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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
import { replaceAll } from "./util/utils";
* A class that handles the query portion of a URLBuilder.
export class URLQuery {
constructor() {
this._rawQuery = {};
* Get whether or not there any query parameters in this URLQuery.
any() {
return Object.keys(this._rawQuery).length > 0;
* Get the keys of the query string.
keys() {
return Object.keys(this._rawQuery);
* Set a query parameter with the provided name and value. If the parameterValue is undefined or
* empty, then this will attempt to remove an existing query parameter with the provided
* parameterName.
set(parameterName, parameterValue) {
const caseParameterValue = parameterValue;
if (parameterName) {
if (caseParameterValue !== undefined && caseParameterValue !== null) {
const newValue = Array.isArray(caseParameterValue)
? caseParameterValue
: caseParameterValue.toString();
this._rawQuery[parameterName] = newValue;
else {
delete this._rawQuery[parameterName];
* Get the value of the query parameter with the provided name. If no parameter exists with the
* provided parameter name, then undefined will be returned.
get(parameterName) {
return parameterName ? this._rawQuery[parameterName] : undefined;
* Get the string representation of this query. The return value will not start with a "?".
toString() {
let result = "";
for (const parameterName in this._rawQuery) {
if (result) {
result += "&";
const parameterValue = this._rawQuery[parameterName];
if (Array.isArray(parameterValue)) {
const parameterStrings = [];
for (const parameterValueElement of parameterValue) {
result += parameterStrings.join("&");
else {
result += `${parameterName}=${parameterValue}`;
return result;
* Parse a URLQuery from the provided text.
static parse(text) {
const result = new URLQuery();
if (text) {
if (text.startsWith("?")) {
text = text.substring(1);
let currentState = "ParameterName";
let parameterName = "";
let parameterValue = "";
for (let i = 0; i < text.length; ++i) {
const currentCharacter = text[i];
switch (currentState) {
case "ParameterName":
switch (currentCharacter) {
case "=":
currentState = "ParameterValue";
case "&":
parameterName = "";
parameterValue = "";
parameterName += currentCharacter;
case "ParameterValue":
switch (currentCharacter) {
case "&":
result.set(parameterName, parameterValue);
parameterName = "";
parameterValue = "";
currentState = "ParameterName";
parameterValue += currentCharacter;
throw new Error("Unrecognized URLQuery parse state: " + currentState);
if (currentState === "ParameterValue") {
result.set(parameterName, parameterValue);
return result;
* A class that handles creating, modifying, and parsing URLs.
export class URLBuilder {
* Set the scheme/protocol for this URL. If the provided scheme contains other parts of a URL
* (such as a host, port, path, or query), those parts will be added to this URL as well.
setScheme(scheme) {
if (!scheme) {
this._scheme = undefined;
else {
this.set(scheme, "SCHEME");
* Get the scheme that has been set in this URL.
getScheme() {
return this._scheme;
* Set the host for this URL. If the provided host contains other parts of a URL (such as a
* port, path, or query), those parts will be added to this URL as well.
setHost(host) {
if (!host) {
this._host = undefined;
else {
this.set(host, "SCHEME_OR_HOST");
* Get the host that has been set in this URL.
getHost() {
return this._host;
* Set the port for this URL. If the provided port contains other parts of a URL (such as a
* path or query), those parts will be added to this URL as well.
setPort(port) {
if (port === undefined || port === null || port === "") {
this._port = undefined;
else {
this.set(port.toString(), "PORT");
* Get the port that has been set in this URL.
getPort() {
return this._port;
* Set the path for this URL. If the provided path contains a query, then it will be added to
* this URL as well.
setPath(path) {
if (!path) {
this._path = undefined;
else {
const schemeIndex = path.indexOf("://");
if (schemeIndex !== -1) {
const schemeStart = path.lastIndexOf("/", schemeIndex);
// Make sure to only grab the URL part of the path before setting the state back to SCHEME
// this will handle cases such as "/a/b/c/" => ""
this.set(schemeStart === -1 ? path : path.substr(schemeStart + 1), "SCHEME");
else {
this.set(path, "PATH");
* Append the provided path to this URL's existing path. If the provided path contains a query,
* then it will be added to this URL as well.
appendPath(path) {
if (path) {
let currentPath = this.getPath();
if (currentPath) {
if (!currentPath.endsWith("/")) {
currentPath += "/";
if (path.startsWith("/")) {
path = path.substring(1);
path = currentPath + path;
this.set(path, "PATH");
* Get the path that has been set in this URL.
getPath() {
return this._path;
* Set the query in this URL.
