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- Incorporate the courses (after adding more);
- randomly add a second non-duplticating affliate
function RNG(seed) {
// LCG using GCC's constants
this.m = 0x80000000; // 2**31;
this.a = 1103515245;
this.c = 12345;
this.state = seed ? seed : Math.floor(Math.random() * (this.m - 1));
RNG.prototype.nextInt = function() {
this.state = (this.a * this.state + this.c) % this.m;
return this.state;
RNG.prototype.nextFloat = function() {
// returns in range [0,1]
return this.nextInt() / (this.m - 1);
RNG.prototype.nextRange = function(start, end) {
// returns in range [start, end): including start, excluding end
// can't modulu nextInt because of weak randomness in lower bits
var rangeSize = end - start;
var randomUnder1 = this.nextInt() / this.m;
return start + Math.floor(randomUnder1 * rangeSize);
RNG.prototype.choice = function(array) {
return array[this.nextRange(0, array.length)];
var surnames = ["Gasper", "Smith", "Anderson", "Roberts", "Davis", "Brown", "Langenberg", "Vales",
"Grady", "Doe", "Morrison", "Walters", "Johnson", "Williams", "Peterson", "Martinez", "Thompson",
"White", "Lee", "Clark", "Lewis", "Lopez", "Gonazles", "Scott", "Henderson", "Butler", "Price",
var givenNames = ["John", "Michael", "Jennifer", "Nancy", "Bill", "William",
"Kiersten", "Marie", "Lori", "Mark", "Eric", "David", "Ann",
"Donna", "Paul", "Thomas", "Robert", "David", "Jim", "James",
"Blake", "Sarah", "Karoline", "Kim", "Erik", "Greg", "Karl",
"Colin", "Jo", "Betty", "Lisa", "Heather", "Mary", "Stephanie", "Christina",
"Christopher", "Jeremy", "Nancy", "Amber", "Adian", "Perry", "Steve",
"Andrew", "Megan", "Anna", "Claire", "Maddie", "Madison", "Debbie", "Lexi",
"Olivia", "Emma", "Ava", "Sophia", "Isabella", "Mia"
var departments = ["Computer Science", "Engineering", "Business", "Accounting",
"Law", "Physical Education", "Language Arts", "Financial Aid",
"Information Technology", "Advising", "Purchasing", "Accounts Payable"
var affiliations = ["student", "staff", "faculty", "alum", "community"];
var courses = ["ACCT101", "ACCT201", "MATH100", "MATH101", "CS251", "CS252",
"ENGL101", "ENGL102", "ENGL201", "HIST101", "HIST102",
"SCI123", "SCI123", "SCI404"
var rng;
function generateData() {
var people = [];
var seed = parseInt(document.getElementById('seed').value);
rng = new RNG(seed);
var personCount = parseInt(document.getElementById('count').value) - 1;
var peopleOu = document.getElementById('people_ou').value;
for (i = 0; i <= personCount; i++) {
surname = surnames[rng.nextRange(0, surnames.length)];
givenName = givenNames[rng.nextRange(0, givenNames.length)];
idNumber = "8" + (i + 1).toString().padStart(7, "0");
uid = givenName[0] + surname + i;
var person = {
uid: uid.toLowerCase(),
surname: surname,
givenName: givenName,
idNumber: idNumber,
//Add additional randomized characteristics sets here;
//keep the ordering the same to maintain deterministic capabilities between runs
//Assign departments
for (index = 0; index < people.length; ++index) {
people[index]["department"] = departments[rng.nextRange(0, departments.length)];
//Assign affiliations
for (index = 0; index < people.length; ++index) {
people[index]["affiliations"] = selectUnduplicated(affiliations, 2);
//Assign titles/primary affiliations
for (index = 0; index < people.length; ++index) {
people[index]["title"] = rankAffiliations(people[index].affiliations);
//Create Course Enrollments
for (index = 0; index < people.length; ++index) {
people[index]["courses"] = [];
if (people[index]["affiliations"].indexOf("student") > -1
|| people[index]["affiliations"].indexOf("faculty") > -1) {
people[index]["courses"] = selectUnduplicated(courses, 4);
//Create vpn_users
for (index = 0; index < people.length; ++index) {
people[index].vpn_user = people[index].affiliations.indexOf('staff') >= 0 || people[index].affiliations.indexOf('faculty') >= 0 ?
