{ "lang": "xyz", "rules": { "accesskeys": { "description": "Ensures every accesskey attribute value is unique", "help": "accesskey attribute value should be unique" }, "area-alt": { "description": "Ensures <area> elements of image maps have alternate text", "help": "Active <area> elements must have alternate text" }, "aria-allowed-attr": { "description": "Ensures ARIA attributes are allowed for an element's role", "help": "Elements must only use allowed ARIA attributes" }, "aria-allowed-role": { "description": "Ensures role attribute has an appropriate value for the element", "help": "ARIA role should be appropriate for the element" }, "aria-command-name": { "description": "Ensures every ARIA button, link and menuitem has an accessible name", "help": "ARIA commands must have an accessible name" }, "aria-dialog-name": { "description": "Ensures every ARIA dialog and alertdialog node has an accessible name", "help": "ARIA dialog and alertdialog nodes should have an accessible name" }, "aria-hidden-body": { "description": "Ensures aria-hidden='true' is not present on the document body.", "help": "aria-hidden='true' must not be present on the document body" }, "aria-hidden-focus": { "description": "Ensures aria-hidden elements are not focusable nor contain focusable elements", "help": "ARIA hidden element must not be focusable or contain focusable elements" }, "aria-input-field-name": { "description": "Ensures every ARIA input field has an accessible name", "help": "ARIA input fields must have an accessible name" }, "aria-meter-name": { "description": "Ensures every ARIA meter node has an accessible name", "help": "ARIA meter nodes must have an accessible name" }, "aria-progressbar-name": { "description": "Ensures every ARIA progressbar node has an accessible name", "help": "ARIA progressbar nodes must have an accessible name" }, "aria-required-attr": { "description": "Ensures elements with ARIA roles have all required ARIA attributes", "help": "Required ARIA attributes must be provided" }, "aria-required-children": { "description": "Ensures elements with an ARIA role that require child roles contain them", "help": "Certain ARIA roles must contain particular children" }, "aria-required-parent": { "description": "Ensures elements with an ARIA role that require parent roles are contained by them", "help": "Certain ARIA roles must be contained by particular parents" }, "aria-roledescription": { "description": "Ensure aria-roledescription is only used on elements with an implicit or explicit role", "help": "aria-roledescription must be on elements with a semantic role" }, "aria-roles": { "description": "Ensures all elements with a role attribute use a valid value", "help": "ARIA roles used must conform to valid values" }, "aria-text": { "description": "Ensures \"role=text\" is used on elements with no focusable descendants", "help": "\"role=text\" should have no focusable descendants" }, "aria-toggle-field-name": { "description": "Ensures every ARIA toggle field has an accessible name", "help": "ARIA toggle fields must have an accessible name" }, "aria-tooltip-name": { "description": "Ensures every ARIA tooltip node has an accessible name", "help": "ARIA tooltip nodes must have an accessible name" }, "aria-treeitem-name": { "description": "Ensures every ARIA treeitem node has an accessible name", "help": "ARIA treeitem nodes should have an accessible name" }, "aria-valid-attr-value": { "description": "Ensures all ARIA attributes have valid values", "help": "ARIA attributes must conform to valid values" }, "aria-valid-attr": { "description": "Ensures attributes that begin with aria- are valid ARIA attributes", "help": "ARIA attributes must conform to valid names" }, "audio-caption": { "description": "Ensures <audio> elements have captions", "help": "<audio> elements must have a captions track" }, "autocomplete-valid": { "description": "Ensure the autocomplete attribute is correct and suitable for the form field", "help": "autocomplete attribute must be used correctly" }, "avoid-inline-spacing": { "description": "Ensure that text spacing set through style attributes can be adjusted with custom stylesheets", "help": "Inline text spacing must be adjustable with custom stylesheets" }, "blink": { "description": "Ensures <blink> elements are not used", "help": "<blink> elements are deprecated and must not be used" }, "button-name": { "description": "Ensures buttons have discernible text", "help": "Buttons must have discernible text" }, "bypass": { "description": "Ensures each page has at least one mechanism for a user to bypass navigation and jump straight to the content", "help": "Page must have means to bypass repeated blocks" }, "color-contrast-enhanced": { "description": "Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AAA contrast ratio thresholds", "help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast" }, "color-contrast": { "description": "Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA contrast ratio thresholds", "help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast" }, "css-orientation-lock": { "description": "Ensures content is not locked to any specific display orientation, and the content is operable in all display orientations", "help": "CSS Media queries must not lock display orientation" }, "definition-list": { "description": "Ensures <dl> elements are structured correctly", "help": "<dl> elements must only directly contain properly-ordered <dt> and <dd> groups, <script>, <template> or <div> elements" }, "dlitem": { "description": "Ensures <dt> and <dd> elements are contained by a <dl>", "help": "<dt> and <dd> elements must be contained by a <dl>" }, "document-title": { "description": "Ensures each HTML document contains a non-empty <title> element", "help": "Documents must have <title> element to aid in navigation" }, "duplicate-id-active": { "description": "Ensures every id attribute value of active elements is unique", "help": "IDs of active elements must be unique" }, "duplicate-id-aria": { "description": "Ensures