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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
import * as utils from "./util/utils";
import { MapperType } from "./serializer";
import { DefaultDeserializationOptions, deserializationPolicy, } from "./policies/deserializationPolicy";
import { DefaultKeepAliveOptions, keepAlivePolicy } from "./policies/keepAlivePolicy";
import { DefaultRedirectOptions, redirectPolicy } from "./policies/redirectPolicy";
import { DefaultRetryOptions, exponentialRetryPolicy } from "./policies/exponentialRetryPolicy";
import { logPolicy } from "./policies/logPolicy";
import { getPathStringFromParameter, getPathStringFromParameterPath, } from "./operationParameter";
import { getStreamResponseStatusCodes } from "./operationSpec";
import { WebResource, isWebResourceLike, } from "./webResource";
import { RequestPolicyOptions, } from "./policies/requestPolicy";
import { XML_ATTRKEY, XML_CHARKEY } from "./util/serializer.common";
import { isNode } from "@azure/core-util";
import { isTokenCredential } from "@azure/core-auth";
import { getDefaultUserAgentHeaderName, getDefaultUserAgentValue, userAgentPolicy, } from "./policies/userAgentPolicy";
import { QueryCollectionFormat } from "./queryCollectionFormat";
import { URLBuilder } from "./url";
import { bearerTokenAuthenticationPolicy } from "./policies/bearerTokenAuthenticationPolicy";
import { disableResponseDecompressionPolicy } from "./policies/disableResponseDecompressionPolicy";
import { generateClientRequestIdPolicy } from "./policies/generateClientRequestIdPolicy";
import { getCachedDefaultHttpClient } from "./httpClientCache";
import { logger } from "./log";
import { ndJsonPolicy } from "./policies/ndJsonPolicy";
import { proxyPolicy } from "./policies/proxyPolicy";
import { rpRegistrationPolicy } from "./policies/rpRegistrationPolicy";
import { signingPolicy } from "./policies/signingPolicy";
import { stringifyXML } from "./util/xml";
import { systemErrorRetryPolicy } from "./policies/systemErrorRetryPolicy";
import { throttlingRetryPolicy } from "./policies/throttlingRetryPolicy";
import { tracingPolicy } from "./policies/tracingPolicy";
* ServiceClient sends service requests and receives responses.
export class ServiceClient {
* The ServiceClient constructor
* @param credentials - The credentials used for authentication with the service.
* @param options - The service client options that govern the behavior of the client.
/* eslint-disable-next-line @azure/azure-sdk/ts-naming-options */
options) {
if (!options) {
options = {};
this._withCredentials = options.withCredentials || false;
this._httpClient = options.httpClient || getCachedDefaultHttpClient();
this._requestPolicyOptions = new RequestPolicyOptions(options.httpPipelineLogger);
let requestPolicyFactories;
if (Array.isArray(options.requestPolicyFactories)) {"ServiceClient: using custom request policies");
requestPolicyFactories = options.requestPolicyFactories;
else {
let authPolicyFactory = undefined;
if (isTokenCredential(credentials)) {"ServiceClient: creating bearer token authentication policy from provided credentials");
// Create a wrapped RequestPolicyFactory here so that we can provide the
// correct scope to the BearerTokenAuthenticationPolicy at the first time
// one is requested. This is needed because generated ServiceClient
// implementations do not set baseUri until after ServiceClient's constructor
// is finished, leaving baseUri empty at the time when it is needed to
// build the correct scope name.
