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Deploy COmanage
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COmanage Workshop: Managing Identities & Collaborations
CO201 - Installing COmanage Using Docker Images
2. Setting up variables
4. First sign in

3. Deploy COmanage

Interactive system activity

With our services stack (compose) file all set, we are ready to spin up the services!

Deploy the services

Deploy the services using the following command.

[training@registry1-private ~]$ docker stack deploy --compose-file comanage-registry-stack.yml comanage
Creating network comanage_default
Creating service comanage_database
Creating service comanage_registry
Creating service comanage_ldap

The three services defined in our file have been created.

The virtual machine you are using during the workshop is deployed "behind" an Amazon AWS application load balancer (ALB) and it may take about a minute for the ALB to "see" that the COmanage Registry service is healthy and to route traffic to it. In the meantime, let's check on the service:

Review what Docker stacks are available

[training@registry1-private ~]$ docker stack ls
NAME                SERVICES            ORCHESTRATOR
comanage            3                   Swarm

Review what Docker services are running

[training@registry1-private ~]$ docker service ls
ID                  NAME                MODE                REPLICAS            IMAGE                                                              PORTS
ypl33s0036a1        comanage_database   replicated          1/1                 mariadb:10.4.8                                                     
95316c0h0x5s        comanage_ldap       replicated          1/1                 sphericalcowgroup/comanage-registry-slapd:2                        *:389->389/tcp
wniftw1nguw1        comanage_registry   replicated          1/1                 sphericalcowgroup/comanage-registry:hotfix-3.2.x-shibboleth-sp-4   *:80->80/tcp

Review the tasks for the COmanage Registry service

[training@registry1-private ~]$ docker service ps comanage_registry
ID                  NAME                  IMAGE                                                              NODE                                           DESIRED STATE       CURRENT STATE           ERROR               PORTS
ibnk0b81b05q        comanage_registry.1   sphericalcowgroup/comanage-registry:hotfix-3.2.x-shibboleth-sp-4   Running             Running 8 minutes ago 

Review the logs for the COmanage Registry services

[training@registry1-private ~]$ docker service logs comanage_registry    | 2019-11-10 22:11:31,903 CRIT Set uid to user 0    | 2019-11-10 22:11:31,905 INFO supervisord started with pid 1    | 2019-11-10 22:11:32,908 INFO spawned: 'shibd' with pid 8    | 2019-11-10 22:11:32,909 INFO spawned: 'apache2' with pid 9    | Created directory /srv/comanage-registry/local/Config    | Created directory /srv/comanage-registry/local/Plugin

You may continuously follow the log files for the service by adding the -f flag to the previous command:

[training@registry1-private ~]$ docker service logs -f comanage_registry    | [Mon Nov 11 15:06:45.621935 2019] [core:notice] [pid 9] AH00094: Command line: 'apache2 -D FOREGROUND'    | - "" [11/Nov/2019:15:06:53 +0000] "GET /registry/ HTTP/1.1" 200 4108 "-" "ELB-HealthChecker/2.0"    | - "" [11/Nov/2019:15:06:55 +0000] "GET /registry/ HTTP/1.1" 200 4108 "-" "ELB-HealthChecker/2.0"

When you are ready to move on, put the blue post-it note on your computer so that we can make sure to not move forward before everyone is ready.

NEXT SECTION: 4. First sign in

PREVIOUS SECTION: 2. Setting up variables

LESSON OVERVIEW: CO201 - Installing COmanage Using Docker Image

WORKSHOP OVERVIEW: COmanage Workshop: Managing Identities & Collaborations