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1101 lines (1027 sloc) 30.9 KB
'use strict'
const stream = require('stream')
const NoFilter = require('nofilter')
const utils = require('./utils')
const constants = require('./constants')
const {
} = constants
const {Buffer} = require('buffer')
const BREAK = Buffer.from([0xff])
const BUF_NAN = Buffer.from('f97e00', 'hex')
const BUF_INF_NEG = Buffer.from('f9fc00', 'hex')
const BUF_INF_POS = Buffer.from('f97c00', 'hex')
const BUF_NEG_ZERO = Buffer.from('f98000', 'hex')
* Generate the CBOR for a value. If you are using this, you'll either need
* to call {@link Encoder.write} with a Buffer, or look into the internals of
* Encoder to reuse existing non-documented behavior.
* @callback EncodeFunction
* @param {Encoder} enc The encoder to use.
* @param {any} val The value to encode.
* @returns {boolean} True on success.
/* eslint-disable jsdoc/check-types */
* A mapping from tag number to a tag decoding function.
* @typedef {Object.<string, EncodeFunction>} SemanticMap
/* eslint-enable jsdoc/check-types */
* @type {SemanticMap}
* @private
* @type {SemanticMap}
* @private
let current_SEMANTIC_TYPES = {}
* @param {string} str String to normalize.
* @returns {"number"|"float"|"int"|"string"} Normalized.
* @throws {TypeError} Invalid input.
* @private
function parseDateType(str) {
if (!str) {
return 'number'
switch (str.toLowerCase()) {
case 'number':
return 'number'
case 'float':
return 'float'
case 'int':
case 'integer':
return 'int'
case 'string':
return 'string'
throw new TypeError(`dateType invalid, got "${str}"`)
* @typedef EncodingOptions
* @property {any[]|object} [genTypes=[]] Array of pairs of
* `type`, `function(Encoder)` for semantic types to be encoded. Not
* needed for Array, Date, Buffer, Map, RegExp, Set, or URL.
* If an object, the keys are the constructor names for the types.
* @property {boolean} [canonical=false] Should the output be
* canonicalized.
* @property {boolean|WeakSet} [detectLoops=false] Should object loops
* be detected? This will currently add memory to track every part of the
* object being encoded in a WeakSet. Do not encode
* the same object twice on the same encoder, without calling
* `removeLoopDetectors` in between, which will clear the WeakSet.
* You may pass in your own WeakSet to be used; this is useful in some
* recursive scenarios.
* @property {("number"|"float"|"int"|"string")} [dateType="number"] -
* how should dates be encoded? "number" means float or int, if no
* fractional seconds.
* @property {any} [encodeUndefined=undefined] How should an
* "undefined" in the input be encoded. By default, just encode a CBOR
* undefined. If this is a buffer, use those bytes without re-encoding
* them. If this is a function, the function will be called (which is a
* good time to throw an exception, if that's what you want), and the
* return value will be used according to these rules. Anything else will
* be encoded as CBOR.
* @property {boolean} [disallowUndefinedKeys=false] Should
* "undefined" be disallowed as a key in a Map that is serialized? If
* this is true, encode(new Map([[undefined, 1]])) will throw an
* exception. Note that it is impossible to get a key of undefined in a
* normal JS object.
* @property {boolean} [collapseBigIntegers=false] Should integers
* that come in as ECMAscript bigint's be encoded
* as normal CBOR integers if they fit, discarding type information?
* @property {number} [chunkSize=4096] Number of characters or bytes
* for each chunk, if obj is a string or Buffer, when indefinite encoding.
* @property {boolean} [omitUndefinedProperties=false] When encoding
* objects or Maps, do not include a key if its corresponding value is
* `undefined`.
* Transform JavaScript values into CBOR bytes. The `Writable` side of
* the stream is in object mode.
* @extends stream.Transform
class Encoder extends stream.Transform {
* Creates an instance of Encoder.
* @param {EncodingOptions} [options={}] Options for the encoder.
constructor(options = {}) {
const {
canonical = false,
disallowUndefinedKeys = false,
dateType = 'number',
collapseBigIntegers = false,
detectLoops = false,
omitUndefinedProperties = false,
genTypes = [],
} = options
readableObjectMode: false,
writableObjectMode: true,
this.canonical = canonical
this.encodeUndefined = encodeUndefined
this.disallowUndefinedKeys = disallowUndefinedKeys
this.dateType = parseDateType(dateType)
this.collapseBigIntegers = this.canonical ? true : collapseBigIntegers
/** @type {WeakSet?} */
this.detectLoops = undefined
if (typeof detectLoops === 'boolean') {
if (detectLoops) {
this.detectLoops = new WeakSet()
} else if (detectLoops instanceof WeakSet) {
this.detectLoops = detectLoops
} else {
throw new TypeError('detectLoops must be boolean or WeakSet')
this.omitUndefinedProperties = omitUndefinedProperties
this.semanticTypes = {...Encoder.SEMANTIC_TYPES}
if (Array.isArray(genTypes)) {
for (let i = 0, len = genTypes.length; i < len; i += 2) {
this.addSemanticType(genTypes[i], genTypes[i + 1])
} else {
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(genTypes)) {
this.addSemanticType(k, v)
_transform(fresh, encoding, cb) {
const ret = this.pushAny(fresh)
// Old transformers might not return bool. undefined !== false
return cb((ret === false) ? new Error('Push Error') : undefined)
// eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
_flush(cb) {
return cb()
* @param {number} val Number(0-255) to encode.
