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Name already in use

A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Are you sure you want to create this branch?
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347 lines (346 sloc) 19.3 KB
"use strict";
var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });
}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
o[k2] = m[k];
var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
}) : function(o, v) {
o["default"] = v;
var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
var result = {};
if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" &&, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
__setModuleDefault(result, mod);
return result;
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const fs = __importStar(require("fs"));
const os = __importStar(require("os"));
const path = __importStar(require("path"));
const commander_1 = require("commander");
const del_1 = __importDefault(require("del"));
const analyze_1 = require("./analyze");
const autobuild_1 = require("./autobuild");
const codeql_1 = require("./codeql");
const config_utils_1 = require("./config-utils");
const feature_flags_1 = require("./feature-flags");
const init_1 = require("./init");
const languages_1 = require("./languages");
const logging_1 = require("./logging");
const repository_1 = require("./repository");
const upload_lib = __importStar(require("./upload-lib"));
const util_1 = require("./util");
// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-commonjs
const pkg = require("../package.json");
const program = new commander_1.Command();
program.version(pkg.version).hook("preAction", () => {
(0, util_1.initializeEnvironment)(util_1.Mode.runner, pkg.version);
function getTempDir(userInput) {
const tempDir = path.join(userInput || process.cwd(), "codeql-runner");
if (!fs.existsSync(tempDir)) {
fs.mkdirSync(tempDir, { recursive: true });
return tempDir;
function getToolsDir(userInput) {
const toolsDir = userInput || path.join(os.homedir(), "codeql-runner-tools");
if (!fs.existsSync(toolsDir)) {
fs.mkdirSync(toolsDir, { recursive: true });
return toolsDir;
const codeqlEnvJsonFilename = "codeql-env.json";
function loadTracerEnvironment(config) {
const jsonEnvFile = path.join(config.tempDir, codeqlEnvJsonFilename);
return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(jsonEnvFile).toString("utf-8"));
// Imports the environment from codeqlEnvJsonFilename if not already present
function importTracerEnvironment(config) {
if (!("ODASA_TRACER_CONFIGURATION" in process.env)) {
const env = loadTracerEnvironment(config);
for (const key of Object.keys(env)) {
process.env[key] = env[key];
// Allow the user to specify refs in full refs/heads/branch format
// or just the short branch name and prepend "refs/heads/" to it.
function parseRef(userInput) {
if (userInput.startsWith("refs/")) {
return userInput;
else {
return `refs/heads/${userInput}`;
// Parses the --trace-process-name arg from process.argv, or returns undefined
function parseTraceProcessName() {
for (let i = 0; i < process.argv.length - 1; i++) {
if (process.argv[i] === "--trace-process-name") {
return process.argv[i + 1];
return undefined;
// Parses the --trace-process-level arg from process.argv, or returns undefined
function parseTraceProcessLevel() {
for (let i = 0; i < process.argv.length - 1; i++) {
if (process.argv[i] === "--trace-process-level") {
const v = parseInt(process.argv[i + 1], 10);
return isNaN(v) ? undefined : v;
return undefined;
.description("Initializes CodeQL")
.requiredOption("--repository <repository>", "Repository name. (Required)")
.requiredOption("--github-url <url>", "URL of GitHub instance. (Required)")
.option("--github-auth <auth>", "GitHub Apps token or personal access token. This option is insecure and deprecated, please use `--github-auth-stdin` instead.")
.option("--github-auth-stdin", "Read GitHub Apps token or personal access token from stdin.")
.option("--languages <languages>", "Comma-separated list of languages to analyze. Otherwise detects and analyzes all supported languages from the repo.")
.option("--queries <queries>", "Comma-separated list of additional queries to run. This overrides the same setting in a configuration file.")
.option("--packs <packs>", `[Experimental] Comma-separated list of packs to run. Reference a pack in the format scope/name[@version]. If version is not
specified, then the latest version of the pack is used. By default, this overrides the same setting in a
configuration file; prefix with "+" to use both sets of packs.
This option is only available in single-language analyses. To use packs in multi-language
analyses, you must specify packs in the codeql-config.yml file.`)
.option("--config-file <file>", "Path to config file.")
.option("--codeql-path <path>", "Path to a copy of the CodeQL CLI executable to use. Otherwise downloads a copy.")
