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* COmanage Matchgrid Records Controller
* Portions licensed to the University Corporation for Advanced Internet
* Development, Inc. ("UCAID") under one or more contributor license agreements.
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.
* UCAID licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @link COmanage Project
* @package match
* @since COmanage Match v1.0.0
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0 (
declare(strict_types = 1);
namespace App\Controller;
use Cake\Log\Log;
use Cake\Utility\Hash;
use Cake\Event\EventInterface;
use \App\Lib\Enum\ConfidenceModeEnum;
use \App\Lib\Enum\MatchgridActionEnum;
use \App\Lib\Match\AttributeManager;
use \App\Lib\Match\MatchService;
class MatchgridRecordsController extends StandardController {
public $pagination = [
'order' => [
'sor' => 'asc',
'sorid' => 'asc',
* Initialization callback.
* @since COmanage Match v1.0.0
public function initialize(): void {
// In order to configure MatchgridRecords with the correct table name, we
// need to know the requested Matchgrid ID. However, AppController doesn't
// set that until beforeFilter(), at which point it is too late to configure
// the table. We also can't manually call setMatchgrid() (or really anything)
// since that will trigger the instantiation of the model.
$Matchgrids = $this->getTableLocator()->get('Matchgrids');
// Note we allow matchgrid_id to be asserted by *all* actions, since the
// record ID is specific to the matchgrid.
$obj = $Matchgrids->findById($this->request->getQuery('matchgrid_id'))->firstOrFail();
if(!$obj) {
throw new \RuntimeException(__(''));
// Set the table name and Matchgrid ID for MatchgridRecordsTable
$this->getTableLocator()->setConfig('MatchgridRecords', [
'table' => $obj->prefixed_table_name,
'matchgrid_id' => $this->request->getQuery('matchgrid_id')
* Handle an add action for a Matchgrid Record object.
* @since COmanage Match v1.0.0
public function add() {
if($this->request->is('post')) {
// We don't want StandardController behavior here...
try {
// Pull out the core attributes
$reqData = $this->request->getData();
$sor = $reqData['sor'];
$sorid = $reqData['sorid'];
$referenceid = $reqData['referenceid'];
if(empty($sor) || empty($sorid)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(__(''));
$MatchService = new \App\Lib\Match\MatchService();
// Before we perform the request, see if we already have an entry for this SORID
$requestId = $MatchService->getRequestIdForSorId($sor, $sorid);
if($requestId) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(__('', [$requestId]));
// Instantiate the AttributeManager
$AttributeManager = new \App\Lib\Match\AttributeManager();
$MatchgridHistory = $this->getTableLocator()->get('MatchgridHistoryRecords');
// performMatch will issue a redirect on success
$this->performMatch($MatchService, $sor, $sorid, $AttributeManager);
catch(\Exception $e) {
// We could coerce validation errors into a newEntity, but we probably don't have them
// $this->set('vv_obj', $this->MatchgridRecords->newEntity($this->request->getData()));
// Create an empty entity for FormHelper
$this->set('vv_obj', $this->MatchgridRecords->newEmptyEntity());
// We can't call parent::add, since it will try to reprocess the save, so we have
// to manually make some calls.
// PrimaryLinkTrait
// AutoViewVarsTrait
// Default title is add new object
$this->set('vv_title', __('match.op.add.a', __('match.ct.MatchgridRecords', [1])));
// Let the view render
} else {
* Callback run prior to the view rendering.
* @since COmanage Match v1.0.0
* @param \Cake\Event\EventInterface $event Cake Event
public function beforeRender(EventInterface $event) {
// Pull the Matchgrid configuration in order to pass the attribute configuration.
// We can almost, but not quite, use autoViewVars for this, since we need the
// attribute grouping to create the full api name.
