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288 lines (288 sloc) 11.7 KB
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
import * as http from "http";
import * as https from "https";
import { AbortController, AbortError } from "@azure/abort-controller";
import { HttpHeaders } from "./httpHeaders";
import { createProxyAgent, isUrlHttps } from "./proxyAgent";
import { Transform } from "stream";
import FormData from "form-data";
import { RestError } from "./restError";
import { logger } from "./log";
import node_fetch from "node-fetch";
function getCachedAgent(isHttps, agentCache) {
return isHttps ? agentCache.httpsAgent : agentCache.httpAgent;
export class ReportTransform extends Transform {
constructor(progressCallback) {
this.progressCallback = progressCallback;
this.loadedBytes = 0;
_transform(chunk, _encoding, callback) {
this.loadedBytes += chunk.length;
this.progressCallback({ loadedBytes: this.loadedBytes });
function isReadableStream(body) {
return body && typeof body.pipe === "function";
function isStreamComplete(stream, aborter) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
stream.once("close", () => {
aborter === null || aborter === void 0 ? void 0 : aborter.abort();
stream.once("end", resolve);
stream.once("error", resolve);
* Transforms a set of headers into the key/value pair defined by {@link HttpHeadersLike}
export function parseHeaders(headers) {
const httpHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
headers.forEach((value, key) => {
httpHeaders.set(key, value);
return httpHeaders;
* An HTTP client that uses `node-fetch`.
export class NodeFetchHttpClient {
constructor() {
// a mapping of proxy settings string `${host}:${port}:${username}:${password}` to agent
this.proxyAgentMap = new Map();
this.keepAliveAgents = {};
* Provides minimum viable error handling and the logic that executes the abstract methods.
* @param httpRequest - Object representing the outgoing HTTP request.
* @returns An object representing the incoming HTTP response.
async sendRequest(httpRequest) {
var _a;
if (!httpRequest && typeof httpRequest !== "object") {
throw new Error("'httpRequest' (WebResourceLike) cannot be null or undefined and must be of type object.");
const abortController = new AbortController();
let abortListener;
if (httpRequest.abortSignal) {
if (httpRequest.abortSignal.aborted) {
throw new AbortError("The operation was aborted.");
abortListener = (event) => {
if (event.type === "abort") {
httpRequest.abortSignal.addEventListener("abort", abortListener);
if (httpRequest.timeout) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, httpRequest.timeout);
if (httpRequest.formData) {
const formData = httpRequest.formData;
const requestForm = new FormData();
const appendFormValue = (key, value) => {
// value function probably returns a stream so we can provide a fresh stream on each retry
if (typeof value === "function") {
value = value();
if (value &&, "value") &&, "options")) {
requestForm.append(key, value.value, value.options);
else {
requestForm.append(key, value);
for (const formKey of Object.keys(formData)) {
const formValue = formData[formKey];
if (Array.isArray(formValue)) {
for (let j = 0; j < formValue.length; j++) {
appendFormValue(formKey, formValue[j]);
else {
appendFormValue(formKey, formValue);
httpRequest.body = requestForm;
httpRequest.formData = undefined;
const contentType = httpRequest.headers.get("Content-Type");
if (contentType && contentType.indexOf("multipart/form-data") !== -1) {
if (typeof requestForm.getBoundary === "function") {
httpRequest.headers.set("Content-Type", `multipart/form-data; boundary=${requestForm.getBoundary()}`);
else {
// browser will automatically apply a suitable content-type header
let body = httpRequest.body
? typeof httpRequest.body === "function"
? httpRequest.body()
: httpRequest.body
: undefined;
if (httpRequest.onUploadProgress && httpRequest.body) {
const onUploadProgress = httpRequest.onUploadProgress;
const uploadReportStream = new ReportTransform(onUploadProgress);
if (isReadableStream(body)) {
else {
body = uploadReportStream;
const platformSpecificRequestInit = await this.prepareRequest(httpRequest);
const requestInit = Object.assign({ body: body, headers: httpRequest.headers.rawHeaders(), method: httpRequest.method,
// the types for RequestInit are from the browser, which expects AbortSignal to
// have `reason` and `throwIfAborted`, but these don't exist on our polyfill
// for Node.