(rng.nextFloat() > 0.1): //grab most faculty and staff
rng.nextFloat() > 0.9; // and only a few others
//Create vpn users ldap group
//Create Athletics users
//Create lists of non-faculty (staff) banner users
//Create lists of visiting scholars
//Generate Output
var ldif = "";
for (j = 0; j < people.length; j++) {
ldif += formatPersonLdif(people[j], peopleOu);
ldif += formatVpnUsersGroupLdif(people, peopleOu);
ldif += formatCommunityGroupLdif(people, peopleOu);
document.getElementById('ldif').value = ldif;
var sql = "";
sql += sqlHeader();
for (k = 0; k < people.length; k++) {
sql += formatSqlSubjects(people[k]);
sql += formatSqlCourses(people[k]);
document.getElementById('sql').value = sql;
function formatPersonLdif(person, ou) {
var output =
"dn: uid=<uid>," + ou + "\n" +
"objectClass: organizationalPerson\n" +
"objectClass: person\n" +
"objectClass: top\n" +
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson\n" +
"objectClass: eduPerson\n" +
"surname: <surname>\n" +
"givenName: <givenName>\n" +
"cn: <givenName> <surname>\n" +
"uid: <uid>\n" +
"title: <title>\n" +
"employeeNumber: <idNumber>\n" +
"mail: <uid>\n" +
"businessCategory:<department>\n" +
"userPassword: password\n";
output = output.replace(/<uid>/g, person.uid);
output = output.replace(/<surname>/g, person.surname);
output = output.replace(/<givenName>/g, person.givenName);
output = output.replace(/<department>/g, person.department);
output = output.replace(/<title>/g, person.title);
output = output.replace(/<idNumber>/g, person.idNumber);
for (i = 0; i < person.affiliations.length; i++) {
output += "eduPersonAffiliation: " + person.affiliations[i] + "\n";
return output + "\n";
function formatVpnUsersGroupLdif(people, ou) {
var vpnOutput =
"dn: cn=vpn_users,ou=groups,dc=internet2,dc=edu\n" +
"objectClass: groupOfNames\n" +
"objectClass: top\n" +
"cn: vpn_users\n"
for (j = 0; j < people.length; j++) {
if (people[j].vpn_user == 1) {
vpnOutput = vpnOutput + "member: uid=" + people[j].uid + ',' + ou + "\n"
return vpnOutput + "\n";
function formatCommunityGroupLdif(people, ou) {
var vpnOutput =
"dn: cn=community_members,ou=groups,dc=internet2,dc=edu\n" +
"objectClass: groupOfNames\n" +
"objectClass: top\n" +
"cn: community_members\n"
for (j = 0; j < people.length; j++) {
if (people[j].affiliations.indexOf('community') >= 0 ) {
vpnOutput = vpnOutput + "member: uid=" + people[j].uid + ',' + ou + "\n"
return vpnOutput + "\n";
function sqlHeader() {
" termId varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n" +
" courseId varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n" +
" studentId varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n" +
" PRIMARY KEY (termId, courseId, studentId)\n" +
");\n\n" +
" id varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n" +
" surname varchar(255) default NULL,\n" +
" givenName varchar(255) default NULL,\n" +
" PRIMARY KEY (id)\n" +
");\n\n" +
" id varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n" +
" role varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n" +
" PRIMARY KEY (id, role)\n" +
function formatSqlCourses(person) {
var template =
"INSERT INTO SIS_COURSES (termId, courseId, studentId) " +
"VALUES ('201810','<courseId>','<id>');\n";
var output = "";
for (i = 0; i <; i++) {
temp = template.replace(/<id>/g, person.idNumber);
temp = temp.replace(/<courseId>/g,[i]);
output += temp;
return output;
function formatSqlSubjects(person) {
var template =
"INSERT INTO HR_PEOPLE(id, surname, givenName) " +
"VALUES ('<id>','<surname>','<givenName>');\n";
var output = "";
temp = template.replace(/<id>/g, person.idNumber);
temp = temp.replace(/<surname>/g, person.surname);
temp = temp.replace(/<givenName>/g, person.givenName);
output += temp;
var template =
"VALUES ('<id>','<role>');\n";
for (i = 0; i < person.affiliations.length; i++) {
var template =
"VALUES ('<id>','<role>');\n";
if (person.affiliations[i] == 'staff'
|| person.affiliations[i] == 'faculty'
|| person.affiliations[i] =='student'
|| person.affiliations[i] =='community') {
temp = template.replace(/<id>/g, person.idNumber);
temp = temp.replace(/<role>/g, person.affiliations[i]);