every id attribute value used in ARIA and in labels is unique", "help": "IDs used in ARIA and labels must be unique" }, "duplicate-id": { "description": "Ensures every id attribute value is unique", "help": "id attribute value must be unique" }, "empty-heading": { "description": "Ensures headings have discernible text", "help": "Headings should not be empty" }, "empty-table-header": { "description": "Ensures table headers have discernible text", "help": "Table header text should not be empty" }, "focus-order-semantics": { "description": "Ensures elements in the focus order have a role appropriate for interactive content", "help": "Elements in the focus order should have an appropriate role" }, "form-field-multiple-labels": { "description": "Ensures form field does not have multiple label elements", "help": "Form field must not have multiple label elements" }, "frame-focusable-content": { "description": "Ensures <frame> and <iframe> elements with focusable content do not have tabindex=-1", "help": "Frames with focusable content must not have tabindex=-1" }, "frame-tested": { "description": "Ensures <iframe> and <frame> elements contain the axe-core script", "help": "Frames should be tested with axe-core" }, "frame-title-unique": { "description": "Ensures <iframe> and <frame> elements contain a unique title attribute", "help": "Frames must have a unique title attribute" }, "frame-title": { "description": "Ensures <iframe> and <frame> elements have an accessible name", "help": "Frames must have an accessible name" }, "heading-order": { "description": "Ensures the order of headings is semantically correct", "help": "Heading levels should only increase by one" }, "hidden-content": { "description": "Informs users about hidden content.", "help": "Hidden content on the page should be analyzed" }, "html-has-lang": { "description": "Ensures every HTML document has a lang attribute", "help": "<html> element must have a lang attribute" }, "html-lang-valid": { "description": "Ensures the lang attribute of the <html> element has a valid value", "help": "<html> element must have a valid value for the lang attribute" }, "html-xml-lang-mismatch": { "description": "Ensure that HTML elements with both valid lang and xml:lang attributes agree on the base language of the page", "help": "HTML elements with lang and xml:lang must have the same base language" }, "identical-links-same-purpose": { "description": "Ensure that links with the same accessible name serve a similar purpose", "help": "Links with the same name must have a similar purpose" }, "image-alt": { "description": "Ensures <img> elements have alternate text or a role of none or presentation", "help": "Images must have alternate text" }, "image-redundant-alt": { "description": "Ensure image alternative is not repeated as text", "help": "Alternative text of images should not be repeated as text" }, "input-button-name": { "description": "Ensures input buttons have discernible text", "help": "Input buttons must have discernible text" }, "input-image-alt": { "description": "Ensures <input type=\"image\"> elements have alternate text", "help": "Image buttons must have alternate text" }, "label-content-name-mismatch": { "description": "Ensures that elements labelled through their content must have their visible text as part of their accessible name", "help": "Elements must have their visible text as part of their accessible name" }, "label-title-only": { "description": "Ensures that every form element has a visible label and is not solely labeled using hidden labels, or the title or aria-describedby attributes", "help": "Form elements should have a visible label" }, "label": { "description": "Ensures every form element has a label", "help": "Form elements must have labels" }, "landmark-banner-is-top-level": { "description": "Ensures the banner landmark is at top level", "help": "Banner landmark should not be contained in another landmark" }, "landmark-complementary-is-top-level": { "description": "Ensures the complementary landmark or aside is at top level", "help": "Aside should not be contained in another landmark" }, "landmark-contentinfo-is-top-level": { "description": "Ensures the contentinfo landmark is at top level", "help": "Contentinfo landmark should not be contained in another landmark" }, "landmark-main-is-top-level": { "description": "Ensures the main landmark is at top level", "help": "Main landmark should not be contained in another landmark" }, "landmark-no-duplicate-banner": { "description": "Ensures the document has at most one banner landmark", "help": "Document should not have more than one banner landmark" }, "landmark-no-duplicate-contentinfo": { "description": "Ensures the document has at most one contentinfo landmark", "help": "Document should not have more than one contentinfo landmark" }, "landmark-no-duplicate-main": { "description": "Ensures the document has at most one main landmark", "help": "Document should not have more than one main landmark" }, "landmark-one-main": { "description": "Ensures the document has a main landmark", "help": "Document should have one main landmark" }, "landmark-unique": { "help": "Ensures landmarks are unique", "description": "Landmarks should have a unique role or role/label/title (i.e. accessible name) combination" }, "link-in-text-block": { "description": "Ensure links are distinguished from surrounding text in a way that does not rely on color", "help": "Links must be distinguishable without relying on color" }, "link-name": { "description": "Ensures links have discernible text", "help": "Links must have discernible text" }, "list": { "description": "Ensures that lists are structured correctly", "help": "<ul> and <ol> must only directly contain <li>, <script> or <template> elements" }, "listitem": { "description": "Ensures <li> elements are used semantically", "help": "<li> elements must be contained in a <ul> or <ol>" }, "marquee": { "description": "Ensures <marquee> elements are not used", "help": "<marquee> elements are deprecated and must not be