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Switch branches/tags

Name already in use

A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Are you sure you want to create this branch?
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Cannot retrieve contributors at this time
692 lines (692 sloc) 29.7 KB
"use strict";
var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });
}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
o[k2] = m[k];
var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
}) : function(o, v) {
o["default"] = v;
var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
var result = {};
if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" &&, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
__setModuleDefault(result, mod);
return result;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.sanitizeArifactName = exports.isAnalyzingDefaultBranch = exports.getRelativeScriptPath = exports.isRunningLocalAction = exports.sendStatusReport = exports.createStatusReportBase = exports.getActionsStatus = exports.getRef = exports.computeAutomationID = exports.getAutomationID = exports.getAnalysisKey = exports.getWorkflowRunID = exports.getWorkflow = exports.formatWorkflowCause = exports.formatWorkflowErrors = exports.validateWorkflow = exports.getWorkflowErrors = exports.WorkflowErrors = exports.patternIsSuperset = exports.determineMergeBaseCommitOid = exports.getCommitOid = exports.getToolCacheDirectory = exports.getTemporaryDirectory = exports.getOptionalInput = exports.getRequiredInput = void 0;
const fs = __importStar(require("fs"));
const os = __importStar(require("os"));
const path = __importStar(require("path"));
const core = __importStar(require("@actions/core"));
const toolrunner = __importStar(require("@actions/exec/lib/toolrunner"));
const safeWhich = __importStar(require("@chrisgavin/safe-which"));
const yaml = __importStar(require("js-yaml"));
const api = __importStar(require("./api-client"));
const sharedEnv = __importStar(require("./shared-environment"));
const util_1 = require("./util");
// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-commonjs
const pkg = require("../package.json");
* The utils in this module are meant to be run inside of the action only.
* Code paths from the runner should not enter this module.
* Wrapper around core.getInput for inputs that always have a value.
* Also see getOptionalInput.
* This allows us to get stronger type checking of required/optional inputs
* and make behaviour more consistent between actions and the runner.
function getRequiredInput(name) {
return core.getInput(name, { required: true });
exports.getRequiredInput = getRequiredInput;
* Wrapper around core.getInput that converts empty inputs to undefined.
* Also see getRequiredInput.
* This allows us to get stronger type checking of required/optional inputs
* and make behaviour more consistent between actions and the runner.
const getOptionalInput = function (name) {
const value = core.getInput(name);
return value.length > 0 ? value : undefined;
exports.getOptionalInput = getOptionalInput;
function getTemporaryDirectory() {
const value = process.env["CODEQL_ACTION_TEMP"];
return value !== undefined && value !== ""
? value
: (0, util_1.getRequiredEnvParam)("RUNNER_TEMP");
exports.getTemporaryDirectory = getTemporaryDirectory;
function getToolCacheDirectory() {
const value = process.env["CODEQL_ACTION_TOOL_CACHE"];
return value !== undefined && value !== ""
? value
: (0, util_1.getRequiredEnvParam)("RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE");
exports.getToolCacheDirectory = getToolCacheDirectory;
* Gets the SHA of the commit that is currently checked out.
const getCommitOid = async function (checkoutPath, ref = "HEAD") {
// Try to use git to get the current commit SHA. If that fails then
// log but otherwise silently fall back to using the SHA from the environment.
// The only time these two values will differ is during analysis of a PR when
// the workflow has changed the current commit to the head commit instead of
// the merge commit, which must mean that git is available.
// Even if this does go wrong, it's not a huge problem for the alerts to
// reported on the merge commit.
try {
let commitOid = "";
await new toolrunner.ToolRunner(await safeWhich.safeWhich("git"), ["rev-parse", ref], {
silent: true,
listeners: {
stdout: (data) => {
commitOid += data.toString();
stderr: (data) => {
cwd: checkoutPath,
return commitOid.trim();
catch (e) {`Failed to call git to get current commit. Continuing with data from environment or input: ${e}`); || "NO STACK");
return (0, exports.getOptionalInput)("sha") || (0, util_1.getRequiredEnvParam)("GITHUB_SHA");
exports.getCommitOid = getCommitOid;
* If the action was triggered by a pull request, determine the commit sha of the merge base.
