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* COmanage Registry Standard Controller
* Portions licensed to the University Corporation for Advanced Internet
* Development, Inc. ("UCAID") under one or more contributor license agreements.
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.
* UCAID licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @link COmanage Project
* @package registry
* @since COmanage Registry v5.0.0
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0 (
declare(strict_types = 1);
namespace App\Controller;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use \Cake\Http\Exception\BadRequestException;
use \App\Lib\Enum\SuspendableStatusEnum;
use \App\Lib\Util\StringUtilities;
class StandardController extends AppController {
// Pagination defaults should be set in each controller
public $pagination = [];
* Handle an add action for a Standard object.
* @since COmanage Registry v5.0.0
public function add() {
// $this->name = Models (ie: from ModelsTable)
$modelsName = $this->name;
// $table = the actual table object
$table = $this->$modelsName;
// $tableName = models
$tableName = $table->getTable();
if($this->request->is('post')) {
try {
// Try to save
$obj = $table->newEntity($this->request->getData());
if($table->save($obj)) {
$this->Flash->success(__d('result', 'saved'));
// If this is a Pluggable Model, instantiate the plugin and redirect
// into the Entry Point Model
if(!empty($obj->plugin) && method_exists($this, "instantiatePlugin")) {
// instantiatePlugin() is implemented in StandardPluggableController
return $this->instantiatePlugin($obj);
return $this->generateRedirect($obj->id);
$errors = $obj->getErrors();
if(!empty($errors)) {
$this->Flash->error(__d('error', 'fields', [ implode(',',
array_map(function($v) use ($errors) {
return __d('error', 'flash', [$v, implode(',', array_values($errors[$v]))]);
array_keys($errors))) ]));
} else {
$this->Flash->error(__d('error', 'save', [$modelsName]));
catch(\Exception $e) {
// This throws \Cake\ORM\Exception\RolledbackTransactionException if
// aborted in afterSave
// Pass $obj as context so the view can render validation errors
$this->set('vv_obj', $obj);
} else {
// Create an empty entity for FormHelper
$this->set('vv_obj', $table->newEmptyEntity());
// PrimaryLinkTrait, via AppController
// AutoViewVarsTrait, via AppController
// Default title is add new object
$this->set('vv_title', __d('operation', 'add.a', __d('controller', $modelsName, [1])));
// Supertitle is normally the display name of the parent object when subnavigation exists.
// Set this here as the fallback default. This value is overriden in MVEAController to hold the
// name of the parent object, not the model name of the current object.
// TODO: set this to a better value for other kinds of child objects (e.g. Group member)
$this->set('vv_supertitle', __d('controller', $modelsName, [1]));
// Let the view render
* Standard operations before the view is rendered.
* @since COmanage Registry v5.0.0
* @param EventInterface $event BeforeRender event
* @return \Cake\Http\Response HTTP Response
// XXX can we merge calls ot (eg) getPrimaryLink and populateAutoViewVars here?
public function beforeRender(\Cake\Event\EventInterface $event) {
// $this->name = Models (ie: from ModelsTable)
$modelsName = $this->name;
// $table = the actual table object
$table = $this->$modelsName;
// Provide some hints to the views
// Set the display field as a view var to make it available to the views
$this->set('vv_display_field', $table->getDisplayField());
// Populate permissions info, which uses the requested object ID if one
// was provided. As a first approximation, those actions that permit lookup
// primary link are also those that pass an $id that can be used to establish
// permissions, and also Cos (which has no primary link).
$id = null;
$params = $this->request->getParam('pass');
if(!empty($params[0])) {
if((method_exists($table, "allowLookupPrimaryLink")
&& $table->allowLookupPrimaryLink($this->request->getParam('action')))
$modelsName == 'Cos') {
$id = (int)$params[0];
$this->set('vv_permissions', $this->RegistryAuth->calculatePermissionsForView($this->request->getParam('action'), $id));
// The template path may vary if we're in a plugin context
$vv_template_path = ROOT . DS . "templates" . DS . $modelsName;
if(!empty($this->getPlugin())) {
$vv_template_path = $this->getPluginPath($this->getPlugin(), "templates") . DS . $modelsName;
$this->set('vv_template_path', $vv_template_path);
return parent::beforeRender($event);
* Handle a delete action for a Standard object.
