name: 'Code Scanning : Upload SARIF' description: 'Upload the analysis results' author: 'GitHub' inputs: sarif_file: description: | The SARIF file or directory of SARIF files to be uploaded to GitHub code scanning. See for information on the maximum number of results and maximum file size supported by code scanning. required: false default: '../results' checkout_path: description: "The path at which the analyzed repository was checked out. Used to relativize any absolute paths in the uploaded SARIF file." required: false default: ${{ github.workspace }} ref: description: "The ref where results will be uploaded. If not provided, the Action will use the GITHUB_REF environment variable. If provided, the sha input must be provided as well. This input is not available in pull requests from forks." required: false sha: description: "The sha of the HEAD of the ref where results will be uploaded. If not provided, the Action will use the GITHUB_SHA environment variable. If provided, the ref input must be provided as well. This input is not available in pull requests from forks." required: false token: default: ${{ github.token }} matrix: default: ${{ toJson(matrix) }} category: description: String used by Code Scanning for matching the analyses required: false wait-for-processing: description: If true, the Action will wait for the uploaded SARIF to be processed before completing. required: true default: "true" outputs: sarif-id: description: The ID of the uploaded SARIF file. runs: using: 'node16' main: '../lib/upload-sarif-action.js'