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GNU Mailman 3 for COmanage Registry Docker documentation
Portions licensed to the University Corporation for Advanced Internet
Development, Inc. ("UCAID") under one or more contributor license agreements.
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# GNU Mailman 3 for COmanage Registry Docker
## What it is
Docker version of [GNU Mailman 3]( for use with
[COmanage Registry](
The instructions below detail how to build and then run a suite of
services to deploy GNU Mailman 3 for use with a separate COmanage Registry
deployment. The suite of services include:
1. **mailman-core**: GNU Mailman 3 core services including the REST API server.
1. **mailman-web**: GNU Mailman 3 web interface.
1. **database**: Relational database, currently PostgreSQL, required by GNU Mailman 3.
1. **postfix**: MTA needed for sending and receiving mail.
1. **apache**: Apache HTTP Server with Shibboleth SP as a web proxy for GNU Mailman 3 REST and web interface.
## How To
* Install Docker. These instructions require version 17.03.1 or higher.
* The instructions below assume you are deploying the service stack using either Docker Swarm
or [Docker Compose]( If you are deploying using Docker Compose then
install the Docker Compose script. These instructions require version 1.13.0 or higher.
* Clone this repository:
git clone
cd comanage-registry-docker
* Build and tag the images used for each of the services
(you may use your own repository instead of "sphericalcowgroup")
pushd comanage-registry-mailman/core
docker build -t sphericalcowgroup/mailman-core:0.2.1 .
pushd comanage-registry-mailman/web
docker build -t sphericalcowgroup/mailman-web:0.2.1 .
pushd comanage-registry-mailman/apache-shib
docker build -t sphericalcowgroup/mailman-core-apache-shib .
pushd comanage-registry-mailman/postfix
docker build -t sphericalcowgroup/mailman-postfix .
* Gather or create the following secrets and other information to be injected (be sure
to substitute your own secrets and do not use the examples below):
* A password for the PostgreSQL user, eg. `gECPnaqXVID80TlRS5ZG`.
* An API key for GNU Mailman 3 Hyperkitty (web front end), eg. `HbTKLdrhRxUX96f5bD2g`.
* A secret key used by Django for signing cookies, eg. `fPe7d9e0PKF8ryySOow0`.
* A password for the GNU Mailman 3 REST user, eg. `K6gfcC9uHQMXr448Kmdi`.
* An X.509 certificate for HTTPS for Apache HTTP Server (Apache). The server certificate and any subordinate
CA signing certificates (except for the trust root) should be in a single file, eg. `fullchain.pem`.
* The associated private key for the X.509 HTTPS certificate, eg. `privkey.pem`.
* Create the directory structure on the Docker engine hosts needed for the services
to save local state, eg.
mkdir -p /srv/docker/opt/mailman/core
mkdir -p /srv/docker/opt/mailman/web
mkdir -p /srv/docker/opt/mailman/database
mkdir -p /srv/docker/opt/mailman/shib
* If you are using Docker Compose to deploy the service stack copy the file
`docker-compose.yaml`. Review the services configuration. You MUST make at least the following
changes (some environment variables are set for more than one service):
* `MAILMAN_DATABASE_URL`: URL of the form `postgres://mailman:PASSWORD@database/mailmandb` where `PASSWORD` is the
password for the PostgreSQL database.
* `HYPERKITT_API_KEY`: API key for GNU Mailman 3 Hyperkitty (web front end)
* `MAILMAN_REST_PASSWORD`: A password for the GNU Mailman 3 REST user
* `SERVE_FROM_DOMAIN`: The domain name from which Django (web front end) will be served.
* `MAILMAN_ADMIN_EMAIL`: The email address of the first GNU Mailman 3 administrator.
* `MAILMAN_WEB_SECRET_KEY`: A secret key used by Django for signing cookies.
* `POSTGRES_PASSWORD`: The PostgreSQL database password.
* `POSTFIX_MAILNAME`: The domain name from which Postfix will be receiving and sending mail.
