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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
/* eslint-disable eqeqeq */
import * as base64 from "./util/base64";
import * as utils from "./util/utils";
import { XML_ATTRKEY, XML_CHARKEY } from "./util/serializer.common";
// This file contains utility code to serialize and deserialize network operations according to `OperationSpec` objects generated by AutoRest.TypeScript from OpenAPI specifications.
* Used to map raw response objects to final shapes.
* Helps packing and unpacking Dates and other encoded types that are not intrinsic to JSON.
* Also allows pulling values from headers, as well as inserting default values and constants.
export class Serializer {
* The provided model mapper.
modelMappers = {},
* Whether the contents are XML or not.
isXML) {
this.modelMappers = modelMappers;
this.isXML = isXML;
* Validates constraints, if any. This function will throw if the provided value does not respect those constraints.
* @param mapper - The definition of data models.
* @param value - The value.
* @param objectName - Name of the object. Used in the error messages.
* @deprecated Removing the constraints validation on client side.
validateConstraints(mapper, value, objectName) {
const failValidation = (constraintName, constraintValue) => {
throw new Error(`"${objectName}" with value "${value}" should satisfy the constraint "${constraintName}": ${constraintValue}.`);
if (mapper.constraints && value != undefined) {
const valueAsNumber = value;
const { ExclusiveMaximum, ExclusiveMinimum, InclusiveMaximum, InclusiveMinimum, MaxItems, MaxLength, MinItems, MinLength, MultipleOf, Pattern, UniqueItems, } = mapper.constraints;
if (ExclusiveMaximum != undefined && valueAsNumber >= ExclusiveMaximum) {
failValidation("ExclusiveMaximum", ExclusiveMaximum);
if (ExclusiveMinimum != undefined && valueAsNumber <= ExclusiveMinimum) {
failValidation("ExclusiveMinimum", ExclusiveMinimum);
if (InclusiveMaximum != undefined && valueAsNumber > InclusiveMaximum) {
failValidation("InclusiveMaximum", InclusiveMaximum);
if (InclusiveMinimum != undefined && valueAsNumber < InclusiveMinimum) {
failValidation("InclusiveMinimum", InclusiveMinimum);
const valueAsArray = value;
if (MaxItems != undefined && valueAsArray.length > MaxItems) {
failValidation("MaxItems", MaxItems);
if (MaxLength != undefined && valueAsArray.length > MaxLength) {
failValidation("MaxLength", MaxLength);
if (MinItems != undefined && valueAsArray.length < MinItems) {
failValidation("MinItems", MinItems);
if (MinLength != undefined && valueAsArray.length < MinLength) {
failValidation("MinLength", MinLength);
if (MultipleOf != undefined && valueAsNumber % MultipleOf !== 0) {
failValidation("MultipleOf", MultipleOf);
if (Pattern) {
const pattern = typeof Pattern === "string" ? new RegExp(Pattern) : Pattern;
if (typeof value !== "string" || value.match(pattern) === null) {
failValidation("Pattern", Pattern);
if (UniqueItems &&
valueAsArray.some((item, i, ar) => ar.indexOf(item) !== i)) {
failValidation("UniqueItems", UniqueItems);
* Serialize the given object based on its metadata defined in the mapper.
* @param mapper - The mapper which defines the metadata of the serializable object.
* @param object - A valid Javascript object to be serialized.
* @param objectName - Name of the serialized object.
* @param options - additional options to deserialization.
* @returns A valid serialized Javascript object.
serialize(mapper, object, objectName, options = {}) {
var _a, _b, _c;
const updatedOptions = {
rootName: (_a = options.rootName) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : "",
includeRoot: (_b = options.includeRoot) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : false,
xmlCharKey: (_c = options.xmlCharKey) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : XML_CHARKEY,
let payload = {};
const mapperType =;
if (!objectName) {
objectName = mapper.serializedName;
if (mapperType.match(/^Sequence$/i) !== null) {
payload = [];
if (mapper.isConstant) {
object = mapper.defaultValue;
// This table of allowed values should help explain
// the mapper.required and mapper.nullable properties.
