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219 lines (192 sloc) 6.54 KB
import * as core from '@actions/core'
import * as Docker from 'dockerode'
import path from 'path'
import fs from 'fs'
import {Credential, JobDetails, APIClient} from './api-client'
import {Readable} from 'stream'
import {pack} from 'tar-stream'
const JOB_INPUT_FILENAME = 'job.json'
const JOB_INPUT_PATH = `/home/dependabot/dependabot-updater`
const JOB_OUTPUT_FILENAME = 'output.json'
const JOB_OUTPUT_PATH = '/home/dependabot/dependabot-updater/output'
const REPO_CONTENTS_PATH = '/home/dependabot/dependabot-updater/repo'
const decode = (str: string): string =>
Buffer.from(str, 'base64').toString('binary')
export class Updater {
private readonly docker: Docker,
private readonly apiClient: APIClient,
private readonly updaterImage = DEFAULT_UPDATER_IMAGE
) {}
/** Fetch the configured updater image, if it isn't already available. */
async pullImage(force = false): Promise<void> {
try {
const image = await this.docker.getImage(this.updaterImage).inspect()
if (!force) {`Resolved ${this.updaterImage} to existing ${image.Id}`)
} // else fallthrough to pull
} catch (e) {
if (!e.message.includes('no such image')) {
throw e
} // else fallthrough to pull
}`Pulling image ${this.updaterImage}...`)
const auth = {
username: process.env.GITHUB_PKG_USER,
password: process.env.GITHUB_PKG_TOKEN
const stream = await this.docker.pull(this.updaterImage, {authconfig: auth})
await this.endOfStream(stream)`Pulled image ${this.updaterImage}`)
private async endOfStream(stream: Readable): Promise<void> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.docker.modem.followProgress(stream, (err: Error) =>
err ? reject(err) : resolve(undefined)
* Execute an update job and report the result to Dependabot API.
async runUpdater(): Promise<void> {
try {
const details = await this.apiClient.getJobDetails()
const credentials = await this.apiClient.getCredentials()
// TODO: once the proxy is set up, remove credentials from the job details
details['credentials'] = credentials
const files = await this.runFileFetcher(details, credentials)
if (!files) {
core.error(`failed during fetch, skipping updater`)
// TODO: report job runner_error?
await this.runFileUpdater(details, files)
} catch (e) {
// TODO: report job runner_error?
core.error(`Error ${e}`)
private decodeBase64Content(file: DependencyFile): string {
const fileCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(file))
fileCopy.content = decode(fileCopy.content)
return fileCopy
private async runFileFetcher(
details: JobDetails,
credentials: Credential[]
): Promise<void | FetchedFiles> {
const container = await this.createContainer('fetch_files')
await this.storeContainerInput(container, {
job: details,
await this.runContainer(container)
const outputPath = path.join(__dirname, '../output/output.json')
if (!fs.existsSync(outputPath)) {
const fileFetcherSync = fs.readFileSync(outputPath).toString()
const fileFetcherOutput = JSON.parse(fileFetcherSync)
const fetchedFiles: FetchedFiles = {
base_commit_sha: fileFetcherOutput.base_commit_sha,
base64_dependency_files: fileFetcherOutput.base64_dependency_files,
(file: DependencyFile) => this.decodeBase64Content(file)
return fetchedFiles
private async runFileUpdater(
details: JobDetails,
files: FetchedFiles
): Promise<void> {`running update ${} ${files}`)
const container = await this.createContainer('update_files')
const containerInput: FileUpdaterInput = {
base_commit_sha: files.base_commit_sha,
base64_dependency_files: files.base64_dependency_files,
dependency_files: files.dependency_files,
job: details
await this.storeContainerInput(container, containerInput)
await this.runContainer(container)
private async createContainer(
updaterCommand: string
): Promise<Docker.Container> {
const container = await this.docker.createContainer({
Image: this.updaterImage,
AttachStdout: true,
AttachStderr: true,
Env: [
Cmd: ['bin/run', updaterCommand],
HostConfig: {
Binds: [
`${path.join(__dirname, '../output')}:${JOB_OUTPUT_PATH}:rw`,
`${path.join(__dirname, '../repo')}:${REPO_CONTENTS_PATH}:rw`
})`Created ${updaterCommand} container: ${}`)
return container
private async storeContainerInput(
container: Docker.Container,
input: FileFetcherInput | FileUpdaterInput
): Promise<void> {
const tar = pack()
tar.entry({name: JOB_INPUT_FILENAME}, JSON.stringify(input))
await container.putArchive(tar, {path: JOB_INPUT_PATH})
private async runContainer(container: Docker.Container): Promise<void> {
try {
await container.start()
const stream = await container.attach({
stream: true,
stdout: true,
stderr: true
container.modem.demuxStream(stream, process.stdout, process.stderr)
const network = this.docker.getNetwork('host')
network.connect({Container: container}, err =>
await container.wait()
} finally {
await container.remove()`Cleaned up container ${}`)
type FileFetcherInput = {
job: JobDetails
credentials: Credential[]
type FetchedFiles = {
base_commit_sha: string
dependency_files: any[]
base64_dependency_files: any[]
type DependencyFile = {
name: string
content: any
directory: string
type: string
support_file: boolean
content_encoding: string
deleted: boolean
operation: string
type FileUpdaterInput = FetchedFiles & {
job: JobDetails