.option("--temp-dir <dir>", 'Directory to use for temporary files. Default is "./codeql-runner".')
.option("--tools-dir <dir>", "Directory to use for CodeQL tools and other files to store between runs. Default is a subdirectory of the home directory.")
.option("--checkout-path <path>", "Checkout path. Default is the current working directory.")
.option("--debug", "Print more verbose output", false)
.option("--trace-process-name <string>", "(Advanced, windows-only) Inject a windows tracer of this process into a process with the given process name.")
.option("--trace-process-level <number>", "(Advanced, windows-only) Inject a windows tracer of this process into a parent process <number> levels up.")
.option("--ram <number>", "The amount of memory in MB that can be used by CodeQL extractors. " +
"By default, CodeQL extractors will use most of the memory available in the system. " +
'This input also sets the amount of memory that can later be used by the "analyze" command.')
.option("--threads <number>", "The number of threads that can be used by CodeQL extractors. " +
"By default, CodeQL extractors will use all the hardware threads available in the system. " +
'This input also sets the number of threads that can later be used by the "analyze" command.')
.action(async (cmd) => {
const logger = (0, logging_1.getRunnerLogger)(cmd.debug);
try {
const tempDir = getTempDir(cmd.tempDir);
const toolsDir = getToolsDir(cmd.toolsDir);
const checkoutPath = cmd.checkoutPath || process.cwd();
// Wipe the temp dir`Cleaning temp directory ${tempDir}`);
await (0, del_1.default)(tempDir, { force: true });
fs.mkdirSync(tempDir, { recursive: true });
const auth = await (0, util_1.getGitHubAuth)(logger, cmd.githubAuth, cmd.githubAuthStdin);
const apiDetails = {
externalRepoAuth: auth,
url: (0, util_1.parseGitHubUrl)(cmd.githubUrl),
const gitHubVersion = await (0, util_1.getGitHubVersion)(apiDetails);
(0, util_1.checkGitHubVersionInRange)(gitHubVersion, logger, util_1.Mode.runner);
// Limit RAM and threads for extractors. When running extractors, the CodeQL CLI obeys the
// CODEQL_RAM and CODEQL_THREADS environment variables to decide how much RAM and how many
// threads it would ask extractors to use. See help text for the "--ram" and "--threads"
// options at
// for details.
process.env["CODEQL_RAM"] = (0, util_1.getMemoryFlagValue)(cmd.ram).toString();
process.env["CODEQL_THREADS"] = (0, util_1.getThreadsFlagValue)(cmd.threads, logger).toString();
let codeql;
if (cmd.codeqlPath !== undefined) {
codeql = await (0, codeql_1.getCodeQL)(cmd.codeqlPath);
else {
codeql = (await (0, init_1.initCodeQL)(undefined, apiDetails, tempDir, toolsDir, gitHubVersion.type, logger)).codeql;
await (0, util_1.enrichEnvironment)(util_1.Mode.runner, codeql);
const workspacePath = checkoutPath;
const config = await (0, init_1.initConfig)(cmd.languages, cmd.queries, cmd.packs, cmd.configFile, undefined, false, "", "", (0, repository_1.parseRepositoryNwo)(cmd.repository), tempDir, toolsDir, codeql, workspacePath, gitHubVersion, apiDetails, (0, feature_flags_1.createFeatureFlags)([]), logger);
const sourceRoot = checkoutPath;
const tracerConfig = await (0, init_1.runInit)(codeql, config, sourceRoot, parseTraceProcessName(), parseTraceProcessLevel());
if (tracerConfig === undefined) {
if (process.platform === "win32" &&
!(await (0, util_1.codeQlVersionAbove)(codeql, codeql_1.CODEQL_VERSION_NEW_TRACING))) {
await (0, init_1.injectWindowsTracer)(parseTraceProcessName(), parseTraceProcessLevel(), config, codeql, tracerConfig);
// Always output a json file of the env that can be consumed programmatically
const jsonEnvFile = path.join(config.tempDir, codeqlEnvJsonFilename);
fs.writeFileSync(jsonEnvFile, JSON.stringify(tracerConfig.env));
if (process.platform === "win32") {
const batEnvFile = path.join(config.tempDir, "codeql-env.bat");
const batEnvFileContents = Object.entries(tracerConfig.env)
.map(([key, value]) => `Set ${key}=${value}`)
fs.writeFileSync(batEnvFile, batEnvFileContents);
