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243 lines (243 sloc) 13.7 KB
"use strict";
var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });
}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
o[k2] = m[k];
var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
}) : function(o, v) {
o["default"] = v;
var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
var result = {};
if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" &&, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
__setModuleDefault(result, mod);
return result;
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const path = __importStar(require("path"));
const toolrunner = __importStar(require("@actions/exec/lib/toolrunner"));
const toolcache = __importStar(require("@actions/tool-cache"));
const ava_1 = __importDefault(require("ava"));
const nock_1 = __importDefault(require("nock"));
const sinon = __importStar(require("sinon"));
const codeql = __importStar(require("./codeql"));
const defaults = __importStar(require("./defaults.json"));
const logging_1 = require("./logging");
const testing_utils_1 = require("./testing-utils");
const util = __importStar(require("./util"));
const util_1 = require("./util");
(0, testing_utils_1.setupTests)(ava_1.default);
const sampleApiDetails = {
auth: "token",
url: "",
const sampleGHAEApiDetails = {
auth: "token",
url: "",
ava_1.default.beforeEach(() => {
(0, util_1.initializeEnvironment)(util_1.Mode.actions, "1.2.3");
(0, ava_1.default)("download codeql bundle cache", async (t) => {
await util.withTmpDir(async (tmpDir) => {
(0, testing_utils_1.setupActionsVars)(tmpDir, tmpDir);
const versions = ["20200601", "20200610"];
for (let i = 0; i < versions.length; i++) {
const version = versions[i];
(0, nock_1.default)("")
.replyWithFile(200, path.join(__dirname, `/../src/testdata/codeql-bundle.tar.gz`));
await codeql.setupCodeQL(`${version}/codeql-bundle.tar.gz`, sampleApiDetails, tmpDir, tmpDir, util.GitHubVariant.DOTCOM, (0, logging_1.getRunnerLogger)(true), false);
t.assert(toolcache.find("CodeQL", `0.0.0-${version}`));
const cachedVersions = toolcache.findAllVersions("CodeQL");, 2);
(0, ava_1.default)("download codeql bundle cache explicitly requested with pinned different version cached", async (t) => {
await util.withTmpDir(async (tmpDir) => {
(0, testing_utils_1.setupActionsVars)(tmpDir, tmpDir);
(0, nock_1.default)("")
.replyWithFile(200, path.join(__dirname, `/../src/testdata/codeql-bundle-pinned.tar.gz`));
await codeql.setupCodeQL("", sampleApiDetails, tmpDir, tmpDir, util.GitHubVariant.DOTCOM, (0, logging_1.getRunnerLogger)(true), false);
t.assert(toolcache.find("CodeQL", "0.0.0-20200601"));
(0, nock_1.default)("")
.replyWithFile(200, path.join(__dirname, `/../src/testdata/codeql-bundle.tar.gz`));
await codeql.setupCodeQL("", sampleApiDetails, tmpDir, tmpDir, util.GitHubVariant.DOTCOM, (0, logging_1.getRunnerLogger)(true), false);
t.assert(toolcache.find("CodeQL", "0.0.0-20200610"));
(0, ava_1.default)("don't download codeql bundle cache with pinned different version cached", async (t) => {
await util.withTmpDir(async (tmpDir) => {
(0, testing_utils_1.setupActionsVars)(tmpDir, tmpDir);
(0, nock_1.default)("")
.replyWithFile(200, path.join(__dirname, `/../src/testdata/codeql-bundle-pinned.tar.gz`));
await codeql.setupCodeQL("", sampleApiDetails, tmpDir, tmpDir, util.GitHubVariant.DOTCOM, (0, logging_1.getRunnerLogger)(true), false);