signal: abortController.signal, redirect: "manual" }, platformSpecificRequestInit);
let operationResponse;
try {
const response = await this.fetch(httpRequest.url, requestInit);
const headers = parseHeaders(response.headers);
const streaming = ((_a = httpRequest.streamResponseStatusCodes) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.has(response.status)) ||
operationResponse = {
headers: headers,
request: httpRequest,
status: response.status,
readableStreamBody: streaming
? response.body
: undefined,
bodyAsText: !streaming ? await response.text() : undefined,
const onDownloadProgress = httpRequest.onDownloadProgress;
if (onDownloadProgress) {
const responseBody = response.body || undefined;
if (isReadableStream(responseBody)) {
const downloadReportStream = new ReportTransform(onDownloadProgress);
operationResponse.readableStreamBody = downloadReportStream;
else {
const length = parseInt(headers.get("Content-Length")) || undefined;
if (length) {
// Calling callback for non-stream response for consistency with browser
onDownloadProgress({ loadedBytes: length });
await this.processRequest(operationResponse);
return operationResponse;
catch (error) {
const fetchError = error;
if (fetchError.code === "ENOTFOUND") {
throw new RestError(fetchError.message, RestError.REQUEST_SEND_ERROR, undefined, httpRequest);
else if (fetchError.type === "aborted") {
throw new AbortError("The operation was aborted.");
throw fetchError;
finally {
// clean up event listener
if (httpRequest.abortSignal && abortListener) {
let uploadStreamDone = Promise.resolve();
if (isReadableStream(body)) {
uploadStreamDone = isStreamComplete(body);
let downloadStreamDone = Promise.resolve();
if (isReadableStream(operationResponse === null || operationResponse === void 0 ? void 0 : operationResponse.readableStreamBody)) {
downloadStreamDone = isStreamComplete(operationResponse.readableStreamBody, abortController);
Promise.all([uploadStreamDone, downloadStreamDone])
.then(() => {
var _a;
(_a = httpRequest.abortSignal) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.removeEventListener("abort", abortListener);
.catch((e) => {
logger.warning("Error when cleaning up abortListener on httpRequest", e);
getOrCreateAgent(httpRequest) {
var _a;
const isHttps = isUrlHttps(httpRequest.url);
// At the moment, proxy settings and keepAlive are mutually
// exclusive because the 'tunnel' library currently lacks the
// ability to create a proxy with keepAlive turned on.
if (httpRequest.proxySettings) {
const { host, port, username, password } = httpRequest.proxySettings;
const key = `${host}:${port}:${username}:${password}`;
const proxyAgents = (_a = this.proxyAgentMap.get(key)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : {};
let agent = getCachedAgent(isHttps, proxyAgents);
if (agent) {
return agent;
const tunnel = createProxyAgent(httpRequest.url, httpRequest.proxySettings, httpRequest.headers);
agent = tunnel.agent;
if (tunnel.isHttps) {
proxyAgents.httpsAgent = tunnel.agent;
else {
proxyAgents.httpAgent = tunnel.agent;
this.proxyAgentMap.set(key, proxyAgents);
return agent;
else if (httpRequest.keepAlive) {
let agent = getCachedAgent(isHttps, this.keepAliveAgents);
if (agent) {
return agent;
const agentOptions = {
keepAlive: httpRequest.keepAlive,
if (isHttps) {
agent = this.keepAliveAgents.httpsAgent = new https.Agent(agentOptions);
else {
agent = this.keepAliveAgents.httpAgent = new http.Agent(agentOptions);
return agent;
else {
return isHttps ? https.globalAgent : http.globalAgent;
* Uses `node-fetch` to perform the request.
// eslint-disable-next-line @azure/azure-sdk/ts-apisurface-standardized-verbs
async fetch(input, init) {
return node_fetch(input, init);
* Prepares a request based on the provided web resource.
async prepareRequest(httpRequest) {
const requestInit = {};
// Set the http(s) agent
requestInit.agent = this.getOrCreateAgent(httpRequest);
requestInit.compress = httpRequest.decompressResponse;
return requestInit;
* Process an HTTP response.
async processRequest(_operationResponse) {
/* no_op */