pipeline { agent any environment { maintainer = "t" imagename = 'g' tag = 'l' } stages { stage('Setting build context') { steps { script { maintainer = maintain() imagename = imagename() if(env.BRANCH_NAME == "master") { tag = "latest" } else { tag = env.BRANCH_NAME } if(!imagename){ echo "You must define an imagename in common.bash" currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE' } sh 'mkdir -p tmp && mkdir -p bin' dir('tmp'){ git([ url: "https://github.internet2.edu/docker/util.git", credentialsId: "jenkins-github-access-token" ]) sh 'rm -rf ../bin/*' sh 'mv ./bin/* ../bin/.' } // Build and test scripts expect that 'tag' is present in common.bash. This is necessary for both Jenkins and standalone testing. // We don't care if there are more 'tag' assignments there. The latest one wins. sh "echo >> common.bash ; echo \"tag=\\\"${tag}\\\"\" >> common.bash ; echo common.bash ; cat common.bash" } } } stage('Clean') { steps { script { try{ sh 'bin/destroy.sh >> debug' } catch(error) { def error_details = readFile('./debug'); def message = "BUILD ERROR: There was a problem building the Base Image. \n\n ${error_details}" sh "rm -f ./debug" handleError(message) } } } } stage('Build') { steps { script { try{ docker.withRegistry('https://registry.hub.docker.com/', "dockerhub-$maintainer") { baseImg = docker.build("$maintainer/$imagename", "--build-arg GROUPER_CONTAINER_VERSION=$tag --no-cache .") } } catch(error) { def error_details = readFile('./debug'); def message = "BUILD ERROR: There was a problem building ${imagename}:${tag}. \n\n ${error_details}" sh "rm -f ./debug" handleError(message) } } } } stage('Test') { steps { script { try { sh 'bin/test.sh 2>&1 | tee debug ; test ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0' } catch (error) { def error_details = readFile('./debug') def message = "BUILD ERROR: There was a problem testing ${imagename}:${tag}. \n\n ${error_details}" sh "rm -f ./debug" handleError(message) } } } } stage('Push') { steps { script { //// scan the image with clair // sh 'docker run -p 5432:5432 -d --name clairdb arminc/clair-db:latest' // sh 'docker run -p 6060:6060 --link clairdb:postgres -d --name clair arminc/clair-local-scan:v2.0.5' // sh 'curl -L -o clair-scanner https://github.com/arminc/clair-scanner/releases/download/v8/clair-scanner_linux_amd64' // sh 'chmod 755 clair-scanner' // sh "./clair-scanner --ip -r test.out $maintainer/$imagename:latest" //// test the environment // sh 'docker kill clairdb' // sh 'docker rm clairdb' // sh 'docker kill clair' // sh 'docker rm clair' // sh 'cd test-compose && ./compose.sh' //// bring down after testing //sh 'cd test-compose && docker-compose down' docker.withRegistry('https://registry.hub.docker.com/', "dockerhub-$maintainer") { baseImg.push("$tag") } } } } stage('Notify') { steps{ echo "$maintainer" slackSend color: 'good', message: "$maintainer/$imagename:$tag pushed to DockerHub" } } } post { always { echo 'Done Building.' } failure { // slackSend color: 'good', message: "Build failed" handleError("BUILD ERROR: There was a problem building ${maintainer}/${imagename}:${tag}.") } } } def maintain() { def matcher = readFile('common.bash') =~ 'maintainer="(.+)"' matcher ? matcher[0][1] : 'tier' } def imagename() { def matcher = readFile('common.bash') =~ 'imagename="(.+)"' matcher ? matcher[0][1] : null } def handleError(String message){ echo "${message}" currentBuild.setResult("FAILED") slackSend color: 'danger', message: "${message}" //step([$class: 'Mailer', notifyEveryUnstableBuild: true, recipients: 'chubing@internet2.edu', sendToIndividuals: true]) sh 'exit 1' }