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* COmanage Registry Standard Index Template
* Portions licensed to the University Corporation for Advanced Internet
* Development, Inc. ("UCAID") under one or more contributor license agreements.
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.
* UCAID licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @link COmanage Project
* @package registry
* @since COmanage Registry v5.0.0
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0 (
* XXX Replace this file with the version from COMMON once pagination is fixed
* - need to pull pagination since COs now has 21 entries (registrytest)
declare(strict_types = 1);
//use \App\Lib\Enum\StatusEnum;
use \Cake\Utility\Inflector;
// $this->name = Models
$modelsName = $this->name;
// $tablename = models
// XXX backport to match?
$tableName = Inflector::tableize(Inflector::singularize($this->name));
$tableFK = Inflector::singularize($tableName) . "_id";
// Do we have records for this index? This will be set to true during render of the
// first table data row if we do. Otherwise, we'll print out a "no records" message.
$recordsExist = false;
// Our default link actions, in order of preference, unless the column config overrides it
$linkActions = ['edit', 'view'];
// Read the index configuration ($indexColumns) and the associated actions for this model
include(ROOT . DS . "templates" . DS . $modelsName . DS . "");
if(file_exists(ROOT . DS . "templates" . DS . $modelsName . DS . "")) {
include(ROOT . DS . "templates" . DS . $modelsName . DS . "");
// $linkFilter is used for models that belong to a specific parent model (eg: co_id)
$linkFilter = [];
if(!empty($vv_primary_link) && !empty($this->request->getQuery($vv_primary_link))) {
$linkFilter = [$vv_primary_link => $this->request->getQuery($vv_primary_link)];
function _column_key($modelsName, $c, $tz=null) {
if(strpos($c, "_id", strlen($c)-3)) {
// Key is of the form field_id, use .ct label instead
$k = Inflector::camelize(Inflector::pluralize(substr($c, 0, strlen($c)-3)));
return __d('controller', $k, [1]);
// Look for a model specific key first
$label = __d('field', $modelsName.'.'.$c);
if($label != $modelsName.'.'.$c) {
return $label;
if($tz) {
// If there is a timezone aware label, use that
$label = __d('field', $c.'.tz', [$tz]);
if($label != $c.'.tz') {
return $label;
// Otherwise look for the general key
return __d('field', $c);
<div class="titleNavContainer">
<div class="pageTitle">
<h1><?= $vv_title; ?></h1>
// Action list for top menu dropdown / button listing
// Index view top link action item can be atomized using the user's identifier
// since there will not always be an object id available. Like the case of add action
if($vv_permissions['add']) {
$action_args = array();
$action_args['vv_attr_id'] = $vv_user['username'];
$action_args['vv_actions'][] = [
'order' => $this->Menu->getMenuOrder('Add'),
'icon' => $this->Menu->getMenuIcon('Add'),
'url' => $this->Url->build(
'controller' => $modelsName,
'action' => 'add',
'?' => $linkFilter
'label' => __d('operation', 'add.a', __d('controller', $modelsName, [1])),
foreach(($indexTopLinks ?? []) as $t) {
if($vv_permissions[ $t['link']['action'] ]) {
// We need to inject $linkFilter, but not overwrite any existing query params
if(!empty($t['link']['?'])) {
$t['link']['?'] = array_merge($t['link']['?'], $linkFilter);
} else {
$t['link']['?'] = $linkFilter;
$action_args['vv_actions'][] = [
'order' => $this->Menu->getMenuOrder($t['order']),
'icon' => $this->Menu->getMenuIcon($t['icon']),
'url' => $this->Url->build($t['link']),
'label' => $t['label'],
// Declare the type of actions being sent so we can produce the bulk actions switch only for top-links.
// XXX Bulk actions are currently being provided if a user has "add" permissions. Review this.
$action_args['vv_actions_type'] = 'top-links';
if(!empty($bulkActions)) {
$action_args['vv_bulk_actions'] = $bulkActions;
<?php if(!empty($action_args['vv_actions'])): ?>
<div class="field-actions top-links">
<?= $this->element('menuAction', $action_args); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<!-- Flash Messages and defined Info Banners -->
<div class="alert-container" id="flash-messages">
<?= $this->Flash->render() ?>
<?php if(!empty($indexBanners)): ?>
<?php foreach($indexBanners as $b): ?>
<?= $this->Alert->alert($b, 'warning') ?>
<?php endforeach; // $indexBanners ?>
<?php endif; // $indexBanners ?>
<?php if(!empty($banners)): ?>
<?php foreach($banners as $b): ?>
<?= $this->Alert->alert($b, 'warning') ?>
<?php endforeach; // $banners ?>
<?php endif; // $banners ?>
<!-- Search block -->
<?php if(isset($vv_searchable_attributes)): ?>
<?= $this->element('filter'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<!-- Index table -->
<div class="table-container">
$indexTableClasses = 'index-table list-mode';
if (!empty($actions)) {
$indexTableClasses .= ' with-actions';
<table id="<?= $tableName . '-table'; ?>" class="<?= $indexTableClasses; ?>">
<?php if(!empty($actions)): ?>
<th class="actions"></th>
<?php endif; ?>
// The first heading will get the bulk select all checkbox.
