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304 lines (271 sloc) 10.9 KB
"use strict";
var valueToString = require("@sinonjs/commons").valueToString;
var className = require("@sinonjs/commons").className;
var typeOf = require("@sinonjs/commons").typeOf;
var arrayProto = require("@sinonjs/commons").prototypes.array;
var objectProto = require("@sinonjs/commons").prototypes.object;
var mapForEach = require("@sinonjs/commons");
var getClass = require("./get-class");
var identical = require("./identical");
var isArguments = require("./is-arguments");
var isArrayType = require("./is-array-type");
var isDate = require("./is-date");
var isElement = require("./is-element");
var isIterable = require("./is-iterable");
var isMap = require("./is-map");
var isNaN = require("./is-nan");
var isObject = require("./is-object");
var isSet = require("./is-set");
var isSubset = require("./is-subset");
var concat = arrayProto.concat;
var every = arrayProto.every;
var push = arrayProto.push;
var getTime = Date.prototype.getTime;
var hasOwnProperty = objectProto.hasOwnProperty;
var indexOf = arrayProto.indexOf;
var keys = Object.keys;
var getOwnPropertySymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
* Deep equal comparison. Two values are "deep equal" when:
* - They are equal, according to samsam.identical
* - They are both date objects representing the same time
* - They are both arrays containing elements that are all deepEqual
* - They are objects with the same set of properties, and each property
* in ``actual`` is deepEqual to the corresponding property in ``expectation``
* Supports cyclic objects.
* @alias module:samsam.deepEqual
* @param {*} actual The object to examine
* @param {*} expectation The object actual is expected to be equal to
* @param {object} match A value to match on
* @returns {boolean} Returns true when actual and expectation are considered equal
function deepEqualCyclic(actual, expectation, match) {
// used for cyclic comparison
// contain already visited objects
var actualObjects = [];
var expectationObjects = [];
// contain pathes (position in the object structure)
// of the already visited objects
// indexes same as in objects arrays
var actualPaths = [];
var expectationPaths = [];
// contains combinations of already compared objects
// in the manner: { "$1['ref']$2['ref']": true }
var compared = {};
// does the recursion for the deep equal check
// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
return (function deepEqual(
) {
// If both are matchers they must be the same instance in order to be
// considered equal If we didn't do that we would end up running one
// matcher against the other
if (match && match.isMatcher(expectationObj)) {
if (match.isMatcher(actualObj)) {
return actualObj === expectationObj;
return expectationObj.test(actualObj);
var actualType = typeof actualObj;
var expectationType = typeof expectationObj;
if (
actualObj === expectationObj ||
isNaN(actualObj) ||
isNaN(expectationObj) ||
actualObj === null ||
expectationObj === null ||
actualObj === undefined ||
expectationObj === undefined ||
actualType !== "object" ||
expectationType !== "object"
) {
return identical(actualObj, expectationObj);
// Elements are only equal if identical(expected, actual)
if (isElement(actualObj) || isElement(expectationObj)) {
return false;
var isActualDate = isDate(actualObj);
var isExpectationDate = isDate(expectationObj);
if (isActualDate || isExpectationDate) {
if (
!isActualDate ||
!isExpectationDate || !==
) {
return false;
if (actualObj instanceof RegExp && expectationObj instanceof RegExp) {
if (valueToString(actualObj) !== valueToString(expectationObj)) {
return false;
if (actualObj instanceof Promise && expectationObj instanceof Promise) {
return actualObj === expectationObj;
if (actualObj instanceof Error && expectationObj instanceof Error) {
return actualObj === expectationObj;
var actualClass = getClass(actualObj);
var expectationClass = getClass(expectationObj);
var actualKeys = keys(actualObj);
var expectationKeys = keys(expectationObj);