* @returns {boolean} True on success.
* @ignore
_pushUInt8(val) {
const b = Buffer.allocUnsafe(1)
b.writeUInt8(val, 0)
return this.push(b)
* @param {number} val Number(0-65535) to encode.
* @returns {boolean} True on success.
* @ignore
_pushUInt16BE(val) {
const b = Buffer.allocUnsafe(2)
b.writeUInt16BE(val, 0)
return this.push(b)
* @param {number} val Number(0..2**32-1) to encode.
* @returns {boolean} True on success.
* @ignore
_pushUInt32BE(val) {
const b = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4)
b.writeUInt32BE(val, 0)
return this.push(b)
* @param {number} val Number to encode as 4-byte float.
* @returns {boolean} True on success.
* @ignore
_pushFloatBE(val) {
const b = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4)
b.writeFloatBE(val, 0)
return this.push(b)
* @param {number} val Number to encode as 8-byte double.
* @returns {boolean} True on success.
* @ignore
_pushDoubleBE(val) {
const b = Buffer.allocUnsafe(8)
b.writeDoubleBE(val, 0)
return this.push(b)
* @returns {boolean} True on success.
* @ignore
_pushNaN() {
return this.push(BUF_NAN)
* @param {number} obj Positive or negative infinity.
* @returns {boolean} True on success.
* @ignore
_pushInfinity(obj) {
const half = (obj < 0) ? BUF_INF_NEG : BUF_INF_POS
return this.push(half)
* Choose the best float representation for a number and encode it.
* @param {number} obj A number that is known to be not-integer, but not
* how many bytes of precision it needs.
* @returns {boolean} True on success.
* @ignore
_pushFloat(obj) {
if (this.canonical) {
// TODO: is this enough slower to hide behind canonical?
// It's certainly enough of a hack (see utils.parseHalf)
// From section 3.9:
// If a protocol allows for IEEE floats, then additional canonicalization
// rules might need to be added. One example rule might be to have all
// floats start as a 64-bit float, then do a test conversion to a 32-bit
// float; if the result is the same numeric value, use the shorter value
// and repeat the process with a test conversion to a 16-bit float. (This
// rule selects 16-bit float for positive and negative Infinity as well.)
// which seems pretty much backwards to me.
const b2 = Buffer.allocUnsafe(2)
if (utils.writeHalf(b2, obj)) {
// I have convinced myself that there are no cases where writeHalf
// will return true but `utils.parseHalf(b2) !== obj)`
return this._pushUInt8(HALF) && this.push(b2)
if (Math.fround(obj) === obj) {
return this._pushUInt8(FLOAT) && this._pushFloatBE(obj)
return this._pushUInt8(DOUBLE) && this._pushDoubleBE(obj)
* Choose the best integer representation for a postive number and encode
* it. If the number is over MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, fall back on float (but I
* don't remember why).
* @param {number} obj A positive number that is known to be an integer,
* but not how many bytes of precision it needs.
* @param {number} mt The Major Type number to combine with the integer.
* Not yet shifted.
* @param {number} [orig] The number before it was transformed to positive.
* If the mt is NEG_INT, and the positive number is over MAX_SAFE_INT,
* then we'll encode this as a float rather than making the number
* negative again and losing precision.
* @returns {boolean} True on success.
* @ignore
_pushInt(obj, mt, orig) {
const m = mt << 5
if (obj < 24) {
return this._pushUInt8(m | obj)
if (obj <= 0xff) {
return this._pushUInt8(m | NUMBYTES.ONE) && this._pushUInt8(obj)
if (obj <= 0xffff) {
return this._pushUInt8(m | NUMBYTES.TWO) && this._pushUInt16BE(obj)
if (obj <= 0xffffffff) {
return this._pushUInt8(m | NUMBYTES.FOUR) && this._pushUInt32BE(obj)
let max = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
if (mt === MT.NEG_INT) {
// Special case for Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER - 1
if (obj <= max) {
return this._pushUInt8(m | NUMBYTES.EIGHT) &&
this._pushUInt32BE(Math.floor(obj / SHIFT32)) &&
this._pushUInt32BE(obj % SHIFT32)
if (mt === MT.NEG_INT) {
return this._pushFloat(orig)
return this._pushFloat(obj)
* Choose the best integer representation for a number and encode it.
