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118 lines (100 sloc) 3.74 KB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import glob
import re
import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
import json
import logging
import csv
logger = logging.getLogger("netflow-iface")
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
def main():
configs = parse_config()
with open("netflow-interfaces.csv", "w") as out_file:
out_csv = csv.DictWriter(out_file, [
for rtr, root in configs.items():
# Loop routers
for interface in iterate_ifaces(root):
interface['router'] = rtr
# print("{:<16} {:<20}".format(
# rtr, json.dumps(interface)
# ))
def iterate_ifaces(root):
# VRF Table, map interface -> VRF name
if_vrf = {}
for vrf in root.findall('.//routing-instances/instance'):
vrf_name = vrf.findtext('./name')
for interface in vrf.findall('./interface'):
if_name = interface.findtext('./name')
if_vrf[if_name] = vrf_name
# Loop through interfaces
for interface in root.findall('.//interfaces/interface'):
if_name = interface.findtext("name")
# Skip template devices
if '*' in if_name: continue
# Yield main interface
entry, if_ag = interface_params(interface, if_name, if_vrf)
yield entry
# Loop units
for unit in interface.findall("./unit"):
unit_name = unit.findtext('./name')
full_name = "{}.{}".format(if_name,unit_name)
entry, _ = interface_params(unit, full_name, if_vrf, if_ag)
yield entry
def interface_params(unit, full_name, if_vrf, parent_ag=set()):
"""Parse paraemters of an interface or unit"""
description = unit.findtext('./description')
afi = set([f.tag for f in unit.findall('./family/*')])
routed = (len(unit.findall('./family/inet')) + len(unit.findall('./family/inet6')) > 0)
ipv4_addr = unit.findtext("./family/inet/address/name")
ipv6_addr = unit.findtext("./family/inet6/address/name")
include_groups = set([g.text for g in unit.findall('./apply-groups')])
exclude_groups = set([g.text for g in unit.findall('./apply-groups-except')])
ag = include_groups.union(parent_ag).difference(exclude_groups)
flow = bool( ag.intersection(FLOW_APPLY_GROUPS) )
afi.update(["mpls", "iso"])
entry = {
'name': full_name,
'description': description,
'ipv4': ipv4_addr,
'ipv6': ipv6_addr,
'afi': " ".join(sorted(afi)),
'vrf': if_vrf.get(full_name, "RE" if routed else None),
'netflow': flow,
return entry, ag
def parse_config():
"""Parse all router's config"""
rv = {}
for config_file in glob.glob("../internet2-configs/rtsw/xml/*.xml"):
# Parse XML
config_root = et.parse(config_file)
hostname = extract_hostname(config_root)
# Stash for return
rv[hostname] = config_root
except et.ParseError as e:
logger.debug("Error loading router configuration", exc_info=e)
return rv
RE_HOSTNAME_CLEANUP = re.compile(r'-re\d', re.IGNORECASE)
def extract_hostname(config_root):
"""Return the sanitized router hostname"""
rtr_name = config_root.findtext('.//system/host-name')
rtr_name = RE_HOSTNAME_CLEANUP.sub('', rtr_name)
return rtr_name
if __name__ == "__main__":