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executable file 427 lines (336 sloc) 9.42 KB
# Copyright (c) 2014 Evolveum
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Author: Radovan Semancik
# Required packages:
# Ubuntu: libnet-ldap-perl libauthen-sasl-perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::LDAP;
use Net::LDAP::LDIF;
use Net::LDAP::Util qw(ldap_explode_dn);
use Authen::SASL;
use Digest::SHA qw(sha1);
use MIME::Base64;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config bundling no_auto_abbrev pass_through);
use Pod::Usage;
use Data::Dumper;
my ($verbose,$optHelp);
my $hostname;
my $port;
my $uri;
my ($bindDn,$bindPassword,$bindSaslMechanism);
my $debug = 0;
# my $defaultTLSCipherSuite = "TLSv1+RSA:!EXPORT:!NULL"; # OpenSSL
my $defaultTLSCipherSuite = "NORMAL"; # GnuTLS
my $suffix = "dc=example,dc=com";
my $peopleContainer = "ou=people";
my $groupsContainer = "ou=groups";
my $defaultNamingAttribute="uid";
my $defaultNameFormat="u%08d";
my $defaultPasswordFormat="p%08d";
my $defaultObjectClasses = [ qw(top person organizationalPerson inetOrgPerson) ];
my $noPersonAttrs = 0;
my $notReally = 0;
my $continuous = 0;
my $initialize = 0;
my $quiet = 0;
my $startIndex = 0;
my $passwordHash = 'SSHA';
my $outFilename;
my $displayCountAfter = 100;
my @saltChars = ('.','/',0..9,'A'..'Z','a'..'z');
my @consonants = (qw(b c d f g h j k l m n p r s t v w x z));
my @vowels = (qw(a e i o u));
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { Carp::confess(@_) };
my $numEntries;
if (defined $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] !~ /^-/) {
$numEntries = shift;
GetOptions (
"hostname|h=s" => \$hostname,
"port|p=i" => \$port,
"uri|H=s" => \$uri,
"bindDn|D=s" => \$bindDn,
"bindPassword|w=s" => \$bindPassword,
"saslMechanism|Y=s" => \$bindSaslMechanism,
"suffix|s=s" => \$suffix,
"init|i" => \$initialize,
"startIndex=i" => \$startIndex,
"passwordHash=s" => \$passwordHash,
"file|f=s" => \$outFilename,
"notReally|n" => \$notReally,
"continuous|c" => \$continuous,
"quiet|q" => \$quiet,
"verbose|v" => \$verbose,
"help" => \$optHelp,
) or usage();
usage() if $optHelp;
if (!defined($numEntries)) {
$numEntries = shift;
if (!$numEntries && !$initialize) { usage(); }
if (defined $numEntries && $numEntries eq "--help") { usage(); }
if (!$hostname && !$port && !$uri) {
$uri = "ldapi:///";
} elsif ($hostname && !$port) {
$port = 389;
} elsif (!$hostname && $port) {
$hostname = "localhost";
if (!$bindDn && !$bindPassword && !$bindSaslMechanism) {
$bindSaslMechanism = "EXTERNAL";
print("DEBUG: $numEntries: hostname: $hostname, port: $port\n") if $debug;
sub run {
my $conn = ldapConnectBind();
if ($initialize) {
if ($numEntries) {
sub initialize {
my ($conn) = @_;
my $explodedSuffix = ldap_explode_dn($suffix);
my $suffixFirst = $explodedSuffix->[0];
ldapAddSimple($conn, $suffix, "domain");
ldapAddSimple($conn, "$peopleContainer,$suffix", "organizationalunit");
ldapAddSimple($conn, "$groupsContainer,$suffix", "organizationalunit");
sub ldapAddSimple {
my ($conn, $dn, $objectclass) = @_;
my $explodedDn = ldap_explode_dn($dn);
ldapAdd($conn, $dn,
objectClass => $objectclass,
sub generateEntries {
my ($conn) = @_;
my $startTime = time();
my $entryNum = 0;
my $entryIndex = $startIndex;
for (; $entryNum < $numEntries; $entryNum++) {
my $name = sprintf($defaultNameFormat, $entryIndex);
my $readableName;
my %personAttrs = ();
if (!$noPersonAttrs) {
my $sn = randomName();
my $givenName = randomName();
my $cn = sprintf("%s %s (%08d)", $givenName, $sn, $entryIndex);
my $password = sprintf($defaultPasswordFormat, $entryIndex);
%personAttrs = (
'cn' => $cn,
'sn' => $sn,
'givenName' => $givenName,
'userPassword' => hashPassword($password),
$readableName = "$givenName $sn";
my $dn = "$defaultNamingAttribute=$name,$peopleContainer,$suffix";
my %entryData = (
'objectClass' => $defaultObjectClasses,
$defaultNamingAttribute => $name,
if ($verbose) {
print "Adding entry $entryIndex: $dn";
print " ($readableName)" if $readableName;
print "\n";
ldapAdd($conn, $dn, %entryData);