* Returns undefined if run by other triggers or the merge base cannot be determined.
const determineMergeBaseCommitOid = async function () {
if (process.env.GITHUB_EVENT_NAME !== "pull_request") {
return undefined;
const mergeSha = (0, util_1.getRequiredEnvParam)("GITHUB_SHA");
const checkoutPath = (0, exports.getOptionalInput)("checkout_path");
try {
let commitOid = "";
let baseOid = "";
let headOid = "";
await new toolrunner.ToolRunner(await safeWhich.safeWhich("git"), ["show", "-s", "--format=raw", mergeSha], {
silent: true,
listeners: {
stdline: (data) => {
if (data.startsWith("commit ") && commitOid === "") {
commitOid = data.substring(7);
else if (data.startsWith("parent ")) {
if (baseOid === "") {
baseOid = data.substring(7);
else if (headOid === "") {
headOid = data.substring(7);
stderr: (data) => {
cwd: checkoutPath,
// Let's confirm our assumptions: We had a merge commit and the parsed parent data looks correct
if (commitOid === mergeSha &&
headOid.length === 40 &&
baseOid.length === 40) {
return baseOid;
return undefined;
catch (e) {`Failed to call git to determine merge base. Continuing with data from environment: ${e}`); || "NO STACK");
return undefined;
exports.determineMergeBaseCommitOid = determineMergeBaseCommitOid;
function isObject(o) {
return o !== null && typeof o === "object";
const GLOB_PATTERN = new RegExp("(\\*\\*?)");
function escapeRegExp(string) {
return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&"); // $& means the whole matched string
function patternToRegExp(value) {
return new RegExp(`^${value
.reduce(function (arr, cur) {
if (cur === "**") {
else if (cur === "*") {
else if (cur) {
return arr;
}, [])
// this function should return true if patternA is a superset of patternB
// e.g: * is a superset of main-* but main-* is not a superset of *.
function patternIsSuperset(patternA, patternB) {
return patternToRegExp(patternA).test(patternB);
exports.patternIsSuperset = patternIsSuperset;
function branchesToArray(branches) {
if (typeof branches === "string") {
return [branches];
if (Array.isArray(branches)) {
if (branches.length === 0) {
return "**";
return branches;
return "**";
function toCodedErrors(errors) {
return Object.entries(errors).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => {
acc[key] = { message: value, code: key };
return acc;
}, {});
// code to send back via status report
// message to add as a warning annotation to the run
exports.WorkflowErrors = toCodedErrors({
MismatchedBranches: `Please make sure that every branch in on.pull_request is also in on.push so that Code Scanning can compare pull requests against the state of the base branch.`,
MissingPushHook: `Please specify an on.push hook so that Code Scanning can compare pull requests against the state of the base branch.`,
PathsSpecified: `Using on.push.paths can prevent Code Scanning annotating new alerts in your pull requests.`,
PathsIgnoreSpecified: `Using on.push.paths-ignore can prevent Code Scanning annotating new alerts in your pull requests.`,
CheckoutWrongHead: `git checkout HEAD^2 is no longer necessary. Please remove this step as Code Scanning recommends analyzing the merge commit for best results.`,
function getWorkflowErrors(doc) {
var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e;
const errors = [];
const jobName = process.env.GITHUB_JOB;
if (jobName) {
const job = (_a = doc === null || doc === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[jobName];
const steps = job === null || job === void 0 ? void 0 : job.steps;
if (Array.isArray(steps)) {
for (const step of steps) {
// this was advice that we used to give in the README
// we actually want to run the analysis on the merge commit
// to produce results that are more inline with expectations
// (i.e: this is what will happen if you merge this PR)
// and avoid some race conditions
if ((step === null || step === void 0 ? void 0 : === "git checkout HEAD^2") {
let missingPush = false;
if (doc.on === undefined) {
// this is not a valid config
else if (typeof doc.on === "string") {
if (doc.on === "pull_request") {
missingPush = true;
else if (Array.isArray(doc.on)) {
const hasPush = doc.on.includes("push");
const hasPullRequest = doc.on.includes("pull_request");
if (hasPullRequest && !hasPush) {
missingPush = true;
else if (isObject(doc.on)) {
const hasPush =, "push");
const hasPullRequest =, "pull_request");
if (!hasPush && hasPullRequest) {
missingPush = true;
if (hasPush && hasPullRequest) {
const paths = (_b = doc.on.push) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.paths;
// if you specify paths or paths-ignore you can end up with commits that have no baseline
// if they didn't change any files
// currently we cannot go back through the history and find the most recent baseline
if (Array.isArray(paths) && paths.length > 0) {
const pathsIgnore = (_c = doc.on.push) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c["paths-ignore"];
if (Array.isArray(pathsIgnore) && pathsIgnore.length > 0) {
// if doc.on.pull_request is null that means 'all branches'
// if doc.on.pull_request is undefined that means 'off'
// we only want to check for mismatched branches if pull_request is on.