$firstHeading = true;
<?php foreach($indexColumns as $col => $cfg): ?>
<th<?= !empty($cfg['cssClass']) ? ' class="' . $cfg['cssClass'] . '"' : ''; ?>>
if($firstHeading) {
print '<span class="row-link-heading">';
$label = !empty($cfg['label']) ? $cfg['label'] : _column_key($modelsName, $col, $vv_tz);
if(isset($cfg['sortable']) && $cfg['sortable']) {
if(is_string($cfg['sortable'])) {
print $this->Paginator->sort($cfg['sortable'], $label);
} else {
print $this->Paginator->sort($col, $label);
} else {
print $label;
if($firstHeading) {
print '</span>';
<?php if($firstHeading): ?>
<div class="form-check bulk-action-checkbox-container">
<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" value="" id="bulk-action-select-all">
<label class="form-check-label" for="bulk-action-select-all">
<?= $label; ?>
// The first heading has been used.
$firstHeading = false;
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php foreach($$tableName as $entity): ?>
<?php if(!empty($actions)): ?>
// Action list for command menu dropdown / button listing
$action_args = array();
$action_args['vv_attr_id'] = $entity->id;
// Insert actions as per the .inc file
// TODO: create an element or move this to MenuHelper so it can be used by topLinks as well as actions
$actionOrderDefault = $this->Menu->getMenuOrder('Default');
foreach($actions as $a) {
$ok = false;
if(!empty($a['controller'])) {
$tableName = Inflector::camelize($a['controller']);
if(isset($vv_permission_set[$entity->id][$tableName][ $a['action'] ])) {
$ok = $vv_permission_set[$entity->id][$tableName][ $a['action'] ];
} else {
$ok = $vv_permission_set[$entity->id][ $a['action'] ];
if($ok && !empty($a['if'])) {
// If there's a conditional on the field, test the entity
$f = $a['if'];
$ok = $entity->$f();
if($ok) {
$actionOrder = !empty($a['order']) ? $a['order'] : $actionOrderDefault++;
$actionIcon = !empty($a['icon']) ? $a['icon'] : $this->Menu->getMenuIcon('Default');
$actionIconClass = !empty($a['iconClass']) ? $a['iconClass'] : '';
$actionClass = !empty($a['class']) ? $a['class'] : '';
$actionUrl = '';
$actionLabel = '';
$actionOnClick = []; // used for confirmation dialog
// Generate the link text and urls:
// If we have a .confirm text, we need to generate a confirm dialog box
$confirmKey = $a['action'].'.confirm';
$confirmTxt = __d('operation', $confirmKey);
if($confirmTxt != $confirmKey) {
// We found the localized string
$actionPostBtnArray = ['action' => $a['action'], $entity->id];
$actionUrl = $this->Url->build(['action' => $a['action'], $entity->id]);
// XXX should be configurable which field we put in, maybe displayField?
$action_args['vv_actions'][] = array(
'order' => $actionOrder,
'icon' => $actionIcon,
'url' => 'javascript:void(0);',
'label' => __d('operation', $a['action']),
'class' => !empty($actionClass) ? $actionClass . ' nospin' : 'nospin',
'onclick' => array(
'dg_bd_txt' => __d('operation', $confirmKey, [$entity->id]), // dialog body text
'dg_post_btn_array' => $actionPostBtnArray, // postButton array for building the postButton
'dg_url' => $actionUrl, // action url for building a unique ID
'dg_conf_btn' => __d('operation', 'confirm'), // dialog confirm button text
'dg_cancel_btn' => __d('operation', 'cancel'), // dialog cancel button text
'dg_title' => __d('operation', 'confirm'), // dialog box title
'dg_bd_txt_repl_str' => '' // dialog body text replacement strings
} elseif(!empty($a['controller'])) {
// We're linking into a related controller
$actionLabel = __d('controller', Inflector::camelize(Inflector::pluralize($a['controller'])), [99]);
$actionUrl = $this->Url->build(
['controller' => $a['controller'],
'action' => $a['action'],
'?' => [ $tableFK => $entity->id] ]
} else {
$actionLabel = __d('operation', $a['action']);
$actionUrl = $this->Url->build(['action' => $a['action'], $entity->id]);
// If a specific label is sent in the config, use it instead
if(!empty($a['label'])) {
$actionLabel = $a['label'];
// Set the action link configuration
$action_args['vv_actions'][] = array(
'order' => $actionOrder,
'icon' => $actionIcon,
'iconClass' => $actionIconClass,
'url' => $actionUrl,
'label' => $actionLabel,
'class' => $actionClass,
'onclick' => $actionOnClick
<td class="actions">
<div class="field-actions">
<?php if(!empty($action_args['vv_actions'])): ?>
<?= $this->element('menuAction', $action_args); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
// We will set $isFirstLink to false after the first link is set. This is used to
// establish the row-link class (and thus click action) for the row. There can be only one.
