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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
import { HttpHeaders } from "./httpHeaders";
import { AbortError } from "@azure/abort-controller";
import { RestError } from "./restError";
* A HttpClient implementation that uses XMLHttpRequest to send HTTP requests.
export class XhrHttpClient {
sendRequest(request) {
var _a;
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
if (request.proxySettings) {
throw new Error("HTTP proxy is not supported in browser environment");
const abortSignal = request.abortSignal;
if (abortSignal) {
if (abortSignal.aborted) {
return Promise.reject(new AbortError("The operation was aborted."));
const listener = () => {
abortSignal.addEventListener("abort", listener);
xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", () => {
if (xhr.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
abortSignal.removeEventListener("abort", listener);
addProgressListener(xhr.upload, request.onUploadProgress);
addProgressListener(xhr, request.onDownloadProgress);
if (request.formData) {
const formData = request.formData;
const requestForm = new FormData();
const appendFormValue = (key, value) => {
if (value &&, "value") &&, "options")) {
requestForm.append(key, value.value, value.options);
else {
requestForm.append(key, value);
for (const formKey of Object.keys(formData)) {
const formValue = formData[formKey];
if (Array.isArray(formValue)) {
for (let j = 0; j < formValue.length; j++) {
appendFormValue(formKey, formValue[j]);
else {
appendFormValue(formKey, formValue);
request.body = requestForm;
request.formData = undefined;
const contentType = request.headers.get("Content-Type");
if (contentType && contentType.indexOf("multipart/form-data") !== -1) {
// browser will automatically apply a suitable content-type header
}, request.url);
xhr.timeout = request.timeout;
xhr.withCredentials = request.withCredentials;
for (const header of request.headers.headersArray()) {
xhr.setRequestHeader(, header.value);
xhr.responseType =
((_a = request.streamResponseStatusCodes) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.size) || request.streamResponseBody ? "blob" : "text";
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-null-keyword
xhr.send(request.body === undefined ? null : request.body);
if (xhr.responseType === "blob") {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
handleBlobResponse(xhr, request, resolve, reject);
rejectOnTerminalEvent(request, xhr, reject);
else {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
xhr.addEventListener("load", () => resolve({
status: xhr.status,
headers: parseHeaders(xhr),
bodyAsText: xhr.responseText,
rejectOnTerminalEvent(request, xhr, reject);
function handleBlobResponse(xhr, request, res, rej) {
xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", () => {
var _a;
// Resolve as soon as headers are loaded
if (xhr.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.HEADERS_RECEIVED) {
if (request.streamResponseBody || ((_a = request.streamResponseStatusCodes) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.has(xhr.status))) {
const blobBody = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
xhr.addEventListener("load", () => {
rejectOnTerminalEvent(request, xhr, reject);
status: xhr.status,
headers: parseHeaders(xhr),
else {
xhr.addEventListener("load", () => {
// xhr.response is of Blob type if the request is sent with xhr.responseType === "blob"
// but the status code is not one of the stream response status codes,
// so treat it as text and convert from Blob to text
if (xhr.response) {
// Blob.text() is not supported in IE so using FileReader instead
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function (e) {
var _a;
const text = (_a = === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.result;
status: xhr.status,
headers: parseHeaders(xhr),
bodyAsText: text,
reader.onerror = function (_e) {
reader.readAsText(xhr.response, "UTF-8");
else {
status: xhr.status,
headers: parseHeaders(xhr),
function addProgressListener(xhr, listener) {
if (listener) {
xhr.addEventListener("progress", (rawEvent) => listener({
loadedBytes: rawEvent.loaded,
// exported locally for testing
export function parseHeaders(xhr) {
const responseHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
const headerLines = xhr
for (const line of headerLines) {
const index = line.indexOf(":");
const headerName = line.slice(0, index);
const headerValue = line.slice(index + 2);
responseHeaders.set(headerName, headerValue);
return responseHeaders;
function rejectOnTerminalEvent(request, xhr, reject) {
xhr.addEventListener("error", () => reject(new RestError(`Failed to send request to ${request.url}`, RestError.REQUEST_SEND_ERROR, undefined, request)));
const abortError = new AbortError("The operation was aborted.");
xhr.addEventListener("abort", () => reject(abortError));
xhr.addEventListener("timeout", () => reject(abortError));