$Matchgrids = $this->getTableLocator()->get('Matchgrids');
try {
$mg = $Matchgrids->getMatchgridConfig($this->cur_mg->id);
$this->set('attributes', Hash::sort($mg->attributes, '{n}.name', 'asc'));
catch(RecordNotFoundException $e) {
$this->Flash->error(__("", [__("match.ct.matchgrids", [1]), $this->cur_mg->id]));
* Handle an add action for a Matchgrid Record object.
* @since COmanage Match v1.0.0
* @param Integer $id Object ID
public function edit($id) {
if($this->request->is(['post', 'put'])) {
// We don't want StandardController behavior here...
// There is quite a bit of overlap with add(), we could probably merge
// them together with a bit of refactoring.
try {
// Pull out the core attributes from the request
$reqData = $this->request->getData();
// Pull the current record
$query = $this->MatchgridRecords->findById($id);
$obj = $query->firstOrFail();
$sor = $reqData['sor'];
$sorid = $reqData['sorid'];
if(empty($sor) || empty($sorid)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(__(''));
if($sorid != $obj->sorid) {
// As a sanity check, we don't permit the SORID to be changed, since
// MatchService does not behave consistently at the moment. (Upsert
// can't tell the row changed since we don't pass it the row ID, so it
// may create a duplicate row.) This should ultimately get fixed as
// part of CO-2138.
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(__(''));
$MatchService = new MatchService();
// Unlike add (which verifies no entries for sor+sorid), we don't sanity
// check on edit. Basically, we assume the Matchgrid Admin knows what
// they're doing.
// Instantiate the AttributeManager
$AttributeManager = new AttributeManager();
$MatchgridHistory = $this->getTableLocator()->get('MatchgridHistoryRecords');
// We behave differently depending on Reference ID state
// Note $reqData is an array while $obj is an object
if(!empty($reqData['referenceid']) && !empty($obj->referenceid)) {
if($reqData['referenceid'] == $obj->referenceid) {
// Update Match Attributes request
Log::write('debug', $sor . "/". $sorid . " Updating existing SOR attributes for Row ID " . $id);
$MatchService->updateSorAttributes((int)$id, $AttributeManager);
} else {
// Join/Split, possibly with updated attributes
if(strtolower($reqData['referenceid']) != "new") {
// The requested Reference ID must be an already existing ID or the
// word "new" (to assign a new one). We do not allow manually
// assigning Reference IDs, as it may interfere with the Reference ID
// assignment algorithm (eg: cause a sequence to be out of sync).
$results = $MatchService->getRequestsForReferenceId($reqData['referenceid']);
if($results->count() == 0) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(__(''));
Log::write('debug', $sor . "/". $sorid . " Updating Reference ID and attributes for Row ID " . $id);
__('match.en.MatchgridActionEnum.RIRU', $obj->referenceid),
$MatchService->attachReferenceId($sor, $sorid, $AttributeManager, $reqData['referenceid']);
} elseif(!empty($reqData['referenceid']) && empty($obj->referenceid)) {
// Forced Reconciliation Request
if(strtolower($reqData['referenceid']) != "new") {
// Same requirements as Join/Split, above
$results = $MatchService->getRequestsForReferenceId($reqData['referenceid']);
if($results->count() == 0) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(__(''));
Log::write('debug', $sor . "/". $sorid . " Processing forced reconciliation request for Reference ID " . $reqData['referenceid']);
$MatchService->attachReferenceId($sor, $sorid, $AttributeManager, $reqData['referenceid']);
} elseif(empty($reqData['referenceid']) && !empty($obj->referenceid)) {
// By removing an existing Reference ID, the admin is effectively asking
// to re-reconcile the row
Log::write('debug', $sor . "/". $sorid . " Removing Reference ID and re-executing match rules for Row ID " . $id);
// We have to clear out the existing reference ID, or we will simply
// rematch to the same record
$MatchService->removeReferenceId($sor, $sorid);
__('match.en.MatchgridActionEnum.REDU', $obj->referenceid),
$this->performMatch($MatchService, $sor, $sorid, $AttributeManager);
} elseif(empty($reqData['referenceid']) && empty($obj->referenceid)) {
// Treat like add(), but possibly updating an existing Match request
Log::write('debug', $sor . "/". $sorid . " Re-executing match rules for Row ID " . $id);
__('match.en.MatchgridActionEnum.REDU', "none"),
$this->performMatch($MatchService, $sor, $sorid, $AttributeManager);
// Force a page reload to refresh the object
// (Redirect would normally be issued by performMatch)
return $this->redirect([
'action' => 'edit',
'?' => ['matchgrid_id' => $this->cur_mg->id]
catch(\Exception $e) {
// We could coerce validation errors into a newEntity, but we probably don't have them
// $this->set('vv_obj', $this->MatchgridRecords->newEntity($this->request->getData()));
$this->set('vv_obj', $obj);
// We can't call parent::edit, since it will try to reprocess the save, so we have
// to manually make some calls. Similar code in add(), above.