// This is also used to determine which label will be assigned to the bulk action checkbox.
$isFirstLink = true;
<?php foreach($indexColumns as $col => $cfg): ?>
<td<?= !empty($cfg['cssClass']) ? ' class="' . $cfg['cssClass'] . '"' : ''; ?>>
$suffix = "";
if(!empty($cfg['append'])) {
// The value is a method on the entity that returns a string to
// append to the label
$f = $cfg['append'];
$str = $entity->$f();
if(!empty($str)) {
// For our first pass, we insert a comma, but this might not generalize
$suffix = ", " . $str;
switch($cfg['type']) {
case 'boolean':
if(!empty($entity->$col) && $entity->$col) {
print __d('enumeration', $cfg['class'].'.1') . $suffix;
} else {
print __d('enumeration', $cfg['class'].'.0') . $suffix;
case 'datetime':
// XXX dates can be rendered as eg $entity->created->format(DATE_RFC850);
print !empty($entity->$col) ? $this->Time->nice($entity->$col, $vv_tz) . $suffix : "";
case 'enum':
if($entity->$col) {
// XXX Need to add badging - see index.php in Match
print __d('enumeration', $cfg['class'].'.'.$entity->$col) . $suffix;
case 'fk':
// Assuming $col is of the form foo_id, look to see if the corresponding
// AutoViewVar $foos is set, and if so render the lookup value instead
$f = null;
if(preg_match('/^(.*?)_id$/', $col, $f)) {
$avv = Inflector::variable(Inflector::pluralize($f[1]));
if(!empty(${$avv}[$entity->$col])) {
// We found the viewvar (eg: $foos), and it has a corresponding value
// (eg: $foos[3]), so render it
print ${$avv}[$entity->$col]. $suffix; // XXX filter_var?
} else {
// No match, just render the value
print $entity->$col. $suffix;
} else {
// Just print the value
print $entity->$col. $suffix;
case 'button':
if(!empty($entity->$col)) {
$buttonAttrs = [];
$buttonText = $entity->$col;
if(!empty($cfg['button']['attrs'])) {
$buttonAttrs = $cfg['button']['attrs'];
$buttonAttrs['type'] = 'button';
if(!empty($cfg['button']['text']) && $cfg['button']['text'] != 'fieldVal') {
$buttonText = $cfg['button']['text'];
if(!empty($cfg['truncate']) && is_int($cfg['truncate'])) {
// We check for $truncate + 1 because there's no point trimming
// the last character if we're just going to replace it with ...
$buttonText = (strlen($buttonText) > $cfg['truncate'] + 1) ? substr($buttonText,0,$cfg['truncate']).'...' : $buttonText;
if(!empty($cfg['button']['popover'])) {
if($cfg['button']['popover'] == 'fieldVal') {
$buttonAttrs['data-bs-content'] = $entity->$col;
} else {
$buttonAttrs['data-bs-content'] = $cfg['button']['popover'];
$label = !empty($cfg['label']) ? $cfg['label'] : _column_key($modelsName, $col, $vv_tz);
$buttonAttrs['title'] = $label;
$buttonAttrs['data-bs-toggle'] = 'popover';
$buttonAttrs['data-bs-container'] = 'body';
$buttonAttrs['data-bs-placement'] = 'top';
$buttonAttrs['data-bs-animation'] = 'false';
print $this->Form->button($buttonText, $buttonAttrs);
case 'closure':
$fn = $cfg['function'];
print $fn($entity);
case 'datetime':
// XXX dates can be rendered as eg $entity->created->format(DATE_RFC850);
if(!empty($entity->$col)) {
print $this->Time->nice($entity->$col, $vv_tz) . $suffix;
case 'enum':
if($entity->$col) {
// XXX Need to add badging - see index.php in Match
print __d('enumeration', $cfg['class'].'.'.$entity->$col) . $suffix;
case 'fk':
// Assuming $col is of the form foo_id, look to see if the corresponding
// AutoViewVar $foos is set, and if so render the lookup value instead
$f = null;
if(preg_match('/^(.*?)_id$/', $col, $f)) {
$avv = Inflector::variable(Inflector::pluralize($f[1]));
if(!empty(${$avv}[$entity->$col])) {
// We found the viewvar (eg: $foos), and it has a corresponding value
// (eg: $foos[3]), so render it
print ${$avv}[$entity->$col]. $suffix; // XXX filter_var?
