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github-actions[bot] Update checked-in dependencies
Latest commit 40a500c Jul 13, 2023 History
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44 lines (34 sloc) 1.14 KB
import indentString from 'indent-string';
import cleanStack from 'clean-stack';
const cleanInternalStack = stack => stack.replace(/\s+at .*aggregate-error\/index.js:\d+:\d+\)?/g, '');
export default class AggregateError extends Error {
name = 'AggregateError';
constructor(errors) {
if (!Array.isArray(errors)) {
throw new TypeError(`Expected input to be an Array, got ${typeof errors}`);
errors = => {
if (error instanceof Error) {
return error;
if (error !== null && typeof error === 'object') {
// Handle plain error objects with message property and/or possibly other metadata
return Object.assign(new Error(error.message), error);
return new Error(error);
let message = errors
.map(error => {
// The `stack` property is not standardized, so we can't assume it exists
return typeof error.stack === 'string' && error.stack.length > 0 ? cleanInternalStack(cleanStack(error.stack)) : String(error);
message = '\n' + indentString(message, 4);
this.#errors = errors;
get errors() {
return this.#errors.slice();