output += temp;
return output;
function selectUnduplicated(source, max) {
var output = [];
count = rng.nextRange(0, max) + 1;
while (output.length < count) {
item = source[rng.nextRange(0, source.length)];
if (output.indexOf(item) == -1) {
return output;
function rankAffiliations(affiliations) {
if (affiliations.indexOf("faculty") > -1)
return "faculty";
else if (affiliations.indexOf("staff") > -1)
return "staff";
else if (affiliations.indexOf("student") > -1)
return "student";
else if (affiliations.indexOf("alum") > -1)
return "alum";
return "other";
function makeQuestionableVpnUsersLists(people) {
var csvOutput = "";
var gshOutput = 'addGroup("test", "cisoQuestionableVpnUsersList", "CISO VPN Questionable VPN List");\n';
var sampleCount = 15;
for (i = 0; i < people.length && sampleCount > 0; i++) {
if (people[i].vpn_user == true & rng.nextFloat() > 0.75) {
csvOutput = csvOutput + people[i].uid + "\n";
gshOutput = gshOutput + 'addMember("test:cisoQuestionableVpnUsersList","' + people[i].uid + '");\n';
document.getElementById('vpnCsv').value = csvOutput;
document.getElementById('vpnGsh').value = gshOutput;
function makeAthleticsUsersLists(people) {
var csvOutput = "";
var gshOutput = 'addGroup("app:mfa:ref", "athletics_dept", "athletics_dept");\n';
var sampleCount = 15;
for (i = 0; i < people.length && sampleCount > 0; i++) {
if (people[i].affiliations.indexOf('staff') >= 0 & rng.nextFloat() > 0.75) {
csvOutput = csvOutput + people[i].uid + "\n";
gshOutput = gshOutput + 'addMember("app:mfa:ref:athletics_dept","' + people[i].uid + '");\n';
document.getElementById('athleticsCsv').value = csvOutput;
document.getElementById('athleticsGsh').value = gshOutput;
function makeNonFacultyBannerUsersLists(people) {
var csvOutput = "";
var gshOutput = 'addGroup("app:mfa:ref", "NonFacultyBannerINB", "NonFacultyBannerINB");\n';
var sampleCount = 35;
for (i = 100; i < people.length && sampleCount > 0; i++) {
if (people[i].affiliations.indexOf('staff') >= 0 & rng.nextFloat() > 0.75) {
csvOutput = csvOutput + people[i].uid + "\n";
gshOutput = gshOutput + 'addMember("app:mfa:ref:NonFacultyBannerINB","' + people[i].uid + '");\n';
document.getElementById('bannerCsv').value = csvOutput;
document.getElementById('bannerGsh').value = gshOutput;
function makeVisitingScholarsLists(people) {
var csvOutput = "";
var gshOutput = 'addGroup("app:lms:ref", "visiting_scholars", "visiting_scholars");\n';
var sampleCount = 25;
for (i = 300; i < people.length && sampleCount > 0; i++) {
if (people[i].affiliations.indexOf('community') >= 0) {
csvOutput = csvOutput + people[i].uid + "\n";
gshOutput = gshOutput + 'addMember("app:lms:ref:visiting_scholars","' + people[i].uid + '");\n';
document.getElementById('visitingScholarsCsv').value = csvOutput;
document.getElementById('visitingScholarsGsh').value = gshOutput;
Seed: <input type="text" name="seed" id="seed" value="6874" /> <br />
Number of Subjects: <input type="text" name="count" id="count" value="1000" /> <br />
People OU: <input type="text" name="people_ou" id="people_ou" value="ou=people,dc=internet2,dc=edu"/> <br />
<input type="button" onclick="generateData(); return false;" value="Run" /> <br />
Ldif: <br /><textarea cols="100" rows="15" id="ldif"></textarea><br />
Sql: <br /><textarea cols="100" rows="15" id="sql"></textarea> <br />
Questionable VPN Users CSV: <br /><textarea cols="100" rows="15" id="vpnCsv"></textarea> <br />
Questionable VPN Users GSH: <br /><textarea cols="100" rows="15" id="vpnGsh"></textarea> <br />
Athletic Dept CSV: <br /><textarea cols="100" rows="15" id="athleticsCsv"></textarea> <br />
Atheltics Dept GSH: <br /><textarea cols="100" rows="15" id="athleticsGsh"></textarea> <br />
Non-faculty Banner Users CSV: <br /><textarea cols="100" rows="15" id="bannerCsv"></textarea> <br />
Non-faculty Banner Users GSH: <br /><textarea cols="100" rows="15" id="bannerGsh"></textarea> <br />
Visiting Scholars Users CSV: <br /><textarea cols="100" rows="15" id="visitingScholarsCsv"></textarea> <br />
Visiting Scholars Users GSH: <br /><textarea cols="100" rows="15" id="visitingScholarsGsh"></textarea> <br />