2021-08-23 11:46 State of Discussion on a midPoint/Grouper Package with integrated subject source
midPoint to DB table, DB table as primary Grouper subject source
MRG original idea:
Goal: Make it as easy as possible for people to get an integrated midPoint/Grouper up and running
Means: Minimize the number of components needed to get a working mP/Grouper environment
Proposal: Have Evolveum populate a Grouper SubjSource Table in their internal DB`
Barrier: Evolveum is not willing to tailor their midPoint package to support this proposal; They want to keep their product free of domain customizations as possible
Revised Proposal:
` T&I should offers a configurable installation package for mP/Grouper as a free-standing subset of the full TAP package
` The package should include an option to configure mP to populate a DB Table resource that Grouper then uses as its registry subject source
Michael Gettes Jul 22nd at 16:19 Has anyone done the work to use midPoint as a subject source - accessing with SQL? (edited)
Steve Hillman I looked at it while prototyping - if I were to do it that way, I’d just have MidPoint write the subjects to a database table using a Connector, then have Grouper query that same table as a subject source
Mike Mays I believe we are planning on doing the same thing as Steve (though haven’t build it yet).
Michael Gettes well, that just seems terribly simple and smart! @Mike Mays if you pursue i’d be interested in what you learn. i am on vacation for the next few weeks but i hope to make some progress over the next month or 3 to go down this path. will try to keep you posted on my experiences as well. Thank you @Steve Hillman
James Babb We are also eventually planning to go this route of having midpoint write out subjects to a database table.
Benjamin Rappleyea ISU also is currently plan on using this method, starting next week even we should be trialing it.