const wrappedPolicyFactory = () => {
let bearerTokenPolicyFactory = undefined;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias
const serviceClient = this;
const serviceClientOptions = options;
return {
create(nextPolicy, createOptions) {
const credentialScopes = getCredentialScopes(serviceClientOptions, serviceClient.baseUri);
if (!credentialScopes) {
throw new Error(`When using credential, the ServiceClient must contain a baseUri or a credentialScopes in ServiceClientOptions. Unable to create a bearerTokenAuthenticationPolicy`);
if (bearerTokenPolicyFactory === undefined || bearerTokenPolicyFactory === null) {
bearerTokenPolicyFactory = bearerTokenAuthenticationPolicy(credentials, credentialScopes);
return bearerTokenPolicyFactory.create(nextPolicy, createOptions);
authPolicyFactory = wrappedPolicyFactory();
else if (credentials && typeof credentials.signRequest === "function") {"ServiceClient: creating signing policy from provided credentials");
authPolicyFactory = signingPolicy(credentials);
else if (credentials !== undefined && credentials !== null) {
throw new Error("The credentials argument must implement the TokenCredential interface");
}"ServiceClient: using default request policies");
requestPolicyFactories = createDefaultRequestPolicyFactories(authPolicyFactory, options);
if (options.requestPolicyFactories) {
// options.requestPolicyFactories can also be a function that manipulates
// the default requestPolicyFactories array
const newRequestPolicyFactories = options.requestPolicyFactories(requestPolicyFactories);
if (newRequestPolicyFactories) {
requestPolicyFactories = newRequestPolicyFactories;
this._requestPolicyFactories = requestPolicyFactories;
* Send the provided httpRequest.
sendRequest(options) {
if (options === null || options === undefined || typeof options !== "object") {
throw new Error("options cannot be null or undefined and it must be of type object.");
let httpRequest;
try {
if (isWebResourceLike(options)) {
httpRequest = options;
else {
httpRequest = new WebResource();
httpRequest = httpRequest.prepare(options);
catch (error) {
return Promise.reject(error);
let httpPipeline = this._httpClient;
if (this._requestPolicyFactories && this._requestPolicyFactories.length > 0) {
for (let i = this._requestPolicyFactories.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
httpPipeline = this._requestPolicyFactories[i].create(httpPipeline, this._requestPolicyOptions);
return httpPipeline.sendRequest(httpRequest);
* Send an HTTP request that is populated using the provided OperationSpec.
* @param operationArguments - The arguments that the HTTP request's templated values will be populated from.
* @param operationSpec - The OperationSpec to use to populate the httpRequest.
* @param callback - The callback to call when the response is received.
async sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, operationSpec, callback) {
var _a;
if (typeof operationArguments.options === "function") {
callback = operationArguments.options;
operationArguments.options = undefined;
const serializerOptions = (_a = operationArguments.options) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.serializerOptions;
const httpRequest = new WebResource();
let result;
try {
const baseUri = operationSpec.baseUrl || this.baseUri;
if (!baseUri) {
throw new Error("If operationSpec.baseUrl is not specified, then the ServiceClient must have a baseUri string property that contains the base URL to use.");
httpRequest.method = operationSpec.httpMethod;
httpRequest.operationSpec = operationSpec;
const requestUrl = URLBuilder.parse(baseUri);
if (operationSpec.path) {
if (operationSpec.urlParameters && operationSpec.urlParameters.length > 0) {
for (const urlParameter of operationSpec.urlParameters) {
let urlParameterValue = getOperationArgumentValueFromParameter(this, operationArguments, urlParameter, operationSpec.serializer);
urlParameterValue = operationSpec.serializer.serialize(urlParameter.mapper, urlParameterValue, getPathStringFromParameter(urlParameter), serializerOptions);