const powershellEnvFile = path.join(config.tempDir, "");
const powershellEnvFileContents = Object.entries(tracerConfig.env)
.map(([key, value]) => `$env:${key}="${value}"`)
fs.writeFileSync(powershellEnvFile, powershellEnvFileContents);`\nCodeQL environment output to "${jsonEnvFile}", "${batEnvFile}" and "${powershellEnvFile}". ` +
`Please export these variables to future processes so that CodeQL can monitor the build. ` +
`If using cmd/batch run "call ${batEnvFile}" ` +
`or if using PowerShell run "cat ${powershellEnvFile} | Invoke-Expression".`);
else {
// Assume that anything that's not windows is using a unix-style shell
const shEnvFile = path.join(config.tempDir, "");
const shEnvFileContents = Object.entries(tracerConfig.env)
// Some vars contain ${LIB} that we do not want to be expanded when executing this script
.map(([key, value]) => `export ${key}='${value.replace(/'/g, "'\"'\"'")}'`)
fs.writeFileSync(shEnvFile, shEnvFileContents);`\nCodeQL environment output to "${jsonEnvFile}" and "${shEnvFile}". ` +
`Please export these variables to future processes so that CodeQL can monitor the build, ` +
`for example by running ". ${shEnvFile}".`);
catch (e) {
logger.error("Init failed");
logger.error(e instanceof Error ? e : new Error(String(e)));
process.exitCode = 1;
.description("Attempts to automatically build code")
.option("--language <language>", "The language to build. Otherwise will detect the dominant compiled language.")
.option("--temp-dir <dir>", 'Directory to use for temporary files. Default is "./codeql-runner".')
.option("--debug", "Print more verbose output", false)
.action(async (cmd) => {
const logger = (0, logging_1.getRunnerLogger)(cmd.debug);
try {
const config = await (0, config_utils_1.getConfig)(getTempDir(cmd.tempDir), logger);
if (config === undefined) {
throw new Error("Config file could not be found at expected location. " +
"Was the 'init' command run with the same '--temp-dir' argument as this command.");
await (0, util_1.enrichEnvironment)(util_1.Mode.runner, await (0, codeql_1.getCodeQL)(config.codeQLCmd));
let language = undefined;
if (cmd.language !== undefined) {
language = (0, languages_1.parseLanguage)(cmd.language);
if (language === undefined || !config.languages.includes(language)) {
throw new Error(`"${cmd.language}" is not a recognised language. ` +
`Known languages in this project are ${config.languages.join(", ")}.`);
else {
language = (0, autobuild_1.determineAutobuildLanguage)(config, logger);
if (language !== undefined) {
await (0, autobuild_1.runAutobuild)(language, config, logger);
catch (e) {
logger.error("Autobuild failed");
logger.error(e instanceof Error ? e : new Error(String(e)));
process.exitCode = 1;
.description("Finishes extracting code and runs CodeQL queries")
.requiredOption("--repository <repository>", "Repository name. (Required)")
.requiredOption("--commit <commit>", "SHA of commit that was analyzed. (Required)")
.requiredOption("--ref <ref>", "Name of ref that was analyzed. (Required)")
.requiredOption("--github-url <url>", "URL of GitHub instance. (Required)")
.option("--github-auth <auth>", "GitHub Apps token or personal access token. This option is insecure and deprecated, please use `--github-auth-stdin` instead.")
.option("--github-auth-stdin", "Read GitHub Apps token or personal access token from stdin.")
.option("--checkout-path <path>", "Checkout path. Default is the current working directory.")
.option("--no-upload", "Do not upload results after analysis.")
.option("--output-dir <dir>", "Directory to output SARIF files to. Default is in the temp directory.")
.option("--ram <ram>", "The amount of memory in MB that can be used by CodeQL for database finalization and query execution. " +
'By default, this command will use the same amount of memory as previously set in the "init" command. ' +
'If the "init" command also does not have an explicit "ram" flag, this command will use most of the ' +
"memory available in the system.")
.option("--no-add-snippets", "Specify whether to include code snippets in the sarif output.")