// X means "neither undefined or null are allowed".
// || required
// || true | false
// nullable || ==========================
// true || null | undefined/null
// false || X | undefined
// undefined || X | undefined/null
const { required, nullable } = mapper;
if (required && nullable && object === undefined) {
throw new Error(`${objectName} cannot be undefined.`);
if (required && !nullable && object == undefined) {
throw new Error(`${objectName} cannot be null or undefined.`);
if (!required && nullable === false && object === null) {
throw new Error(`${objectName} cannot be null.`);
if (object == undefined) {
payload = object;
else {
if (mapperType.match(/^any$/i) !== null) {
payload = object;
else if (mapperType.match(/^(Number|String|Boolean|Object|Stream|Uuid)$/i) !== null) {
payload = serializeBasicTypes(mapperType, objectName, object);
else if (mapperType.match(/^Enum$/i) !== null) {
const enumMapper = mapper;
payload = serializeEnumType(objectName, enumMapper.type.allowedValues, object);
else if (mapperType.match(/^(Date|DateTime|TimeSpan|DateTimeRfc1123|UnixTime)$/i) !== null) {
payload = serializeDateTypes(mapperType, object, objectName);
else if (mapperType.match(/^ByteArray$/i) !== null) {
payload = serializeByteArrayType(objectName, object);
else if (mapperType.match(/^Base64Url$/i) !== null) {
payload = serializeBase64UrlType(objectName, object);
else if (mapperType.match(/^Sequence$/i) !== null) {
payload = serializeSequenceType(this, mapper, object, objectName, Boolean(this.isXML), updatedOptions);
else if (mapperType.match(/^Dictionary$/i) !== null) {
payload = serializeDictionaryType(this, mapper, object, objectName, Boolean(this.isXML), updatedOptions);
else if (mapperType.match(/^Composite$/i) !== null) {
payload = serializeCompositeType(this, mapper, object, objectName, Boolean(this.isXML), updatedOptions);
return payload;
* Deserialize the given object based on its metadata defined in the mapper.
* @param mapper - The mapper which defines the metadata of the serializable object.
* @param responseBody - A valid Javascript entity to be deserialized.
* @param objectName - Name of the deserialized object.
* @param options - Controls behavior of XML parser and builder.
* @returns A valid deserialized Javascript object.
deserialize(mapper, responseBody, objectName, options = {}) {
var _a, _b, _c;
const updatedOptions = {
rootName: (_a = options.rootName) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : "",
includeRoot: (_b = options.includeRoot) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : false,
xmlCharKey: (_c = options.xmlCharKey) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : XML_CHARKEY,
if (responseBody == undefined) {
if (this.isXML && === "Sequence" && !mapper.xmlIsWrapped) {
// Edge case for empty XML non-wrapped lists. xml2js can't distinguish
// between the list being empty versus being missing,
// so let's do the more user-friendly thing and return an empty list.
responseBody = [];
// specifically check for undefined as default value can be a falsey value `0, "", false, null`
if (mapper.defaultValue !== undefined) {
responseBody = mapper.defaultValue;
return responseBody;
let payload;
const mapperType =;
if (!objectName) {
objectName = mapper.serializedName;
if (mapperType.match(/^Composite$/i) !== null) {
payload = deserializeCompositeType(this, mapper, responseBody, objectName, updatedOptions);
else {
if (this.isXML) {
const xmlCharKey = updatedOptions.xmlCharKey;
const castResponseBody = responseBody;
* If the mapper specifies this as a non-composite type value but the responseBody contains
* both header ("$" i.e., XML_ATTRKEY) and body ("#" i.e., XML_CHARKEY) properties,
* then just reduce the responseBody value to the body ("#" i.e., XML_CHARKEY) property.
