// Copied from `@types/prettier` // https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/blob/5bb07fc4b087cb7ee91084afa6fe750551a7bbb1/types/prettier/index.d.ts // Minimum TypeScript Version: 4.2 // Add `export {}` here to shut off automatic exporting from index.d.ts. There // are quite a few utility types here that don't need to be shipped with the // exported module. export {}; import { builders, printer, utils } from "./doc.js"; export namespace doc { export { builders, printer, utils }; } // This utility is here to handle the case where you have an explicit union // between string literals and the generic string type. It would normally // resolve out to just the string type, but this generic LiteralUnion maintains // the intellisense of the original union. // // It comes from this issue: microsoft/TypeScript#29729: // https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/29729#issuecomment-700527227 export type LiteralUnion<T extends U, U = string> = | T | (Pick<U, never> & { _?: never | undefined }); export type AST = any; export type Doc = doc.builders.Doc; // The type of elements that make up the given array T. type ArrayElement<T> = T extends Array<infer E> ? E : never; // A union of the properties of the given object that are arrays. type ArrayProperties<T> = { [K in keyof T]: NonNullable<T[K]> extends any[] ? K : never; }[keyof T]; // A union of the properties of the given array T that can be used to index it. // If the array is a tuple, then that's going to be the explicit indices of the // array, otherwise it's going to just be number. type IndexProperties<T extends { length: number }> = IsTuple<T> extends true ? Exclude<Partial<T>["length"], T["length"]> : number; // Effectively performing T[P], except that it's telling TypeScript that it's // safe to do this for tuples, arrays, or objects. type IndexValue<T, P> = T extends any[] ? P extends number ? T[P] : never : P extends keyof T ? T[P] : never; // Determines if an object T is an array like string[] (in which case this // evaluates to false) or a tuple like [string] (in which case this evaluates to // true). // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars type IsTuple<T> = T extends [] ? true : T extends [infer First, ...infer Remain] ? IsTuple<Remain> : false; type CallProperties<T> = T extends any[] ? IndexProperties<T> : keyof T; type IterProperties<T> = T extends any[] ? IndexProperties<T> : ArrayProperties<T>; type CallCallback<T, U> = (path: AstPath<T>, index: number, value: any) => U; type EachCallback<T> = ( path: AstPath<ArrayElement<T>>, index: number, value: any ) => void; type MapCallback<T, U> = ( path: AstPath<ArrayElement<T>>, index: number, value: any ) => U; // https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/next/src/common/ast-path.js export class AstPath<T = any> { constructor(value: T); get key(): string | null; get index(): number | null; get node(): T; get parent(): T | null; get grandparent(): T | null; get isInArray(): boolean; get siblings(): T[] | null; get next(): T | null; get previous(): T | null; get isFirst(): boolean; get isLast(): boolean; get isRoot(): boolean; get root(): T; get ancestors(): T[]; stack: T[]; callParent<U>(callback: (path: this) => U, count?: number): U; /** * @deprecated Please use `AstPath#key` or `AstPath#index` */ getName(): PropertyKey | null; /** * @deprecated Please use `AstPath#node` or `AstPath#siblings` */ getValue(): T; getNode(count?: number): T | null; getParentNode(count?: number): T | null; match( ...predicates: Array< (node: any, name: string | null, number: number | null) => boolean > ): boolean; // For each of the tree walk functions (call, each, and map) this provides 5 // strict type signatures, along with a fallback at the end if you end up // calling more than 5 properties deep. This helps a lot with typing because // for the majority of cases you're calling fewer than 5 properties, so the // tree walk functions have a clearer understanding of what you're doing. // // Note that resolving these types is somewhat complicated, and it wasn't // even supported until TypeScript 4.2 (before it would just say that the // type instantiation was excessively deep and possibly infinite). call<U>(callback: CallCallback<T, U>): U; call<U, P1 extends CallProperties<T>>( callback: CallCallback<IndexValue<T, P1>, U>, prop1: P1 ): U; call<U, P1 extends keyof T, P2 extends CallProperties<T[P1]>>( callback: CallCallback<IndexValue<IndexValue<T, P1>, P2>, U>, prop1: P1, prop2: P2 ): U; call< U, P1 extends keyof T, P2 extends CallProperties<T[P1]>, P3 extends CallProperties<IndexValue<T[P1], P2>> >( callback: CallCallback< IndexValue<IndexValue<IndexValue<T, P1>, P2>, P3>, U >, prop1: P1, prop2: P2, prop3: P3 ): U; call< U, P1 extends keyof T, P2 extends CallProperties<T[P1]>, P3 extends CallProperties<IndexValue<T[P1], P2>>, P4 extends CallProperties<IndexValue<IndexValue<T[P1], P2>, P3>> >( callback: CallCallback< IndexValue<IndexValue<IndexValue<IndexValue<T, P1>, P2>, P3>, P4>, U >, prop1: P1, prop2: P2, prop3: P3, prop4: P4 ): U; call<U, P extends PropertyKey>( callback: CallCallback<any, U>, prop1: P, prop2: P, prop3: P, prop4: P, ...props: P[] ): U; each(callback: EachCallback<T>): void; each<P1 extends IterProperties<T>>( callback: EachCallback<IndexValue<T, P1>>, prop1: P1 ): void; each<P1 extends keyof T, P2 extends IterProperties<T[P1]>>( callback: EachCallback<IndexValue<IndexValue<T, P1>, P2>>, prop1: P1, prop2: P2 ): void; each< P1 extends keyof T, P2 extends IterProperties<T[P1]>, P3 extends IterProperties<IndexValue<T[P1], P2>> >( callback: EachCallback<IndexValue<IndexValue<IndexValue<T, P1>, P2>, P3>>, prop1: P1, prop2: P2, prop3: P3 ): void; each< P1 extends keyof T, P2 extends IterProperties<T[P1]>, P3 extends IterProperties<IndexValue<T[P1], P2>>, P4 extends IterProperties<IndexValue<IndexValue<T[P1], P2>, P3>> >( callback: EachCallback< IndexValue<IndexValue<IndexValue<IndexValue<T, P1>, P2>, P3>, P4> >, prop1: P1, prop2: P2, prop3: P3, prop4: P4 ): void; each( callback: EachCallback<any[]>, prop1: PropertyKey, prop2: PropertyKey, prop3: PropertyKey, prop4: PropertyKey, ...props: PropertyKey[] ): void; map<U>(callback: MapCallback<T, U>): U[]; map<U, P1 extends IterProperties<T>>( callback: MapCallback<IndexValue<T, P1>, U>, prop1: P1 ): U[]; map<U, P1 extends keyof T, P2 extends IterProperties<T[P1]>>( callback: MapCallback<IndexValue<IndexValue<T, P1>, P2>, U>, prop1: P1, prop2: P2 ): U[]; map< U, P1 extends keyof T, P2 extends IterProperties<T[P1]>, P3 extends IterProperties<IndexValue<T[P1], P2>> >( callback: MapCallback<IndexValue<IndexValue<IndexValue<T, P1>, P2>, P3>, U>, prop1: P1, prop2: P2, prop3: P3 ): U[]; map< U, P1 extends keyof T, P2 extends IterProperties<T[P1]>, P3 extends IterProperties<IndexValue<T[P1], P2>>, P4 extends IterProperties<IndexValue<IndexValue<T[P1], P2>, P3>> >( callback: MapCallback< IndexValue<IndexValue<IndexValue<IndexValue<T, P1>, P2>, P3>, P4>, U >, prop1: P1, prop2: P2, prop3: P3, prop4: P4 ): U[]; map<U>( callback: MapCallback<any[], U>, prop1: PropertyKey, prop2: PropertyKey, prop3: PropertyKey, prop4: PropertyKey, ...props: PropertyKey[] ): U[]; } /** @deprecated `FastPath` was renamed to `AstPath` */ export type FastPath<T = any> = AstPath<T>; export type BuiltInParser = (text: string, options?: any) => AST; export type BuiltInParserName = | "acorn" | "angular" | "babel-flow" | "babel-ts" | "babel" | "css" | "espree" | "flow" | "glimmer" | "graphql" | "html" | "json-stringify" | "json" | "json5" | "less" | "lwc" | "markdown" | "mdx" | "meriyah" | "scss" | "typescript" | "vue" | "yaml"; export type BuiltInParsers = Record<BuiltInParserName, BuiltInParser>; export type CustomParser = ( text: string, options: Options ) => AST | Promise<AST>; /** * For use in `.prettierrc.js`, `.prettierrc.cjs`, `prettierrc.mjs`, `prettier.config.js`, `prettier.config.cjs`, `prettier.config.mjs` */ export interface Config extends Options { overrides?: Array<{ files: string | string[]; excludeFiles?: string | string[]; options?: Options; }>; } export interface Options extends Partial<RequiredOptions> {} export interface RequiredOptions extends doc.printer.Options { /** * Print semicolons at the ends of statements. * @default true */ semi: boolean; /** * Use single quotes instead of double quotes. * @default false */ singleQuote: boolean; /** * Use single quotes in JSX. * @default false */ jsxSingleQuote: boolean; /** * Print trailing commas wherever possible. * @default "all" */ trailingComma: "none" | "es5" | "all"; /** * Print spaces between brackets in object literals. * @default true */ bracketSpacing: boolean; /** * Put the `>` of a multi-line HTML (HTML, JSX, Vue, Angular) element at the end of the last line instead of being * alone on the next line (does not apply to self closing elements). * @default false */ bracketSameLine: boolean; /** * Put the `>` of a multi-line JSX element at the end of the last line instead of being alone on the next line. * @default false * @deprecated use bracketSameLine instead */ jsxBracketSameLine: boolean; /** * Format only a segment of a file. * @default 0 */ rangeStart: number; /** * Format only a segment of a file. * @default Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY */ rangeEnd: number; /** * Specify which parser to use. */ parser: LiteralUnion<BuiltInParserName> | CustomParser; /** * Specify the input filepath. This will be used to do parser inference. */ filepath: string; /** * Prettier can restrict itself to only format files that contain a special comment, called a pragma, at the top of the file. * This is very useful when gradually transitioning large, unformatted codebases to prettier. * @default false */ requirePragma: boolean; /** * Prettier can insert a special @format marker at the top of files specifying that * the file has been formatted with prettier. This works well when used in tandem with * the --require-pragma option. If there is already a docblock at the top of * the file then this option will add a newline to it with the @format marker. * @default false */ insertPragma: boolean; /** * By default, Prettier will wrap markdown text as-is since some services use a linebreak-sensitive renderer. * In some cases you may want to rely on editor/viewer soft wrapping instead, so this option allows you to opt out. * @default "preserve" */ proseWrap: "always" | "never" | "preserve"; /** * Include parentheses around a sole arrow function parameter. * @default "always" */ arrowParens: "avoid" | "always"; /** * Provide ability to support new languages to prettier. */ plugins: Array<string | Plugin>; /** * How to handle whitespaces in HTML. * @default "css" */ htmlWhitespaceSensitivity: "css" | "strict" | "ignore"; /** * Which end of line characters to apply. * @default "lf" */ endOfLine: "auto" | "lf" | "crlf" | "cr"; /** * Change when properties in objects are quoted. * @default "as-needed" */ quoteProps: "as-needed" | "consistent" | "preserve"; /** * Whether or not to indent the code inside <script> and <style> tags in Vue files. * @default false */ vueIndentScriptAndStyle: boolean; /** * Control whether Prettier formats quoted code embedded in the file. * @default "auto" */ embeddedLanguageFormatting: "auto" | "off"; /** * Enforce single attribute per line in HTML, Vue and JSX. * @default false */ singleAttributePerLine: boolean; } export interface ParserOptions<T = any> extends RequiredOptions { locStart: (node: T) => number; locEnd: (node: T) => number; originalText: string; } export interface Plugin<T = any> { languages?: SupportLanguage[] | undefined; parsers?: { [parserName: string]: Parser<T> } | undefined; printers?: { [astFormat: string]: Printer<T> } | undefined; options?: SupportOptions | undefined; defaultOptions?: Partial<RequiredOptions> | undefined; } export interface Parser<T = any> { parse: (text: string, options: ParserOptions<T>) => T | Promise<T>; astFormat: string; hasPragma?: ((text: string) => boolean) | undefined; locStart: (node: T) => number; locEnd: (node: T) => number; preprocess?: | ((text: string, options: ParserOptions<T>) => string) | undefined; } export interface Printer<T = any> { print( path: AstPath<T>, options: ParserOptions<T>, print: (path: AstPath<T>) => Doc, args?: unknown ): Doc; embed?: | (( path: AstPath, options: Options ) => | (( textToDoc: (text: string, options: Options) => Promise<Doc>, print: ( selector?: string | number | Array<string | number> | AstPath ) => Doc, path: AstPath, options: Options ) => Promise<Doc | undefined> | Doc | undefined) | Doc | null) | undefined; insertPragma?: (text: string) => string; /** * @returns `null` if you want to remove this node * @returns `void` if you want to use modified newNode * @returns anything if you want to replace the node with it */ massageAstNode?: ((node: any, newNode: any, parent: any) => any) | undefined; hasPrettierIgnore?: ((path: AstPath<T>) => boolean) | undefined; canAttachComment?: ((node: T) => boolean) | undefined; isBlockComment?: ((node: T) => boolean) | undefined; willPrintOwnComments?: ((path: AstPath<T>) => boolean) | undefined; printComment?: | ((commentPath: AstPath<T>, options: ParserOptions<T>) => Doc) | undefined; /** * By default, Prettier searches all object properties (except for a few predefined ones) of each node recursively. * This function can be provided to override that behavior. * @param node The node whose children should be returned. * @param options Current options. * @returns `[]` if the node has no children or `undefined` to fall back on the default behavior. */ getCommentChildNodes?: | ((node: T, options: ParserOptions<T>) => T[] | undefined) | undefined; handleComments?: | { ownLine?: | (( commentNode: any, text: string, options: ParserOptions<T>, ast: T, isLastComment: boolean ) => boolean) | undefined; endOfLine?: | (( commentNode: any, text: string, options: ParserOptions<T>, ast: T, isLastComment: boolean ) => boolean) | undefined; remaining?: | (( commentNode: any, text: string, options: ParserOptions<T>, ast: T, isLastComment: boolean ) => boolean) | undefined; } | undefined; } export interface CursorOptions extends Options { /** * Specify where the cursor is. */ cursorOffset: number; rangeStart?: never; rangeEnd?: never; } export interface CursorResult { formatted: string; cursorOffset: number; } /** * `format` is used to format text using Prettier. [Options](https://prettier.io/docs/en/options.html) may be provided to override the defaults. */ export function format(source: string, options?: Options): Promise<string>; /** * `check` checks to see if the file has been formatted with Prettier given those options and returns a `Boolean`. * This is similar to the `--list-different` parameter in the CLI and is useful for running Prettier in CI scenarios. */ export function check(source: string, options?: Options): Promise<boolean>; /** * `formatWithCursor` both formats the code, and translates a cursor position from unformatted code to formatted code. * This is useful for editor integrations, to prevent the cursor from moving when code is formatted. * * The `cursorOffset` option should be provided, to specify where the cursor is. This option cannot be used with `rangeStart` and `rangeEnd`. */ export function formatWithCursor( source: string, options: CursorOptions ): Promise<CursorResult>; export function formatAST(ast: any, options?: Options): Promise<string>; export interface ResolveConfigOptions { /** * If set to `false`, all caching will be bypassed. */ useCache?: boolean | undefined; /** * Pass directly the path of the config file if you don't wish to search for it. */ config?: string | undefined; /** * If set to `true` and an `.editorconfig` file is in your project, * Prettier will parse it and convert its properties to the corresponding prettier configuration. * This configuration will be overridden by `.prettierrc`, etc. Currently, * the following EditorConfig properties are supported: * - indent_style * - indent_size/tab_width * - max_line_length */ editorconfig?: boolean | undefined; } /** * `resolveConfig` can be used to resolve configuration for a given source file, * passing its path as the first argument. The config search will start at the * file path and continue to search up the directory. * (You can use `process.cwd()` to start searching from the current directory). * * A promise is returned which will resolve to: * * - An options object, providing a [config file](https://prettier.io/docs/en/configuration.html) was found. * - `null`, if no file was found. * * The promise will be rejected if there was an error parsing the configuration file. */ export function resolveConfig( filePath: string, options?: ResolveConfigOptions ): Promise<Options | null>; /** * `resolveConfigFile` can be used to find the path of the Prettier configuration file, * that will be used when resolving the config (i.e. when calling `resolveConfig`). * * A promise is returned which will resolve to: * * - The path of the configuration file. * - `null`, if no file was found. * * The promise will be rejected if there was an error parsing the configuration file. */ export function resolveConfigFile(filePath?: string): Promise<string | null>; /** * As you repeatedly call `resolveConfig`, the file system structure will be cached for performance. This function will clear the cache. * Generally this is only needed for editor integrations that know that the file system has changed since the last format took place. */ export function clearConfigCache(): Promise<void>; export interface SupportLanguage { name: string; since?: string | undefined; parsers: BuiltInParserName[] | string[]; group?: string | undefined; tmScope?: string | undefined; aceMode?: string | undefined; codemirrorMode?: string | undefined; codemirrorMimeType?: string | undefined; aliases?: string[] | undefined; extensions?: string[] | undefined; filenames?: string[] | undefined; linguistLanguageId?: number | undefined; vscodeLanguageIds?: string[] | undefined; interpreters?: string[] | undefined; } export interface SupportOptionRange { start: number; end: number; step: number; } export type SupportOptionType = | "int" | "string" | "boolean" | "choice" | "path"; export type CoreCategoryType = | "Config" | "Editor" | "Format" | "Other" | "Output" | "Global" | "Special"; export interface BaseSupportOption<Type extends SupportOptionType> { readonly name?: string | undefined; /** * Usually you can use {@link CoreCategoryType} */ category: string; /** * The type of the option. * * When passing a type other than the ones listed below, the option is * treated as taking any string as argument, and `--option <${type}>` will * be displayed in --help. */ type: Type; /** * Indicate that the option is deprecated. * * Use a string to add an extra message to --help for the option, * for example to suggest a replacement option. */ deprecated?: true | string | undefined; /** * Description