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333 lines (285 sloc) 20.2 KB
ENV JAVA_OPTS='-Xmx3000m'
##below is for Corretto Java
ENV JAVA_HOME='C:\Program Files\Amazon Corretto\jdk1.8.0_212'
##below is for Zulu Java
#ENV JAVA_HOME='c:\zulujava\zulu-8\'
#ENV JAVA_INSTALL_FILENAME=zulu8.36.0.1-ca-jdk8.0.202-win_x64.msi
##below is for Oracle Java
#ENV JAVA_BUNDLE_ID=233172_512cd62ec5174c3487ac17c61aaa89e8
RUN powershell [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('JAVA_HOME', '%JAVA_HOME%', [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine )
ENV SHIB_INSTALL_FILE=C:\\shibboleth-identity-provider-$IDP_VERSION-x64.msi
###install Corretto Java
RUN powershell (new-object System.Net.WebClient).Downloadfile('', 'C:\corretto-java-%CORRETTO_VERSION%')
RUN powershell If ((Get-FileHash C:\corretto-java-%CORRETTO_VERSION% -Algorithm MD5).Hash.ToLower() -eq 'a030757f394ffdd73018e24e2ec1991f') { ` \
start-process -filepath c:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe -passthru -wait -argumentlist '/i','C:\corretto-java-%CORRETTO_VERSION%','/qn' ` \
} Else { throw 'bad hash comparison on Zulu Java download' }
RUN del C:\corretto-java-%CORRETTO_VERSION%
###install Zulu Java
#RUN powershell (new-object System.Net.WebClient).Downloadfile('', 'C:\%JAVA_INSTALL_FILENAME%')
#RUN powershell If ((Get-FileHash C:\%JAVA_INSTALL_FILENAME% -Algorithm MD5).Hash.ToLower() -eq 'cf7825107dd71cd9a6455c2855838966') { ` \
# start-process -filepath c:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe -passthru -wait -argumentlist '/i','C:\%JAVA_INSTALL_FILENAME%','APPLICATIONROOTDIRECTORY=c:\zulujava','/qn' ` \
# } Else { throw 'bad hash comparison on Zulu Java download' }
##install Oracle Java
#RUN powershell (new-object System.Net.WebClient).Downloadfile('', 'C:\jre-%JAVA_VERSION%-windows-x64.exe')
#RUN powershell If ((Get-FileHash C:\jre-%JAVA_VERSION%-windows-x64.exe).Hash.ToLower() -eq 'd5256b3d1a6da959ea98ea2a2be3a05a7df9d1a5cd75db3930f935ab71ce43b8') { ` \
# start-process -filepath C:\jre-%JAVA_VERSION%-windows-x64.exe -passthru -wait -argumentlist '/s',%JAVA_INSTALL_CLI_STRING%,'/L','installj64.log' ` \
# } Else { throw 'bad hash comparison on Java download' }
#RUN del C:\jre-%JAVA_VERSION%-windows-x64.exe
##install Oracle Java Cryptography Extensions
#RUN powershell ` \
# $ws = New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession ; ` \
# $c = New-Object System.Net.Cookie ; ` \
# $c.Name = 'oraclelicense' ; ` \
# $c.Value = 'accept-securebackup-cookie' ; ` \
# $c.Domain = '' ; ` \
# $ws.Cookies.Add($c) ; ` \
# Invoke-WebRequest '' -WebSession $ws -TimeoutSec 1000 -OutFile 'c:\'
#RUN powershell If ((Get-FileHash c:\ -eq 'f3020a3922efd6626c2fff45695d527f34a8020e938a49292561f18ad1320b59') { ` \
# Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem ; [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory('c:\', 'c:\jcepolicy') ; \
# copy -Force -Path c:\jcepolicy\UnlimitedJCEPolicyJDK8\local_policy.jar -Destination c:\Java\%JAVA_INSTALL_FOLDER%\lib\security ; copy -Force -Path c:\jcepolicy\UnlimitedJCEPolicyJDK8\US_export_policy.jar -Destination c:\Java\%JAVA_INSTALL_FOLDER%\lib\security ; \
# } Else { throw 'bad hash comparison on JCE download' }
#RUN del c:\
##install Tomcat
COPY container_files/config.ini c:\\config.ini
RUN powershell (new-object System.Net.WebClient).Downloadfile('', 'C:\apache-tomcat-%TOMCAT_VERSION%.exe')