if (castResponseBody[XML_ATTRKEY] != undefined &&
castResponseBody[xmlCharKey] != undefined) {
responseBody = castResponseBody[xmlCharKey];
if (mapperType.match(/^Number$/i) !== null) {
payload = parseFloat(responseBody);
if (isNaN(payload)) {
payload = responseBody;
else if (mapperType.match(/^Boolean$/i) !== null) {
if (responseBody === "true") {
payload = true;
else if (responseBody === "false") {
payload = false;
else {
payload = responseBody;
else if (mapperType.match(/^(String|Enum|Object|Stream|Uuid|TimeSpan|any)$/i) !== null) {
payload = responseBody;
else if (mapperType.match(/^(Date|DateTime|DateTimeRfc1123)$/i) !== null) {
payload = new Date(responseBody);
else if (mapperType.match(/^UnixTime$/i) !== null) {
payload = unixTimeToDate(responseBody);
else if (mapperType.match(/^ByteArray$/i) !== null) {
payload = base64.decodeString(responseBody);
else if (mapperType.match(/^Base64Url$/i) !== null) {
payload = base64UrlToByteArray(responseBody);
else if (mapperType.match(/^Sequence$/i) !== null) {
payload = deserializeSequenceType(this, mapper, responseBody, objectName, updatedOptions);
else if (mapperType.match(/^Dictionary$/i) !== null) {
payload = deserializeDictionaryType(this, mapper, responseBody, objectName, updatedOptions);
if (mapper.isConstant) {
payload = mapper.defaultValue;
return payload;
function trimEnd(str, ch) {
let len = str.length;
while (len - 1 >= 0 && str[len - 1] === ch) {
return str.substr(0, len);
function bufferToBase64Url(buffer) {
if (!buffer) {
return undefined;
if (!(buffer instanceof Uint8Array)) {
throw new Error(`Please provide an input of type Uint8Array for converting to Base64Url.`);
// Uint8Array to Base64.
const str = base64.encodeByteArray(buffer);
// Base64 to Base64Url.
return trimEnd(str, "=").replace(/\+/g, "-").replace(/\//g, "_");
function base64UrlToByteArray(str) {
if (!str) {
return undefined;
if (str && typeof str.valueOf() !== "string") {
throw new Error("Please provide an input of type string for converting to Uint8Array");
// Base64Url to Base64.
str = str.replace(/-/g, "+").replace(/_/g, "/");
// Base64 to Uint8Array.
return base64.decodeString(str);
function splitSerializeName(prop) {
const classes = [];
let partialclass = "";
if (prop) {
const subwords = prop.split(".");
for (const item of subwords) {
if (item.charAt(item.length - 1) === "\\") {
partialclass += item.substr(0, item.length - 1) + ".";
else {
partialclass += item;
partialclass = "";
return classes;
function dateToUnixTime(d) {
if (!d) {
return undefined;
if (typeof d.valueOf() === "string") {
d = new Date(d);
return Math.floor(d.getTime() / 1000);
function unixTimeToDate(n) {
if (!n) {
return undefined;
return new Date(n * 1000);
function serializeBasicTypes(typeName, objectName, value) {
if (value !== null && value !== undefined) {
if (typeName.match(/^Number$/i) !== null) {
if (typeof value !== "number") {
throw new Error(`${objectName} with value ${value} must be of type number.`);
else if (typeName.match(/^String$/i) !== null) {
if (typeof value.valueOf() !== "string") {
throw new Error(`${objectName} with value "${value}" must be of type string.`);
else if (typeName.match(/^Uuid$/i) !== null) {
if (!(typeof value.valueOf() === "string" && utils.isValidUuid(value))) {
throw new Error(`${objectName} with value "${value}" must be of type string and a valid uuid.`);
else if (typeName.match(/^Boolean$/i) !== null) {
if (typeof value !== "boolean") {
throw new Error(`${objectName} with value ${value} must be of type boolean.`);
else if (typeName.match(/^Stream$/i) !== null) {
const objectType = typeof value;
if (objectType !== "string" &&