if (doc.on.pull_request !== undefined) {
const push = branchesToArray((_d = doc.on.push) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.branches);
if (push !== "**") {
const pull_request = branchesToArray((_e = doc.on.pull_request) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.branches);
if (pull_request !== "**") {
const difference = pull_request.filter((value) => !push.some((o) => patternIsSuperset(o, value)));
if (difference.length > 0) {
// there are branches in pull_request that may not have a baseline
// because we are not building them on push
else if (push.length > 0) {
// push is set up to run on a subset of branches
// and you could open a PR against a branch with no baseline
if (missingPush) {
return errors;
exports.getWorkflowErrors = getWorkflowErrors;
async function validateWorkflow() {
let workflow;
try {
workflow = await getWorkflow();
catch (e) {
return `error: getWorkflow() failed: ${String(e)}`;
let workflowErrors;
try {
workflowErrors = getWorkflowErrors(workflow);
catch (e) {
return `error: getWorkflowErrors() failed: ${String(e)}`;
if (workflowErrors.length > 0) {
let message;
try {
message = formatWorkflowErrors(workflowErrors);
catch (e) {
return `error: formatWorkflowErrors() failed: ${String(e)}`;
return formatWorkflowCause(workflowErrors);
exports.validateWorkflow = validateWorkflow;
function formatWorkflowErrors(errors) {
const issuesWere = errors.length === 1 ? "issue was" : "issues were";
const errorsList = => e.message).join(" ");
return `${errors.length} ${issuesWere} detected with this workflow: ${errorsList}`;
exports.formatWorkflowErrors = formatWorkflowErrors;
function formatWorkflowCause(errors) {
if (errors.length === 0) {
return undefined;
return => e.code).join(",");
exports.formatWorkflowCause = formatWorkflowCause;
async function getWorkflow() {
const relativePath = await getWorkflowPath();
const absolutePath = path.join((0, util_1.getRequiredEnvParam)("GITHUB_WORKSPACE"), relativePath);
return yaml.load(fs.readFileSync(absolutePath, "utf-8"));
exports.getWorkflow = getWorkflow;
* Get the path of the currently executing workflow.
async function getWorkflowPath() {
const repo_nwo = (0, util_1.getRequiredEnvParam)("GITHUB_REPOSITORY").split("/");
const owner = repo_nwo[0];
const repo = repo_nwo[1];
const run_id = Number((0, util_1.getRequiredEnvParam)("GITHUB_RUN_ID"));
const apiClient = api.getActionsApiClient();
const runsResponse = await apiClient.request("GET /repos/:owner/:repo/actions/runs/:run_id", {
const workflowUrl =;
const workflowResponse = await apiClient.request(`GET ${workflowUrl}`);
* Get the workflow run ID.
function getWorkflowRunID() {
const workflowRunID = parseInt((0, util_1.getRequiredEnvParam)("GITHUB_RUN_ID"), 10);
if (Number.isNaN(workflowRunID)) {
throw new Error("GITHUB_RUN_ID must define a non NaN workflow run ID");
return workflowRunID;
exports.getWorkflowRunID = getWorkflowRunID;
* Get the analysis key parameter for the current job.