if (!urlParameter.skipEncoding) {
urlParameterValue = encodeURIComponent(urlParameterValue);
requestUrl.replaceAll(`{${urlParameter.mapper.serializedName || getPathStringFromParameter(urlParameter)}}`, urlParameterValue);
if (operationSpec.queryParameters && operationSpec.queryParameters.length > 0) {
for (const queryParameter of operationSpec.queryParameters) {
let queryParameterValue = getOperationArgumentValueFromParameter(this, operationArguments, queryParameter, operationSpec.serializer);
if (queryParameterValue !== undefined && queryParameterValue !== null) {
queryParameterValue = operationSpec.serializer.serialize(queryParameter.mapper, queryParameterValue, getPathStringFromParameter(queryParameter), serializerOptions);
if (queryParameter.collectionFormat !== undefined &&
queryParameter.collectionFormat !== null) {
if (queryParameter.collectionFormat === QueryCollectionFormat.Multi) {
if (queryParameterValue.length === 0) {
// The collection is empty, no need to try serializing the current queryParam
else {
for (const index in queryParameterValue) {
const item = queryParameterValue[index];
queryParameterValue[index] =
item === undefined || item === null ? "" : item.toString();
else if (queryParameter.collectionFormat === QueryCollectionFormat.Ssv ||
queryParameter.collectionFormat === QueryCollectionFormat.Tsv) {
queryParameterValue = queryParameterValue.join(queryParameter.collectionFormat);
if (!queryParameter.skipEncoding) {
if (Array.isArray(queryParameterValue)) {
for (const index in queryParameterValue) {
if (queryParameterValue[index] !== undefined &&
queryParameterValue[index] !== null) {
queryParameterValue[index] = encodeURIComponent(queryParameterValue[index]);
else {
queryParameterValue = encodeURIComponent(queryParameterValue);
if (queryParameter.collectionFormat !== undefined &&
queryParameter.collectionFormat !== null &&
queryParameter.collectionFormat !== QueryCollectionFormat.Multi &&
queryParameter.collectionFormat !== QueryCollectionFormat.Ssv &&
queryParameter.collectionFormat !== QueryCollectionFormat.Tsv) {
queryParameterValue = queryParameterValue.join(queryParameter.collectionFormat);
requestUrl.setQueryParameter(queryParameter.mapper.serializedName || getPathStringFromParameter(queryParameter), queryParameterValue);
httpRequest.url = requestUrl.toString();
const contentType = operationSpec.contentType || this.requestContentType;
if (contentType && operationSpec.requestBody) {
httpRequest.headers.set("Content-Type", contentType);
if (operationSpec.headerParameters) {
for (const headerParameter of operationSpec.headerParameters) {
let headerValue = getOperationArgumentValueFromParameter(this, operationArguments, headerParameter, operationSpec.serializer);
if (headerValue !== undefined && headerValue !== null) {
headerValue = operationSpec.serializer.serialize(headerParameter.mapper, headerValue, getPathStringFromParameter(headerParameter), serializerOptions);
const headerCollectionPrefix = headerParameter.mapper
if (headerCollectionPrefix) {
for (const key of Object.keys(headerValue)) {
httpRequest.headers.set(headerCollectionPrefix + key, headerValue[key]);
else {
httpRequest.headers.set(headerParameter.mapper.serializedName ||
getPathStringFromParameter(headerParameter), headerValue);
const options = operationArguments.options;
if (options) {
if (options.customHeaders) {
for (const customHeaderName in options.customHeaders) {
httpRequest.headers.set(customHeaderName, options.customHeaders[customHeaderName]);
if (options.abortSignal) {
httpRequest.abortSignal = options.abortSignal;
if (options.timeout) {
httpRequest.timeout = options.timeout;
if (options.onUploadProgress) {
httpRequest.onUploadProgress = options.onUploadProgress;
if (options.onDownloadProgress) {
httpRequest.onDownloadProgress = options.onDownloadProgress;
if (options.spanOptions) {
// By passing spanOptions if they exist at runtime, we're backwards compatible with @azure/core-tracing@preview.13 and earlier.
