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122 lines (100 sloc) 3.15 KB
node('docker') {
stage 'Checkout'
checkout scm
stage 'Acquire util'
sh 'mkdir -p tmp && mkdir -p bin'
git([ url: "",
credentialsId: "jenkins-github-access-token" ])
sh 'mv ./bin/* ../bin/.'
sh 'rm -rf tmp'
stage 'Setting build context'
def maintainer = maintainer()
def imagename = imagename()
def tag
// Tag images created on master branch with 'latest'
if(env.BRANCH_NAME == "master"){
tag = "latest"
tag = env.BRANCH_NAME
echo "You must define an imagename in common.bash"
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
echo "Building ${imagename}:${tag} for ${maintainer}"
stage 'Build'
sh 'bin/ &> debug'
} catch(error) {
def error_details = readFile('./debug');
def message = "BUILD ERROR: There was a problem building ${imagename}:${tag}. \n\n ${error_details}"
sh "rm -f ./debug"
handleError(message, tag)
stage 'Compose'
sh 'bin/ &> debug'
} catch(error) {
def error_details = readFile('./debug');
def message = "BUILD ERROR: There was a problem composing Grouper appliance (${tag}). \n\n ${error_details}"
sh "rm -f ./debug"
handleError(message, tag)
stage 'Tests'
sh 'sleep 300'
sh 'bin/ &> debug'
} catch(error) {
def error_details = readFile('./debug');
def message = "BUILD ERROR: There was a problem building ${imagename}:${tag}. \n\n ${error_details}"
sh "rm -f ./debug"
handleError(message, tag)
stage 'Decompose'
sh 'bin/ &> debug'
} catch(error) {
def error_details = readFile('./debug');
def message = "BUILD ERROR: There was a problem decomposing Grouper appliance (${tag}). \n\n ${error_details}"
sh "rm -f ./debug"
handleError(message, tag)
stage 'Clean Up'
stage 'Notify'
slackSend color: 'good', message: "grouper-appliance (${tag}) passes test battery"
def maintainer() {
def matcher = readFile('common.bash') =~ 'maintainer="(.+)"'
matcher ? matcher[0][1] : 'tier'
def imagename() {
def matcher = readFile('common.bash') =~ 'imagename="(.+)"'
matcher ? matcher[0][1] : null
def handleError(String message, String tag, Boolean doCleanup = true){
echo "${message}"
slackSend color: 'danger', message: "${message}"
//step([$class: 'Mailer', notifyEveryUnstableBuild: true, recipients: '', sendToIndividuals: true])
if (doCleanup) {
sh 'exit 1'
def cleanup(String tag) {
sh 'bin/ &> debug'
sh 'bin/ &> debug'
sh 'sudo rm -rf logs'
} catch(error) {
def error_details = readFile('./debug');
def message = "BUILD ERROR: There was a problem cleaning up Grouper appliance :${tag}. \n\n ${error_details}"
sh "rm -f ./debug"
handleError(message, tag, false)