objectType !== "function" &&
!(value instanceof ArrayBuffer) &&
!ArrayBuffer.isView(value) &&
!((typeof Blob === "function" || typeof Blob === "object") && value instanceof Blob)) {
throw new Error(`${objectName} must be a string, Blob, ArrayBuffer, ArrayBufferView, or a function returning NodeJS.ReadableStream.`);
return value;
function serializeEnumType(objectName, allowedValues, value) {
if (!allowedValues) {
throw new Error(`Please provide a set of allowedValues to validate ${objectName} as an Enum Type.`);
const isPresent = allowedValues.some((item) => {
if (typeof item.valueOf() === "string") {
return item.toLowerCase() === value.toLowerCase();
return item === value;
if (!isPresent) {
throw new Error(`${value} is not a valid value for ${objectName}. The valid values are: ${JSON.stringify(allowedValues)}.`);
return value;
function serializeByteArrayType(objectName, value) {
let returnValue = "";
if (value != undefined) {
if (!(value instanceof Uint8Array)) {
throw new Error(`${objectName} must be of type Uint8Array.`);
returnValue = base64.encodeByteArray(value);
return returnValue;
function serializeBase64UrlType(objectName, value) {
let returnValue = "";
if (value != undefined) {
if (!(value instanceof Uint8Array)) {
throw new Error(`${objectName} must be of type Uint8Array.`);
returnValue = bufferToBase64Url(value) || "";
return returnValue;
function serializeDateTypes(typeName, value, objectName) {
if (value != undefined) {
if (typeName.match(/^Date$/i) !== null) {
if (!(value instanceof Date ||
(typeof value.valueOf() === "string" && !isNaN(Date.parse(value))))) {
throw new Error(`${objectName} must be an instanceof Date or a string in ISO8601 format.`);
value =
value instanceof Date
? value.toISOString().substring(0, 10)
: new Date(value).toISOString().substring(0, 10);
else if (typeName.match(/^DateTime$/i) !== null) {
if (!(value instanceof Date ||
(typeof value.valueOf() === "string" && !isNaN(Date.parse(value))))) {
throw new Error(`${objectName} must be an instanceof Date or a string in ISO8601 format.`);
value = value instanceof Date ? value.toISOString() : new Date(value).toISOString();
else if (typeName.match(/^DateTimeRfc1123$/i) !== null) {
if (!(value instanceof Date ||
(typeof value.valueOf() === "string" && !isNaN(Date.parse(value))))) {
throw new Error(`${objectName} must be an instanceof Date or a string in RFC-1123 format.`);
value = value instanceof Date ? value.toUTCString() : new Date(value).toUTCString();
else if (typeName.match(/^UnixTime$/i) !== null) {
if (!(value instanceof Date ||
(typeof value.valueOf() === "string" && !isNaN(Date.parse(value))))) {
throw new Error(`${objectName} must be an instanceof Date or a string in RFC-1123/ISO8601 format ` +
`for it to be serialized in UnixTime/Epoch format.`);
value = dateToUnixTime(value);
else if (typeName.match(/^TimeSpan$/i) !== null) {
if (!utils.isDuration(value)) {
throw new Error(`${objectName} must be a string in ISO 8601 format. Instead was "${value}".`);
return value;
function serializeSequenceType(serializer, mapper, object, objectName, isXml, options) {
if (!Array.isArray(object)) {
throw new Error(`${objectName} must be of type Array.`);
const elementType = mapper.type.element;
if (!elementType || typeof elementType !== "object") {
throw new Error(`element" metadata for an Array must be defined in the ` +
`mapper and it must of type "object" in ${objectName}.`);
const tempArray = [];
for (let i = 0; i < object.length; i++) {
const serializedValue = serializer.serialize(elementType, object[i], objectName, options);
if (isXml && elementType.xmlNamespace) {