httpRequest.spanOptions = options.spanOptions;
if (options.tracingContext) {
httpRequest.tracingContext = options.tracingContext;
if (options.shouldDeserialize !== undefined && options.shouldDeserialize !== null) {
httpRequest.shouldDeserialize = options.shouldDeserialize;
httpRequest.withCredentials = this._withCredentials;
serializeRequestBody(this, httpRequest, operationArguments, operationSpec);
if (httpRequest.streamResponseStatusCodes === undefined) {
httpRequest.streamResponseStatusCodes = getStreamResponseStatusCodes(operationSpec);
let rawResponse;
let sendRequestError;
try {
rawResponse = await this.sendRequest(httpRequest);
catch (error) {
sendRequestError = error;
if (sendRequestError) {
if (sendRequestError.response) {
sendRequestError.details = flattenResponse(sendRequestError.response, operationSpec.responses[sendRequestError.statusCode] ||
result = Promise.reject(sendRequestError);
else {
result = Promise.resolve(flattenResponse(rawResponse, operationSpec.responses[rawResponse.status]));
catch (error) {
result = Promise.reject(error);
const cb = callback;
if (cb) {
.then((res) => cb(null, res._response.parsedBody, res._response.request, res._response))
.catch((err) => cb(err));
return result;
export function serializeRequestBody(serviceClient, httpRequest, operationArguments, operationSpec) {
var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f;
const serializerOptions = (_b = (_a = operationArguments.options) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.serializerOptions) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : {};
const updatedOptions = {
rootName: (_c = serializerOptions.rootName) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : "",
includeRoot: (_d = serializerOptions.includeRoot) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : false,
xmlCharKey: (_e = serializerOptions.xmlCharKey) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : XML_CHARKEY,
const xmlCharKey = serializerOptions.xmlCharKey;
if (operationSpec.requestBody && operationSpec.requestBody.mapper) {
httpRequest.body = getOperationArgumentValueFromParameter(serviceClient, operationArguments, operationSpec.requestBody, operationSpec.serializer);
const bodyMapper = operationSpec.requestBody.mapper;
const { required, xmlName, xmlElementName, serializedName, xmlNamespace, xmlNamespacePrefix } = bodyMapper;
const typeName =;
try {
if ((httpRequest.body !== undefined && httpRequest.body !== null) || required) {
const requestBodyParameterPathString = getPathStringFromParameter(operationSpec.requestBody);
httpRequest.body = operationSpec.serializer.serialize(bodyMapper, httpRequest.body, requestBodyParameterPathString, updatedOptions);
const isStream = typeName === MapperType.Stream;
if (operationSpec.isXML) {
const xmlnsKey = xmlNamespacePrefix ? `xmlns:${xmlNamespacePrefix}` : "xmlns";
const value = getXmlValueWithNamespace(xmlNamespace, xmlnsKey, typeName, httpRequest.body, updatedOptions);
if (typeName === MapperType.Sequence) {
httpRequest.body = stringifyXML(utils.prepareXMLRootList(value, xmlElementName || xmlName || serializedName, xmlnsKey, xmlNamespace), {
rootName: xmlName || serializedName,
else if (!isStream) {
httpRequest.body = stringifyXML(value, {
rootName: xmlName || serializedName,
else if (typeName === MapperType.String &&
(((_f = operationSpec.contentType) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.match("text/plain")) || operationSpec.mediaType === "text")) {
// the String serializer has validated that request body is a string
// so just send the string.
else if (!isStream) {
httpRequest.body = JSON.stringify(httpRequest.body);
catch (error) {
throw new Error(`Error "${error.message}" occurred in serializing the payload - ${JSON.stringify(serializedName, undefined, " ")}.`);
else if (operationSpec.formDataParameters && operationSpec.formDataParameters.length > 0) {
httpRequest.formData = {};
for (const formDataParameter of operationSpec.formDataParameters) {
const formDataParameterValue = getOperationArgumentValueFromParameter(serviceClient, operationArguments, formDataParameter, operationSpec.serializer);
if (formDataParameterValue !== undefined && formDataParameterValue !== null) {
const formDataParameterPropertyName = formDataParameter.mapper.serializedName || getPathStringFromParameter(formDataParameter);
httpRequest.formData[formDataParameterPropertyName] = operationSpec.serializer.serialize(formDataParameter.mapper, formDataParameterValue, getPathStringFromParameter(formDataParameter), updatedOptions);
* Adds an xml namespace to the xml serialized object if needed, otherwise it just returns the value itself
function getXmlValueWithNamespace(xmlNamespace, xmlnsKey, typeName, serializedValue, options) {
// Composite and Sequence schemas already got their root namespace set during serialization
// We just need to add xmlns to the other schema types
if (xmlNamespace && !["Composite", "Sequence", "Dictionary"].includes(typeName)) {
const result = {};
result[options.xmlCharKey] = serializedValue;
result[XML_ATTRKEY] = { [xmlnsKey]: xmlNamespace };
return result;
return serializedValue;
function getValueOrFunctionResult(value, defaultValueCreator) {
let result;
if (typeof value === "string") {
result = value;
else {
result = defaultValueCreator();
if (typeof value === "function") {
result = value(result);
return result;
function createDefaultRequestPolicyFactories(authPolicyFactory, options) {
const factories = [];
if (options.generateClientRequestIdHeader) {
if (authPolicyFactory) {
const userAgentHeaderName = getValueOrFunctionResult(options.userAgentHeaderName, getDefaultUserAgentHeaderName);
const userAgentHeaderValue = getValueOrFunctionResult(options.userAgent, getDefaultUserAgentValue);
if (userAgentHeaderName && userAgentHeaderValue) {
factories.push(userAgentPolicy({ key: userAgentHeaderName, value: userAgentHeaderValue }));
if (!options.noRetryPolicy) {
if (isNode) {
factories.push(logPolicy({ logger: }));
return factories;
* Creates an HTTP pipeline based on the given options.