* This will combine the workflow path and current job name.
* Computing this the first time requires making requests to
* the github API, but after that the result will be cached.
async function getAnalysisKey() {
const analysisKeyEnvVar = "CODEQL_ACTION_ANALYSIS_KEY";
let analysisKey = process.env[analysisKeyEnvVar];
if (analysisKey !== undefined) {
return analysisKey;
const workflowPath = await getWorkflowPath();
const jobName = (0, util_1.getRequiredEnvParam)("GITHUB_JOB");
analysisKey = `${workflowPath}:${jobName}`;
core.exportVariable(analysisKeyEnvVar, analysisKey);
return analysisKey;
exports.getAnalysisKey = getAnalysisKey;
async function getAutomationID() {
const analysis_key = await getAnalysisKey();
const environment = getRequiredInput("matrix");
return computeAutomationID(analysis_key, environment);
exports.getAutomationID = getAutomationID;
function computeAutomationID(analysis_key, environment) {
let automationID = `${analysis_key}/`;
// the id has to be deterministic so we sort the fields
if (environment !== undefined && environment !== "null") {
const environmentObject = JSON.parse(environment);
for (const entry of Object.entries(environmentObject).sort()) {
if (typeof entry[1] === "string") {
automationID += `${entry[0]}:${entry[1]}/`;
else {
// In code scanning we just handle the string values,
// the rest get converted to the empty string
automationID += `${entry[0]}:/`;
return automationID;
exports.computeAutomationID = computeAutomationID;
* Get the ref currently being analyzed.
async function getRef() {
// Will be in the form "refs/heads/master" on a push event
// or in the form "refs/pull/N/merge" on a pull_request event
const refInput = (0, exports.getOptionalInput)("ref");
const shaInput = (0, exports.getOptionalInput)("sha");
const checkoutPath = (0, exports.getOptionalInput)("checkout_path") ||
(0, exports.getOptionalInput)("source-root") ||
(0, util_1.getRequiredEnvParam)("GITHUB_WORKSPACE");
const hasRefInput = !!refInput;
const hasShaInput = !!shaInput;
// If one of 'ref' or 'sha' are provided, both are required
if ((hasRefInput || hasShaInput) && !(hasRefInput && hasShaInput)) {
throw new Error("Both 'ref' and 'sha' are required if one of them is provided.");
const ref = refInput || (0, util_1.getRequiredEnvParam)("GITHUB_REF");
const sha = shaInput || (0, util_1.getRequiredEnvParam)("GITHUB_SHA");
// If the ref is a user-provided input, we have to skip logic
// and assume that it is really where they want to upload the results.
if (refInput) {
return refInput;
// For pull request refs we want to detect whether the workflow
// has run `git checkout HEAD^2` to analyze the 'head' ref rather
// than the 'merge' ref. If so, we want to convert the ref that
// we report back.
const pull_ref_regex = /refs\/pull\/(\d+)\/merge/;
if (!pull_ref_regex.test(ref)) {
return ref;
const head = await (0, exports.getCommitOid)(checkoutPath, "HEAD");
// in actions/checkout@v2+ we can check if git rev-parse HEAD == GITHUB_SHA
// in actions/checkout@v1 this may not be true as it checks out the repository
// using GITHUB_REF. There is a subtle race condition where
// git rev-parse GITHUB_REF != GITHUB_SHA, so we must check
// git git-parse GITHUB_REF == git rev-parse HEAD instead.
const hasChangedRef = sha !== head &&
(await (0, exports.getCommitOid)(checkoutPath, ref.replace(/^refs\/pull\//, "refs/remotes/pull/"))) !== head;
if (hasChangedRef) {
const newRef = ref.replace(pull_ref_regex, "refs/pull/$1/head");
core.debug(`No longer on merge commit, rewriting ref from ${ref} to ${newRef}.`);
return newRef;
else {
return ref;
exports.getRef = getRef;
function getActionsStatus(error, otherFailureCause) {
if (error || otherFailureCause) {
return error instanceof util_1.UserError ? "user-error" : "failure";
else {
return "success";
exports.getActionsStatus = getActionsStatus;
* Compose a StatusReport.
