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#specify the consumers here. specify the consumer name after the changeLog.consumer. part. This example is "psp"
#but it could be changeLog.consumer.myConsumerName.class
#the class must extend edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.changeLog.ChangeLogConsumerBase
#changeLog.consumer.psp.class = edu.internet2.middleware.psp.grouper.PspChangeLogConsumer
#the quartz cron is a cron-like string. it defaults to every minute on the minute (since the temp to change log job runs
#at 10 seconds to each minute). it defaults to this: 0 * * * * ?
#though it will stagger each one by 2 seconds
#changeLog.consumer.psp.quartzCron = 0 * * * * ?
# To retry processing a change log entry if an error occurs, set retryOnError to true. Defaults to false.
#changeLog.consumer.psp.retryOnError = false
# To run full provisioning synchronizations periodically, provide the class name which provides a 'public void fullSync()' method.
#changeLog.psp.fullSync.class = edu.internet2.middleware.psp.grouper.PspChangeLogConsumer
# Schedule full synchronizations. Defaults to 5 am : 0 0 5 * * ?.
#changeLog.psp.fullSync.quartzCron = 0 0 5 * * ?
# Run a full synchronization job at startup. Defaults to false.
#changeLog.psp.fullSync.runAtStartup = false
# Omit diff responses from bulk response to conserve memory.
#changeLog.psp.fullSync.omitDiffResponses = true
# Omit sync responses from bulk response to conserve memory.
#changeLog.psp.fullSync.omitSyncResponses = true
## LDAP connections
# specify the ldap connection with user, pass, url
# the string after "ldap." is the ID of the connection, and it should not have
# spaces or other special chars in it. In this case is it "personLdap"
#note the URL should start with ldap: or ldaps: if it is SSL.
#It should contain the server and port (optional if not default), and baseDn,
#e.g. ldaps://,dc=edu
ldap.demo.url = ldap://localhost:389/
#optional, if authenticated
ldap.demo.user = cn=root,dc=internet2,dc=edu
#optional, if authenticated note the password can be stored encrypted in an external file
ldap.demo.pass = password
#optional, if you are using tls, set this to true. Generally you will not be using an SSL URL to use TLS...
ldap.demo.tls = false
#optional, if using sasl
#ldap.personLdap.saslAuthorizationId =
#ldap.personLdap.saslRealm =
#optional (note, time limit is for search operations, timeout is for connection timeouts),
#most of these default to vt-ldap defaults. times are in millis
#validateOnCheckout defaults to true if all other validate methods are false
#ldap.personLdap.batchSize =
#ldap.personLdap.countLimit =
#ldap.personLdap.timeLimit =
#ldap.personLdap.timeout =
#ldap.personLdap.minPoolSize =
#ldap.personLdap.maxPoolSize =
#ldap.personLdap.validateOnCheckIn =
#ldap.personLdap.validateOnCheckOut =
#ldap.personLdap.validatePeriodically =
#ldap.personLdap.validateTimerPeriod =
#ldap.personLdap.pruneTimerPeriod =
#if connections expire after a certain amount of time, this is it, in millis, defaults to 300000 (5 minutes)
#ldap.personLdap.expirationTime =
#make the paths fully qualified and not relative to the loader group.
changeLog.consumer.pspng_groupOfNames.class = edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.pspng.PspChangelogConsumerShim
changeLog.consumer.pspng_groupOfNames.type = edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.pspng.LdapGroupProvisioner
changeLog.consumer.pspng_groupOfNames.quartzCron = 0 * * * * ?
changeLog.consumer.pspng_groupOfNames.ldapPoolName = demo
changeLog.consumer.pspng_groupOfNames.supportsEmptyGroups = false
changeLog.consumer.pspng_groupOfNames.memberAttributeName = member
changeLog.consumer.pspng_groupOfNames.memberAttributeValueFormat = ${ldapUser.getDn()}
changeLog.consumer.pspng_groupOfNames.groupSearchBaseDn = ou=groups,dc=internet2,dc=edu
changeLog.consumer.pspng_groupOfNames.allGroupsSearchFilter = objectclass=groupOfNames
changeLog.consumer.pspng_groupOfNames.singleGroupSearchFilter = (&(objectclass=groupOfNames)(cn=${}))
changeLog.consumer.pspng_groupOfNames.groupSearchAttributes = cn,objectclass
changeLog.consumer.pspng_groupOfNames.groupCreationLdifTemplate = dn: cn=${}||cn: ${}||objectclass: groupOfNames
changeLog.consumer.pspng_groupOfNames.userSearchBaseDn = ou=people,dc=internet2,dc=edu
changeLog.consumer.pspng_groupOfNames.userSearchFilter = uid=${}
changeLog.consumer.pspng_groupOfNames.grouperIsAuthoritative = false
changeLog.consumer.pspng_entitlements.class = edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.pspng.PspChangelogConsumerShim
changeLog.consumer.pspng_entitlements.type = edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.pspng.LdapAttributeProvisioner
changeLog.consumer.pspng_entitlements.quartzCron = 0 * * * * ?
changeLog.consumer.pspng_entitlements.ldapPoolName = demo
changeLog.consumer.pspng_entitlements.provisionedAttributeName = eduPersonEntitlement
changeLog.consumer.pspng_entitlements.provisionedAttributeValueFormat = ${'app:mfa:service:policy:mfa_enabled') ? '' : ('app:board_effect:service:policy:board_effect_access') ? '' : '' + group.extension)}
changeLog.consumer.pspng_entitlements.userSearchBaseDn = ou=people,dc=internet2,dc=edu
changeLog.consumer.pspng_entitlements.userSearchFilter = uid=${}
## Messaging integration with change log
changeLog.consumer.rabbitMqMessagingSample.quartzCron = 0 * * * * ?
# note, change "messagingSample" in key to be the name of the consumer. e.g. changeLog.consumer.someNameAnyName.class
changeLog.consumer.rabbitMqMessagingSample.class = edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.changeLog.esb.consumer.EsbConsumer
changeLog.consumer.rabbitMqMessagingSample.publisher.class = edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.changeLog.esb.consumer.EsbMessagingPublisher
changeLog.consumer.rabbitMqMessagingSample.publisher.messagingSystemName = rabbitmq
# note, routingKey property is valid only for rabbitmq. For other messaging systems, it is ignored.
changeLog.consumer.rabbitMqMessagingSample.publisher.routingKey =
## queue or topic
changeLog.consumer.rabbitMqMessagingSample.publisher.messageQueueType = queue
changeLog.consumer.rabbitMqMessagingSample.publisher.queueOrTopicName = grouper
## this is optional if not using "id" for subjectId, need to be a subject attribute in the sources.xml
#changeLog.consumer.rabbitMqMessagingSample.publisher.addSubjectAttributes = email