0);
if (!$suffixEntry) {
die("Suffix $suffix does not exists\n");
my $olcSyncrepl = $suffixEntry->get_value('olcSyncrepl');
if ($olcSyncrepl) {
die("Replication consumer already enabled for suffix $suffix\n");
if (!$providerUri) {
die("Replication provider URI not specified\n");
if (!$rid) {
die("Replica ID not specified\n");
if (!$rmDn) {
$rmDn = "$defaultReplicationManagerNamingAttribute=$defaultReplicationManagerName,$suffix";
if (!$rmPassword) {
$rmPassword = $defaultReplicationManagerPassword;
if (!$replType) {
$replType = "refreshAndPersist";
my %syncReplConf = (
rid => $rid,
provider => dquote($providerUri),
type => $replType,
searchbase => dquote($suffix),
bindmethod => 'simple',
binddn => dquote($rmDn),
credentials => $rmPassword,
schemachecking => "off",
retry => dquote("5 5 300 5"),
timeout => 1,
my $syncreplConfString = createSyncreplConfString(%syncReplConf);
print "SYNCREPL: $syncreplConfString\n";
# ldapModify($conn,$suffixEntry->dn,
# add => {
# olcSyncrepl => $syncreplConfString,
# });
sub createSyncreplConfString {
my (%conf) = @_;
my $s = "";
foreach my $k (@syncreplConfOrder) {
if (exists $conf{$k}) {
if ($s) { $s .= " " }
$s .= $k."=".$conf{$k};
foreach my $k (keys %conf) {
if (!(grep{$_ eq $k} @syncreplConfOrder)) {
if ($s) { $s .= " " }
$s .= $k."=".$conf{$k};
return $s;
sub setupReplicationConsumerIndexes {
my ($conn,$suffix,$suffixEntry,$rmDn) = @_;
my %replace = ();
my (@indexes) = $suffixEntry->get_value('olcDbIndex');
my $changed = addToList(\@indexes, @replicationConsumerIndexes);
if ($changed) {
$replace{olcDbIndex} = \@indexes;
if (%replace) {
replace => \%replace);
sub disableReplConsumer {
sub getReplConsumer {
##### UTIL functions
sub getConfigObjectBySuffix {
my ($conn,$suffix,$die) = @_;
my $resp = $conn->search(
base => "cn=config",
filter => "(&(objectclass=olcDatabaseConfig)(olcSuffix=$suffix))",
scope => "sub",
attrs => ['*','+'],
if ($die && $resp->count == 0) {
die("Suffix $suffix not found\n");
if ($resp->code) {
die("Error fetching configuration object for suffix $suffix: ".$resp->error." (".$resp->code.")\n");
return $resp->entry(0);
sub getModuleLoadEntry {
my ($conn,$moduleName,$die) = @_;
my (@entries) = getConfigEntriesByDn($conn,"cn=config","sub","(objectclass=olcModuleList)");
foreach my $entry (@entries) {
my (@moduleLoads) = $entry->get_value('olcModuleLoad');
foreach my $moduleLoad (@moduleLoads) {
if ($moduleLoad =~ /^\{\d+\}$moduleName$/) {
return $entry;
if ($die) {
die("Module load for module $moduleName not found\n");
return undef;
sub enableModuleLoad {
my ($conn,$moduleName) = @_;
my $mentry = getModuleLoadEntry($conn,$moduleName,0);
if (!$mentry) {
add => {
olcModuleLoad => $moduleName,
sub getOverlayEntry {
my ($conn,$overlayName,$suffix,$sentry,$die) = @_;
my (@entries) = getConfigEntriesByDn($conn,$sentry->dn,"sub","(objectclass=olcOverlayConfig)");
foreach my $entry (@entries) {
my $olcOverlay = $entry->get_value('olcOverlay');
if ($olcOverlay =~ /^\{\d+\}$overlayName$/) {
return $entry;
if ($die) {
die("Entry for overlay $overlayName in suffix $suffix not found\n");
return undef;
sub getConfigEntriesByDn {
my ($conn,$dn,$scope,$filter) = @_;
$filter = "(objectclass=*)" unless $filter;
my $resp = $conn->search(
base => $dn,
filter => $filter,
scope => $scope,
attrs => ['*','+'],
if ($resp->code) {
die("Fetch configuration ($dn): ERROR: ".$resp->error." (".$resp->code.")\n");
return $resp->entries;
sub getConfigEntriesByObjectclass {
my ($conn,$dn,$scope,$objectclass) = @_;
my $resp = $conn->search(
base => $dn,
filter => "(objectclass=$objectclass)",
scope => $scope,
attrs => ['*','+'],
if ($resp->code) {
die("Fetch configuration ($dn, objectclass $objectclass): ERROR: ".$resp->error." (".$resp->code.")\n");
return $resp->entries;
sub addToList {
my ($listref, @vals) = @_;
my $changed = 0;
foreach my $val (@vals) {
if (!(grep {$_ eq $val} @$listref)) {
push @$listref,$val;
$changed = 1;
return $changed;
sub dquote {
