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executable file 143 lines (130 sloc) 3.23 KB
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use ExtractCert;
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
use Date::Parse;
use Digest::SHA1 qw(sha1 sha1_hex sha1_base64);
# Load RSA key blacklists.
print "Loading key blacklists...\n";
open(KEYS, '../build/blacklist.RSA-1024') || die "can't open RSA 1024 blacklist";
while (<KEYS>) {
$rsa1024{$_} = 1;
close KEYS;
open(KEYS, '../build/blacklist.RSA-2048') || die "can't open RSA 2048 blacklist";
while (<KEYS>) {
$rsa2048{$_} = 1;
close KEYS;
print "Blacklists loaded.\n";
# Temporary output file for certificate extraction tool.
$temp_der = '/tmp/cert.der';
while (<>) {
# Each line of input contains at least a host name, and optionally
# a port number. The latter defaults to 443 if absent.
@args = split;
$host = $args[0];
$port = $args[1];
$port = 443 unless $port;
$hostPort = "$host:$port";
# Output header line.
print "Testing $hostPort\n";
# Remove any old copy of the DER file.
unlink $temp_der;
# Attempt certificate extraction
system extractCertCall . " $host $port $temp_der";
# If the output file doesn't exist, the extraction failed.
if (!-e $temp_der) {
print "*** $hostPort: certificate extraction failed\n";
# Use openssl to convert the certificate to text
my(@lines, $issuer, $subjectCN, $issuerCN);
$cmd = "openssl x509 -in $temp_der -inform der -noout -text -nameopt RFC2253 -modulus |";
open(SSL, $cmd) || die "could not open openssl subcommand";
while (<SSL>) {
push @lines, $_;
if (/^\s*Issuer:\s*(.*)$/) {
$issuer = $1;
if ($issuer =~ /CN=([^,]+)/) {
$issuerCN = $1;
} else {
$issuerCN = $issuer;
if (/^\s*Subject:\s*.*?CN=([a-z0-9\-\.]+).*$/) {
$subjectCN = $1;
# print "subjectCN = $subjectCN\n";
# Extract the public key size. This is displayed differently
# in different versions of OpenSSL.
if (/RSA Public Key: \((\d+) bit\)/) { # OpenSSL 0.9x
$pubSize = $1;
# print " Public key size: $pubSize\n";
if ($pubSize < 1024) {
print "*** $hostPort: PUBLIC KEY TOO SHORT ($pubSize bits)\n";
} elsif (/^\s*Public-Key: \((\d+) bit\)/) { # OpenSSL 1.0
$pubSize = $1;
# print " Public key size: $pubSize\n";
if ($pubSize < 1024) {
print "*** $hostPort: PUBLIC KEY TOO SHORT ($pubSize bits)\n";
if (/Not After : (.*)$/) {
$notAfter = $1;
$days = (str2time($notAfter)-time())/86400.0;
if ($days < 0) {
print "*** $hostPort: EXPIRED\n";
} elsif ($days < 30) {
$days = int($days);
print "*** $hostPort: expires in $days days\n";
} elsif ($days < 90) {
$days = int($days);
print "$hostPort: expires in $days days\n";
# Check for weak (Debian) keys
# Weak key fingerprints loaded from files are hex SHA-1 digests of the
# line you get from "openssl x509 -modulus", including the "Modulus=".
if (/^Modulus=(.*)$/) {
$modulus = $_;
# print " modulus: $modulus\n";
$fpr = sha1_hex($modulus);
# print " fpr: $fpr\n";
if ($pubSize == 1024) {
if (defined($rsa1024{$fpr})) {
print "*** $hostPort: WEAK DEBIAN KEY\n";
} elsif ($pubSize == 2048) {
if (defined($rsa2048{$fpr})) {
print "*** $hostPort: WEAK DEBIAN KEY\n";