RUN powershell If ((Get-FileHash C:\apache-tomcat-%TOMCAT_VERSION%.exe -Algorithm SHA512).Hash.ToLower() -eq ` \
'18bb722854b434d11e03e75c04254c095e92716a70d4159331685d4f472640bdb2662f1c013e99fd600112519d2a4ca76f9cf278a59e49ae37b1c76db6995d0d') ` \
{ ` \
start-process -filepath C:\apache-tomcat-%TOMCAT_VERSION%.exe -passthru -wait -argumentlist '/S','/C=c:\config.ini','/D=c:\Tomcat' ` \
} Else { throw 'bad hash comparison on Tomcat download' }
RUN del C:\apache-tomcat-%TOMCAT_VERSION%.exe
#copy temp SSL cert for tomcat in c:\sslcert
COPY container_files/keystore.jks c:\\sslcert\\keystore.jks
#copy temp tomcat config file (listening on 443, cert at c:\sslcert\keystore.jks
COPY container_files/server.xml c:\\Tomcat\\conf\\server.xml
#cleanup tomcat install
RUN rmdir /S /Q c:\Tomcat\webapps\docs && rmdir /S /Q c:\Tomcat\webapps\manager && del /F /Q c:\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\*.* && del /F /Q c:\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\*.* && rmdir c:\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF
##install Shibb
RUN powershell (new-object System.Net.WebClient).Downloadfile('', 'C:\shibboleth-identity-provider-%IDP_VERSION%-x64.msi')
RUN powershell If ((Get-FileHash C:\shibboleth-identity-provider-%IDP_VERSION%-x64.msi -Algorithm SHA1).Hash.ToLower() -eq '821fdb7c178a247059142f8fbd6d7a895057e2fe') { ` \
start-process -filepath c:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe -passthru -wait -argumentlist '/i','C:\shibboleth-identity-provider-%IDP_VERSION%-x64.msi','/qn','INSTALLDIR=c:\opt\shibboleth-idp','NO_FIREWALL_EXCEPTION=true','','' ` \
} Else { throw 'bad hash comparison on IdP download' }
RUN del C:\shibboleth-identity-provider-%IDP_VERSION%-x64.msi
##add JSTL
ADD c:\\opt\\shibboleth-idp\\edit-webapp\\WEB-INF\\lib\\jstl-1.2.jar
RUN C:/opt/shibboleth-idp/bin/build.bat -noinput -S -q
#link IdP's war file to Tomcat
RUN mklink c:\Tomcat\webapps\idp.war c:\opt\shibboleth-idp\war\idp.war
#copy TIER beacon script
RUN mkdir c:\util
RUN mkdir c:\opt\certs
COPY container_files/sendtierbeacon.ps1 c:\\util
#schedule script to run (at random time)
#RUN powershell ($tm=((Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 4) -as [string]) + ":" + ((Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 60) -as [string]) ; start-process -filepath schtasks -passthru -wait -argumentlist '/create','/tn','\"Send TIER Beacon\"','/tr','c:\util\sendtierbeacon.ps1','/sc','DAILY','/st',"$tm"
#The line above is triggering an apprent bug in docker or windows core (essentially invalid XML), the 2 lines below are the workaround
COPY container_files/TIER_Beacon_Task.xml c:\\TIER_Beacon_Task.xml
RUN powershell schtasks /Create /XML c:\TIER_Beacon_Task.xml /TN 'TIER Beacon' ; $tm=((Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 4) -as [string]).padleft(2,'0') + ':' + ((Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 60) -as [string]).padleft(2,'0') ; schtasks /Change /TN 'TIER Beacon' /ST $tm
RUN del c:\TIER_Beacon_Task.xml
### Settings for a burned-in config (default) ###
# Ensure the following locations are accurate (and uncommented) if you plan to burn your configuration into your containers by uncommenting the relevant section below.
# They represent the folder names/paths on your build host of the relevant config material needed to run the container. You can also specify these
