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Switch branches/tags

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A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Are you sure you want to create this branch?
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216 lines (199 sloc) 6.3 KB
import csvparse from 'csv-parse/lib/sync';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as os from 'os';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as semver from 'semver';
import * as tmp from 'tmp';
import * as core from '@actions/core';
import {issueCommand} from '@actions/core/lib/command';
import * as github from '@actions/github';
import * as buildx from './buildx';
let _defaultContext, _tmpDir: string;
export interface Inputs {
allow: string[];
buildArgs: string[];
builder: string;
cacheFrom: string[];
cacheTo: string[];
context: string;
file: string;
labels: string[];
load: boolean;
network: string;
noCache: boolean;
outputs: string[];
platforms: string[];
pull: boolean;
push: boolean;
secrets: string[];
secretFiles: string[];
ssh: string[];
tags: string[];
target: string;
githubToken: string;
export function defaultContext(): string {
if (!_defaultContext) {
let ref = github.context.ref;
if (github.context.sha && ref && !ref.startsWith('refs/')) {
ref = `refs/heads/${github.context.ref}`;
if (github.context.sha && !ref.startsWith(`refs/pull/`)) {
ref = github.context.sha;
_defaultContext = `${process.env.GITHUB_SERVER_URL || ''}/${github.context.repo.owner}/${github.context.repo.repo}.git#${ref}`;
return _defaultContext;
export function tmpDir(): string {
if (!_tmpDir) {
_tmpDir = fs.mkdtempSync(path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'docker-build-push-')).split(path.sep).join(path.posix.sep);
return _tmpDir;
export function tmpNameSync(options?: tmp.TmpNameOptions): string {
return tmp.tmpNameSync(options);
export async function getInputs(defaultContext: string): Promise<Inputs> {
return {
allow: await getInputList('allow'),
buildArgs: await getInputList('build-args', true),
builder: core.getInput('builder'),
cacheFrom: await getInputList('cache-from', true),
cacheTo: await getInputList('cache-to', true),
context: core.getInput('context') || defaultContext,
file: core.getInput('file'),
labels: await getInputList('labels', true),
load: core.getBooleanInput('load'),
network: core.getInput('network'),
noCache: core.getBooleanInput('no-cache'),
outputs: await getInputList('outputs', true),
platforms: await getInputList('platforms'),
pull: core.getBooleanInput('pull'),
push: core.getBooleanInput('push'),
secrets: await getInputList('secrets', true),
secretFiles: await getInputList('secret-files', true),
ssh: await getInputList('ssh'),
tags: await getInputList('tags'),
target: core.getInput('target'),
githubToken: core.getInput('github-token')
export async function getArgs(inputs: Inputs, defaultContext: string, buildxVersion: string): Promise<Array<string>> {
let args: Array<string> = ['buildx'];
args.push.apply(args, await getBuildArgs(inputs, defaultContext, buildxVersion));
args.push.apply(args, await getCommonArgs(inputs));
return args;
async function getBuildArgs(inputs: Inputs, defaultContext: string, buildxVersion: string): Promise<Array<string>> {
let args: Array<string> = ['build'];
await asyncForEach(inputs.buildArgs, async buildArg => {
args.push('--build-arg', buildArg);
await asyncForEach(inputs.labels, async label => {
args.push('--label', label);
await asyncForEach(inputs.tags, async tag => {
args.push('--tag', tag);
if ( {
if (inputs.allow.length > 0) {
args.push('--allow', inputs.allow.join(','));
if (inputs.platforms.length > 0) {
args.push('--platform', inputs.platforms.join(','));
await asyncForEach(inputs.outputs, async output => {
args.push('--output', output);
if (!buildx.isLocalOrTarExporter(inputs.outputs) && (inputs.platforms.length == 0 || buildx.satisfies(buildxVersion, '>=0.4.2'))) {
args.push('--iidfile', await buildx.getImageIDFile());
await asyncForEach(inputs.cacheFrom, async cacheFrom => {
args.push('--cache-from', cacheFrom);
await asyncForEach(inputs.cacheTo, async cacheTo => {
args.push('--cache-to', cacheTo);
await asyncForEach(inputs.secrets, async secret => {
try {
args.push('--secret', await buildx.getSecretString(secret));
} catch (err) {
await asyncForEach(inputs.secretFiles, async secretFile => {
try {
args.push('--secret', await buildx.getSecretFile(secretFile));
} catch (err) {
if (inputs.githubToken && !buildx.hasGitAuthToken(inputs.secrets) && inputs.context == defaultContext) {
args.push('--secret', await buildx.getSecretString(`GIT_AUTH_TOKEN=${inputs.githubToken}`));
await asyncForEach(inputs.ssh, async ssh => {
args.push('--ssh', ssh);
if (inputs.file) {
args.push('--file', inputs.file);
return args;
async function getCommonArgs(inputs: Inputs): Promise<Array<string>> {
let args: Array<string> = [];
if (inputs.noCache) {
if (inputs.builder) {
args.push('--builder', inputs.builder);
if (inputs.pull) {
if (inputs.load) {
if ( {
if (inputs.push) {
return args;
export async function getInputList(name: string, ignoreComma?: boolean): Promise<string[]> {
let res: Array<string> = [];
const items = core.getInput(name);
if (items == '') {
return res;
for (let output of (await csvparse(items, {
columns: false,
relax: true,
relaxColumnCount: true,
skipLinesWithEmptyValues: true
})) as Array<string[]>) {
if (output.length == 1) {
} else if (!ignoreComma) {
return res.filter(item => item).map(pat => pat.trim());
export const asyncForEach = async (array, callback) => {
for (let index = 0; index < array.length; index++) {
await callback(array[index], index, array);
// FIXME: Temp fix
export function setOutput(name: string, value: any): void {
issueCommand('set-output', {name}, value);