t.assert(toolcache.find("CodeQL", "0.0.0-20200601"));
await codeql.setupCodeQL(undefined, sampleApiDetails, tmpDir, tmpDir, util.GitHubVariant.DOTCOM, (0, logging_1.getRunnerLogger)(true), false);
const cachedVersions = toolcache.findAllVersions("CodeQL");, 1);
(0, ava_1.default)("download codeql bundle cache with different version cached (not pinned)", async (t) => {
await util.withTmpDir(async (tmpDir) => {
(0, testing_utils_1.setupActionsVars)(tmpDir, tmpDir);
(0, nock_1.default)("")
.replyWithFile(200, path.join(__dirname, `/../src/testdata/codeql-bundle.tar.gz`));
await codeql.setupCodeQL("", sampleApiDetails, tmpDir, tmpDir, util.GitHubVariant.DOTCOM, (0, logging_1.getRunnerLogger)(true), false);
t.assert(toolcache.find("CodeQL", "0.0.0-20200601"));
const platform = process.platform === "win32"
? "win64"
: process.platform === "linux"
? "linux64"
: "osx64";
(0, nock_1.default)("")
.replyWithFile(200, path.join(__dirname, `/../src/testdata/codeql-bundle.tar.gz`));
await codeql.setupCodeQL(undefined, sampleApiDetails, tmpDir, tmpDir, util.GitHubVariant.DOTCOM, (0, logging_1.getRunnerLogger)(true), false);
const cachedVersions = toolcache.findAllVersions("CodeQL");, 2);
(0, ava_1.default)('download codeql bundle cache with pinned different version cached if "latest" tools specified', async (t) => {
await util.withTmpDir(async (tmpDir) => {
(0, testing_utils_1.setupActionsVars)(tmpDir, tmpDir);
(0, nock_1.default)("")
.replyWithFile(200, path.join(__dirname, `/../src/testdata/codeql-bundle-pinned.tar.gz`));
await codeql.setupCodeQL("", sampleApiDetails, tmpDir, tmpDir, util.GitHubVariant.DOTCOM, (0, logging_1.getRunnerLogger)(true), false);
t.assert(toolcache.find("CodeQL", "0.0.0-20200601"));
const platform = process.platform === "win32"
? "win64"
: process.platform === "linux"
? "linux64"
: "osx64";
(0, nock_1.default)("")
.replyWithFile(200, path.join(__dirname, `/../src/testdata/codeql-bundle.tar.gz`));
await codeql.setupCodeQL("latest", sampleApiDetails, tmpDir, tmpDir, util.GitHubVariant.DOTCOM, (0, logging_1.getRunnerLogger)(true), false);
const cachedVersions = toolcache.findAllVersions("CodeQL");, 2);
(0, ava_1.default)("download codeql bundle from github ae endpoint", async (t) => {
await util.withTmpDir(async (tmpDir) => {
(0, testing_utils_1.setupActionsVars)(tmpDir, tmpDir);
const bundleAssetID = 10;
const platform = process.platform === "win32"
? "win64"
: process.platform === "linux"
? "linux64"
: "osx64";
const codeQLBundleName = `codeql-bundle-${platform}.tar.gz`;
(0, nock_1.default)("")
.reply(200, {
assets: { [codeQLBundleName]: bundleAssetID },
(0, nock_1.default)("")
.reply(200, {
url: `${defaults.bundleVersion}/${codeQLBundleName}`,
(0, nock_1.default)("")
.replyWithFile(200, path.join(__dirname, `/../src/testdata/codeql-bundle-pinned.tar.gz`));
await codeql.setupCodeQL(undefined, sampleGHAEApiDetails, tmpDir, tmpDir, util.GitHubVariant.GHAE, (0, logging_1.getRunnerLogger)(true), false);
const cachedVersions = toolcache.findAllVersions("CodeQL");, 1);
(0, ava_1.default)("parse codeql bundle url version", (t) => {
t.deepEqual(codeql.getCodeQLURLVersion(""), "20200601");
(0, ava_1.default)("convert to semver", (t) => {
const tests = {
"20200601": "0.0.0-20200601",
"20200601.0": "0.0.0-20200601.0",
"20200601.0.0": "20200601.0.0",
"1.2.3": "1.2.3",
"1.2.3-alpha": "1.2.3-alpha",
"1.2.3-beta.1": "1.2.3-beta.1",
