COmanage Match Internet2 TAP Base Image
Intended to build a COmanage Match for Internet2 TAP base image using CentOS 7 as the operating system and building PHP from source.
By itself the image built from this Dockerfile does not provide COmanage Match.
The image built from this Dockerfile is used as the base for the Internet2 TAP image that includes COmanage Match with the Shibboleth Native SP for Apache HTTP Server (Shibboleth) as the authentication mechanism.
Build Arguments
No arguments are required for the build but the following argument may be provided to override the default:
--build-arg PHP_VERSION=<PHP version number>
docker build \
-t comanage-match-internet2-tier-base:<tag> .
Building Example
docker build \
-t comanage-match-internet2-tap-base:${TAG} .