.option("--threads <threads>", "The number of threads that can be used by CodeQL for database finalization and query execution. " +
'By default, this command will use the same number of threads as previously set in the "init" command. ' +
'If the "init" command also does not have an explicit "threads" flag, this command will use all the ' +
"hardware threads available in the system.")
.option("--temp-dir <dir>", 'Directory to use for temporary files. Default is "./codeql-runner".')
.option("--category <category>", "String used by Code Scanning for matching the analyses.")
.option("--debug", "Print more verbose output", false)
.action(async (cmd) => {
const logger = (0, logging_1.getRunnerLogger)(cmd.debug);
try {
const config = await (0, config_utils_1.getConfig)(getTempDir(cmd.tempDir), logger);
if (config === undefined) {
throw new Error("Config file could not be found at expected location. " +
"Was the 'init' command run with the same '--temp-dir' argument as this command.");
await (0, util_1.enrichEnvironment)(util_1.Mode.runner, await (0, codeql_1.getCodeQL)(config.codeQLCmd));
const auth = await (0, util_1.getGitHubAuth)(logger, cmd.githubAuth, cmd.githubAuthStdin);
const apiDetails = {
url: (0, util_1.parseGitHubUrl)(cmd.githubUrl),
const outputDir = cmd.outputDir || path.join(config.tempDir, "codeql-sarif");
let initEnv = {};
try {
initEnv = loadTracerEnvironment(config);
catch (err) {
// The init command did not generate a tracer environment file
const threads = (0, util_1.getThreadsFlag)(cmd.threads || initEnv["CODEQL_THREADS"], logger);
const memory = (0, util_1.getMemoryFlag)(cmd.ram || initEnv["CODEQL_RAM"]);
await (0, analyze_1.runFinalize)(outputDir, threads, memory, config, logger);
await (0, analyze_1.runQueries)(outputDir, memory, (0, util_1.getAddSnippetsFlag)(cmd.addSnippets), threads, cmd.category, config, logger);
if (!cmd.upload) {"Not uploading results");
const sourceRoot = cmd.checkoutPath || process.cwd();
await upload_lib.uploadFromRunner(outputDir, (0, repository_1.parseRepositoryNwo)(cmd.repository), cmd.commit, parseRef(cmd.ref), cmd.category, sourceRoot, config.gitHubVersion, apiDetails, logger);
catch (e) {
logger.error("Analyze failed");
logger.error(e instanceof Error ? e : new Error(String(e)));
process.exitCode = 1;
.description("Uploads a SARIF file, or all SARIF files from a directory, to code scanning")
.requiredOption("--sarif-file <file>", "SARIF file to upload, or a directory containing multiple SARIF files. (Required)")
.requiredOption("--repository <repository>", "Repository name. (Required)")
.requiredOption("--commit <commit>", "SHA of commit that was analyzed. (Required)")
.requiredOption("--ref <ref>", "Name of ref that was analyzed. (Required)")
.requiredOption("--github-url <url>", "URL of GitHub instance. (Required)")
.option("--github-auth <auth>", "GitHub Apps token or personal access token. This option is insecure and deprecated, please use `--github-auth-stdin` instead.")
.option("--github-auth-stdin", "Read GitHub Apps token or personal access token from stdin.")
.option("--checkout-path <path>", "Checkout path. Default is the current working directory.")
.option("--category <category>", "String used by Code Scanning for matching the analyses.")
.option("--debug", "Print more verbose output", false)
.action(async (cmd) => {
const logger = (0, logging_1.getRunnerLogger)(cmd.debug);
const auth = await (0, util_1.getGitHubAuth)(logger, cmd.githubAuth, cmd.githubAuthStdin);
const apiDetails = {
url: (0, util_1.parseGitHubUrl)(cmd.githubUrl),
try {
const gitHubVersion = await (0, util_1.getGitHubVersion)(apiDetails);
const sourceRoot = cmd.checkoutPath || process.cwd();
await upload_lib.uploadFromRunner(cmd.sarifFile, (0, repository_1.parseRepositoryNwo)(cmd.repository), cmd.commit, parseRef(cmd.ref), cmd.category, sourceRoot, gitHubVersion, apiDetails, logger);
catch (e) {
logger.error("Upload failed");
logger.error(e instanceof Error ? e : new Error(String(e)));
process.exitCode = 1;