const xmlnsKey = elementType.xmlNamespacePrefix
? `xmlns:${elementType.xmlNamespacePrefix}`
: "xmlns";
if ( === "Composite") {
tempArray[i] = Object.assign({}, serializedValue);
tempArray[i][XML_ATTRKEY] = { [xmlnsKey]: elementType.xmlNamespace };
else {
tempArray[i] = {};
tempArray[i][options.xmlCharKey] = serializedValue;
tempArray[i][XML_ATTRKEY] = { [xmlnsKey]: elementType.xmlNamespace };
else {
tempArray[i] = serializedValue;
return tempArray;
function serializeDictionaryType(serializer, mapper, object, objectName, isXml, options) {
if (typeof object !== "object") {
throw new Error(`${objectName} must be of type object.`);
const valueType = mapper.type.value;
if (!valueType || typeof valueType !== "object") {
throw new Error(`"value" metadata for a Dictionary must be defined in the ` +
`mapper and it must of type "object" in ${objectName}.`);
const tempDictionary = {};
for (const key of Object.keys(object)) {
const serializedValue = serializer.serialize(valueType, object[key], objectName, options);
// If the element needs an XML namespace we need to add it within the $ property
tempDictionary[key] = getXmlObjectValue(valueType, serializedValue, isXml, options);
// Add the namespace to the root element if needed
if (isXml && mapper.xmlNamespace) {
const xmlnsKey = mapper.xmlNamespacePrefix ? `xmlns:${mapper.xmlNamespacePrefix}` : "xmlns";
const result = tempDictionary;
result[XML_ATTRKEY] = { [xmlnsKey]: mapper.xmlNamespace };
return result;
return tempDictionary;
* Resolves the additionalProperties property from a referenced mapper.
* @param serializer - The serializer containing the entire set of mappers.
* @param mapper - The composite mapper to resolve.
* @param objectName - Name of the object being serialized.
function resolveAdditionalProperties(serializer, mapper, objectName) {
const additionalProperties = mapper.type.additionalProperties;
if (!additionalProperties && mapper.type.className) {
const modelMapper = resolveReferencedMapper(serializer, mapper, objectName);
return modelMapper === null || modelMapper === void 0 ? void 0 : modelMapper.type.additionalProperties;
return additionalProperties;
* Finds the mapper referenced by `className`.
* @param serializer - The serializer containing the entire set of mappers
* @param mapper - The composite mapper to resolve
* @param objectName - Name of the object being serialized
function resolveReferencedMapper(serializer, mapper, objectName) {
const className = mapper.type.className;
if (!className) {
throw new Error(`Class name for model "${objectName}" is not provided in the mapper "${JSON.stringify(mapper, undefined, 2)}".`);
return serializer.modelMappers[className];
* Resolves a composite mapper's modelProperties.
* @param serializer - The serializer containing the entire set of mappers
* @param mapper - The composite mapper to resolve
function resolveModelProperties(serializer, mapper, objectName) {
let modelProps = mapper.type.modelProperties;
if (!modelProps) {
const modelMapper = resolveReferencedMapper(serializer, mapper, objectName);
if (!modelMapper) {
throw new Error(`mapper() cannot be null or undefined for model "${mapper.type.className}".`);
modelProps = modelMapper === null || modelMapper === void 0 ? void 0 : modelMapper.type.modelProperties;
if (!modelProps) {
throw new Error(`modelProperties cannot be null or undefined in the ` +
`mapper "${JSON.stringify(modelMapper)}" of type "${mapper.type.className}" for object "${objectName}".`);
return modelProps;
function serializeCompositeType(serializer, mapper, object, objectName, isXml, options) {
if (getPolymorphicDiscriminatorRecursively(serializer, mapper)) {