used" }, "meta-refresh-no-exceptions": { "description": "Ensures <meta http-equiv=\"refresh\"> is not used for delayed refresh", "help": "Delayed refresh must not be used" }, "meta-refresh": { "description": "Ensures <meta http-equiv=\"refresh\"> is not used for delayed refresh", "help": "Delayed refresh under 20 hours must not be used" }, "meta-viewport-large": { "description": "Ensures <meta name=\"viewport\"> can scale a significant amount", "help": "Users should be able to zoom and scale the text up to 500%" }, "meta-viewport": { "description": "Ensures <meta name=\"viewport\"> does not disable text scaling and zooming", "help": "Zooming and scaling must not be disabled" }, "nested-interactive": { "description": "Ensures interactive controls are not nested as they are not always announced by screen readers or can cause focus problems for assistive technologies", "help": "Interactive controls must not be nested" }, "no-autoplay-audio": { "description": "Ensures <video> or <audio> elements do not autoplay audio for more than 3 seconds without a control mechanism to stop or mute the audio", "help": "<video> or <audio> elements must not play automatically" }, "object-alt": { "description": "Ensures <object> elements have alternate text", "help": "<object> elements must have alternate text" }, "p-as-heading": { "description": "Ensure bold, italic text and font-size is not used to style <p> elements as a heading", "help": "Styled <p> elements must not be used as headings" }, "page-has-heading-one": { "description": "Ensure that the page, or at least one of its frames contains a level-one heading", "help": "Page should contain a level-one heading" }, "presentation-role-conflict": { "description": "Elements marked as presentational should not have global ARIA or tabindex to ensure all screen readers ignore them", "help": "Ensure elements marked as presentational are consistently ignored" }, "region": { "description": "Ensures all page content is contained by landmarks", "help": "All page content should be contained by landmarks" }, "role-img-alt": { "description": "Ensures [role='img'] elements have alternate text", "help": "[role='img'] elements must have an alternative text" }, "scope-attr-valid": { "description": "Ensures the scope attribute is used correctly on tables", "help": "scope attribute should be used correctly" }, "scrollable-region-focusable": { "description": "Ensure elements that have scrollable content are accessible by keyboard", "help": "Scrollable region must have keyboard access" }, "select-name": { "description": "Ensures select element has an accessible name", "help": "Select element must have an accessible name" }, "server-side-image-map": { "description": "Ensures that server-side image maps are not used", "help": "Server-side image maps must not be used" }, "skip-link": { "description": "Ensure all skip links have a focusable target", "help": "The skip-link target should exist and be focusable" }, "svg-img-alt": { "description": "Ensures <svg> elements with an img, graphics-document or graphics-symbol role have an accessible text", "help": "<svg> elements with an img role must have an alternative text" }, "tabindex": { "description": "Ensures tabindex attribute values are not greater than 0", "help": "Elements should not have tabindex greater than zero" }, "table-duplicate-name": { "description": "Ensure the <caption> element does not contain the same text as the summary attribute", "help": "tables should not have the same summary and caption" }, "table-fake-caption": { "description": "Ensure that tables with a caption use the <caption> element.", "help": "Data or header cells must not be used to give caption to a data table." }, "target-size": { "description": "Ensure touch target have sufficient size and space", "help": "All touch targets must be 24px large, or leave sufficient space" }, "td-has-header": { "description": "Ensure that each non-empty data cell in a <table> larger than 3 by 3 has one or more table headers", "help": "Non-empty <td> elements in larger <table> must have an associated table header" }, "td-headers-attr": { "description": "Ensure that each cell in a table that uses the headers attribute refers only to other cells in that table", "help": "Table cells that use the headers attribute must only refer to cells in the same table" }, "th-has-data-cells": { "description": "Ensure that <th> elements and elements with role=columnheader/rowheader have data cells they describe", "help": "Table headers in a data table must refer to data cells" }, "valid-lang": { "description": "Ensures lang attributes have valid values", "help": "lang attribute must have a valid value" }, "video-caption": { "description": "Ensures <video> elements have captions", "help": "<video> elements must have captions" } }, "checks": { "abstractrole": { "pass": "Abstract roles are not used", "fail": { "singular": "Abstract role cannot be directly used: ${data.values}", "plural": "Abstract roles cannot be directly used: ${data.values}" } }, "aria-allowed-attr": { "pass": "ARIA attributes are used correctly for the defined role", "fail": { "singular": "ARIA attribute is not allowed: ${data.values}", "plural": "ARIA attributes are not allowed: ${data.values}" }, "incomplete": "Check that there is no problem if the ARIA attribute is ignored on this element: ${data.values}" }, "aria-allowed-role": { "pass": "ARIA role is allowed for given element", "fail": { "singular": "ARIA role ${data.values} is not allowed for given element", "plural": "ARIA roles ${data.values} are not allowed for given element" }, "incomplete": { "singular": "ARIA role ${data.values} must be removed when the element is made visible, as it is not allowed for the element", "plural": "ARIA roles ${data.values} must be removed when the element is made visible, as they are not allowed for the element" } }, "aria-busy": { "pass": "Element has an aria-busy attribute", "fail": "Element has no aria-busy=\"true\" attribute" }, "aria-errormessage": { "pass": "aria-errormessage exists