* @since COmanage Registry v5.0.0
* @param Integer $id Object ID
public function delete($id) {
// $this->name = Models (ie: from ModelsTable)
$modelsName = $this->name;
// $table = the actual table object
$table = $this->$modelsName;
// Allow a delete via a POST or DELETE
$this->request->allowMethod(['post', 'delete']);
// Make sure the requested object exists
try {
$obj = $table->findById($id)->firstOrFail();
// XXX throw 404 on RESTful not found?
// By default, a delete is a soft delete. The exceptions are when
// deleting a CO (AR-CO-1) or when an expunge flag is passed and
// expunge is enabled within the CO (XXX not yet implemented).
$useHardDelete = ($modelsName == "Cos");
$table->deleteOrFail($obj, ['useHardDelete' => $useHardDelete]);
// Use the display field to generate the flash message
$field = $table->getDisplayField();
if(!empty($obj->$field)) {
$this->Flash->success(__d('result', 'deleted.a', [$obj->$field]));
} else {
$this->Flash->success(__d('result', 'deleted'));
// Return to index since there is no delete view
return $this->generateRedirect(null);
catch(\Cake\ORM\Exception\PersistenceFailedException $e) {
// deleteOrFail throws Cake\ORM\Exception\PersistenceFailedException
// Application Rules that apply to the entity as a whole (or more than
// one field) can use "id" as their errorField, and we'll catch that here.
$errors = $obj->getErrors();
if(!empty($errors['id'])) {
$this->Flash->error(implode(',', array_values($errors['id'])));
} else {
catch(\Exception $e) {
// findById throws Cake\Datasource\Exception\RecordNotFoundException
$errors = $obj->getErrors();
if(!empty($errors)) {
// Format is [field => [rule => error]]
$errstr = "";
foreach($errors as $f => $r) {
foreach($r as $rule => $err) {
$errstr .= $err . ",";
$this->Flash->error(rtrim($errstr, ","));
} else {
// The record is still valid, so redirect back to it
return $this->redirect(['action' => 'edit', $id]);
* Handle an edit action for a Standard object.
* @since COmanage Registry v5.0.0
* @param string $id Object ID
public function edit(string $id) {
// $this->name = Models (ie: from ModelsTable)
$modelsName = $this->name;
// $table = the actual table object
$table = $this->$modelsName;
// $tableName = models
$tableName = $table->getTable();
// We use findById() rather than get() so we can apply subsequent
// query modifications via traits
$query = $table->findById($id);
// QueryModificationTrait
if(method_exists($this->$modelsName, "getEditContains")) {
$query = $query->contain($this->$modelsName->getEditContains());
try {
// Pull the current record
$obj = $query->firstOrFail();
if(method_exists($obj, "isReadOnly")) {
// If this is a read only record, redirect to view
if($obj->isReadOnly()) {
$redirect = [
'action' => 'view',
return $this->redirect($redirect);
if($this->request->is(['post', 'put'])) {
// This is an update request
$opts = [];
// AssociationTrait
if(method_exists($table, "getPatchAssociated")) {
$opts['associated'] = $table->getPatchAssociated();
// $obj will have whatever editContains also pulled, but we don't want
// to save all that stuff by default, so we'll pull a new copy of the
// object without the associated data.
$saveObj = $table->findById($id)->firstOrFail();
// Attempt the update the record
$table->patchEntity($saveObj, $this->request->getData(), $opts);
// This throws \Cake\ORM\Exception\RolledbackTransactionException if aborted
// in afterSave
if($table->save($saveObj)) {
$this->Flash->success(__d('result', 'saved'));
return $this->generateRedirect((int)$id);
$errors = $saveObj->getErrors();
if(!empty($errors)) {
$this->Flash->error(__d('error', 'fields', [ implode(',',
array_map(function($v) use ($errors) {
return __d('error', 'flash', [$v, implode(',', array_values($errors[$v]))]);
array_keys($errors))) ]));
} else {
$this->Flash->error(__d('error', 'save', [$modelsName]));
catch(\Exception $e) {
// findById throws Cake\Datasource\Exception\RecordNotFoundException
// XXX This redirects to an Exception page because $id is not found.
