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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project default="echoproperties">
*** ***
*** P R O P E R T Y S O U R C E S ***
*** ***
Distinguish between the general kind of operating systems
we could be executing on.
Values: windows, macosx, linux, other.
<condition property="" value="windows">
<os family="windows"/>
<condition property="" value="macosx">
<os family="mac"/>
<condition property="" value="linux">
<os family="unix" name="Linux"/>
<property name="" value="other"/>
Distinguish between different classes of deployment,
e.g., development vs. production.
Values: dev, preprod, prod, prod-old
Defaults to "dev" here, but that can be overridden from the command
line, a Jenkins job, or in
<property name="env" value="dev"/>
External property files.
Pull in properties from external files. Because Ant properties are
immutable, amy properties declared in this file should be regarded as
defaults, and will be overridden by any definitions in the following
* on the command line
* in a Jenkins job definition
* in any of the external files listed below
The first location specifying a particular property sets the final value.
The file is not source controlled, and should be used
to override properties for a particular deployment, or to include
<property file=""/>
<property file="${}.properties"/>
<property file="${env}.properties"/>
<property file=""/>
*** ***
*** P R O P E R T I E S ***
*** ***
When invoking the targets related to orchestration, a production deployment
MUST define the following properties:
* - the full path the to the shared workspace on the orchestration machine
* node.fqdn - the fully-qualified domain name of the remote (signing) node
* - workspace where the compare jobs get their input
* - node from which we take signed products to publish
The following properties MUST be provided as arguments when invoking the targets that make use of them:
* - full URL to trigger the Jenkins task responsible for signing
* - full URL to trigger the Jenkins task responsible for publication
<!-- git config -->
<property name="git.repo.project.products" value="ukf-products"/>
<!-- directories on the orchestration machine -->
<property name="build.dir" value="${}/build"/>
<property name="tooling.dir" value="${}/ukf-meta"/>
<property name="aggregates.dir" value="${}/${git.repo.project.products}/aggregates"/>
<property name="select.dir" value="${}/${}"/>
<!-- remote working directory may not be the same as the orchestrator (they are the same in production) -->
<property name="" value="${}"/>
<property name="" value="${}/build"/>
<property name="remote.tooling.dir" value="${}/ukf-meta"/>
<!-- properties relating to the remote node -->
<property name="node.user" value="ukf-signing"/>
<property name="" value="${node.user}@${node.fqdn}:${}"/>
<property name="node.tooling.dir.url" value="${node.user}@${node.fqdn}:${remote.tooling.dir}"/>
<!-- filenames of the unsigned aggregates -->
<property name="" value="ukfederation-metadata-unsigned.xml"/>
<property name="md.test.unsigned" value="ukfederation-test-unsigned.xml"/>
<property name="md.export.unsigned" value="ukfederation-export-unsigned.xml"/>
<property name="md.export.preview.unsigned"
<property name="md.back.unsigned" value="ukfederation-back-unsigned.xml"/>
<property name="md.wayf.unsigned" value="ukfederation-wayf-unsigned.xml"/>
<property name="md.cdsall.unsigned" value="ukfederation-cdsall-unsigned.xml"/>
<property name="md.wugen.unsigned" value="ukfederation-wugen-unsigned.xml"/>
<!-- filenames of the signed aggregates -->
<property name="" value="ukfederation-metadata.xml"/>
<property name="md.test.signed" value="ukfederation-test.xml"/>
<property name="md.export.signed" value="ukfederation-export.xml"/>
<property name="md.export.preview.signed"
<property name="md.back.signed" value="ukfederation-back.xml"/>
<property name="md.wayf.signed" value="ukfederation-wayf.xml"/>
<property name="md.cdsall.signed" value="ukfederation-cdsall.xml"/>
<property name="md.wugen.signed" value="ukfederation-wugen.xml"/>
<!-- other files -->
<property name="mdq.cache" value="mdqcache.tar.gz"/>
*** ***
*** O R C H E S T R A T I O N ***
*** ***
Some conventions:
* targets whose names start "process." are expected to be run by Jenkins
