Azure Usage Detail Export Function
A simple function to pull usage details out of an Azure enrollment and put them somewhere more useful.
- Google Cloud Project (BigQuery, Secrets Manager, Cloud Scheduler, Cloud Functions)
- Azure AD Service Principal/App Registration
- Enterprise Enrollment Access
Assign the Enrollment Reader role in your enrollment to the service principal. Steps to complete this can be found here The guid representing the roles remains consistent across enrollments, only the billing profile id, aka. enrollment number, will change. To successfully complete the role assignment, it must be the Object Id of the App Registration, not the Application Id.
A helper script is included to assist with creating the BigQuery table that will receive the data. The table is date partitioned to reduce query sizes and improve query performance. A view is also provided to simplify queries related to general billing questions eg. how much was spent on reserved instances's this year. The view will provide much the same information as the EA portal, but in a much more queryable fashion. Clone this repository to a cloud shell, and install the python required modules.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Rename config.sample to and edit the values to match the App Id/Client Id, and Tenant. Optionally you may change the Dataset and Table names to more appropriate values.
Use the gcloud command line to confirm or change the current project for your session.
gcloud config get-value project
gcloud config set project [projectId]
if needed to change projects
Run the table creation script. The script is idempotent and will not cause issues in re-applying.
Create Service Account
gcloud iam service-accounts create [service-account-name] \ --display-name="Azure Usage Detail Export Function Service Account"
Store the Azure client secret in Secrets Manger and assign Accessor Role to Service Account
printf [ClientSecretValue] | gcloud secrets create [ClientSecretName] --data-file=-
gcloud secrets add-iam-policy-binding [ClientSecret] \ --member='serviceAccount:[service-account-name]@[projectId]' \ --role='roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor'
Edit cloudbuild.yaml To set the secret reference and the service account
- --set-secrets=CLIENT_SECRET_KEY=[ClientSecretName]:latest
- --service-account=[service-account-name]@[projectId]
Deploy the function using Cloud Build
gcloud builds submit --config=cloudbuild.yaml .
Assign Service Account the Data Editor role to the table
bq add-iam-policy-binding \ --member='serviceAccount:[service-account-name]@[projectId]' \ --role='roles/bigquery.dataEditor' \ [projectId]:[dataset].[table]
Define the schedule for execution. The schedule can be repeated for each enrollment you have changing the enrollment value in the message body. The schedule exampled here is for 08:00 AM on the fifth day of each month.
gcloud scheduler jobs create http [name] --location=us-central1 --schedule="0 8 5 * *" --message-body="{"enrollment":[EnrollmentNumber], "load_type":"monthly"}" --uri=[httpsTrigger:url]
Optional Next Steps
- Commit changes to git and push to a new repository. Configure a Cloud Build trigger and deployment pipeline.
- Repeat the scheduled execution for additional enrollments.
Known Limitations
Azure data accuracy
In testing the option to load data on a daily or weekly basis proved unstable. While data was brought in it was either duplicative, or missing entries compared to the EA portal or Cost Management in the standard Azure portal. This has been found up to a few days after the end of the month. Data retrieved on the 5th day for the previous month has been found to be accurate.
Tag data
Tags are currently dropped from the data set. While feasible to have them in the BigQuery data set, they need to be sanitized to ensure the keys and values are allowable.
Contributions are welcome, especially for known issues, bugs, or to improve documentation. Please understand that this code is sufficient for our needs, it does not mean that is perfect, the correct way and it is far from the only way to collect this information. Sending an email will not guarantee a response, please use the issues functionality if you have problems.