and references elements visible to screen readers that use a supported aria-errormessage technique", "fail": { "singular": "aria-errormessage value `${data.values}` must use a technique to announce the message (e.g., aria-live, aria-describedby, role=alert, etc.)", "plural": "aria-errormessage values `${data.values}` must use a technique to announce the message (e.g., aria-live, aria-describedby, role=alert, etc.)", "hidden": "aria-errormessage value `${data.values}` cannot reference a hidden element" }, "incomplete": { "singular": "ensure aria-errormessage value `${data.values}` references an existing element", "plural": "ensure aria-errormessage values `${data.values}` reference existing elements", "idrefs": "unable to determine if aria-errormessage element exists on the page: ${data.values}" } }, "aria-hidden-body": { "pass": "No aria-hidden attribute is present on document body", "fail": "aria-hidden=true should not be present on the document body" }, "aria-level": { "pass": "aria-level values are valid", "incomplete": "aria-level values greater than 6 are not supported in all screenreader and browser combinations" }, "aria-prohibited-attr": { "pass": "ARIA attribute is allowed", "fail": { "hasRolePlural": "${data.prohibited} attributes cannot be used with role \"${data.role}\".", "hasRoleSingular": "${data.prohibited} attribute cannot be used with role \"${data.role}\".", "noRolePlural": "${data.prohibited} attributes cannot be used on a ${data.nodeName} with no valid role attribute.", "noRoleSingular": "${data.prohibited} attribute cannot be used on a ${data.nodeName} with no valid role attribute." }, "incomplete": { "hasRoleSingular": "${data.prohibited} attribute is not well supported with role \"${data.role}\".", "hasRolePlural": "${data.prohibited} attributes are not well supported with role \"${data.role}\".", "noRoleSingular": "${data.prohibited} attribute is not well supported on a ${data.nodeName} with no valid role attribute.", "noRolePlural": "${data.prohibited} attributes are not well supported on a ${data.nodeName} with no valid role attribute." } }, "aria-required-attr": { "pass": "All required ARIA attributes are present", "fail": { "singular": "Required ARIA attribute not present: ${data.values}", "plural": "Required ARIA attributes not present: ${data.values}" } }, "aria-required-children": { "pass": "Required ARIA children are present", "fail": { "singular": "Required ARIA child role not present: ${data.values}", "plural": "Required ARIA children role not present: ${data.values}", "unallowed": "Element has children which are not allowed (see related nodes)" }, "incomplete": { "singular": "Expecting ARIA child role to be added: ${data.values}", "plural": "Expecting ARIA children role to be added: ${data.values}" } }, "aria-required-parent": { "pass": "Required ARIA parent role present", "fail": { "singular": "Required ARIA parent role not present: ${data.values}", "plural": "Required ARIA parents role not present: ${data.values}" } }, "aria-roledescription": { "pass": "aria-roledescription used on a supported semantic role", "incomplete": "Check that the aria-roledescription is announced by supported screen readers", "fail": "Give the element a role that supports aria-roledescription" }, "aria-unsupported-attr": { "pass": "ARIA attribute is supported", "fail": "ARIA attribute is not widely supported in screen readers and assistive technologies: ${data.values}" }, "aria-valid-attr-value": { "pass": "ARIA attribute values are valid", "fail": { "singular": "Invalid ARIA attribute value: ${data.values}", "plural": "Invalid ARIA attribute values: ${data.values}" }, "incomplete": { "noId": "ARIA attribute element ID does not exist on the page: ${data.needsReview}", "noIdShadow": "ARIA attribute element ID does not exist on the page or is a descendant of a different shadow DOM tree: ${data.needsReview}", "ariaCurrent": "ARIA attribute value is invalid and will be treated as \"aria-current=true\": ${data.needsReview}", "idrefs": "Unable to determine if ARIA attribute element ID exists on the page: ${data.needsReview}", "empty": "ARIA attribute value is ignored while empty: ${data.needsReview}" } }, "aria-valid-attr": { "pass": "ARIA attribute name is valid", "fail": { "singular": "Invalid ARIA attribute name: ${data.values}", "plural": "Invalid ARIA attribute names: ${data.values}" } }, "deprecatedrole": { "pass": "ARIA role is not deprecated", "fail": "The role used is deprecated: ${data}" }, "fallbackrole": { "pass": "Only one role value used", "fail": "Use only one role value, since fallback roles are not supported in older browsers", "incomplete": "Use only role 'presentation' or 'none' since they are synonymous." }, "has-global-aria-attribute": { "pass": { "singular": "Element has global ARIA attribute: ${data.values}", "plural": "Element has global ARIA attributes: ${data.values}" }, "fail": "Element does not have global ARIA attribute" }, "has-widget-role": { "pass": "Element has a widget role.", "fail": "Element does not have a widget role." }, "invalidrole": { "pass": "ARIA role is valid", "fail": { "singular": "Role must be one of the valid ARIA roles: ${data.values}", "plural": "Roles must be one of the valid ARIA roles: ${data.values}" } }, "is-element-focusable": { "pass": "Element is focusable.", "fail": "Element is not focusable." }, "no-implicit-explicit-label": { "pass": "There is no mismatch between a <label> and accessible name", "incomplete": "Check that the <label> does not need be part of the ARIA ${data} field's name" }, "unsupportedrole": { "pass": "ARIA role is supported", "fail": "The role used is not widely supported in screen readers and assistive technologies: ${data}" }, "valid-scrollable-semantics": { "pass": "Element has valid semantics for an element in the focus order.", "fail": "Element has invalid semantics for an element in the focus order." }, "color-contrast-enhanced": { "pass": "Element has sufficient color contrast of ${data.contrastRatio}", "fail": { "default": "Element has insufficient color