* @param actionName The name of the action, e.g. 'init', 'finish', 'upload-sarif'
* @param status The status. Must be 'success', 'failure', or 'starting'
* @param startedAt The time this action started executing.
* @param cause Cause of failure (only supply if status is 'failure')
* @param exception Exception (only supply if status is 'failure')
async function createStatusReportBase(actionName, status, actionStartedAt, cause, exception) {
const commitOid = (0, exports.getOptionalInput)("sha") || process.env["GITHUB_SHA"] || "";
const ref = await getRef();
const workflowRunIDStr = process.env["GITHUB_RUN_ID"];
let workflowRunID = -1;
if (workflowRunIDStr) {
workflowRunID = parseInt(workflowRunIDStr, 10);
const workflowName = process.env["GITHUB_WORKFLOW"] || "";
const jobName = process.env["GITHUB_JOB"] || "";
const analysis_key = await getAnalysisKey();
let workflowStartedAt = process.env[sharedEnv.CODEQL_WORKFLOW_STARTED_AT];
if (workflowStartedAt === undefined) {
workflowStartedAt = actionStartedAt.toISOString();
core.exportVariable(sharedEnv.CODEQL_WORKFLOW_STARTED_AT, workflowStartedAt);
const runnerOs = (0, util_1.getRequiredEnvParam)("RUNNER_OS");
const codeQlCliVersion = (0, util_1.getCachedCodeQlVersion)();
// If running locally then the GITHUB_ACTION_REF cannot be trusted as it may be for the previous action
// See
const actionRef = isRunningLocalAction()
? undefined
: process.env["GITHUB_ACTION_REF"];
const statusReport = {
workflow_run_id: workflowRunID,
workflow_name: workflowName,
job_name: jobName,
commit_oid: commitOid,
action_name: actionName,
action_ref: actionRef,
action_oid: "unknown",
started_at: workflowStartedAt,
action_started_at: actionStartedAt.toISOString(),
runner_os: runnerOs,
action_version: pkg.version,
// Add optional parameters
if (cause) {
statusReport.cause = cause;
if (exception) {
statusReport.exception = exception;
if (status === "success" ||
status === "failure" ||
status === "aborted" ||
status === "user-error") {
statusReport.completed_at = new Date().toISOString();
const matrix = getRequiredInput("matrix");
if (matrix) {
statusReport.matrix_vars = matrix;
if ("RUNNER_ARCH" in process.env) {
// RUNNER_ARCH is available only in GHES 3.4 and later
// Values other than X86, X64, ARM, or ARM64 are discarded server side
statusReport.runner_arch = process.env["RUNNER_ARCH"];
if (runnerOs === "Windows" || runnerOs === "macOS") {
statusReport.runner_os_release = os.release();
if (codeQlCliVersion !== undefined) {
statusReport.codeql_version = codeQlCliVersion;
return statusReport;
exports.createStatusReportBase = createStatusReportBase;
const GENERIC_403_MSG = "The repo on which this action is running is not opted-in to CodeQL code scanning.";
const GENERIC_404_MSG = "Not authorized to use the CodeQL code scanning feature on this repo.";
const OUT_OF_DATE_MSG = "CodeQL Action is out-of-date. Please upgrade to the latest version of codeql-action.";
const INCOMPATIBLE_MSG = "CodeQL Action version is incompatible with the code scanning endpoint. Please update to a compatible version of codeql-action.";
* Send a status report to the code_scanning/analysis/status endpoint.
* Optionally checks the response from the API endpoint and sets the action
* as failed if the status report failed. This is only expected to be used
* when sending a 'starting' report.
* Returns whether sending the status report was successful of not.
async function sendStatusReport(statusReport) {
const gitHubVersion = await api.getGitHubVersionActionsOnly();
if ((0, util_1.isGitHubGhesVersionBelow)(gitHubVersion, "3.2.0")) {
// GHES 3.1 and earlier versions reject unexpected properties, which means
// that they will reject status reports with newly added properties.
