COmanage Registry Cron
Intended to build a COmanage Registry image that uses cron to execute COmanage Registry JobShell jobs. (See also Registry Installation - Cron).
Build Arguments
Building the image requires the following build arguments:
--build-arg COMANAGE_REGISTRY_VERSION=<version number>
--build-arg COMANAGE_REGISTRY_BASE_IMAGE_VERSION=<base image version number>
Build Requirements
This image uses a multi-stage build. It requires that the COmanage Registry base image be built first.
docker build \
--build-arg COMANAGE_REGISTRY_VERSION=<COmanage Registry version number> \
--build-arg COMANAGE_REGISTRY_BASE_IMAGE_VERSION=<base image version number> \
-t comanage-registry-cron:<tag> .
Building Example
docker build \
-t comanage-registry-cron:$TAG .
Volumes and Data Persistence
This image does not require data persistence using volumes, but it is often convenient to use the same volume for this image as is used for COmanage Registry so that the JobShell code easily uses the same database configuration used for COmanage Registry. See COmanage Registry Volumes and Data Persistence.
If you do not use the same volume that is used with COmanage Registry you need to inject the necessary environment variables so that the container can create the database configuration file dynamically. See the next section for details.
Environment Variables
See the list of environment variables common to all images including this image. Since this image does not run a webserver many of the environment variables will be ignored by containers instantiated from this image.
If you use the same volume that is used with COmanage Registry then you should set the environment variable
to any value so that the cron container does not attempt to also create the database configuration file along with the COmanage Registry container. Failure to do so may lead to a race condition where the cron container writes an incorrect database configuration file because it does not have access to the same details as the full COmanage Registry container.
If you do not use the same volume that is used with COmanage Registry be sure to set the environment variables
so that the container is able to write its own database configuration file and connect to the database.
See also the next section for details on how to specify the location of the crontab file.
Crontab File
When the container starts it will install a crontab file that is used by cron to execute COmanage Registry COmanage Registry JobShell jobs. The container will look for a crontab file at
by default. If you are using the same volume as for COmanage Registry then you only need to add the desired crontab file to that volume. Alternatively you may provide a unique volume and add the crontab file to it (also be sure to inject the necessary environment variables so that the container can connect to the database--see above).
You may also specify the location of the crontab file to install using the environment variable
If no crontab file is found the container uses this default crontab file:
# Run Expiration Policies for CO 1 once a day at 1:00 AM
0 1 * * * cd /srv/comanage-registry/app && ./Console/cake job CoreJob.Expire -s --coid 1
# Run Synchronize Org Identity Sources for CO 1 once a day at 1:00 AM
0 1 * * * cd /srv/comanage-registry/app && ./Console/cake job CoreJob.Sync -s --coid 1
# Run Validate Group Member for CO 1 once a day at 1:00 AM
0 1 * * * cd /srv/comanage-registry/app && ./Console/cake job CoreJob.ValidateGroupMember -s --coid 1
# Run queued jobs for CO 1 every 5 minutes
0-59/5 * * * * cd /srv/comanage-registry/app && ./Console/cake job -q -r -c 1
The image does not run a webserver and does not require authentication.
The image does not run a webserver and does not listen on any ports.
See other documentation in this repository for details on how to orchestrate running this image with other images using an orchestration tool like Docker Compose, Docker Swarm, or Kubernetes.
Note that only one container instantiated from this image should run at any given time. There is currently no cross-process locking for COmanage Registry JobShell jobs.
To run this image:
docker run -d \
--name comanage-registry-cron \
-v /opt/comanage-registry-local:/srv/comanage-registry/local \
The cron process logs to the stdout and stderr of the container.