mapper = getPolymorphicMapper(serializer, mapper, object, "clientName");
if (object != undefined) {
const payload = {};
const modelProps = resolveModelProperties(serializer, mapper, objectName);
for (const key of Object.keys(modelProps)) {
const propertyMapper = modelProps[key];
if (propertyMapper.readOnly) {
let propName;
let parentObject = payload;
if (serializer.isXML) {
if (propertyMapper.xmlIsWrapped) {
propName = propertyMapper.xmlName;
else {
propName = propertyMapper.xmlElementName || propertyMapper.xmlName;
else {
const paths = splitSerializeName(propertyMapper.serializedName);
propName = paths.pop();
for (const pathName of paths) {
const childObject = parentObject[pathName];
if (childObject == undefined &&
(object[key] != undefined || propertyMapper.defaultValue !== undefined)) {
parentObject[pathName] = {};
parentObject = parentObject[pathName];
if (parentObject != undefined) {
if (isXml && mapper.xmlNamespace) {
const xmlnsKey = mapper.xmlNamespacePrefix
? `xmlns:${mapper.xmlNamespacePrefix}`
: "xmlns";
parentObject[XML_ATTRKEY] = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, parentObject[XML_ATTRKEY]), { [xmlnsKey]: mapper.xmlNamespace });
const propertyObjectName = propertyMapper.serializedName !== ""
? objectName + "." + propertyMapper.serializedName
: objectName;
let toSerialize = object[key];
const polymorphicDiscriminator = getPolymorphicDiscriminatorRecursively(serializer, mapper);
if (polymorphicDiscriminator &&
polymorphicDiscriminator.clientName === key &&
toSerialize == undefined) {
toSerialize = mapper.serializedName;
const serializedValue = serializer.serialize(propertyMapper, toSerialize, propertyObjectName, options);
if (serializedValue !== undefined && propName != undefined) {
const value = getXmlObjectValue(propertyMapper, serializedValue, isXml, options);
if (isXml && propertyMapper.xmlIsAttribute) {
// XML_ATTRKEY, i.e., $ is the key attributes are kept under in xml2js.
// This keeps things simple while preventing name collision
// with names in user documents.
parentObject[XML_ATTRKEY] = parentObject[XML_ATTRKEY] || {};
parentObject[XML_ATTRKEY][propName] = serializedValue;
else if (isXml && propertyMapper.xmlIsWrapped) {
parentObject[propName] = { [propertyMapper.xmlElementName]: value };
else {
parentObject[propName] = value;
const additionalPropertiesMapper = resolveAdditionalProperties(serializer, mapper, objectName);
if (additionalPropertiesMapper) {
const propNames = Object.keys(modelProps);
for (const clientPropName in object) {
const isAdditionalProperty = propNames.every((pn) => pn !== clientPropName);
if (isAdditionalProperty) {
payload[clientPropName] = serializer.serialize(additionalPropertiesMapper, object[clientPropName], objectName + '["' + clientPropName + '"]', options);
return payload;
return object;
function getXmlObjectValue(propertyMapper, serializedValue, isXml, options) {
if (!isXml || !propertyMapper.xmlNamespace) {
return serializedValue;
const xmlnsKey = propertyMapper.xmlNamespacePrefix
? `xmlns:${propertyMapper.xmlNamespacePrefix}`
: "xmlns";
const xmlNamespace = { [xmlnsKey]: propertyMapper.xmlNamespace };
if (["Composite"].includes( {
if (serializedValue[XML_ATTRKEY]) {
return serializedValue;
else {
const result = Object.assign({}, serializedValue);
result[XML_ATTRKEY] = xmlNamespace;
return result;
const result = {};
result[options.xmlCharKey] = serializedValue;
result[XML_ATTRKEY] = xmlNamespace;
return result;
function isSpecialXmlProperty(propertyName, options) {
return [XML_ATTRKEY, options.xmlCharKey].includes(propertyName);