// PrimaryLinkTrait
// AutoViewVarsTrait
$field = $this->MatchgridRecords->getDisplayField();
if(!empty($obj->$field)) {
$this->set('vv_title', __('match.op.edit.a', $obj->$field));
} else {
$this->set('vv_title', __('match.op.edit.a', __('match.ct.MatchgridRecords', [1])));
// Let the view render
} else {
* Authorization for this Controller, called by Auth component
* - postcondition: $vv_permissions set with calculated permissions for this Controller
* @since COmanage Match v1.0.0
* @param Array $user Array of user data
* @return Boolean True if authorized for the current action, false otherwise
public function isAuthorized(Array $user) {
$mgid = isset($this->cur_mg->id) ? $this->cur_mg->id : null;
$platformAdmin = $this->Authorization->isPlatformAdmin($user['username']);
$mgAdmin = $this->Authorization->isMatchAdmin($user['username'], $mgid);
$p = [
'add' => $platformAdmin || $mgAdmin,
'delete' => $platformAdmin || $mgAdmin,
'edit' => $platformAdmin || $mgAdmin, // Should reconciliation managers be allowed to add/edit/delete a record?
'index' => $platformAdmin || $mgAdmin,
'view' => $platformAdmin || $mgAdmin // Also reconciliation manager || support
$this->set('vv_permissions', $p);
return $p[$this->request->getParam('action')];
* Perform a Match operation based on the provided attributes.
* @since COmanage Match v1.0.0
* @param MatchService $MatchService MatchService object
* @param string $sor SOR label
* @param string $sorid SOR ID
* @param AttributeManager $AttributeManager AttributeManager object
* @return Cake Redirect
protected function performMatch(MatchService $MatchService, string $sor, string $sorid, AttributeManager $AttributeManager) {
$results = $MatchService->searchReferenceId($sor, $sorid, $AttributeManager);
// Did any rules run successfully? If not (eg: no attributes provided in the
// request, no rules defined) then throw an error.
if(empty($results->getSuccessfulRules())) {
throw new \RuntimeException(__(''));
if($results->count() == 0) {
// No match
$refId = $MatchService->assignReferenceId($sor, $sorid, $AttributeManager);
$this->Flash->success(__('', [$refId]));
} elseif($results->getConfidenceMode() == ConfidenceModeEnum::Canonical) {
// Exact match
$refIds = $results->getReferenceIds();
if(!empty($refIds[0])) {
$MatchService->attachReferenceId($sor, $sorid, $AttributeManager, (string)$refIds[0]);
$this->Flash->success(__('', [(string)$refIds[0]]));
} else {
// Fuzzy match, we insert the record but do NOT send notification
$matchRequest = $MatchService->insertPending($sor, $sorid, $AttributeManager);
$this->Flash->information(__('', [$matchRequest]));
// Redirect to the reconcilation page
return $this->redirect([
'controller' => 'matchgrids',
'action' => 'reconcile',
'?' => ['rowid' => $matchRequest]
$id = $MatchService->getRequestIdForSorId($sor, $sorid);
return $this->redirect([
'action' => 'edit',
'?' => ['matchgrid_id' => $this->cur_mg->id]