// XXX A 404 with error would be better.
return $this->generateRedirect((int)$id);
$this->set('vv_obj', $obj);
// XXX should we also set '$model'? cake seems to autopopulate edit fields just fine without it
// note index() uses $tableName, not 'vv_objs' or event 'vv_table_name'
// PrimaryLinkTrait
// AutoViewVarsTrait
if(method_exists($table, 'generateDisplayField')) {
// We don't use a trait for this since each table will implement different logic
$this->set('vv_title', __d('operation', '', $table->generateDisplayField($obj)));
$this->set('vv_supertitle', $table->generateDisplayField($obj));
// Pass the display field also into subtitle for dealing with External IDs
$this->set('vv_subtitle', $table->generateDisplayField($obj));
} else {
// Default view title is edit object display field
$field = $table->getDisplayField();
if(!empty($obj->$field)) {
$this->set('vv_title', __d('operation', '', $obj->$field));
} else {
$this->set('vv_title', __d('operation', '', __d('controller', $modelsName, [1])));
// Let the view render
* Generate a redirect for a Standard Object operation.
* @since COmanage Registry v5.0.0
* @param int $id ID of object to redirect to
* @return \Cake\Http\Response
public function generateRedirect(?int $id) {
$redirect = [];
// By default we return to the index, but we'll also accept "self" or "primaryLink".
$redirectGoal = $this->getRedirectGoal();
if(!$redirectGoal) {
// Our default behavior is index unless we're in a plugin context
if(!empty($this->getPlugin())) {
$redirectGoal = 'pluggableLink';
} else {
$redirectGoal = 'index';
if($redirectGoal == 'self'
&& $id
&& in_array($this->request->getParam('action'), ['add', 'edit'])) {
// Redirect to the edit view of the record just added
// (if the user has add permission, they probably have edit permission)
$redirect = [
'action' => 'edit',
} elseif($redirectGoal == 'pluggableLink' || $redirectGoal == 'primaryLink') {
// pluggableLink and primaryLink do basically the same thing, except that
// pluggableLink moves from a plugin to core so we need to drop the plugin
$link = $this->getPrimaryLink(true);
if(!empty($link->attr) && !empty($link->value)) {
$redirect = [
'controller' => StringUtilities::foreignKeyToClassName($link->attr),
'action' => 'edit',
if($redirectGoal == 'pluggableLink') {
$redirect['plugin'] = null;
} else {
// Default is to redirect to the index view
$redirect = ['action' => 'index'];
$link = $this->getPrimaryLink(true);
if(!empty($link->attr) && !empty($link->value)) {
$redirect['?'] = [$link->attr => $link->value];
return $this->redirect($redirect);
* Make a list of fields types suitable for FieldHelper
* @since COmanage Registry v5.0.0
protected function getFieldTypes() {
// $this->name = Models (ie: from ModelsTable)
$modelsName = $this->name;
// $table = the actual table object
$table = $this->$modelsName;
$schema = $table->getSchema();
// We don't pass the schema object as is, partly because cake might change it
// and partly to simplify access to the parts the views (FieldHelper, really)
// actually need.
// Note the schema does have field lengths for strings, but typeMap
// doesn't return them and we're not doing anything with them at the moment.
$this->set('vv_field_types', $schema->typeMap());
* Build a list of required fields suitable for FieldHelper
* @since COmanage Registry v5.0.0
protected function getRequiredFields() {
// $this->name = Models (ie: from ModelsTable)
$modelsName = $this->name;
// $table = the actual table object
$table = $this->$modelsName;
// Build a list of required fields for FieldHelper
$reqFields = [];
$validator = $table->getValidator();
$fields = $validator->getIterator();
foreach($fields as $name => $cfg) {
if(!$validator->isEmptyAllowed($name, ($this->request->getParam('action') == 'add'))) {
$reqFields[] = $name;
$this->set('vv_required_fields', $reqFields);
* Generate an index for a set of Standard Objects.