return map {'"'.$_.'"'} @_;
sub hashPassword {
my ($clearPassword) = @_;
my $salt = generateSalt();
my $hash = "{SSHA}".encode_base64(sha1($clearPassword.$salt).$salt, "");
return $hash;
sub generateSalt {
return join('',map {$saltChars[rand(64)]} (1..4));
sub parseIndexedName {
my ($val) = @_;
if ($val =~ /^{(\d+)}/) {
return ($', $1);
} else {
return ($val, undef);
sub editLines {
my (@lines) = @_;
my $fh = new File::Temp();
my $fname = $fh->filename;
print $fh join("\n", @lines);
my $editor = $ENV{EDITOR} || 'vi';
system($editor, $fname);
open $fh, '<', $fname or die "Can't open temp file: $!";
my @newLines;
while (<$fh>) {
push @newLines, $_;
return @newLines;
####### LDAP functions
sub ldapConnect {
my $conn;
if ($uri) {
$conn = Net::LDAP->new($uri) or die("Error connecting to $uri: ".$@."\n");
} else {
$conn = Net::LDAP->new($hostname,
port => $port,
) or die("Error connecting to $hostname:$port: ".$@."\n");
return $conn;
sub ldapBind {
my ($conn,$die) = @_;
my $resp;
my $desc;
if ($bindDn) {
$desc = "$bindDn (simple bind)";
print "Binding to $bindDn with simple bind\n" if $verbose;
$resp = $conn->bind($bindDn,
password => $bindPassword,
} elsif ($bindSaslMechanism) {
$desc = "(SASL $bindSaslMechanism)";
my $sasl = Authen::SASL->new(mechanism => $bindSaslMechanism);
my $saslArg = $sasl;
if ($bindSaslMechanism eq "EXTERNAL") {
$saslArg = $sasl->client_new('ldap', 'localhost');
print "Binding to $bindDn with SASL mechanism $bindSaslMechanism\n" if $verbose;
$resp = $conn->bind($bindDn,
sasl => $saslArg,
} else {
$desc = "(anonymous bind)";
print "Binding as anonymous\n" if $verbose;
$resp = $conn->bind();
if ($die && $resp->code) {
die("Error binding as $desc: ".$resp->error." (".$resp->code.")\n");
return ($resp,$desc);
sub ldapConnectBind {
my $conn = ldapConnect();
return $conn;
sub ldapDisconnect {
my ($conn) = @_;
my $resp = $conn->unbind;
if ($resp->code) {
die("Unbind: ERROR: ".$resp->error." (".$resp->code.")\n");
sub ldapAdd {
my ($conn,$dn,%attrs) = @_;
my $entry = Net::LDAP::Entry->new($dn, %attrs);
if ($verbose) {
print "Adding entry:\n";
my $resp = $conn->add($entry);
if ($resp->code) {
die("Error adding $dn: ".$resp->error." (".$resp->code.")\n");
sub ldapModify {
my ($conn,$dn,%args) = @_;
my $resp = $conn->modify($dn,%args);
if ($resp->code) {
die("Error modyfying $dn: ".$resp->error." (".$resp->code.")\n");
sub ldapDelete {
my ($conn,$dn) = @_;
my $resp = $conn->delete($dn);
if ($resp->code) {
die("Error deleting $dn: ".$resp->error." (".$resp->code.")\n");
sub usage {
pod2usage(-verbose => 2);
sub man {
pod2usage(-verbose => 3);
=head1 NAME
slapdconf - a command-line tool to configure running OpenLDAP instance.
slapdconf [global options] command [command options]
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item B<root-dse> [ I<--raw> ]
Show directory root DSE entry (entry with dn="").
=item B<test>
Tests connection to the directory server and configuration availability.
=item B<get-server-prop>
Display server-wide configuration properties.
=item B<set-server-prop> [+]I<propname>:I<propvalue>
Set server-wide configuration property. If plus sign is specified before
a property name then the value will be added to existing values. Otherwise
the new value overwrites existing value.
=item B<get-log-level>
Display current server log level
=item B<set-log-level> I<loglevel> [ I<loglevel> [ I<loglevel> ... ] ]
Sets new server log level(s).
=item B<dump-configuration>
Dumps a complete server configuration.
=item B<list-databases>
List databases configured on the server.
=item B<list-suffixes>
List directory suffixes configured on the server.
=item B<create-suffix> I<suffixDn> [ --dbDir | -B I<dbDirectory> ] [ --dbType I<dbType> ] [ --rootDn I<rootUserDn> ] [ --rootPassword I<rootUserPassword> ]
Creates new directory suffix with an associated database.
It will create empty database without any entry - even without a root entry. This needs to be populated.