to be displayed in --help. If omitted, the option won't be * shown at all in --help. */ description?: string | undefined; } export interface IntSupportOption extends BaseSupportOption<"int"> { default?: number | undefined; array?: false | undefined; range?: SupportOptionRange | undefined; } export interface IntArraySupportOption extends BaseSupportOption<"int"> { default?: Array<{ value: number[] }> | undefined; array: true; } export interface StringSupportOption extends BaseSupportOption<"string"> { default?: string | undefined; array?: false | undefined; } export interface StringArraySupportOption extends BaseSupportOption<"string"> { default?: Array<{ value: string[] }> | undefined; array: true; } export interface BooleanSupportOption extends BaseSupportOption<"boolean"> { default?: boolean | undefined; array?: false | undefined; description: string; oppositeDescription?: string | undefined; } export interface BooleanArraySupportOption extends BaseSupportOption<"boolean"> { default?: Array<{ value: boolean[] }> | undefined; array: true; } export interface ChoiceSupportOption<Value = any> extends BaseSupportOption<"choice"> { default?: Value | Array<{ value: Value }> | undefined; description: string; choices: Array<{ since?: string | undefined; value: Value; description: string; }>; } export interface PathSupportOption extends BaseSupportOption<"path"> { default?: string | undefined; array?: false | undefined; } export interface PathArraySupportOption extends BaseSupportOption<"path"> { default?: Array<{ value: string[] }> | undefined; array: true; } export type SupportOption = | IntSupportOption | IntArraySupportOption | StringSupportOption | StringArraySupportOption | BooleanSupportOption | BooleanArraySupportOption | ChoiceSupportOption | PathSupportOption | PathArraySupportOption; export interface SupportOptions extends Record<string, SupportOption> {} export interface SupportInfo { languages: SupportLanguage[]; options: SupportOption[]; } export interface FileInfoOptions { ignorePath?: string | string[] | undefined; withNodeModules?: boolean | undefined; plugins?: string[] | undefined; resolveConfig?: boolean | undefined; } export interface FileInfoResult { ignored: boolean; inferredParser: string | null; } export function getFileInfo( filePath: string, options?: FileInfoOptions ): Promise<FileInfoResult>; /** * Returns an object representing the parsers, languages and file types Prettier supports for the current version. */ export function getSupportInfo(): Promise<SupportInfo>; /** * `version` field in `package.json` */ export const version: string; // https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/next/src/utils/public.js export namespace util { interface SkipOptions { backwards?: boolean | undefined; } type Quote = "'" | '"'; function getMaxContinuousCount(text: string, searchString: string): number; function getStringWidth(text: string): number; function getAlignmentSize( text: string, tabWidth: number, startIndex?: number | undefined ): number; function getIndentSize(value: string, tabWidth: number): number; function skipNewline( text: string, startIndex: number | false, options?: SkipOptions | undefined ): number | false; function skipInlineComment( text: string, startIndex: number | false ): number | false; function skipTrailingComment( text: string, startIndex: number | false ): number | false; function skipTrailingComment( text: string, startIndex: number | false ): number | false; function hasNewline( text: string, startIndex: number, options?: SkipOptions | undefined ): boolean; function hasNewlineInRange( text: string, startIndex: number, endIndex: number ): boolean; function hasSpaces( text: string, startIndex: number, options?: SkipOptions | undefined ): boolean; function getNextNonSpaceNonCommentCharacter( text: string, startIndex: number ): string; function makeString( rawText: string, enclosingQuote: Quote, unescapeUnnecessaryEscapes?: boolean | undefined ): string; function skip( characters: string | RegExp ): ( text: string, startIndex: number | false, options?: SkipOptions ) => number | false; const skipWhitespace: ( text: string, startIndex: number | false, options?: SkipOptions ) => number | false; const skipSpaces: ( text: string, startIndex: number | false, options?: SkipOptions ) => number | false; const skipToLineEnd: ( text: string, startIndex: number | false, options?: SkipOptions ) => number | false; const skipEverythingButNewLine: ( text: string, startIndex: number | false, options?: SkipOptions ) => number | false; function addLeadingComment(node: any, comment: any): void; function addDanglingComment(node: any, comment: any, marker: any): void; function addTrailingComment(node: any, comment: any): void; }