* @since COmanage Registry v5.0.0
public function index() {
// $this->name = Models
$modelsName = $this->name;
// $table = the actual table object
$table = $this->$modelsName;
// $tableName = models
$tableName = $table->getTable();
$query = null;
// PrimaryLinkTrait
$link = $this->getPrimaryLink(true);
// AutoViewVarsTrait
if(!empty($link->attr)) {
// If a link attribute is defined but no value is provided, then query
// where the link attribute is NULL
$query = $table->find()->where([$table->getAlias().'.'.$link->attr => $link->value]);
} else {
$query = $table->find();
// QueryModificationTrait
if(method_exists($table, "getIndexContains")
&& $table->getIndexContains()) {
// SearchFilterTrait
if(method_exists($table, "getSearchableAttributes")) {
$searchableAttributes = $table->getSearchableAttributes($this->name, $this->viewBuilder()->getVar('vv_tz'));
if(!empty($searchableAttributes)) {
// Here we iterate over the attributes, and we add a new where clause for each one
foreach(array_keys($searchableAttributes) as $attribute) {
if(!empty($this->request->getQuery($attribute))) {
$query = $table->whereFilter($query, $attribute, $this->request->getQuery($attribute));
} elseif (!empty($this->request->getQuery($attribute . "_starts_at"))
|| !empty($this->request->getQuery($attribute . "_ends_at"))) {
$search_date = [];
// We allow empty for dates since we might refer to infinity (from whenever or to always)
$search_date[] = $this->request->getQuery($attribute . "_starts_at") ?? "";
$search_date[] = $this->request->getQuery($attribute . "_ends_at") ?? "";
$query = $table->whereFilter($query, $attribute, $search_date);
$this->set('vv_searchable_attributes', $searchableAttributes);
// Filter on requested filter, if requested
// QueryModificationTrait
if(method_exists($table, "getIndexFilter")) {
$filter = $table->getIndexFilter();
if(is_callable($filter)) {
} else {
$resultSet = $this->paginate($query);
$this->set($tableName, $resultSet);
$this->set('vv_permission_set', $this->RegistryAuth->calculatePermissionsForResultSet($resultSet));
// Default index view title is model name
$this->set('vv_title', __d('controller', $modelsName, [99]));
// Let the view render
* Populate any auto view variables, as requested via AutoViewVarsTrait.
* @since COmanage Registry v5.0.0
* @param object $obj Current object (eg: from edit), if set
protected function populateAutoViewVars(object $obj=null) {
// $this->name = Models
$modelsName = $this->name;
// $table = the actual table object
$table = $this->$modelsName;
// Populate certain view vars (eg: selects) automatically.
// AutoViewVarsTrait
if(method_exists($table, "getAutoViewVars")
&& $table->getAutoViewVars()) {
foreach($table->getAutoViewVars() as $vvar => $avv) {
switch($avv['type']) {
case 'array':
// Use the provided array of values. By default, we use the values
// for the keys as well, to generate HTML along the lines of
// <option value="Foo">"Foo"</option>
$this->set($vvar, array_combine($avv['array'], $avv['array']));
case 'enum':
// We just want the localized text strings for the defined constants
$class = '\\App\\Lib\\Enum\\'.$avv['class'];
$this->set($vvar, $class::getLocalizedConsts());
// "auxiliary" and "select" do basically the same thing, but the former
// returns the full object and the latter just returns a hash suitable
// for a select. "type" is a shorthand for "select" for type_id.
case 'type':
// Inject configuration. Since we're only ever looking at the types
// table, inject the current CO along with the requested attribute
$avv['model'] = 'Types';
$avv['where'] = [
'attribute' => $avv['attribute'],
'status' => SuspendableStatusEnum::Active
// fall through
case 'auxiliary':
// XXX add list as in match?
case 'select':
// We assume $modelName has a direct relationship to $avv['model']
$avvmodel = $avv['model'];
$this->$avvmodel = $this->fetchTable($avvmodel);
if($avv['type'] == 'auxiliary') {
$query = $this->$avvmodel->find();
} else {
$query = $this->$avvmodel->find('list');
if(!empty($avv['find'])) {
if($avv['find'] == 'filterPrimaryLink') {
// We're filtering the requested model, not our current model.