if (!$quiet && $entryNum != 0 && ( $entryNum % $displayCountAfter == 0 )) {
my $nowTime = time();
my $durSec = $nowTime - $startTime;
my $etaSec = ($durSec*($numEntries-$entryNum))/$entryNum;
my $rate = "INF";
if ($durSec != 0) {
$rate = $entryNum/$durSec;
my $etaEnd = localtime($nowTime + $etaSec);
print "$entryIndex: Added $entryNum entries in $durSec seconds ($rate entries per second). ETA in $etaSec sec ($etaEnd)\n";
my $stopTime = time();
my $durSec = $stopTime - $startTime;
if (!$quiet) {
my $rate;
if ($durSec) {
$rate = $entryNum/$durSec;
} else {
$rate = "more than ".$entryNum;
print "Added $entryNum entries in $durSec seconds ($rate entries per second).\n";
##### UTIL functions
sub randomName {
my $numsyl = int(rand(2)) + 2;
my $out = "";
for (1..$numsyl) {
$out .= $consonants[rand(@consonants)];
$out .= $vowels[rand(@vowels)];
if (rand(2) > 1) {
$out .= $consonants[rand(@consonants)];
return ucfirst($out);
sub hashPassword {
my ($clearPassword) = @_;
if (!$passwordHash || uc($passwordHash) eq 'NONE') {
return $clearPassword;
} elsif (uc($passwordHash) eq 'SSHA') {
my $salt = generateSalt();
my $hash = "{SSHA}".encode_base64(sha1($clearPassword.$salt).$salt, "");
return $hash;
} else {
die ("Unknown password hash algorithm '$passwordHash'\n");
sub generateSalt {
return join('',map {$saltChars[rand(64)]} (1..4));
####### LDAP functions
sub ldapConnect {
my $conn;
if ($uri) {
$conn = Net::LDAP->new($uri) or die("Error connecting to $uri: ".$@."\n");
} else {
$conn = Net::LDAP->new($hostname,
port => $port,
) or die("Error connecting to $hostname:$port: ".$@."\n");
return $conn;
sub ldapBind {
my ($conn,$die) = @_;
my $resp;
my $desc;
if ($bindDn) {
$desc = "$bindDn (simple bind)";
$resp = $conn->bind($bindDn,
password => $bindPassword,
} elsif ($bindSaslMechanism) {
$desc = "(SASL $bindSaslMechanism)";
$resp = $conn->bind($bindDn,
sasl => Authen::SASL->new(
mechanism => $bindSaslMechanism,
} else {
$desc = "(anonymous bind)";
$resp = $conn->bind();
if ($die && $resp->code) {
die("Error binding as $desc: ".$resp->error." (".$resp->code.")\n");
return ($resp,$desc);
sub ldapConnectBind {
if ($outFilename) {
open my $outFile, '>', $outFilename or die("Cannot open output file $outFilename: $!\n");
return $outFile;
my $conn = ldapConnect();
return $conn;
sub ldapAdd {
my ($conn,$dn,%attrs) = @_;
my $entry = Net::LDAP::Entry->new($dn, %attrs);
if ($outFilename) {
print $conn $entry->ldif();
if (!$notReally) {
my $resp = $conn->add($entry);
if ($resp->code) {
if ($continuous) {
print STDERR "Error adding $dn: ".$resp->error." (".$resp->code.")\n";
} else {
die("Error adding $dn: ".$resp->error." (".$resp->code.")\n");
} else {
print "Would add entry:";
print $entry->ldif;
print "\n";
sub ldapDisconnect {
my ($conn) = @_;
if ($outFilename) {
close $conn;
my $resp = $conn->unbind;
if ($resp->code) {
die("Unbind: ERROR: ".$resp->error." (".$resp->code.")\n");
sub usage {
pod2usage(-verbose => 2);
sub man {
pod2usage(-verbose => 3);
=head1 NAME
ldapgenerate - LDAP entry generator
ldapgenerate [options] numentries
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item [ B<-h> | B<--hostname> ] I<hostname>
Specifies hostname of the LDAP server.
=item [ B<-p> | B<--port> ] I<portnumber>
Specifies port number of the LDAP server. Defaults to 389.
=item [ B<-H> | B<--uri> ] I<URI>
Specifies complete URI for LDAP server connection. ldap://, ldaps:// and ldapi:// URIs can be used.
Defaults to C<ldapi:///>
=item [ B<-D> | B<--bindDn> ] I<DN>
Specifies DN which will be used for LDAP Bind operation.
=item [ B<-w> | B<--bindPassword> ] I<password>
Specifies password which will be used for LDAP Bind operation.
=item [ B<-Y> | B<--saslMechanism> ] I<mech>
Specifies a SASL mechanism to used for LDAP Bind operation.
=item [ B<-v> | B<--verbose> ]
Increases verbosity.
=item B<--help>
Displays help message.
ldapgenerate -h -D "uid=admin,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" -w secret 100
slapdconf -Y EXTERNAL 1000
=head1 NOTES
This is still work in progress. Please feel free to contribute.
=head1 AUTHOR
Radovan Semancik