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# Continuous integration tests for the ukf-meta repository.
# Default image for all steps is Amazon Corretto 17, which is based
# on Amazon Linux (a variety of yum-based Linux derived from RHEL 7).
image: "amazoncorretto:17"
- test
stage: test
# Install the tools we need that are not provided by the base image.
- yum -y --quiet install ant git libxslt
# Create work directories under the current one.
- mkdir -p work/build work/temp
# Fetch full UK federation inventory.
# The clone is made with a depth of 1 because we don't need any history.
- git clone --depth=1 https://gitlab-ci-token:$CI_JOB_TOKEN@$CI_SERVER_HOST/ukf/ukf-data.git work/ukf-data
# Thin UK federation inventory: retain 100 random entities.
- find work/ukf-data/entities -type f -name uk0\*.xml | sort -R | tail -n +101 | xargs rm
# Acquire a copy of the eduGAIN aggregate.
- ant -Denv=ci-download
- ls -lh work/temp
# Thin the eduGAIN aggregate into another file containing just 1% of the original
# entities.
- xsltproc -o work/temp/edugain-thin.xml utilities/thin_aggregate.xsl work/temp/edugain-download.xml
- ls -lh work/temp
# Run the full generate pipeline on the thinned input data.
- ant -Denv=ci-thin flow.aggregates.generate