contrast of ${data.contrastRatio} (foreground color: ${data.fgColor}, background color: ${data.bgColor}, font size: ${data.fontSize}, font weight: ${data.fontWeight}). Expected contrast ratio of ${data.expectedContrastRatio}", "fgOnShadowColor": "Element has insufficient color contrast of ${data.contrastRatio} between the foreground and shadow color (foreground color: ${data.fgColor}, text-shadow color: ${data.shadowColor}, font size: ${data.fontSize}, font weight: ${data.fontWeight}). Expected contrast ratio of ${data.expectedContrastRatio}", "shadowOnBgColor": "Element has insufficient color contrast of ${data.contrastRatio} between the shadow color and background color (text-shadow color: ${data.shadowColor}, background color: ${data.bgColor}, font size: ${data.fontSize}, font weight: ${data.fontWeight}). Expected contrast ratio of ${data.expectedContrastRatio}" }, "incomplete": { "default": "Unable to determine contrast ratio", "bgImage": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background image", "bgGradient": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient", "imgNode": "Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node", "bgOverlap": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element", "fgAlpha": "Element's foreground color could not be determined because of alpha transparency", "elmPartiallyObscured": "Element's background color could not be determined because it's partially obscured by another element", "elmPartiallyObscuring": "Element's background color could not be determined because it partially overlaps other elements", "outsideViewport": "Element's background color could not be determined because it's outside the viewport", "equalRatio": "Element has a 1:1 contrast ratio with the background", "shortTextContent": "Element content is too short to determine if it is actual text content", "nonBmp": "Element content contains only non-text characters", "pseudoContent": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } }, "color-contrast": { "pass": { "default": "Element has sufficient color contrast of ${data.contrastRatio}", "hidden": "Element is hidden" }, "fail": { "default": "Element has insufficient color contrast of ${data.contrastRatio} (foreground color: ${data.fgColor}, background color: ${data.bgColor}, font size: ${data.fontSize}, font weight: ${data.fontWeight}). Expected contrast ratio of ${data.expectedContrastRatio}", "fgOnShadowColor": "Element has insufficient color contrast of ${data.contrastRatio} between the foreground and shadow color (foreground color: ${data.fgColor}, text-shadow color: ${data.shadowColor}, font size: ${data.fontSize}, font weight: ${data.fontWeight}). Expected contrast ratio of ${data.expectedContrastRatio}", "shadowOnBgColor": "Element has insufficient color contrast of ${data.contrastRatio} between the shadow color and background color (text-shadow color: ${data.shadowColor}, background color: ${data.bgColor}, font size: ${data.fontSize}, font weight: ${data.fontWeight}). Expected contrast ratio of ${data.expectedContrastRatio}" }, "incomplete": { "default": "Unable to determine contrast ratio", "bgImage": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background image", "bgGradient": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient", "imgNode": "Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node", "bgOverlap": "Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element", "fgAlpha": "Element's foreground color could not be determined because of alpha transparency", "elmPartiallyObscured": "Element's background color could not be determined because it's partially obscured by another element", "elmPartiallyObscuring": "Element's background color could not be determined because it partially overlaps other elements", "outsideViewport": "Element's background color could not be determined because it's outside the viewport", "equalRatio": "Element has a 1:1 contrast ratio with the background", "shortTextContent": "Element content is too short to determine if it is actual text content", "nonBmp": "Element content contains only non-text characters", "pseudoContent": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } }, "link-in-text-block-style": { "pass": "Links can be distinguished from surrounding text by visual styling", "fail": "The link has no styling (such as underline) to distinguish it from the surrounding text" }, "link-in-text-block": { "pass": "Links can be distinguished from surrounding text in some way other than by color", "fail": { "fgContrast": "The link has insufficient color contrast of ${data.contrastRatio}:1 with the surrounding text. (Minimum contrast is ${data.requiredContrastRatio}:1, link text: ${data.nodeColor}, surrounding text: ${data.parentColor})", "bgContrast": "The link background has insufficient color contrast of ${data.contrastRatio} (Minimum contrast is ${data.requiredContrastRatio}:1, link background color: ${data.nodeBackgroundColor}, surrounding background color: ${data.parentBackgroundColor})" }, "incomplete": { "default": "Element's foreground contrast ratio could not be determined", "bgContrast": "Element's background contrast ratio could not be determined", "bgImage": "Element's contrast ratio could not be determined due to a background image", "bgGradient": "Element's contrast ratio could not be determined due to a background gradient", "imgNode": "Element's contrast ratio could not be determined because element contains an image node", "bgOverlap": "Element's contrast ratio could not be determined because of element overlap" } }, "autocomplete-appropriate": { "pass": "the autocomplete value is on an appropriate element", "fail": "the autocomplete value is inappropriate for this type of input" }, "autocomplete-valid": { "pass": "the autocomplete attribute is correctly formatted", "fail": "the autocomplete attribute is incorrectly formatted" }, "accesskeys": { "pass": "Accesskey attribute value is unique", "fail": "Document has multiple elements with the same accesskey" }, "focusable-content": { "pass": "Element