* Copy the Nginx X.509 certificate chain file, private key, and DH param files and edit the
`volumes` for the `ngnix` service as necessary to mount the files into the container.
* If you are using Docker Swarm to deploy the service stack copy the file `mailman-stack.yml`.
Review the services configuration. Create the necessary Swarm secrets, eg.
echo "postgres://mailman:gECPnaqXVID80TlRS5ZG@database/mailmandb" | docker secret create mailman_database_url -
echo "HbTKLdrhRxUX96f5bD2g" | docker secret create hyperkitty_api_key -
echo "K6gfcC9uHQMXr448Kmdi" | docker secret create mailman_rest_password -
echo "fPe7d9e0PKF8ryySOow0" | docker secret create mailman_web_secret_key -
echo "gECPnaqXVID80TlRS5ZG" | docker secret create postgres_password -
docker secret create https_cert_file fullchain.pem
docker secret create https_key_file privkey.pem
Additionally you MUST also make at least the following changes to the stack compose file `mailman-stack.yml`:
* `MAILMAN_ADMIN_EMAIL`: The email address of the first GNU Mailman 3 administrator.
* `POSTFIX_MAILNAME`: The domain name from which Postfix will be receiving and sending mail.
* Start the services. If you are using Docker Compose then run
docker-compose up -d
If you are using Docker Swarm then run
docker stack deploy --compose-file mailman-stack.yml mailman
* It can take as long as 30 seconds for the GNU Mailman 3 core service to be ready. The other
services wait until detecting that core is ready. Monitor the `apache` service with
docker-compose logs -f --tail=100 apache
docker service logs --tail=100 -f mailman_apache
until Apache is ready. You should see something like
2019-04-03 12:27:55,389 CRIT Set uid to user 0
2019-04-03 12:27:55,391 INFO supervisord started with pid 1
2019-04-03 12:27:56,394 INFO spawned: 'shibd' with pid 8
2019-04-03 12:27:56,399 INFO spawned: 'apache2' with pid 9
Waiting for Mailman core container...
2019-04-03 12:27:57,491 INFO success: shibd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2019-04-03 12:27:57,492 INFO success: apache2 entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
Waiting for Mailman core container...
Waiting for Mailman core container...
Waiting for Mailman core container...
Waiting for Mailman web container...
Waiting for Mailman web container...
Waiting for Mailman web container...
[Wed Apr 03 13:48:41.263252 2019] [mpm_event:notice] [pid 9:tid 140569797922880] AH00489: Apache/2.4.38 (Unix) OpenSSL/1.1.0j configured -- resuming normal operations
[Wed Apr 03 13:48:41.284857 2019] [core:notice] [pid 9:tid 140569797922880] AH00094: Command line: 'httpd -D FOREGROUND'
* Browse to port 443 on the host and authenticate using an identity provider (IdP) federated
with the Shibboleth SP.
* Visit the [COmanage wiki](
to learn how to enable and configure the Mailman Provisioning Plugin for COmanage Registry.
* To stop the services:
docker-compose down
docker stack rm mailman
## Useful commands for Docker Compose
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose ps
docker-compose logs mailman-core
docker-compose logs database
docker-compose logs mailman-web
docker-compose logs postfix
docker-compose logs apache
docker-compose logs -f --tail=100 mailman-core
docker-compose logs -f --tail=100 database
docker-compose logs -f --tail=100 mailman-web
docker-compose logs -f --tail=100 postfix
docker-compose logs -f --tail=100 apache
docker-compose down
## Useful commands for Docker Swarm
docker stack deploy --compose-file mailman-stack.yml mailman
docker stack ls
docker service ls
docker stack ps mailman
docker service logs mailman_mailman-core
docker service logs mailman_mailman-web
docker service logs mailman_apache
docker service logs mailman_database
docker service logs mailman_postfix
docker service logs --tail=100 -f mailman_mailman-core
docker service logs --tail=100 -f mailman_mailman-web
docker service logs --tail=100 -f mailman_apache
docker service logs --tail=100 -f mailman_postfix
docker stack rm mailman