setQuery(query) {
if (!query) {
this._query = undefined;
else {
this._query = URLQuery.parse(query);
* Set a query parameter with the provided name and value in this URL's query. If the provided
* query parameter value is undefined or empty, then the query parameter will be removed if it
* existed.
setQueryParameter(queryParameterName, queryParameterValue) {
if (queryParameterName) {
if (!this._query) {
this._query = new URLQuery();
this._query.set(queryParameterName, queryParameterValue);
* Get the value of the query parameter with the provided query parameter name. If no query
* parameter exists with the provided name, then undefined will be returned.
getQueryParameterValue(queryParameterName) {
return this._query ? this._query.get(queryParameterName) : undefined;
* Get the query in this URL.
getQuery() {
return this._query ? this._query.toString() : undefined;
* Set the parts of this URL by parsing the provided text using the provided startState.
set(text, startState) {
const tokenizer = new URLTokenizer(text, startState);
while ( {
const token = tokenizer.current();
let tokenPath;
if (token) {
switch (token.type) {
case "SCHEME":
this._scheme = token.text || undefined;
case "HOST":
this._host = token.text || undefined;
case "PORT":
this._port = token.text || undefined;
case "PATH":
tokenPath = token.text || undefined;
if (!this._path || this._path === "/" || tokenPath !== "/") {
this._path = tokenPath;
case "QUERY":
this._query = URLQuery.parse(token.text);
throw new Error(`Unrecognized URLTokenType: ${token.type}`);
* Serializes the URL as a string.
* @returns the URL as a string.
toString() {
let result = "";
if (this._scheme) {
result += `${this._scheme}://`;
if (this._host) {
result += this._host;
if (this._port) {
result += `:${this._port}`;
if (this._path) {
if (!this._path.startsWith("/")) {
result += "/";
result += this._path;
if (this._query && this._query.any()) {
result += `?${this._query.toString()}`;
return result;
* If the provided searchValue is found in this URLBuilder, then replace it with the provided
* replaceValue.
replaceAll(searchValue, replaceValue) {
if (searchValue) {
this.setScheme(replaceAll(this.getScheme(), searchValue, replaceValue));
this.setHost(replaceAll(this.getHost(), searchValue, replaceValue));
this.setPort(replaceAll(this.getPort(), searchValue, replaceValue));
this.setPath(replaceAll(this.getPath(), searchValue, replaceValue));
this.setQuery(replaceAll(this.getQuery(), searchValue, replaceValue));
* Parses a given string URL into a new {@link URLBuilder}.
static parse(text) {
const result = new URLBuilder();
result.set(text, "SCHEME_OR_HOST");
return result;
export class URLToken {
constructor(text, type) {
this.text = text;
this.type = type;
static scheme(text) {
return new URLToken(text, "SCHEME");
static host(text) {
return new URLToken(text, "HOST");
static port(text) {
return new URLToken(text, "PORT");
static path(text) {
return new URLToken(text, "PATH");
static query(text) {
return new URLToken(text, "QUERY");
* Get whether or not the provided character (single character string) is an alphanumeric (letter or
* digit) character.
export function isAlphaNumericCharacter(character) {
const characterCode = character.charCodeAt(0);
return ((48 /* '0' */ <= characterCode && characterCode <= 57) /* '9' */ ||
(65 /* 'A' */ <= characterCode && characterCode <= 90) /* 'Z' */ ||
(97 /* 'a' */ <= characterCode && characterCode <= 122) /* 'z' */);
* A class that tokenizes URL strings.
export class URLTokenizer {
constructor(_text, state) {
this._text = _text;
this._textLength = _text ? _text.length : 0;
this._currentState = state !== undefined && state !== null ? state : "SCHEME_OR_HOST";
this._currentIndex = 0;
* Get the current URLToken this URLTokenizer is pointing at, or undefined if the URLTokenizer
* hasn't started or has finished tokenizing.
current() {
return this._currentToken;
* Advance to the next URLToken and return whether or not a URLToken was found.
next() {
if (!hasCurrentCharacter(this)) {
this._currentToken = undefined;
else {
switch (this._currentState) {
case "SCHEME":
case "HOST":
case "PORT":
case "PATH":
case "QUERY":
throw new Error(`Unrecognized URLTokenizerState: ${this._currentState}`);
return !!this._currentToken;
* Read the remaining characters from this Tokenizer's character stream.
function readRemaining(tokenizer) {
let result = "";
if (tokenizer._currentIndex < tokenizer._textLength) {
result = tokenizer._text.substring(tokenizer._currentIndex);
tokenizer._currentIndex = tokenizer._textLength;
return result;
* Whether or not this URLTokenizer has a current character.