# with --build-arg in your 'docker build' command.
#ARG TOMCFG=config\\tomcat
#ARG TOMLOG=logs\\tomcat
#ARG TOMCERT=credentials\\tomcat
#ARG SHBCFG=config\\shib-idp\\conf
#ARG SHBCREDS=credentials\\shib-idp
#ARG SHBVIEWS=config\\shib-idp\\views
#ARG SHBEDWAPP=config\\shib-idp\\edit-webapp
#ARG SHBMSGS=config\\shib-idp\\messages
#ARG SHBMD=config\\shib-idp\\metadata
#ARG SHBLOG=logs\\shib-idp
# Also, ***NOTE*** For a burned config, *uncomment* the ADD lines below and *comment* the lines of the VOLUME command above (~ 30 lines up)
# consider not doing the one volume below (which maps the IdP's logs folder to a local folder) as it creates a run-time
# dependency and a better solution might be to use syslog from the container
# VOLUME ["c:\\idplogs", "c:\\opt\\shibboleth-idp\\logs"]
#ADD $TOMCFG c:\\Tomcat\\conf
#ADD $TOMCERT c:\\sslcert
#ADD $TOMWWWROOT c:\\Tomcat\\webapps\\ROOT
#ADD $SHBCFG c:\\opt\\shibboleth-idp\\conf
#ADD $SHBCREDS c:\\opt\\shibboleth-idp\\credentials
#ADD $SHBVIEWS c:\\opt\\shibboleth-idp\\views
#ADD $SHBEDWAPP c:\\opt\\shibboleth-idp\\edit-webapp
#ADD $SHBMSGS c:\\opt\\shibboleth-idp\\messages
#ADD $SHBMD c:\\opt\\shibboleth-idp\\metadata
# remove existing files from the installer so that secrets can propagate (UNCOMMENT if you are using secrets)
#!# RUN del c:\opt\shibboleth-idp\conf\
#!# RUN del c:\opt\shibboleth-idp\conf\
#!# RUN del c:\opt\shibboleth-idp\conf\relying-party.xml
#!# RUN del c:\opt\shibboleth-idp\conf\attribute-filter.xml
#!# RUN del c:\opt\shibboleth-idp\conf\attribute-resolver.xml
#!# RUN del c:\opt\shibboleth-idp\conf\metadata-providers.xml
#!# RUN del c:\opt\shibboleth-idp\credentials\idp-signing.key
#!# RUN del c:\opt\shibboleth-idp\credentials\idp-signing.crt
#!# RUN del c:\opt\shibboleth-idp\credentials\idp-encryption.key
#!# RUN del c:\opt\shibboleth-idp\credentials\idp-encryption.crt
#!# RUN del c:\opt\shibboleth-idp\credentials\sealer.jks
#!# RUN del c:\opt\shibboleth-idp\credentials\sealer.kver
#establish a healthcheck command so that docker might know the container's true state
HEALTHCHECK --interval=2m --timeout=30s \
CMD powershell [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true}; (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString("")
CMD [ "cmd /c c:\\Tomcat\\bin\\catalina.bat run" ]
ENV JAVA_OPTS='-Xmx3000m'
##below is for Corretto Java
ENV JAVA_HOME='C:\Program Files\Amazon Corretto\jdk1.8.0_212'
##below is for Zulu Java
#ENV JAVA_HOME='c:\zulujava\zulu-8\'
#ENV JAVA_INSTALL_FILENAME=zulu8.36.0.1-ca-jdk8.0.202-win_x64.msi
##below is for Oracle Java
#ENV JAVA_BUNDLE_ID=233172_512cd62ec5174c3487ac17c61aaa89e8
RUN powershell [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('JAVA_HOME', '%JAVA_HOME%', [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine )
ENV SHIB_INSTALL_FILE=C:\\shibboleth-identity-provider-$IDP_VERSION-x64.msi
###install Corretto Java
RUN powershell (new-object System.Net.WebClient).Downloadfile('', 'C:\corretto-java-%CORRETTO_VERSION%')
RUN powershell If ((Get-FileHash C:\corretto-java-%CORRETTO_VERSION% -Algorithm MD5).Hash.ToLower() -eq 'a030757f394ffdd73018e24e2ec1991f') { ` \
start-process -filepath c:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe -passthru -wait -argumentlist '/i','C:\corretto-java-%CORRETTO_VERSION%','/qn' ` \
} Else { throw 'bad hash comparison on Zulu Java download' }
RUN del C:\corretto-java-%CORRETTO_VERSION%
###install Zulu Java
#RUN powershell (new-object System.Net.WebClient).Downloadfile('', 'C:\%JAVA_INSTALL_FILENAME%')
#RUN powershell If ((Get-FileHash C:\%JAVA_INSTALL_FILENAME% -Algorithm MD5).Hash.ToLower() -eq 'cf7825107dd71cd9a6455c2855838966') { ` \