contains focusable elements", "fail": "Element should have focusable content" }, "focusable-disabled": { "pass": "No focusable elements contained within element", "incomplete": "Check if the focusable elements immediately move the focus indicator", "fail": "Focusable content should be disabled or be removed from the DOM" }, "focusable-element": { "pass": "Element is focusable", "fail": "Element should be focusable" }, "focusable-modal-open": { "pass": "No focusable elements while a modal is open", "incomplete": "Check that focusable elements are not tabbable in the current state" }, "focusable-no-name": { "pass": "Element is not in tab order or has accessible text", "fail": "Element is in tab order and does not have accessible text", "incomplete": "Unable to determine if element has an accessible name" }, "focusable-not-tabbable": { "pass": "No focusable elements contained within element", "incomplete": "Check if the focusable elements immediately move the focus indicator", "fail": "Focusable content should have tabindex='-1' or be removed from the DOM" }, "frame-focusable-content": { "pass": "Element does not have focusable descendants", "fail": "Element has focusable descendants", "incomplete": "Could not determine if element has descendants" }, "landmark-is-top-level": { "pass": "The ${data.role} landmark is at the top level.", "fail": "The ${data.role} landmark is contained in another landmark." }, "no-focusable-content": { "pass": "Element does not have focusable descendants", "fail": { "default": "Element has focusable descendants", "notHidden": "Using a negative tabindex on an element inside an interactive control does not prevent assistive technologies from focusing the element (even with 'aria-hidden=true')" }, "incomplete": "Could not determine if element has descendants" }, "page-has-heading-one": { "pass": "Page has at least one level-one heading", "fail": "Page must have a level-one heading" }, "page-has-main": { "pass": "Document has at least one main landmark", "fail": "Document does not have a main landmark" }, "page-no-duplicate-banner": { "pass": "Document does not have more than one banner landmark", "fail": "Document has more than one banner landmark" }, "page-no-duplicate-contentinfo": { "pass": "Document does not have more than one contentinfo landmark", "fail": "Document has more than one contentinfo landmark" }, "page-no-duplicate-main": { "pass": "Document does not have more than one main landmark", "fail": "Document has more than one main landmark" }, "tabindex": { "pass": "Element does not have a tabindex greater than 0", "fail": "Element has a tabindex greater than 0" }, "alt-space-value": { "pass": "Element has a valid alt attribute value", "fail": "Element has an alt attribute containing only a space character, which is not ignored by all screen readers" }, "duplicate-img-label": { "pass": "Element does not duplicate existing text in <img> alt text", "fail": "Element contains <img> element with alt text that duplicates existing text" }, "explicit-label": { "pass": "Form element has an explicit <label>", "fail": "Form element does not have an explicit <label>", "incomplete": "Unable to determine if form element has an explicit <label>" }, "help-same-as-label": { "pass": "Help text (title or aria-describedby) does not duplicate label text", "fail": "Help text (title or aria-describedby) text is the same as the label text" }, "hidden-explicit-label": { "pass": "Form element has a visible explicit <label>", "fail": "Form element has explicit <label> that is hidden", "incomplete": "Unable to determine if form element has explicit <label> that is hidden" }, "implicit-label": { "pass": "Form element has an implicit (wrapped) <label>", "fail": "Form element does not have an implicit (wrapped) <label>", "incomplete": "Unable to determine if form element has an implicit (wrapped} <label>" }, "label-content-name-mismatch": { "pass": "Element contains visible text as part of it's accessible name", "fail": "Text inside the element is not included in the accessible name" }, "multiple-label": { "pass": "Form field does not have multiple label elements", "incomplete": "Multiple label elements is not widely supported in assistive technologies. Ensure the first label contains all necessary information." }, "title-only": { "pass": "Form element does not solely use title attribute for its label", "fail": "Only title used to generate label for form element" }, "landmark-is-unique": { "pass": "Landmarks must have a unique role or role/label/title (i.e. accessible name) combination", "fail": "The landmark must have a unique aria-label, aria-labelledby, or title to make landmarks distinguishable" }, "has-lang": { "pass": "The <html> element has a lang attribute", "fail": { "noXHTML": "The xml:lang attribute is not valid on HTML pages, use the lang attribute.", "noLang": "The <html> element does not have a lang attribute" } }, "valid-lang": { "pass": "Value of lang attribute is included in the list of valid languages", "fail": "Value of lang attribute not included in the list of valid languages" }, "xml-lang-mismatch": { "pass": "Lang and xml:lang attributes have the same base language", "fail": "Lang and xml:lang attributes do not have the same base language" }, "dlitem": { "pass": "Description list item has a <dl> parent element", "fail": "Description list item does not have a <dl> parent element" }, "listitem": { "pass": "List item has a <ul>, <ol> or role=\"list\" parent element", "fail": { "default": "List item does not have a <ul>, <ol> parent element", "roleNotValid": "List item does not have a <ul>, <ol> parent element without a role, or a role=\"list\"" } }, "only-dlitems": { "pass": "dl element only has direct children that are allowed inside; <dt>, <dd>, or <div> elements", "fail": "dl element has direct children that are not allowed: ${data.values}" }, "only-listitems": { "pass": "List element only has direct children that are allowed inside <li> elements", "fail": "List element has direct children that are not