// Inhibiting status reporting for GHES < 3.2 avoids such failures.
return true;
const statusReportJSON = JSON.stringify(statusReport);
core.debug(`Sending status report: ${statusReportJSON}`);
// If in test mode we don't want to upload the results
const testMode = process.env["TEST_MODE"] === "true" || false;
if (testMode) {
core.debug("In test mode. Status reports are not uploaded.");
return true;
const nwo = (0, util_1.getRequiredEnvParam)("GITHUB_REPOSITORY");
const [owner, repo] = nwo.split("/");
const client = api.getActionsApiClient();
try {
await client.request("PUT /repos/:owner/:repo/code-scanning/analysis/status", {
data: statusReportJSON,
return true;
catch (e) {
if ((0, util_1.isHTTPError)(e)) {
switch (e.status) {
case 403:
if (workflowIsTriggeredByPushEvent() && isDependabotActor()) {
core.setFailed('Workflows triggered by Dependabot on the "push" event run with read-only access. ' +
"Uploading Code Scanning results requires write access. " +
'To use Code Scanning with Dependabot, please ensure you are using the "pull_request" event for this workflow and avoid triggering on the "push" event for Dependabot branches. ' +
"See for more information on how to configure these events.");
else {
core.setFailed(e.message || GENERIC_403_MSG);
return false;
case 404:
return false;
case 422:
// schema incompatibility when reporting status
// this means that this action version is no longer compatible with the API
// we still want to continue as it is likely the analysis endpoint will work
if ((0, util_1.getRequiredEnvParam)("GITHUB_SERVER_URL") !== util_1.GITHUB_DOTCOM_URL) {
else {
return true;
// something else has gone wrong and the request/response will be logged by octokit
// it's possible this is a transient error and we should continue scanning
core.error("An unexpected error occurred when sending code scanning status report.");
return true;
exports.sendStatusReport = sendStatusReport;
// Was the workflow run triggered by a `push` event, for example as opposed to a `pull_request` event.
function workflowIsTriggeredByPushEvent() {
return process.env["GITHUB_EVENT_NAME"] === "push";
// Is dependabot the actor that triggered the current workflow run.
function isDependabotActor() {
return process.env["GITHUB_ACTOR"] === "dependabot[bot]";
// Is the current action executing a local copy (i.e. we're running a workflow on the codeql-action repo itself)
// as opposed to running a remote action (i.e. when another repo references us)
function isRunningLocalAction() {
const relativeScriptPath = getRelativeScriptPath();
return (relativeScriptPath.startsWith("..") || path.isAbsolute(relativeScriptPath));
exports.isRunningLocalAction = isRunningLocalAction;
// Get the location where the action is running from.
// This can be used to get the actions name or tell if we're running a local action.
function getRelativeScriptPath() {
const runnerTemp = (0, util_1.getRequiredEnvParam)("RUNNER_TEMP");
const actionsDirectory = path.join(path.dirname(runnerTemp), "_actions");
return path.relative(actionsDirectory, __filename);
exports.getRelativeScriptPath = getRelativeScriptPath;
// Reads the contents of GITHUB_EVENT_PATH as a JSON object
function getWorkflowEvent() {
const eventJsonFile = (0, util_1.getRequiredEnvParam)("GITHUB_EVENT_PATH");
try {
return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(eventJsonFile, "utf-8"));
catch (e) {
throw new Error(`Unable to read workflow event JSON from ${eventJsonFile}: ${e}`);
// Is the version of the repository we are currently analyzing from the default branch,
// or alternatively from another branch or a pull request.
async function isAnalyzingDefaultBranch() {
var _a;
// Get the current ref and trim and refs/heads/ prefix
let currentRef = await getRef();
currentRef = currentRef.startsWith("refs/heads/")
? currentRef.slice("refs/heads/".length)
: currentRef;
const event = getWorkflowEvent();
const defaultBranch = (_a = event === null || event === void 0 ? void 0 : event.repository) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.default_branch;
return currentRef === defaultBranch;
exports.isAnalyzingDefaultBranch = isAnalyzingDefaultBranch;
function sanitizeArifactName(name) {
return name.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]+/g, "");
exports.sanitizeArifactName = sanitizeArifactName;