for (const [version, expectedVersion] of Object.entries(tests)) {
try {
const parsedVersion = codeql.convertToSemVer(version, (0, logging_1.getRunnerLogger)(true));
t.deepEqual(parsedVersion, expectedVersion);
catch (e) { instanceof Error ? e.message : String(e));
(0, ava_1.default)("getExtraOptions works for explicit paths", (t) => {
t.deepEqual(codeql.getExtraOptions({}, ["foo"], []), []);
t.deepEqual(codeql.getExtraOptions({ foo: [42] }, ["foo"], []), ["42"]);
t.deepEqual(codeql.getExtraOptions({ foo: { bar: [42] } }, ["foo", "bar"], []), ["42"]);
(0, ava_1.default)("getExtraOptions works for wildcards", (t) => {
t.deepEqual(codeql.getExtraOptions({ "*": [42] }, ["foo"], []), ["42"]);
(0, ava_1.default)("getExtraOptions works for wildcards and explicit paths", (t) => {
const o1 = { "*": [42], foo: [87] };
t.deepEqual(codeql.getExtraOptions(o1, ["foo"], []), ["42", "87"]);
const o2 = { "*": [42], foo: [87] };
t.deepEqual(codeql.getExtraOptions(o2, ["foo", "bar"], []), ["42"]);
const o3 = { "*": [42], foo: { "*": [87], bar: [99] } };
const p = ["foo", "bar"];
t.deepEqual(codeql.getExtraOptions(o3, p, []), ["42", "87", "99"]);
(0, ava_1.default)("getExtraOptions throws for bad content", (t) => {
t.throws(() => codeql.getExtraOptions({ "*": 42 }, ["foo"], []));
t.throws(() => codeql.getExtraOptions({ foo: 87 }, ["foo"], []));
t.throws(() => codeql.getExtraOptions({ "*": [42], foo: { "*": 87, bar: [99] } }, ["foo", "bar"], []));
(0, ava_1.default)("getCodeQLActionRepository", (t) => {
const logger = (0, logging_1.getRunnerLogger)(true);
(0, util_1.initializeEnvironment)(util_1.Mode.runner, "1.2.3");
const repoActions = codeql.getCodeQLActionRepository(logger);
t.deepEqual(repoActions, "github/codeql-action");
(0, util_1.initializeEnvironment)(util_1.Mode.actions, "1.2.3");
// isRunningLocalAction() === true
delete process.env["GITHUB_ACTION_REPOSITORY"];
process.env["RUNNER_TEMP"] = path.dirname(__dirname);
const repoLocalRunner = codeql.getCodeQLActionRepository(logger);
t.deepEqual(repoLocalRunner, "github/codeql-action");
process.env["GITHUB_ACTION_REPOSITORY"] = "xxx/yyy";
const repoEnv = codeql.getCodeQLActionRepository(logger);
t.deepEqual(repoEnv, "xxx/yyy");
(0, ava_1.default)("databaseInterpretResults() does not set --sarif-add-query-help for 2.7.0", async (t) => {
const runnerConstructorStub = stubToolRunnerConstructor();
const codeqlObject = await codeql.getCodeQLForTesting();
sinon.stub(codeqlObject, "getVersion").resolves("2.7.0");
await codeqlObject.databaseInterpretResults("", [], "", "", "", "");
t.false(runnerConstructorStub.firstCall.args[1].includes("--sarif-add-query-help"), "--sarif-add-query-help should be absent, but it is present");
(0, ava_1.default)("databaseInterpretResults() sets --sarif-add-query-help for 2.7.1", async (t) => {
const runnerConstructorStub = stubToolRunnerConstructor();
const codeqlObject = await codeql.getCodeQLForTesting();
sinon.stub(codeqlObject, "getVersion").resolves("2.7.1");
await codeqlObject.databaseInterpretResults("", [], "", "", "", "");
t.true(runnerConstructorStub.firstCall.args[1].includes("--sarif-add-query-help"), "--sarif-add-query-help should be present, but it is absent");
function stubToolRunnerConstructor() {
const runnerObjectStub = sinon.createStubInstance(toolrunner.ToolRunner);
const runnerConstructorStub = sinon.stub(toolrunner, "ToolRunner");
return runnerConstructorStub;