# start-process -filepath c:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe -passthru -wait -argumentlist '/i','C:\%JAVA_INSTALL_FILENAME%','APPLICATIONROOTDIRECTORY=c:\zulujava','/qn' ` \
# } Else { throw 'bad hash comparison on Zulu Java download' }
##install Oracle Java
#RUN powershell (new-object System.Net.WebClient).Downloadfile('', 'C:\jre-%JAVA_VERSION%-windows-x64.exe')
#RUN powershell If ((Get-FileHash C:\jre-%JAVA_VERSION%-windows-x64.exe).Hash.ToLower() -eq 'd5256b3d1a6da959ea98ea2a2be3a05a7df9d1a5cd75db3930f935ab71ce43b8') { ` \
# start-process -filepath C:\jre-%JAVA_VERSION%-windows-x64.exe -passthru -wait -argumentlist '/s',%JAVA_INSTALL_CLI_STRING%,'/L','installj64.log' ` \
# } Else { throw 'bad hash comparison on Java download' }
#RUN del C:\jre-%JAVA_VERSION%-windows-x64.exe
##install Oracle Java Cryptography Extensions
#RUN powershell ` \
# $ws = New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession ; ` \
# $c = New-Object System.Net.Cookie ; ` \
# $c.Name = 'oraclelicense' ; ` \
# $c.Value = 'accept-securebackup-cookie' ; ` \
# $c.Domain = '' ; ` \
# $ws.Cookies.Add($c) ; ` \
# Invoke-WebRequest '' -WebSession $ws -TimeoutSec 1000 -OutFile 'c:\'
#RUN powershell If ((Get-FileHash c:\ -eq 'f3020a3922efd6626c2fff45695d527f34a8020e938a49292561f18ad1320b59') { ` \
# Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem ; [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory('c:\', 'c:\jcepolicy') ; \
# copy -Force -Path c:\jcepolicy\UnlimitedJCEPolicyJDK8\local_policy.jar -Destination c:\Java\%JAVA_INSTALL_FOLDER%\lib\security ; copy -Force -Path c:\jcepolicy\UnlimitedJCEPolicyJDK8\US_export_policy.jar -Destination c:\Java\%JAVA_INSTALL_FOLDER%\lib\security ; \
# } Else { throw 'bad hash comparison on JCE download' }
#RUN del c:\
##install Tomcat
COPY container_files/config.ini c:\\config.ini
RUN powershell (new-object System.Net.WebClient).Downloadfile('', 'C:\apache-tomcat-%TOMCAT_VERSION%.exe')
RUN powershell If ((Get-FileHash C:\apache-tomcat-%TOMCAT_VERSION%.exe -Algorithm SHA512).Hash.ToLower() -eq ` \
'18bb722854b434d11e03e75c04254c095e92716a70d4159331685d4f472640bdb2662f1c013e99fd600112519d2a4ca76f9cf278a59e49ae37b1c76db6995d0d') ` \
{ ` \
start-process -filepath C:\apache-tomcat-%TOMCAT_VERSION%.exe -passthru -wait -argumentlist '/S','/C=c:\config.ini','/D=c:\Tomcat' ` \
} Else { throw 'bad hash comparison on Tomcat download' }
RUN del C:\apache-tomcat-%TOMCAT_VERSION%.exe
#copy temp SSL cert for tomcat in c:\sslcert
COPY container_files/keystore.jks c:\\sslcert\\keystore.jks
#copy temp tomcat config file (listening on 443, cert at c:\sslcert\keystore.jks
COPY container_files/server.xml c:\\Tomcat\\conf\\server.xml
#cleanup tomcat install
RUN rmdir /S /Q c:\Tomcat\webapps\docs && rmdir /S /Q c:\Tomcat\webapps\manager && del /F /Q c:\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\*.* && del /F /Q c:\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\*.* && rmdir c:\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF
##install Shibb
RUN powershell (new-object System.Net.WebClient).Downloadfile('', 'C:\shibboleth-identity-provider-%IDP_VERSION%-x64.msi')
RUN powershell If ((Get-FileHash C:\shibboleth-identity-provider-%IDP_VERSION%-x64.msi -Algorithm SHA1).Hash.ToLower() -eq '821fdb7c178a247059142f8fbd6d7a895057e2fe') { ` \
start-process -filepath c:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe -passthru -wait -argumentlist '/i','C:\shibboleth-identity-provider-%IDP_VERSION%-x64.msi','/qn','INSTALLDIR=c:\opt\shibboleth-idp','NO_FIREWALL_EXCEPTION=true','','' ` \
} Else { throw 'bad hash comparison on IdP download' }
RUN del C:\shibboleth-identity-provider-%IDP_VERSION%-x64.msi
##add JSTL
ADD c:\\opt\\shibboleth-idp\\edit-webapp\\WEB-INF\\lib\\jstl-1.2.jar
RUN C:/opt/shibboleth-idp/bin/build.bat -noinput -S -q
#link IdP's war file to Tomcat