function hasCurrentCharacter(tokenizer) {
return tokenizer._currentIndex < tokenizer._textLength;
* Get the character in the text string at the current index.
function getCurrentCharacter(tokenizer) {
return tokenizer._text[tokenizer._currentIndex];
* Advance to the character in text that is "step" characters ahead. If no step value is provided,
* then step will default to 1.
function nextCharacter(tokenizer, step) {
if (hasCurrentCharacter(tokenizer)) {
if (!step) {
step = 1;
tokenizer._currentIndex += step;
* Starting with the current character, peek "charactersToPeek" number of characters ahead in this
* Tokenizer's stream of characters.
function peekCharacters(tokenizer, charactersToPeek) {
let endIndex = tokenizer._currentIndex + charactersToPeek;
if (tokenizer._textLength < endIndex) {
endIndex = tokenizer._textLength;
return tokenizer._text.substring(tokenizer._currentIndex, endIndex);
* Read characters from this Tokenizer until the end of the stream or until the provided condition
* is false when provided the current character.
function readWhile(tokenizer, condition) {
let result = "";
while (hasCurrentCharacter(tokenizer)) {
const currentCharacter = getCurrentCharacter(tokenizer);
if (!condition(currentCharacter)) {
else {
result += currentCharacter;
return result;
* Read characters from this Tokenizer until a non-alphanumeric character or the end of the
* character stream is reached.
function readWhileLetterOrDigit(tokenizer) {
return readWhile(tokenizer, (character) => isAlphaNumericCharacter(character));
* Read characters from this Tokenizer until one of the provided terminating characters is read or
* the end of the character stream is reached.
function readUntilCharacter(tokenizer, ...terminatingCharacters) {
return readWhile(tokenizer, (character) => terminatingCharacters.indexOf(character) === -1);
function nextScheme(tokenizer) {
const scheme = readWhileLetterOrDigit(tokenizer);
tokenizer._currentToken = URLToken.scheme(scheme);
if (!hasCurrentCharacter(tokenizer)) {
tokenizer._currentState = "DONE";
else {
tokenizer._currentState = "HOST";
function nextSchemeOrHost(tokenizer) {
const schemeOrHost = readUntilCharacter(tokenizer, ":", "/", "?");
if (!hasCurrentCharacter(tokenizer)) {
tokenizer._currentToken =;
tokenizer._currentState = "DONE";
else if (getCurrentCharacter(tokenizer) === ":") {
if (peekCharacters(tokenizer, 3) === "://") {
tokenizer._currentToken = URLToken.scheme(schemeOrHost);
tokenizer._currentState = "HOST";
else {
tokenizer._currentToken =;
tokenizer._currentState = "PORT";
else {
tokenizer._currentToken =;
if (getCurrentCharacter(tokenizer) === "/") {
tokenizer._currentState = "PATH";
else {
tokenizer._currentState = "QUERY";
function nextHost(tokenizer) {
if (peekCharacters(tokenizer, 3) === "://") {
nextCharacter(tokenizer, 3);
const host = readUntilCharacter(tokenizer, ":", "/", "?");
tokenizer._currentToken =;
if (!hasCurrentCharacter(tokenizer)) {
tokenizer._currentState = "DONE";
else if (getCurrentCharacter(tokenizer) === ":") {
tokenizer._currentState = "PORT";
else if (getCurrentCharacter(tokenizer) === "/") {
tokenizer._currentState = "PATH";
else {
tokenizer._currentState = "QUERY";
function nextPort(tokenizer) {
if (getCurrentCharacter(tokenizer) === ":") {
const port = readUntilCharacter(tokenizer, "/", "?");
tokenizer._currentToken = URLToken.port(port);
if (!hasCurrentCharacter(tokenizer)) {
tokenizer._currentState = "DONE";
else if (getCurrentCharacter(tokenizer) === "/") {
tokenizer._currentState = "PATH";
else {
tokenizer._currentState = "QUERY";
function nextPath(tokenizer) {
const path = readUntilCharacter(tokenizer, "?");
tokenizer._currentToken = URLToken.path(path);
if (!hasCurrentCharacter(tokenizer)) {
tokenizer._currentState = "DONE";
else {
tokenizer._currentState = "QUERY";
function nextQuery(tokenizer) {
if (getCurrentCharacter(tokenizer) === "?") {
const query = readRemaining(tokenizer);
tokenizer._currentToken = URLToken.query(query);
tokenizer._currentState = "DONE";