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* COmanage Registry App Controller
* Portions licensed to the University Corporation for Advanced Internet
* Development, Inc. ("UCAID") under one or more contributor license agreements.
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.
* UCAID licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @link COmanage Project
* @package registry
* @since COmanage Registry v5.0.0
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0 (
declare(strict_types = 1);
namespace App\Controller;
use \App\Lib\Enum\TemplateableStatusEnum;
use App\Lib\Events\ChangelogEventListener;
use App\Lib\Events\RuleBuilderEventListener;
use Cake\Controller\Controller;
use Cake\Datasource\Exception;
use Cake\Datasource\Exception\RecordNotFoundException;
use Cake\Http\Exception\UnauthorizedException;
use Cake\Event\Event;
use Cake\Event\EventManager;
use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;
use InvalidArgumentException;
class AppController extends Controller {
use \App\Lib\Traits\LabeledLogTrait;
// If set, the current requested CO. Note this may be *unauthenticated*
// and so should not be trusted without further authorization.
private $cur_co = null;
// If set, the current primary link.
protected $cur_pl = null;
* Initialization callback.
* @since COmanage Registry v5.0.0
public function initialize(): void {
// Load Components used by most or all controllers
// Add a detector so we can tell restful from non-restful calls
// Add a detector so we can call request->is('restful') (though note we no longer
// really support XML format...)
$request = $this->getRequest();
$request->addDetector('restful', function($request) {
// $request->is(json|xml) well check the mimetype
return ($request->is('json') || $request->is('xml'));
// COmanage specific component that handles authn/z processintg
$ChangelogEventListener = new ChangelogEventListener($this->RegistryAuth);
// We use Paginator in the REST API as well
if(!$this->request->is('restful')) {
// Initialization for non-RESTful
* Enable the following components for recommended CakePHP security settings.
* see
* In general, we don't need these protections for transactional API calls.
// CSRF Protection is enabled via in Middleware via Application.php.
* Callback run prior to the request action.
* @since COmanage Registry v5.0.0
* @param EventInterface $event Cake Event
public function beforeFilter(\Cake\Event\EventInterface $event) {
// Determine the timezone
// Determine the requested CO
return parent::beforeFilter($event);
* Callback run prior to the view rendering.
* @since COmanage Registry v5.0.0
* @param EventInterface $event Cake Event
public function beforeRender(\Cake\Event\EventInterface $event) {
// $this->name = Models
$modelsName = $this->name;
// Views can also inspect the request object to determine the current
// action, but it seems slightly easier to do it once here.
$this->set('vv_action', $this->request->getParam('action'));
if(isset($this->RegistryAuth)) {
// Components might not be loaded on error, so check
$this->set('vv_menu_permissions', $this->RegistryAuth->getMenuPermissions());
// Pull the set of COs this user is a member of, for rendering via menuMain
$Cos = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get("Cos");
// XXX filter this based on the current user's eligibility (user should have one active or grace period role)
// and also filter only Active COs, etc
// - do this in CosTable or in RegistryAuth?
$this->set('vv_available_cos', $Cos->find()->toArray());
// For breadcrumbs, do we have a target model, and if so is it a configuration
// model (eg: ApiUsers) or an object model (eg: CoPeople)?
if(isset($this->$modelsName) // May not be set under certain error conditions
&& method_exists($this->$modelsName, "getIsConfigurationTable")) {
$this->set('vv_is_configuration_model', $this->$modelsName->getIsConfigurationTable());
return parent::beforeRender($event);
* Get the current CO.
* @since COmanage Registry v5.0.0
* @return \App\Model\Entity\Co Co Entity or null
public function getCO(): ?\App\Model\Entity\Co {
if(!$this->cur_co) {
// We'll return null if no CO, since some contexts may need to know that
return $this->cur_co;
* Get the current CO ID.
* @since COmanage Registry v5.0.0
* @return int CO ID, or null
public function getCOID(): ?int {
$cur_co = $this->getCO();
return $cur_co ? $cur_co->id : null;
* Obtain information about the Standard Object's Primary Link, if set.
* The $vv_primary_link view variable is also set.
* @since COmanage Registry v5.0.0
* @param boolean $lookup If true, get the value of the primary link, not just the attribute
* @return object Object holding the primary link attribute, and optionally its value
* @throws \RuntimeException
protected function getPrimaryLink(bool $lookup=false) {
// Did we already figure this out? (But only if $lookup)
if($lookup && isset($this->cur_pl->value)) {
return $this->cur_pl;
// $this->name = Models
$modelsName = $this->name;
// $modelName = Model
$modelName = \Cake\Utility\Inflector::singularize($modelsName);
$this->cur_pl = new \stdClass();
// PrimaryLinkTrait
if(method_exists($this->$modelsName, "getPrimaryLink")
&& $this->$modelsName->getPrimaryLink()) {
$this->cur_pl->attr = $this->$modelsName->getPrimaryLink();
$this->set('vv_primary_link', $this->cur_pl->attr);
if($lookup) {
// Try to find a value
if($this->request->is('get')) {
// If this action allows unkeyed, asserted primary link IDs, check the query
// string (eg: 'add' or 'index' allow matchgrid_id to be passed in)
&& $this->request->getQuery($this->cur_pl->attr)) {
$this->cur_pl->value = $this->request->getQuery($this->cur_pl->attr);
} elseif($this->$modelsName->allowLookupPrimaryLink($this->request->getParam('action'))) {
// Try to map the requested object ID
$param = (int)$this->request->getParam('pass.0');
if(!empty($param)) {
$this->cur_pl->value = $this->$modelsName->calculatePrimaryLinkId($param);
} elseif($this->request->is('post') && $this->request->getParam('action') != 'delete') {
// Post = add, where we can have a list of objects and nothing in /objects/{id}
// We don't support different primary links across objects, so we throw an error
// if different parent keys are provided.