* @param pipelineOptions - Defines options that are used to configure policies in the HTTP pipeline for an SDK client.
* @param authPolicyFactory - An optional authentication policy factory to use for signing requests.
* @returns A set of options that can be passed to create a new {@link ServiceClient}.
export function createPipelineFromOptions(pipelineOptions, authPolicyFactory) {
const requestPolicyFactories = [];
if (pipelineOptions.sendStreamingJson) {
let userAgentValue = undefined;
if (pipelineOptions.userAgentOptions && pipelineOptions.userAgentOptions.userAgentPrefix) {
const userAgentInfo = [];
// Add the default user agent value if it isn't already specified
// by the userAgentPrefix option.
const defaultUserAgentInfo = getDefaultUserAgentValue();
if (userAgentInfo.indexOf(defaultUserAgentInfo) === -1) {
userAgentValue = userAgentInfo.join(" ");
const keepAliveOptions = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, DefaultKeepAliveOptions), pipelineOptions.keepAliveOptions);
const retryOptions = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, DefaultRetryOptions), pipelineOptions.retryOptions);
const redirectOptions = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, DefaultRedirectOptions), pipelineOptions.redirectOptions);
if (isNode) {
const deserializationOptions = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, DefaultDeserializationOptions), pipelineOptions.deserializationOptions);
const loggingOptions = Object.assign({}, pipelineOptions.loggingOptions);
requestPolicyFactories.push(tracingPolicy({ userAgent: userAgentValue }), keepAlivePolicy(keepAliveOptions), userAgentPolicy({ value: userAgentValue }), generateClientRequestIdPolicy(), deserializationPolicy(deserializationOptions.expectedContentTypes), throttlingRetryPolicy(), systemErrorRetryPolicy(), exponentialRetryPolicy(retryOptions.maxRetries, retryOptions.retryDelayInMs, retryOptions.maxRetryDelayInMs));
if (redirectOptions.handleRedirects) {
if (authPolicyFactory) {
if (isNode && pipelineOptions.decompressResponse === false) {
return {
httpClient: pipelineOptions.httpClient,
* Get the property parent for the property at the provided path when starting with the provided
* parent object.
export function getPropertyParent(parent, propertyPath) {
if (parent && propertyPath) {
const propertyPathLength = propertyPath.length;
for (let i = 0; i < propertyPathLength - 1; ++i) {
const propertyName = propertyPath[i];
if (!parent[propertyName]) {
parent[propertyName] = {};
parent = parent[propertyName];
return parent;
function getOperationArgumentValueFromParameter(serviceClient, operationArguments, parameter, serializer) {
return getOperationArgumentValueFromParameterPath(serviceClient, operationArguments, parameter.parameterPath, parameter.mapper, serializer);
export function getOperationArgumentValueFromParameterPath(serviceClient, operationArguments, parameterPath, parameterMapper, serializer) {
var _a;
let value;
if (typeof parameterPath === "string") {
parameterPath = [parameterPath];
const serializerOptions = (_a = operationArguments.options) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.serializerOptions;
if (Array.isArray(parameterPath)) {
if (parameterPath.length > 0) {
if (parameterMapper.isConstant) {
value = parameterMapper.defaultValue;
else {
let propertySearchResult = getPropertyFromParameterPath(operationArguments, parameterPath);
if (!propertySearchResult.propertyFound) {
propertySearchResult = getPropertyFromParameterPath(serviceClient, parameterPath);
let useDefaultValue = false;
if (!propertySearchResult.propertyFound) {
useDefaultValue =
parameterMapper.required ||
(parameterPath[0] === "options" && parameterPath.length === 2);
value = useDefaultValue ? parameterMapper.defaultValue : propertySearchResult.propertyValue;
// Serialize just for validation purposes.
