# ARIA Query  Programmatic access to the [WAI-ARIA 1.2 Roles Model](https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-1.2/#roles). This package tracks the W3C Recommendation (last update: 6 June 2023). CDN URL: <https://unpkg.com/aria-query> ## Building the `src/etc` files The files under `src/etc` are generated by the `breakUpAriaJSON` script. To change them, edit the file `scripts/roles.json` then run: ```bash node ./scripts/breakUpAriaJSON.js git add scripts/roles.json src/etc ``` It should work with Node version 6.11.2 or later. ## Utilities ### Interface These methods are available on each export from the module. The typing here in the documentation is pseudo-typed. Each export will have its own specific types for each method signature. ```javascript {| entries: () => Array<$Item>, get: (key: $Key) => ?$Value, has: (key: $Key) => boolean, keys: () => Array<$Key>, values: () => Array<$Value>, |}; ``` ### Roles ```javascript import { roles } from 'aria-query'; ``` A map of role names to the role definition. For example: ```javascript let alertRole = roles.get('alert'); /** * Value of alertRole * { * "requiredProps": {}, * "props": { * "aria-atomic": "true", * "aria-busy": null, * "aria-controls": null, * "aria-current": null, * "aria-describedby": null, * "aria-details": null, * "aria-disabled": null, * "aria-dropeffect": null, * "aria-errormessage": null, * "aria-expanded": null, * "aria-flowto": null, * "aria-grabbed": null, * "aria-haspopup": null, * "aria-hidden": null, * "aria-invalid": null, * "aria-keyshortcuts": null, * "aria-label": null, * "aria-labelledby": null, * "aria-live": "assertive", * "aria-owns": null, * "aria-relevant": null, * "aria-roledescription": null * }, * "abstract": false, * "childrenPresentational": false, * "baseConcepts": [], * "relatedConcepts": [ { * "module": "XForms", * "concept": { * "name": "alert" * } * }], * "superClass": [["roletype", "structure", "section"]] * } ``` ### Elements to Roles ```javascript import { elementRoles } from 'aria-query'; ``` HTML Elements with inherent roles are mapped to those roles. In the case of an element like `<input>`, the element often requires a `type` attribute to map to an ARIA role. ```javascript [ [ '{"name": "article"}', [ 'article' ] ], [ '{"name": "button"}', [ 'button' ] ], [ '{"name": "td"}', [ 'cell', 'gridcell' ] ], [ '{"name": "input", "attributes": [ {"name": "type", "value": "checkbox"}] }', [ 'checkbox' ] ], [ '{"name": "th"}', [ 'columnheader' ] ], [ '{"name": "select"}', [ 'combobox', 'listbox' ] ], [ '{"name": "menuitem"}', [ 'command', 'menuitem' ] ], [ '{"name": "dd"}', [ 'definition' ] ], [ '{"name": "figure"}', [ 'figure' ] ], [ '{"name": "form"}', [ 'form' ] ], [ '{"name": "table"}', [ 'grid', 'table' ] ], [ '{"name": "fieldset"}', [ 'group' ] ], [ '{"name": "h1"}', [ 'heading' ] ], [ '{"name": "h2"}', [ 'heading' ] ], [ '{"name": "h3"}', [ 'heading' ] ], [ '{"name": "h4"}', [ 'heading' ] ], [ '{"name": "h5"}', [ 'heading' ] ], [ '{"name": "h6"}', [ 'heading' ] ], [ '{"name": "img"}', [ 'img' ] ], [ '{"name": "a"}', [ 'link' ] ], [ '{"name": "link"}', [ 'link' ] ], [ '{"name": "ol"}', [ 'list' ] ], [ '{"name": "ul"}', [ 'list' ] ], [ '{"name": "li"}', [ 'listitem' ] ], [ '{"name": "nav"}', [ 'navigation' ] ], [ '{"name": "option"}', [ 'option' ] ], [ '{"name": "input", "attributes": [ {"name": "type", "value": "radio"}] }', [ 'radio' ] ], [ '{"name": "frame"}', [ 'region' ] ], [ '{"name": "rel"}', [ 'roletype' ] ], [ '{"name": "tr"}', [ 'row' ] ], [ '{"name": "tbody"}', [ 'rowgroup' ] ], [ '{"name": "tfoot"}', [ 'rowgroup' ] ], [ '{"name": "thead"}', [ 'rowgroup' ] ], [ '{"name": "th", "attributes": [ {"name": "scope", "value": "row"}] }', [ 'rowheader' ] ], [ '{"name": "input", "attributes": [ {"name": "type", "value": "search"}] }', [ 'searchbox' ] ], [ '{"name": "hr"}', [ 'separator' ] ], [ '{"name": "dt"}', [ 'term' ] ], [ '{"name": "dfn"}', [ 'term' ] ], [ '{"name": "textarea"}', [ 'textbox' ] ], [ '{"name": "input", "attributes": [ {"name": "type", "value": "text"}] }', [ 'textbox' ] ], ] ``` The map of elements to roles is keyed by an HTML concept. An HTML concept corresponds to the `baseConcepts` and `relatedConcepts` of an ARIA role. Concepts exist in the context of a `module`: HTML, XForms, Dublin Core, for example. The concept representation is an object literal with a name property (the element name) and an optional attributes array. The roles are provided in a [Set](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Set). ### Role to element ```javascript import { roleElements } from 'aria-query'; ``` ARIA roles are mapped to the HTML Elements with the same inherent role. Some roles, such as `columnheader` are only mapped to an HTML element that expresses specific attributes. In the case of `<input>`, the element often requires a `type` attribute to map to an ARIA role. ```javascript [ [ 'article', [ {"name": "article"} ] ], [ 'button', [ {"name": "button"} ] ], [ 'cell', [ {"name": "td"} ] ], [ 'checkbox', [ {"name": "input", "attributes": [ {"name": "type", "value": "checkbox"}] } ] ], [ 'columnheader', [ {"name": "th"} ] ], [ 'combobox', [ {"name": "select"} ] ], [ 'command', [ {"name": "menuitem"} ] ], [ 'definition', [ {"name": "dd"}', '{"name": "dfn"} ] ], [ 'figure', [ {"name": "figure"} ] ], [ 'form', [ {"name": "form"} ] ], [ 'grid', [ {"name": "table"} ] ], [ 'gridcell', [ {"name": "td"} ] ], [ 'group', [ {"name": "fieldset"} ] ], [ 'heading', [ {"name": "h1"}', '{"name": "h2"}', '{"name": "h3"}', '{"name": "h4"}', '{"name": "h5"}', '{"name": "h6"} ] ], [ 'img', [ {"name": "img"} ] ], [ 'link', [ {"name": "a"}', '{"name": "link"} ] ], [ 'list', [ {"name": "ol"}', '{"name": "ul"} ] ], [ 'listbox', [ {"name": "select"} ] ], [ 'listitem', [ {"name": "li"} ] ], [ 'menuitem', [ {"name": "menuitem"} ] ], [ 'navigation', [ {"name": "nav"} ] ], [ 'option', [ {"name": "option"} ] ], [ 'radio', [ {"name": "input", "attributes": [ {"name": "type", "value": "radio"}] } ] ], [ 'region', [ {"name": "frame"} ] ], [ 'roletype', [ {"name": "rel"} ] ], [ 'row', [ {"name": "tr"} ] ], [ 'rowgroup', [ {"name": "tbody"}', '{"name": "tfoot"}', '{"name": "thead"} ] ], [ 'rowheader', [ {"name": "th", "attributes": [ {"name": "scope", "value": "row"}] }, {"name": "th", "attributes": [ {"name": "scope", "value": "rowgroup"}] } ] ], [ 'searchbox', [ {"name": "input", "attributes": [ {"name": "type", "value": "search"}] } ] ], [ 'separator', [ {"name": "hr"} ] ], [ 'table', [ {"name": "table"} ] ], [ 'term', [ {"name": "dt"} ] ], [ 'textbox', [ {"name": "textarea"}', '{"name": "input", "attributes": [ {"name": "type", "value": "text"}] } ] ], ] ``` ## License Copyright (c) 2021 A11yance