function deserializeCompositeType(serializer, mapper, responseBody, objectName, options) {
var _a, _b;
const xmlCharKey = (_a = options.xmlCharKey) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : XML_CHARKEY;
if (getPolymorphicDiscriminatorRecursively(serializer, mapper)) {
mapper = getPolymorphicMapper(serializer, mapper, responseBody, "serializedName");
const modelProps = resolveModelProperties(serializer, mapper, objectName);
let instance = {};
const handledPropertyNames = [];
for (const key of Object.keys(modelProps)) {
const propertyMapper = modelProps[key];
const paths = splitSerializeName(modelProps[key].serializedName);
const { serializedName, xmlName, xmlElementName } = propertyMapper;
let propertyObjectName = objectName;
if (serializedName !== "" && serializedName !== undefined) {
propertyObjectName = objectName + "." + serializedName;
const headerCollectionPrefix = propertyMapper.headerCollectionPrefix;
if (headerCollectionPrefix) {
const dictionary = {};
for (const headerKey of Object.keys(responseBody)) {
if (headerKey.startsWith(headerCollectionPrefix)) {
dictionary[headerKey.substring(headerCollectionPrefix.length)] = serializer.deserialize(propertyMapper.type.value, responseBody[headerKey], propertyObjectName, options);
instance[key] = dictionary;
else if (serializer.isXML) {
if (propertyMapper.xmlIsAttribute && responseBody[XML_ATTRKEY]) {
instance[key] = serializer.deserialize(propertyMapper, responseBody[XML_ATTRKEY][xmlName], propertyObjectName, options);
else if (propertyMapper.xmlIsMsText) {
if (responseBody[xmlCharKey] !== undefined) {
instance[key] = responseBody[xmlCharKey];
else if (typeof responseBody === "string") {
// The special case where xml parser parses "<Name>content</Name>" into JSON of
// `{ name: "content"}` instead of `{ name: { "_": "content" }}`
instance[key] = responseBody;
else {
const propertyName = xmlElementName || xmlName || serializedName;
if (propertyMapper.xmlIsWrapped) {
/* a list of <xmlElementName> wrapped by <xmlName>
For the xml example below
the responseBody has
Cors: {
CorsRule: [{...}, {...}]
xmlName is "Cors" and xmlElementName is"CorsRule".
const wrapped = responseBody[xmlName];
const elementList = (_b = wrapped === null || wrapped === void 0 ? void 0 : wrapped[xmlElementName]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : [];
instance[key] = serializer.deserialize(propertyMapper, elementList, propertyObjectName, options);
else {
const property = responseBody[propertyName];
instance[key] = serializer.deserialize(propertyMapper, property, propertyObjectName, options);
else {
// deserialize the property if it is present in the provided responseBody instance
let propertyInstance;
let res = responseBody;
// traversing the object step by step.
for (const item of paths) {
if (!res)
res = res[item];
propertyInstance = res;
const polymorphicDiscriminator = mapper.type.polymorphicDiscriminator;
// checking that the model property name (key)(ex: "fishtype") and the
// clientName of the polymorphicDiscriminator {metadata} (ex: "fishtype")
// instead of the serializedName of the polymorphicDiscriminator (ex: "fish.type")
// is a better approach. The generator is not consistent with escaping '\.' in the
// serializedName of the property (ex: "fish\.type") that is marked as polymorphic discriminator
// and the serializedName of the metadata polymorphicDiscriminator (ex: "fish.type"). However,
// the clientName transformation of the polymorphicDiscriminator (ex: "fishtype") and
// the transformation of model property name (ex: "fishtype") is done consistently.
// Hence, it is a safer bet to rely on the clientName of the polymorphicDiscriminator.