But it creates a default configuration for the suffix including root user and default ACLs.
Default root user: cn=admin,I<suffix>. Default root password: secret
=item B<delete-suffix> I<suffix>
Deletes an existing directory suffix together with an associated database and the data.
NOTE: this is currently not supported operation in running OpenLDAP instance. Use the C<slapdadm> tool instead.
=item B<get-suffix-prop> I<suffix>
Display a suffix configuration properties
=item B<set-suffix-prop> I<suffix> [+]I<propname>:I<propvalue>
Sets suffix configuration property.
If plus sign is specified before
a property name then the value will be added to existing values. Otherwise
the new value overwrites existing value.
=item B<get-suffix-acis> I<suffix>
Display ACIs configured for specified suffix
=item B<set-suffix-acis> I<suffix> [ I<filename> ]
Set suffix ACIs. The ACIs are read from STDIN or from the specified file. Each ACI should be provided on its own line.
The 'olcAccess' attribute name should NOT be present. The operation replaces all ACIs previously defined for the suffix.
This is the same format as produced by get-suffix-acis operation.
=item B<edit-suffix-acis> I<suffix>
Opens a text editor filled with the content of suffix ACIs. Lets user edit the ACIs and then replaces them on the server.
=item B<set-tls> C<-cacert> I<ca-cartificate-file> C<-cert> I<server-certificate-file> C<-key> I<server-private-key-file>
Applies configuration for TLS/SSL connection support.
=item B<list-schemas>
List the LDAP schemas that are applied to the server.
=item B<add-schema> [ I<schemaName> ] [ -f I<filename> ]
Load specified LDAP schema to the server. Both the OpenLDAP format
(suffix *.schema) and LDIF format (suffix *.ldif) are supported.
=item B<delete-schema> I<schemaName>
Delete specified LDAP schema from the server.
=item B<list-modules>
Lists modules that are enabled on the server.
=item B<add-module> I<modulename>
Adds specified module to server configuration
=item B<delete-module> I<modulename>
Deletes specified module from server configuration. (May not be supported by the server yet)
=item B<list-suffix-overlays> [ I<suffix> ]
Lists overlays that are activated for the specified suffix.
=item B<add-overlay> I<suffix> I<overlayName> I<overlayObjectClass> [ I<propname>:I<propvalue> ] ...
Activates specified overlay for the specified suffix.
=item B<get-overlay-prop> I<suffix> I<overlayName>
Show overlay configuration parameters.
=item B<set-overlay-prop> I<suffix> I<overlayName> I<propname>:I<propvalue>
Set overlay configuration parameter.
=item B<enable-repl-provider> I<suffix>
Sets up the server and the suffix to enable replication in a provider role. It configures required modules,
sets up replication manager user, modifies the ACLs and so on.
=item B<disable-repl-provider> I<suffix>
Un-configures the support for replication provider for a specified suffix.
=item B<get-repl-provider> I<suffix>
Displays the status of a replication provider setup for the specified suffix.
=item B<enable-repl-consumer> I<suffix>
Sets up the specified suffix as a replication consumer. It enables the overlay and configures
replication from the provider.
=item B<disable-repl-consumer> I<suffix>
Un-configures the replication consumer setup for specified suffix.
=item B<get-repl-consumer> I<suffix>
Displays the status of a replication consumer setup for specified suffix.
=item B<help>
Displays command usage summary.
=over 8
=item [ B<-h> | B<--hostname> ] I<hostname>
Specifies hostname of the LDAP server.
=item [ B<-p> | B<--port> ] I<portnumber>
Specifies port number of the LDAP server. Defaults to 389.
=item [ B<-H> | B<--uri> ] I<URI>
Specifies complete URI for LDAP server connection. ldap://, ldaps:// and ldapi:// URIs can be used.
Defaults to C<ldapi:///>
=item [ B<-D> | B<--bindDn> ] I<DN>
Specifies DN which will be used for LDAP Bind operation.
=item [ B<-w> | B<--bindPassword> ] I<password>
Specifies password which will be used for LDAP Bind operation.
=item [ B<-Y> | B<--saslMechanism> ] I<mech>
Specifies a SASL mechanism to used for LDAP Bind operation.
=item [ B<-v> | B<--verbose> ]
Increases verbosity.
=item B<--help>
Displays help message.
This command-line tool is used to configure a runnint OpenLDAP server instance.
It uses LDAP protocol to change the cn=config subtree of an OpenLDAP server.
The configuration changes are applied without a server restart.
slapdconf -h -D "uid=admin,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" -w secret get-server-prop
slapdconf -Y EXTERNAL list-suffixes
slapdconf -Y EXTERNAL create-suffix dc=example,dc=com --dbDir /var/lib/ldap/dc=example,dc=com --rootPassword supersecret
=head1 NOTES
This is still work in progress. Please feel free to contribute.
=head1 AUTHOR
Radovan Semancik
=head1 SEE ALSO