} else {
// No match, just render the value
print $entity->$col. $suffix;
} else {
// Just print the value
print $entity->$col. $suffix;
case 'link':
case 'relatedLink':
case 'echo':
// By default our label is the column value, but it might be overridden
$label = $entity->$col . $suffix;
if(!empty($cfg['model']) && !empty($cfg['field'])) {
$m = $cfg['model'];
$f = $cfg['field'];
if(!empty($cfg['submodel'])) {
// We have a related model, eg actor_person.primary_name
$sm = $cfg['submodel'];
if(!empty($entity->$m->$sm->$f)) {
$label = $entity->$m->$sm->$f . $suffix;
} else {
if(!empty($entity->$m->$f)) {
$label = $entity->$m->$f . $suffix;
$linked = false;
// Output the bulk-action checkbox and label
if($isFirstLink) {
print '<div class="form-check bulk-action-checkbox-container">';
print '<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" value="" id="bulk-action-id-' . $entity->id . '" data-entity-id="' . $entity->id . '">';
print '<label class="form-check-label" for="bulk-action-id-' . $entity->id . '">';
print $label;
print '</label>';
print '</div>';
// $linkActions can be overridden in to apply to all
// generated links, or $cfg['action'] can be set to apply only to
// a specific field (column).
$tryActions = (!empty($cfg['action']) ? [ $cfg['action'] ] : $linkActions);
if($cfg['type'] == 'link') {
foreach($tryActions as $a) {
// Does this user have permission for this action?
if($vv_permission_set[$entity->id][$a]) {
$args = [];
$readOnlyIcon = '';
if($isFirstLink) {
$linkClass = 'row-link';
if($a == 'edit') {
$linkClass .= ' row-link-edit';
} elseif ($a == 'view') {
$linkClass .= ' row-link-view';
$readOnlyIcon = ' <em class="material-icons-outlined read-only-icon">edit_off</em>';
$args = ['class' => $linkClass];
$isFirstLink = false;
// Output the overview Link
print '<div class="overview-link-container">';
$overview_args = [
'class' => 'row-link-overview',
'escape' => false,
$overviewLabel = '<em class="material-icons-outlined overview-icon">preview</em>';
print $this->Html->link($overviewLabel, ['action' => $a, $entity->id], $overview_args);
print '</div>';
// Output the link
if(!empty($readOnlyIcon)) {
print '<div class="read-only-link-container">';
print $this->Html->link($label, ['action' => $a, $entity->id], $args);
if(!empty($readOnlyIcon)) {
print $readOnlyIcon;
print '</div>';
$linked = true;
break 2;
} elseif($cfg['type'] == 'relatedLink') {
$m = $cfg['model'];
if(!empty($entity->$m->id)) {
// We need the controller for the related entity, however $m
// might be an alias and $entity->getSource() returns the
// aliased class name. So we use PHP's get_class instead.
$c = Inflector::tableize(substr(get_class($entity->$m), strrpos(get_class($entity->$m), '\\')+1));
foreach($tryActions as $a) {
// Does this user have permission for this action?
// XXX we actually need to know the permissions on the target (ie: actor person)
if(true ||
$vv_permission_set[$entity->id][$a]) {
$args = [];
$readOnlyIcon = '';
if($isFirstLink) {
$linkClass = 'row-link';
if($a == 'edit') {
$linkClass .= ' row-link-edit';
} elseif ($a == 'view') {
$linkClass .= ' row-link-view';
$readOnlyIcon = ' <em class="material-icons-outlined read-only-icon">edit_off</em>';
$args = ['class' => $linkClass];
$isFirstLink = false;
// Output the link
if(!empty($readOnlyIcon)) {
print '<div class="read-only-link-container">';
print $this->Html->link($label, ['controller' => $c, 'action' => $a, $entity->$m->id], $args);
if(!empty($readOnlyIcon)) {
print $readOnlyIcon;
print '</div>';
$linked = true;
break 2;
if(!$linked) {
// Just echo the value
print $label;
<?php endforeach; // $indexColumns ?>
<?php $recordsExist = true; ?>
<?php endforeach; // $$tablename ?>
<?php if(!$recordsExist): ?>
<tr><td colspan="<?= count($indexColumns); ?>"><?= __d('information','global.records.none') ?></td></tr>
<?php endif; ?>
<?= $this->element("pagination");