$linkValue = null;
// Data in API format
$reqData = $this->request->getData($modelsName);
// Don't create $reqData if the POST data is also empty
&& !empty($this->request->getData())) {
// Data in POST format
$reqData[] = $this->request->getData();
if(!empty($reqData)) {
foreach($reqData as $rec) {
if(!empty($rec[$this->cur_pl->attr])) {
if(!$linkValue) {
// This is the first record we've seen, use this primary link value
$linkValue = $rec[$this->cur_pl->attr];
} elseif($linkValue != $rec[$this->cur_pl->attr]) {
// We don't support multiple records with different parents
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('All records must have the same primary link'); // XXX I18n
$this->cur_pl->value = $linkValue;
} elseif($this->$modelsName->allowLookupPrimaryLink($this->request->getParam('action'))) {
// Try to map the requested object ID (this is probably a delete, so no attribute in post body)
$param = (int)$this->request->getParam('pass.0');
if(!empty($param)) {
$this->cur_pl->value = $this->$modelsName->calculatePrimaryLinkId($param);
} elseif($this->request->is('put') || $this->request->getParam('action') == 'delete') {
// Put = edit, so we should look up the parent ID via the object itself
if($this->$modelsName->allowLookupPrimaryLink($this->request->getParam('action'))) {
// Try to map the requested object ID (this is probably a delete, so no attribute in post body)
$param = (int)$this->request->getParam('pass.0');
if(!empty($param)) {
$this->cur_pl->value = $this->$modelsName->calculatePrimaryLinkId($param);
if(empty($this->cur_pl->value) && !$this->$modelsName->allowEmptyPrimaryLink()) {
throw new \RuntimeException(__d('error', 'primary_link', [ $this->cur_pl->attr ]));
if(!empty($this->cur_pl->value)) {
// Look up the link value to find the related entity
$linkModelName = $this->$modelsName->getPrimaryLinkTableName();
$linkModel = TableRegistry::get($linkModelName);
$this->set('vv_primary_link_model', $linkModelName);
try {
$this->set('vv_primary_link_obj', $linkModel->findById($this->cur_pl->value)->firstOrFail());
catch(RecordNotFoundException $e) {
$this->llog('error', "Could not find value '" . $this->cur_pl->value . "' for primary link object " . $linkModelName);
// Mask this with a generic UnauthorizedException
throw new UnauthorizedException(__d('error', 'perm'));
return $this->cur_pl;
* Determine the (requested) current CO and make it available to the
* rest of the application.
* @since COmanage Registry v5.0.0
* @throws Cake\Datasource\Exception\RecordNotFoundException
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
// XXX rewrite this and getPrimaryLink based on Match AppController when we
// have an indirect model (eg: co_person_role) that has a parent other than CO
protected function setCO() {
if($this->cur_co) {
// Nothing to do...
// $this->name = Models, unless we're in an API call
$modelsName = $this->name;
$attrs = $this->request->getAttributes();
// Unlike Match, where the Matchgrid is embedded in the request API URL,
// Registry API calls are more similar to UI calls, where we may or may
// not be able to find the CO ID directly in the URL.
&& !empty($attrs['params']['model'])) {
$modelsName = \Cake\Utility\Inflector::camelize($attrs['params']['model']);
$this->$modelsName = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get($modelsName);
if(!method_exists($this->$modelsName, "requiresCO")
|| !$this->$modelsName->requiresCO()) {
// Nothing to do, CO not required by this model/controller
// Not all models have CO as their primary link. This will also
// trigger setting of the viewVar for breadcrumbs and anything else.
$link = $this->getPrimaryLink(true);
// Try to find the requested CO
$coid = null;
// If the parent model is CO, then getPrimaryLink has already done our work
if($link->attr == 'co_id') {
$coid = $link->value;
} else {
// XXX map (see Match)
&& !$this->$modelsName->allowEmptyCO()
&& !$this->request->is('restful')) {
// If we get this far without a CO ID, something went wrong.
throw new \RuntimeException(__d('error', 'coid'));
if($coid) {
// This throws Cake\Datasource\Exception\RecordNotFoundException which
// we just let pass up the stack.
$this->cur_co = $this->Cos->findById($coid)->firstOrFail();
// While the COmanage CO cannot be suspended (AR-CO-2), this is enforced
// at cos/edit, not here.
if($this->cur_co->status == TemplateableStatusEnum::Active) {
$this->set('vv_cur_co', $this->cur_co);
* Determine the current timezone and make it available to the
* rest of the application.
* @since COmanage Registry v5.0.0
protected function setTZ() {
// $this->name = Models
$modelsName = $this->name;
// See if we've collected it from the browser in a previous page load. Otherwise
// use the system default. If the user set a preferred timezone, we'll catch that below.
$tz = date_default_timezone_get();
if(!empty($_COOKIE['cm_registry_tz_auto'])) {
// We have an auto-detected timezone from a previous page render from the browser.
// Note we don't call date_default_timezone_set() because we still want to record
// times internally in UTC (at the expense of having to convert back and forth).
$tz = $_COOKIE['cm_registry_tz_auto'];
// XXX need to implement person-specific timezone detection (after CoPerson model and
// login authentication are implemented)
$this->set('vv_tz', $tz);
if($this->$modelsName->behaviors()->has('Timezone')) {
// Tell TimezoneBehavior what the current timezone is