allowed: ${data.values}" }, "structured-dlitems": { "pass": "When not empty, element has both <dt> and <dd> elements", "fail": "When not empty, element does not have at least one <dt> element followed by at least one <dd> element" }, "caption": { "pass": "The multimedia element has a captions track", "incomplete": "Check that captions is available for the element" }, "frame-tested": { "pass": "The iframe was tested with axe-core", "fail": "The iframe could not be tested with axe-core", "incomplete": "The iframe still has to be tested with axe-core" }, "no-autoplay-audio": { "pass": "<video> or <audio> does not output audio for more than allowed duration or has controls mechanism", "fail": "<video> or <audio> outputs audio for more than allowed duration and does not have a controls mechanism", "incomplete": "Check that the <video> or <audio> does not output audio for more than allowed duration or provides a controls mechanism" }, "css-orientation-lock": { "pass": "Display is operable, and orientation lock does not exist", "fail": "CSS Orientation lock is applied, and makes display inoperable", "incomplete": "CSS Orientation lock cannot be determined" }, "meta-viewport-large": { "pass": "<meta> tag does not prevent significant zooming on mobile devices", "fail": "<meta> tag limits zooming on mobile devices" }, "meta-viewport": { "pass": "<meta> tag does not disable zooming on mobile devices", "fail": "${data} on <meta> tag disables zooming on mobile devices" }, "target-offset": { "pass": "Target has sufficient offset from its closest neighbor (${data.closestOffset}px should be at least ${data.minOffset}px)", "fail": "Target has insufficient offset from its closest neighbor (${data.closestOffset}px should be at least ${data.minOffset}px)", "incomplete": { "default": "Element with negative tabindex has insufficient offset from its closest neighbor (${data.closestOffset}px should be at least ${data.minOffset}px). Is this a target?", "nonTabbableNeighbor": "Target has insufficient offset from a neighbor with negative tabindex (${data.closestOffset}px should be at least ${data.minOffset}px). Is the neighbor a target?" } }, "target-size": { "pass": { "default": "Control has sufficient size (${data.width}px by ${data.height}px, should be at least ${data.minSize}px by ${data.minSize}px)", "obscured": "Control is ignored because it is fully obscured and thus not clickable" }, "fail": { "default": "Target has insufficient size (${data.width}px by ${data.height}px, should be at least ${data.minSize}px by ${data.minSize}px)", "partiallyObscured": "Target has insufficient size because it is partially obscured (smallest space is ${data.width}px by ${data.height}px, should be at least ${data.minSize}px by ${data.minSize}px)" }, "incomplete": { "default": "Element with negative tabindex has insufficient size (${data.width}px by ${data.height}px, should be at least ${data.minSize}px by ${data.minSize}px). Is this a target?", "contentOverflow": "Element size could not be accurately determined due to overflow content", "partiallyObscured": "Element with negative tabindex has insufficient size because it is partially obscured (smallest space is ${data.width}px by ${data.height}px, should be at least ${data.minSize}px by ${data.minSize}px). Is this a target?", "partiallyObscuredNonTabbable": "Target has insufficient size because it is partially obscured by a neighbor with negative tabindex (smallest space is ${data.width}px by ${data.height}px, should be at least ${data.minSize}px by ${data.minSize}px). Is the neighbor a target?" } }, "header-present": { "pass": "Page has a heading", "fail": "Page does not have a heading" }, "heading-order": { "pass": "Heading order valid", "fail": "Heading order invalid", "incomplete": "Unable to determine previous heading" }, "identical-links-same-purpose": { "pass": "There are no other links with the same name, that go to a different URL", "incomplete": "Check that links have the same purpose, or are intentionally ambiguous." }, "internal-link-present": { "pass": "Valid skip link found", "fail": "No valid skip link found" }, "landmark": { "pass": "Page has a landmark region", "fail": "Page does not have a landmark region" }, "meta-refresh-no-exceptions": { "pass": "<meta> tag does not immediately refresh the page", "fail": "<meta> tag forces timed refresh of page" }, "meta-refresh": { "pass": "<meta> tag does not immediately refresh the page", "fail": "<meta> tag forces timed refresh of page (less than 20 hours)" }, "p-as-heading": { "pass": "<p> elements are not styled as headings", "fail": "Heading elements should be used instead of styled <p> elements", "incomplete": "Unable to determine if <p> elements are styled as headings" }, "region": { "pass": "All page content is contained by landmarks", "fail": "Some page content is not contained by landmarks" }, "skip-link": { "pass": "Skip link target exists", "incomplete": "Skip link target should become visible on activation", "fail": "No skip link target" }, "unique-frame-title": { "pass": "Element's title attribute is unique", "fail": "Element's title attribute is not unique" }, "duplicate-id-active": { "pass": "Document has no active elements that share the same id attribute", "fail": "Document has active elements with the same id attribute: ${data}" }, "duplicate-id-aria": { "pass": "Document has no elements referenced with ARIA or labels that share the same id attribute", "fail": "Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: ${data}" }, "duplicate-id": { "pass": "Document has no static elements that share the same id attribute", "fail": "Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: ${data}" }, "aria-label": { "pass": "aria-label attribute exists and is not empty", "fail": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty" }, "aria-labelledby": { "pass": "aria-labelledby attribute exists and references elements that are visible to screen readers", "fail": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty", "incomplete": "ensure aria-labelledby references