// See if the requested key is available, and if so run the find.
$linkFilter = $table->getPrimaryLink();
if($linkFilter) {
// Try to find the $linkFilter value
$v = null;
// We might have been passed an object with the current value
if($obj && !empty($obj->$linkFilter)) {
$v = $obj->$linkFilter;
} elseif(!empty($this->request->getQuery($linkFilter))) {
$v = $this->request->getQuery($linkFilter);
// XXX also need to check getData()?
// XXX shouldn't this use $this->getPrimaryLink() instead? Or maybe move $this->primaryLink
// to PrimaryLinkTrait and call it there?
if($v) {
$avv['where'][$table->getAlias().'.'.$linkFilter] = $v;
//$query = $query->where([$table->getAlias().'.'.$linkFilter => $v]);
} else {
// Use the specified finder, if configured
$query = $query->find($avv['find']);
} else {
// XXX is this the best logic? maybe some relation to filterPrimaryLink?
// By default, filter everything on CO ID
$avv['where']['co_id'] = $this->getCOID();
//$query = $query->where([$table->getAlias().'.co_id' => $this->getCOID()]);
if(!empty($avv['where'])) {
// Filter on the specified clause (of the form [column=>value])
$query = $query->where($avv['where']);
// Sort the list by display field
if(!empty($avv['model']) && method_exists($this->$avvmodel, "getDisplayField")) {
$query->order([$this->$avvmodel->getDisplayField() => 'ASC']);
} elseif(method_exists($table, "getDisplayField")) {
$query->order([$table->getDisplayField() => 'ASC']);
$this->set($vvar, $query->toArray());
case 'parent':
$modelsName = $this->name;
// $table = the actual table object
$table = $this->$modelsName;
// XXX We assume that all models that load the Tree behavior will
// implement a potentialParents method
$this->set($vvar, $table->potentialParents($this->getCOID()));
case 'plugin':
$PluginTable = $this->getTableLocator()->get('Plugins');
$this->set($vvar, $PluginTable->getActivePluginModels($avv['pluginType']));
// XXX I18n? and in match?
throw new \LogicException('Unknonwn Auto View Var Type {0}', [$avv['type']]);
* Handle a view action for a Standard object.
* @since COmanage Registry v5.0.0
* @param Integer $id Object ID
public function view($id = null) {
// $this->name = Models
$modelsName = $this->name;
// $table = the actual table object
$table = $this->$modelsName;
// $tableName = models
$tableName = $table->getTable();
// We use findById() rather than get() so we can apply subsequent
// query modifications via traits
$query = $table->findById($id);
// QueryModificationTrait
if(method_exists($table, "getViewContains")) {
$query = $query->contain($table->getViewContains());
try {
// Pull the current record
$obj = $query->firstOrFail();
catch(\Exception $e) {
// findById throws Cake\Datasource\Exception\RecordNotFoundException
// XXX This redirects to an Exception page because $id is not found.
// XXX A 404 with error would be better.
return $this->generateRedirect((int)$id);
$this->set('vv_obj', $obj);
// PrimaryLinkTrait
// AutoViewVarsTrait
// We still used this in view() to map select values
if(method_exists($table, 'generateDisplayField')) {
// We don't use a trait for this since each table will implement different logic
$this->set('vv_title', __d('operation', '', $table->generateDisplayField($obj)));
$this->set('vv_supertitle', $table->generateDisplayField($obj));
// Pass the display field also into subtitle for dealing with External IDs
$this->set('vv_subtitle', $table->generateDisplayField($obj));
} else {
// Default view title is the object display field
$field = $table->getDisplayField();
if(!empty($obj->$field)) {
$this->set('vv_title', __d('operation', '', $obj->$field));
} else {
$this->set('vv_title', __d('operation', '', __d('controller', $modelsName, [1])));
// Let the view render