3. About Plugins

COmanage Registry supports several types of Plugins⚙️ in order to easily customize and extend Registry functionality. There are a few different ways to make Plugins available for use within Registry, according to how the Plugin is distributed.

  • Core Plugins - Many Plugins are already set up, and provided as “Core Plugins”; these Plugins ship with COmanage, and are enabled by default.
  • Supported Non-core Plugins - In addition, there are some Plugins that are less widely used, and while they are shipped with COmanage, they are not enabled by default.
  • External Plugins - Finally, Plugins can come from other sources (including those you write yourself) to support your needs.

Types of Plugins

There are several different types of Plugins. A few that we will talk about during this workshop include:

  • Authenticator Plugin - A COmanage Plugin, that implements the interfaces to a specific authentication technology (such as Passwords or SSH Keys).
  • Organizational Identity Source Plugin - Plugin that configures information provided from Sources (systems external to COmanage) so that it can be stored in an Organizational Identity Source⚙️ object
  • Enroller Plugin
  • Provisioner Plugin

Where to find Plugins

A set of Plugins can be found in the COmanage Technical Manual

Installing and Enabling Plugins

Core Plugins are already installed and enabled, so no additional action is required to start using them.

Supported Non-core Plugins are included in your COmanage installation, and can be found in the app/AvailablePlugin directory. To enable them, they must be accessible from the COmanage Registry local/Plugin directory

Configuring and Using Plugins

Once a Plugin is installed and enabled for use, how it is actually used and/or configured varies according to the Plugin type. We will discuss the details of each Plugin type as we begin to use them.

Terminology & resources

See resources and definitions for COmanage-specific terminology in this lesson.