an existing element" }, "avoid-inline-spacing": { "pass": "No inline styles with '!important' that affect text spacing has been specified", "fail": { "singular": "Remove '!important' from inline style ${data.values}, as overriding this is not supported by most browsers", "plural": "Remove '!important' from inline styles ${data.values}, as overriding this is not supported by most browsers" } }, "button-has-visible-text": { "pass": "Element has inner text that is visible to screen readers", "fail": "Element does not have inner text that is visible to screen readers", "incomplete": "Unable to determine if element has children" }, "doc-has-title": { "pass": "Document has a non-empty <title> element", "fail": "Document does not have a non-empty <title> element" }, "exists": { "pass": "Element does not exist", "incomplete": "Element exists" }, "has-alt": { "pass": "Element has an alt attribute", "fail": "Element does not have an alt attribute" }, "has-visible-text": { "pass": "Element has text that is visible to screen readers", "fail": "Element does not have text that is visible to screen readers", "incomplete": "Unable to determine if element has children" }, "important-letter-spacing": { "pass": "Letter-spacing in the style attribute is not set to !important, or meets the minimum", "fail": "letter-spacing in the style attribute must not use !important, or be at ${data.minValue}em (current ${data.value}em)" }, "important-line-height": { "pass": "line-height in the style attribute is not set to !important, or meets the minimum", "fail": "line-height in the style attribute must not use !important, or be at ${data.minValue}em (current ${data.value}em)" }, "important-word-spacing": { "pass": "word-spacing in the style attribute is not set to !important, or meets the minimum", "fail": "word-spacing in the style attribute must not use !important, or be at ${data.minValue}em (current ${data.value}em)" }, "is-on-screen": { "pass": "Element is not visible", "fail": "Element is visible" }, "non-empty-alt": { "pass": "Element has a non-empty alt attribute", "fail": { "noAttr": "Element has no alt attribute", "emptyAttr": "Element has an empty alt attribute" } }, "non-empty-if-present": { "pass": { "default": "Element does not have a value attribute", "has-label": "Element has a non-empty value attribute" }, "fail": "Element has a value attribute and the value attribute is empty" }, "non-empty-placeholder": { "pass": "Element has a placeholder attribute", "fail": { "noAttr": "Element has no placeholder attribute", "emptyAttr": "Element has an empty placeholder attribute" } }, "non-empty-title": { "pass": "Element has a title attribute", "fail": { "noAttr": "Element has no title attribute", "emptyAttr": "Element has an empty title attribute" } }, "non-empty-value": { "pass": "Element has a non-empty value attribute", "fail": { "noAttr": "Element has no value attribute", "emptyAttr": "Element has an empty value attribute" } }, "presentational-role": { "pass": "Element's default semantics were overriden with role=\"${data.role}\"", "fail": { "default": "Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\"", "globalAria": "Element's role is not presentational because it has a global ARIA attribute", "focusable": "Element's role is not presentational because it is focusable", "both": "Element's role is not presentational because it has a global ARIA attribute and is focusable", "iframe": "Using the \"title\" attribute on an ${data.nodeName} element with a presentational role behaves inconsistently between screen readers" } }, "role-none": { "pass": "Element's default semantics were overriden with role=\"none\"", "fail": "Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\"" }, "role-presentation": { "pass": "Element's default semantics were overriden with role=\"presentation\"", "fail": "Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"presentation\"" }, "svg-non-empty-title": { "pass": "Element has a child that is a title", "fail": { "noTitle": "Element has no child that is a title", "emptyTitle": "Element child title is empty" }, "incomplete": "Unable to determine element has a child that is a title" }, "caption-faked": { "pass": "The first row of a table is not used as a caption", "fail": "The first child of the table should be a caption instead of a table cell" }, "html5-scope": { "pass": "Scope attribute is only used on table header elements (<th>)", "fail": "In HTML 5, scope attributes may only be used on table header elements (<th>)" }, "same-caption-summary": { "pass": "Content of summary attribute and <caption> are not duplicated", "fail": "Content of summary attribute and <caption> element are identical", "incomplete": "Unable to determine if <table> element has a caption" }, "scope-value": { "pass": "Scope attribute is used correctly", "fail": "The value of the scope attribute may only be 'row' or 'col'" }, "td-has-header": { "pass": "All non-empty data cells have table headers", "fail": "Some non-empty data cells do not have table headers" }, "td-headers-attr": { "pass": "The headers attribute is exclusively used to refer to other cells in the table", "incomplete": "The headers attribute is empty", "fail": "The headers attribute is not exclusively used to refer to other cells in the table" }, "th-has-data-cells": { "pass": "All table header cells refer to data cells", "fail": "Not all table header cells refer to data cells", "incomplete": "Table data cells are missing or empty" }, "hidden-content": { "pass": "All content on the page has been analyzed.", "fail": "There were problems analyzing the content on this page.", "incomplete": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } }, "failureSummaries": { "any": { "failureMessage": "Fix any of the following:{{~it:value}}\n {{=value.split('\\n').join('\\n ')}}{{~}}" }, "none": { "failureMessage": "Fix all of the following:{{~it:value}}\n {{=value.split('\\n').join('\\n ')}}{{~}}" } }, "incompleteFallbackMessage": "axe couldn't tell the reason. Time to break out the element inspector!" }