var actualName = className(actualObj);
var expectationName = className(expectationObj);
var expectationSymbols =
typeOf(getOwnPropertySymbols) === "function"
? getOwnPropertySymbols(expectationObj)
: /* istanbul ignore next: cannot collect coverage for engine that doesn't support Symbol */
var expectationKeysAndSymbols = concat(
if (isArguments(actualObj) || isArguments(expectationObj)) {
if (actualObj.length !== expectationObj.length) {
return false;
} else {
if (
actualType !== expectationType ||
actualClass !== expectationClass ||
actualKeys.length !== expectationKeys.length ||
(actualName &&
expectationName &&
actualName !== expectationName)
) {
return false;
if (isSet(actualObj) || isSet(expectationObj)) {
if (
!isSet(actualObj) ||
!isSet(expectationObj) ||
actualObj.size !== expectationObj.size
) {
return false;
return isSubset(actualObj, expectationObj, deepEqual);
if (isMap(actualObj) || isMap(expectationObj)) {
if (
!isMap(actualObj) ||
!isMap(expectationObj) ||
actualObj.size !== expectationObj.size
) {
return false;
var mapsDeeplyEqual = true;
mapForEach(actualObj, function (value, key) {
mapsDeeplyEqual =
mapsDeeplyEqual &&
deepEqualCyclic(value, expectationObj.get(key));
return mapsDeeplyEqual;
// jQuery objects have iteration protocols
// see:
// But, they don't work well with the implementation concerning iterables below,
// so we will detect them and use jQuery's own equality function
/* istanbul ignore next -- this can only be tested in the `test-headless` script */
if (
actualObj.constructor && === "jQuery" &&
typeof === "function"
) {
var isActualNonArrayIterable =
isIterable(actualObj) &&
!isArrayType(actualObj) &&
var isExpectationNonArrayIterable =
isIterable(expectationObj) &&
!isArrayType(expectationObj) &&
if (isActualNonArrayIterable || isExpectationNonArrayIterable) {
var actualArray = Array.from(actualObj);
var expectationArray = Array.from(expectationObj);
if (actualArray.length !== expectationArray.length) {
return false;
var arrayDeeplyEquals = true;
every(actualArray, function (key) {
arrayDeeplyEquals =
arrayDeeplyEquals &&
deepEqualCyclic(actualArray[key], expectationArray[key]);
return arrayDeeplyEquals;
return every(expectationKeysAndSymbols, function (key) {
if (!hasOwnProperty(actualObj, key)) {
return false;
var actualValue = actualObj[key];
var expectationValue = expectationObj[key];
var actualObject = isObject(actualValue);
var expectationObject = isObject(expectationValue);
// determines, if the objects were already visited
// (it's faster to check for isObject first, than to
// get -1 from getIndex for non objects)
var actualIndex = actualObject
? indexOf(actualObjects, actualValue)
: -1;
var expectationIndex = expectationObject
? indexOf(expectationObjects, expectationValue)
: -1;
// determines the new paths of the objects
// - for non cyclic objects the current path will be extended
// by current property name
// - for cyclic objects the stored path is taken
var newActualPath =
actualIndex !== -1
? actualPaths[actualIndex]
: `${actualPath}[${JSON.stringify(key)}]`;
var newExpectationPath =
expectationIndex !== -1
? expectationPaths[expectationIndex]
: `${expectationPath}[${JSON.stringify(key)}]`;
var combinedPath = newActualPath + newExpectationPath;
// stop recursion if current objects are already compared
if (compared[combinedPath]) {
return true;
// remember the current objects and their paths
if (actualIndex === -1 && actualObject) {
push(actualObjects, actualValue);
push(actualPaths, newActualPath);
if (expectationIndex === -1 && expectationObject) {
push(expectationObjects, expectationValue);
push(expectationPaths, newExpectationPath);
// remember that the current objects are already compared
if (actualObject && expectationObject) {
compared[combinedPath] = true;
// End of cyclic logic
// neither actualValue nor expectationValue is a cycle
// continue with next level
return deepEqual(
})(actual, expectation, "$1", "$2");
deepEqualCyclic.use = function (match) {
return function deepEqual(a, b) {
return deepEqualCyclic(a, b, match);
module.exports = deepEqualCyclic;