* run git.pull.all in a separate "invoke ant" step before each of Jenkins targets are run
* inline targets as much as possible
<!-- Step 3.0 runs on node -->
<target name="">
<echo>Clearing build directory on node.</echo>
<delete includeemptydirs="true">
<fileset dir="${}" includes="**/*"/>
<echo>Output directory on node cleared.</echo>
<!-- Step 3.1 runs on orchestrator -->
<target name="" depends=",">
<echo>Files transferred to node.</echo>
<target name="">
<echo>Copying tooling from orchestrator ${tooling.dir} to ${node.tooling.dir.url}</echo>
<exec executable="rsync" dir="${tooling.dir}" failonerror="true">
<arg value="-a"/>
<arg value="--delete"/>
<arg value="--delete-excluded"/>
<!-- use ssh with default identity and known_hosts -->
<arg value="-e"/>
<arg value="ssh"/>
<!-- exclude .files and .direectories -->
<arg value="--exclude"/>
<arg value=".git"/>
<arg value="--exclude"/>
<arg value="charting"/>
<!-- the input files -->
<arg value="${tooling.dir}/"/>
<!-- remote directory must be last argument -->
<arg value="${node.tooling.dir.url}"/>
<target name="">
<echo>Copying unsigned aggregates from orchestrator ${build.dir} to ${}</echo>
<exec executable="rsync" dir="${build.dir}" failonerror="true">
<arg value="-a"/>
<!-- use ssh with default identity and known_hosts -->
<arg value="-e"/>
<arg value="ssh"/>
<!-- the input files -->
<arg value="${}"/>
<arg value="${md.test.unsigned}"/>
<arg value="${md.export.unsigned}"/>
<arg value="${md.export.preview.unsigned}"/>
<arg value="${md.back.unsigned}"/>
<arg value="${md.wayf.unsigned}"/>
<arg value="${md.cdsall.unsigned}"/>
<arg value="${md.wugen.unsigned}"/>
<!-- remote directory must be last argument -->
<arg value="${}"/>
<!-- Step 3.2 sign and verify is not orchestration -->
<!-- Step 4.1.1 create MDQ cache is not orchestration -->
<!-- Step 4.1.2 sign MDQ all entities is not orchestration -->
<!-- Step 4.1.3 create tarfile of signed MDQ products is no orchestration -->
<!-- Step 4.2 collates products (signed and otherwise) on orchestrator -->
<target name="process.collate.products.on.orchestrator" depends="
<echo>Collated products on orchestrator</echo>
<target name="fs.rsync.products.from.node">
<echo>Copying signed products from node</echo>
<exec executable="rsync" dir="${aggregates.dir}" failonerror="true">
<arg value="-a"/>
<!-- use ssh with default identity and known_hosts -->
<arg value="-e"/>
<arg value="ssh"/>
<!-- source files on remote node -->
<arg value="${}/${}"/>
<arg value="${}/${md.test.signed}"/>
<arg value="${}/${md.export.signed}"/>
<arg value="${}/${md.export.preview.signed}"/>
<arg value="${}/${md.back.signed}"/>
<arg value="${}/${md.wayf.signed}"/>
<arg value="${}/${md.cdsall.signed}"/>
<arg value="${}/${md.wugen.signed}"/>
<!-- bring them back to orchestrator working directory -->
<arg value="${aggregates.dir}"/>
<target name="fs.rsync.mdqcache.from.node">
<echo>Copying mdqcache from node</echo>
<exec executable="rsync" dir="${build.dir}" failonerror="true">
<arg value="-a"/>
<!-- use ssh with default identity and known_hosts -->
<arg value="-e"/>
<arg value="ssh"/>
<!-- source files on remote node -->
<arg value="${}/${mdq.cache}"/>
<!-- bring them back to orchestrator working directory -->
<arg value="${build.dir}"/>
<!-- Step SELECT copies the signed products to the appropriate directories -->
<target name="">
<echo>Copying mdqcache to output directory in orchestrator's workspace</echo>
<copy todir="${build.dir}" file="${select.dir}/${mdq.cache}"/>
<echo>Copying signed aggregates to orchestrator's ukf-products repository</echo>
<copy todir="${aggregates.dir}" file="${select.dir}/${}"/>
<copy todir="${aggregates.dir}" file="${select.dir}/${md.test.signed}"/>
<copy todir="${aggregates.dir}" file="${select.dir}/${md.export.signed}"/>
<copy todir="${aggregates.dir}" file="${select.dir}/${md.export.preview.signed}"/>
<copy todir="${aggregates.dir}" file="${select.dir}/${md.back.signed}"/>
<copy todir="${aggregates.dir}" file="${select.dir}/${md.wayf.signed}"/>
<copy todir="${aggregates.dir}" file="${select.dir}/${md.cdsall.signed}"/>
<copy todir="${aggregates.dir}" file="${select.dir}/${md.wugen.signed}"/>
<!-- Step 5 transfer files back to repo uses the original build.xml -->
*** ***
*** M I S C E L L A N Y ***
*** ***
<target name="echoproperties">
<echo>All properties:</echo>