RUN mklink c:\Tomcat\webapps\idp.war c:\opt\shibboleth-idp\war\idp.war
#copy TIER beacon script
RUN mkdir c:\util
RUN mkdir c:\opt\certs
COPY container_files/sendtierbeacon.ps1 c:\\util
#schedule script to run (at random time)
#RUN powershell ($tm=((Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 4) -as [string]) + ":" + ((Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 60) -as [string]) ; start-process -filepath schtasks -passthru -wait -argumentlist '/create','/tn','\"Send TIER Beacon\"','/tr','c:\util\sendtierbeacon.ps1','/sc','DAILY','/st',"$tm"
#The line above is triggering an apprent bug in docker or windows core (essentially invalid XML), the 2 lines below are the workaround
COPY container_files/TIER_Beacon_Task.xml c:\\TIER_Beacon_Task.xml
RUN powershell schtasks /Create /XML c:\TIER_Beacon_Task.xml /TN 'TIER Beacon' ; $tm=((Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 4) -as [string]).padleft(2,'0') + ':' + ((Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 60) -as [string]).padleft(2,'0') ; schtasks /Change /TN 'TIER Beacon' /ST $tm
RUN del c:\TIER_Beacon_Task.xml
### Settings for a burned-in config (default) ###
# Ensure the following locations are accurate (and uncommented) if you plan to burn your configuration into your containers by uncommenting the relevant section below.
# They represent the folder names/paths on your build host of the relevant config material needed to run the container. You can also specify these
# with --build-arg in your 'docker build' command.
#ARG TOMCFG=config\\tomcat
#ARG TOMLOG=logs\\tomcat
#ARG TOMCERT=credentials\\tomcat
#ARG SHBCFG=config\\shib-idp\\conf
#ARG SHBCREDS=credentials\\shib-idp
#ARG SHBVIEWS=config\\shib-idp\\views
#ARG SHBEDWAPP=config\\shib-idp\\edit-webapp
#ARG SHBMSGS=config\\shib-idp\\messages
#ARG SHBMD=config\\shib-idp\\metadata
#ARG SHBLOG=logs\\shib-idp
# Also, ***NOTE*** For a burned config, *uncomment* the ADD lines below and *comment* the lines of the VOLUME command above (~ 30 lines up)
# consider not doing the one volume below (which maps the IdP's logs folder to a local folder) as it creates a run-time
# dependency and a better solution might be to use syslog from the container
# VOLUME ["c:\\idplogs", "c:\\opt\\shibboleth-idp\\logs"]
#ADD $TOMCFG c:\\Tomcat\\conf
#ADD $TOMCERT c:\\sslcert
#ADD $TOMWWWROOT c:\\Tomcat\\webapps\\ROOT
#ADD $SHBCFG c:\\opt\\shibboleth-idp\\conf
#ADD $SHBCREDS c:\\opt\\shibboleth-idp\\credentials
#ADD $SHBVIEWS c:\\opt\\shibboleth-idp\\views
#ADD $SHBEDWAPP c:\\opt\\shibboleth-idp\\edit-webapp
#ADD $SHBMSGS c:\\opt\\shibboleth-idp\\messages
#ADD $SHBMD c:\\opt\\shibboleth-idp\\metadata
# remove existing files from the installer so that secrets can propagate (UNCOMMENT if you are using secrets)
#!# RUN del c:\opt\shibboleth-idp\conf\
#!# RUN del c:\opt\shibboleth-idp\conf\
#!# RUN del c:\opt\shibboleth-idp\conf\relying-party.xml
#!# RUN del c:\opt\shibboleth-idp\conf\attribute-filter.xml
#!# RUN del c:\opt\shibboleth-idp\conf\attribute-resolver.xml
#!# RUN del c:\opt\shibboleth-idp\conf\metadata-providers.xml
#!# RUN del c:\opt\shibboleth-idp\credentials\idp-signing.key
#!# RUN del c:\opt\shibboleth-idp\credentials\idp-signing.crt
#!# RUN del c:\opt\shibboleth-idp\credentials\idp-encryption.key
#!# RUN del c:\opt\shibboleth-idp\credentials\idp-encryption.crt
#!# RUN del c:\opt\shibboleth-idp\credentials\sealer.jks
#!# RUN del c:\opt\shibboleth-idp\credentials\sealer.kver
#establish a healthcheck command so that docker might know the container's true state
HEALTHCHECK --interval=2m --timeout=30s \
CMD powershell [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true}; (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString("")
CMD [ "cmd /c c:\\Tomcat\\bin\\catalina.bat run" ]