if (polymorphicDiscriminator &&
key === polymorphicDiscriminator.clientName &&
propertyInstance == undefined) {
propertyInstance = mapper.serializedName;
let serializedValue;
// paging
if (Array.isArray(responseBody[key]) && modelProps[key].serializedName === "") {
propertyInstance = responseBody[key];
const arrayInstance = serializer.deserialize(propertyMapper, propertyInstance, propertyObjectName, options);
// Copy over any properties that have already been added into the instance, where they do
// not exist on the newly de-serialized array
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(instance)) {
if (!, k)) {
arrayInstance[k] = v;
instance = arrayInstance;
else if (propertyInstance !== undefined || propertyMapper.defaultValue !== undefined) {
serializedValue = serializer.deserialize(propertyMapper, propertyInstance, propertyObjectName, options);
instance[key] = serializedValue;
const additionalPropertiesMapper = mapper.type.additionalProperties;
if (additionalPropertiesMapper) {
const isAdditionalProperty = (responsePropName) => {
for (const clientPropName in modelProps) {
const paths = splitSerializeName(modelProps[clientPropName].serializedName);
if (paths[0] === responsePropName) {
return false;
return true;
for (const responsePropName in responseBody) {
if (isAdditionalProperty(responsePropName)) {
instance[responsePropName] = serializer.deserialize(additionalPropertiesMapper, responseBody[responsePropName], objectName + '["' + responsePropName + '"]', options);
else if (responseBody) {
for (const key of Object.keys(responseBody)) {
if (instance[key] === undefined &&
!handledPropertyNames.includes(key) &&
!isSpecialXmlProperty(key, options)) {
instance[key] = responseBody[key];
return instance;
function deserializeDictionaryType(serializer, mapper, responseBody, objectName, options) {
const value = mapper.type.value;
if (!value || typeof value !== "object") {
throw new Error(`"value" metadata for a Dictionary must be defined in the ` +
`mapper and it must of type "object" in ${objectName}`);
if (responseBody) {
const tempDictionary = {};
for (const key of Object.keys(responseBody)) {
tempDictionary[key] = serializer.deserialize(value, responseBody[key], objectName, options);
return tempDictionary;
return responseBody;
function deserializeSequenceType(serializer, mapper, responseBody, objectName, options) {
const element = mapper.type.element;
if (!element || typeof element !== "object") {
throw new Error(`element" metadata for an Array must be defined in the ` +
`mapper and it must of type "object" in ${objectName}`);
if (responseBody) {
if (!Array.isArray(responseBody)) {
// xml2js will interpret a single element array as just the element, so force it to be an array
responseBody = [responseBody];
const tempArray = [];
for (let i = 0; i < responseBody.length; i++) {
tempArray[i] = serializer.deserialize(element, responseBody[i], `${objectName}[${i}]`, options);
return tempArray;
return responseBody;
function getPolymorphicMapper(serializer, mapper, object, polymorphicPropertyName) {
const polymorphicDiscriminator = getPolymorphicDiscriminatorRecursively(serializer, mapper);
if (polymorphicDiscriminator) {
const discriminatorName = polymorphicDiscriminator[polymorphicPropertyName];
if (discriminatorName != undefined) {
const discriminatorValue = object[discriminatorName];
if (discriminatorValue != undefined) {
const typeName = mapper.type.uberParent || mapper.type.className;
const indexDiscriminator = discriminatorValue === typeName
? discriminatorValue
: typeName + "." + discriminatorValue;
const polymorphicMapper = serializer.modelMappers.discriminators[indexDiscriminator];
if (polymorphicMapper) {
mapper = polymorphicMapper;
return mapper;
function getPolymorphicDiscriminatorRecursively(serializer, mapper) {
return (mapper.type.polymorphicDiscriminator ||
getPolymorphicDiscriminatorSafely(serializer, mapper.type.uberParent) ||
getPolymorphicDiscriminatorSafely(serializer, mapper.type.className));
function getPolymorphicDiscriminatorSafely(serializer, typeName) {
return (typeName &&
serializer.modelMappers[typeName] &&
* Utility function that serializes an object that might contain binary information into a plain object, array or a string.
export function serializeObject(toSerialize) {
const castToSerialize = toSerialize;
if (toSerialize == undefined)
return undefined;
if (toSerialize instanceof Uint8Array) {
toSerialize = base64.encodeByteArray(toSerialize);
return toSerialize;
else if (toSerialize instanceof Date) {
return toSerialize.toISOString();
else if (Array.isArray(toSerialize)) {
const array = [];
for (let i = 0; i < toSerialize.length; i++) {
return array;
else if (typeof toSerialize === "object") {
const dictionary = {};
for (const property in toSerialize) {
dictionary[property] = serializeObject(castToSerialize[property]);
return dictionary;
return toSerialize;
* Utility function to create a K:V from a list of strings
function strEnum(o) {
const result = {};
for (const key of o) {
result[key] = key;
return result;
* String enum containing the string types of property mappers.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-redeclare
export const MapperType = strEnum([