const parameterPathString = getPathStringFromParameterPath(parameterPath, parameterMapper);
serializer.serialize(parameterMapper, value, parameterPathString, serializerOptions);
else {
if (parameterMapper.required) {
value = {};
for (const propertyName in parameterPath) {
const propertyMapper = parameterMapper.type.modelProperties[propertyName];
const propertyPath = parameterPath[propertyName];
const propertyValue = getOperationArgumentValueFromParameterPath(serviceClient, operationArguments, propertyPath, propertyMapper, serializer);
// Serialize just for validation purposes.
const propertyPathString = getPathStringFromParameterPath(propertyPath, propertyMapper);
serializer.serialize(propertyMapper, propertyValue, propertyPathString, serializerOptions);
if (propertyValue !== undefined && propertyValue !== null) {
if (!value) {
value = {};
value[propertyName] = propertyValue;
return value;
function getPropertyFromParameterPath(parent, parameterPath) {
const result = { propertyFound: false };
let i = 0;
for (; i < parameterPath.length; ++i) {
const parameterPathPart = parameterPath[i];
// Make sure to check inherited properties too, so don't use hasOwnProperty().
if (parent !== undefined && parent !== null && parameterPathPart in parent) {
parent = parent[parameterPathPart];
else {
if (i === parameterPath.length) {
result.propertyValue = parent;
result.propertyFound = true;
return result;
* Parses an {@link HttpOperationResponse} into a normalized HTTP response object ({@link RestResponse}).
* @param _response - Wrapper object for http response.
* @param responseSpec - Mappers for how to parse the response properties.
* @returns - A normalized response object.
export function flattenResponse(_response, responseSpec) {
const parsedHeaders = _response.parsedHeaders;
const bodyMapper = responseSpec && responseSpec.bodyMapper;
const addOperationResponse = (obj) => {
return Object.defineProperty(obj, "_response", {
value: _response,
if (bodyMapper) {
const typeName =;
if (typeName === "Stream") {
return addOperationResponse(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, parsedHeaders), { blobBody: _response.blobBody, readableStreamBody: _response.readableStreamBody }));
const modelProperties = (typeName === "Composite" && bodyMapper.type.modelProperties) || {};
const isPageableResponse = Object.keys(modelProperties).some((k) => modelProperties[k].serializedName === "");
if (typeName === "Sequence" || isPageableResponse) {
const arrayResponse = [...(_response.parsedBody || [])];
for (const key of Object.keys(modelProperties)) {
if (modelProperties[key].serializedName) {
arrayResponse[key] = _response.parsedBody[key];
if (parsedHeaders) {
for (const key of Object.keys(parsedHeaders)) {
arrayResponse[key] = parsedHeaders[key];
return arrayResponse;
if (typeName === "Composite" || typeName === "Dictionary") {
return addOperationResponse(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, parsedHeaders), _response.parsedBody));
if (bodyMapper ||
_response.request.method === "HEAD" ||
utils.isPrimitiveType(_response.parsedBody)) {
// primitive body types and HEAD booleans
return addOperationResponse(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, parsedHeaders), { body: _response.parsedBody }));
return addOperationResponse(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, parsedHeaders), _response.parsedBody));
function getCredentialScopes(options, baseUri) {
if (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.credentialScopes) {
return options.credentialScopes;
if (baseUri) {
return `${baseUri}/.default`;
return undefined;