version: '3.3' networks: default: driver: overlay ipam: driver: default config: - subnet: services: mailman-core: image: sphericalcowgroup/mailman-core:0.2.1 volumes: - /srv/docker/mailman/core:/opt/mailman/ environment: - MAILMAN_DATABASE_URL_FILE=/run/secrets/mailman_database_url - MAILMAN_DATABASE_TYPE=postgres - MAILMAN_DATABASE_CLASS=mailman.database.postgresql.PostgreSQLDatabase - HYPERKITTY_API_KEY_FILE=/run/secrets/hyperkitty_api_key - MAILMAN_REST_USER=restadmin - MAILMAN_REST_PASSWORD_FILE=/run/secrets/mailman_rest_password - SMTP_HOST=postfix - SMTP_PORT=25 stop_grace_period: 30s networks: - default secrets: - hyperkitty_api_key - mailman_database_url - mailman_rest_password deploy: endpoint_mode: dnsrr mailman-web: image: sphericalcowgroup/mailman-web:0.2.1 volumes: - /srv/docker/mailman/web:/opt/mailman-web-data - /srv/docker/mailman/ environment: - MAILMAN_DATABASE_URL_FILE=/run/secrets/mailman_database_url - MAILMAN_DATABASE_TYPE=postgres - HYPERKITTY_API_KEY_FILE=/run/secrets/hyperkitty_api_key - SERVE_FROM_DOMAIN= - MAILMAN_ADMIN_USER= - MAILMAN_ADMIN_EMAIL= - MAILMAN_WEB_SECRET_KEY_FILE=/run/secrets/mailman_web_secret_key - MAILMAN_REST_USER=restadmin - MAILMAN_REST_PASSWORD_FILE=/run/secrets/mailman_rest_password - SMTP_HOST=postfix - SMTP_PORT=25 networks: - default secrets: - hyperkitty_api_key - mailman_database_url - mailman_rest_password - mailman_web_secret_key deploy: endpoint_mode: dnsrr database: image: postgres:9.6 volumes: - /srv/docker/mailman/database:/var/lib/postgresql/data environment: - POSTGRES_DB=mailmandb - POSTGRES_USER=mailman - POSTGRES_PASSWORD_FILE=/run/secrets/postgres_password networks: - default secrets: - postgres_password deploy: endpoint_mode: dnsrr postfix: image: sphericalcowgroup/mailman-postfix:2 volumes: - /srv/docker/mailman:/opt/mailman environment: - POSTFIX_MYHOSTNAME= - POSTFIX_MYNETWORKS=! ports: - target: 25 published: 25 # 'host' mode is necessary for Postfix to receive the connection IP address # instead of the ingress network IP address. This is only a useful workaround # when not truly leveraging the load balancing capabilities of swarm mode. # Normally with more than a single mode swarm the upstream load balancer in # front of the swarm would be used for the definitive access log. # See discussion at . mode: host networks: - default deploy: endpoint_mode: dnsrr apache: image: sphericalcowgroup/mailman-core-apache-shib:1 volumes: - /srv/docker/mailman/web:/opt/mailman-web-data - /srv/docker/mailman/shib/etc/shibboleth2.xml:/etc/shibboleth/shibboleth2.xml - /srv/docker/mailman/shib/etc/attribute-map.xml:/etc/shibboleth/attribute-map.xml environment: - HTTPS_CERT_FILE=/run/secrets/https_cert_file - HTTPS_KEY_FILE=/run/secrets/https_key_file - MAILMAN_ADMIN_EMAIL= - SHIBBOLETH_SP_ENCRYPT_CERT=/run/secrets/shibboleth_sp_encrypt_cert - SHIBBOLETH_SP_ENCRYPT_PRIVKEY=/run/secrets/shibboleth_sp_encrypt_privkey - VIRTUAL_HOST_FQDN= secrets: - https_cert_file - https_key_file - shibboleth_sp_encrypt_cert - shibboleth_sp_encrypt_privkey networks: - default ports: - target: 443 published: 443 protocol: tcp # 'host' mode is necessary for nginx to receive the browser IP address # instead of the ingress network IP address. This is only a useful workaround # when not truly leveraging the load balancing capabilities of swarm mode. # Normally with more than a single mode swarm the upstream load balancer in # front of the swarm would be used for the definitive access log. # See discussion at . mode: host - target: 80 published: 80 protocol: tcp mode: host deploy: replicas: 1 endpoint_mode: dnsrr secrets: https_cert_file: external: true https_key_file: external: true hyperkitty_api_key: external: true mailman_database_url: external: true mailman_rest_password: external: true mailman_web_secret_key: external: true postgres_password: external: true shibboleth_sp_encrypt_cert: external: true shibboleth_sp_encrypt_privkey: external: true