* @param {number} obj A number that is known to be an integer,
* but not how many bytes of precision it needs.
* @returns {boolean} True on success.
* @ignore
_pushIntNum(obj) {
if (, -0)) {
return this.push(BUF_NEG_ZERO)
if (obj < 0) {
return this._pushInt(-obj - 1, MT.NEG_INT, obj)
return this._pushInt(obj, MT.POS_INT)
* @param {number} obj Plain JS number to encode.
* @returns {boolean} True on success.
* @ignore
_pushNumber(obj) {
if (isNaN(obj)) {
return this._pushNaN()
if (!isFinite(obj)) {
return this._pushInfinity(obj)
if (Math.round(obj) === obj) {
return this._pushIntNum(obj)
return this._pushFloat(obj)
* @param {string} obj String to encode.
* @returns {boolean} True on success.
* @ignore
_pushString(obj) {
const len = Buffer.byteLength(obj, 'utf8')
return this._pushInt(len, MT.UTF8_STRING) && this.push(obj, 'utf8')
* @param {boolean} obj Bool to encode.
* @returns {boolean} True on success.
* @ignore
_pushBoolean(obj) {
return this._pushUInt8(obj ? TRUE : FALSE)
* @param {undefined} obj Ignored.
* @returns {boolean} True on success.
* @ignore
_pushUndefined(obj) {
switch (typeof this.encodeUndefined) {
case 'undefined':
return this._pushUInt8(UNDEFINED)
case 'function':
return this.pushAny(this.encodeUndefined(obj))
case 'object': {
const buf = utils.bufferishToBuffer(this.encodeUndefined)
if (buf) {
return this.push(buf)
return this.pushAny(this.encodeUndefined)
* @param {null} obj Ignored.
* @returns {boolean} True on success.
* @ignore
_pushNull(obj) {
return this._pushUInt8(NULL)
* @param {number} tag Tag number to encode.
* @returns {boolean} True on success.
* @ignore
_pushTag(tag) {
return this._pushInt(tag, MT.TAG)
* @param {bigint} obj BigInt to encode.
* @returns {boolean} True on success.
* @ignore
_pushJSBigint(obj) {
let m = MT.POS_INT
let tag = TAG.POS_BIGINT
// BigInt doesn't have -0
if (obj < 0) {
obj = -obj + BI.MINUS_ONE
if (this.collapseBigIntegers &&
(obj <= BI.MAXINT64)) {
// Special handiling for 64bits
if (obj <= 0xffffffff) {
return this._pushInt(Number(obj), m)
return this._pushUInt8((m << 5) | NUMBYTES.EIGHT) &&
this._pushUInt32BE(Number(obj / BI.SHIFT32)) &&
this._pushUInt32BE(Number(obj % BI.SHIFT32))
let str = obj.toString(16)
if (str.length % 2) {
str = `0${str}`
const buf = Buffer.from(str, 'hex')
return this._pushTag(tag) && Encoder._pushBuffer(this, buf)
* @param {object} obj Object to encode.
* @returns {boolean} True on success.
* @throws {Error} Loop detected.
* @ignore
_pushObject(obj, opts) {
if (!obj) {
return this._pushNull(obj)
opts = {
indefinite: false,
skipTypes: false,
if (!opts.indefinite) {
// This will only happen the first time through for indefinite encoding
if (this.detectLoops) {
if (this.detectLoops.has(obj)) {
throw new Error(`\
Loop detected while CBOR encoding.
Call removeLoopDetectors before resuming.`)
} else {
if (!opts.skipTypes) {
const f = obj.encodeCBOR
if (typeof f === 'function') {
return, this)
const converter = this.semanticTypes[]
if (converter) {
return, this, obj)
const keys = Object.keys(obj).filter(k => {
const tv = typeof obj[k]
return (tv !== 'function') &&
(!this.omitUndefinedProperties || (tv !== 'undefined'))
const cbor_keys = {}
if (this.canonical) {
// Note: this can't be a normal sort, because 'b' needs to sort before
// 'aa'
keys.sort((a, b) => {
// Always strings, so don't bother to pass options.
// hold on to the cbor versions, since there's no need
// to encode more than once
const a_cbor = cbor_keys[a] || (cbor_keys[a] = Encoder.encode(a))
const b_cbor = cbor_keys[b] || (cbor_keys[b] = Encoder.encode(b))
if (opts.indefinite) {
if (!this._pushUInt8((MT.MAP << 5) | NUMBYTES.INDEFINITE)) {
return false
} else if (!this._pushInt(keys.length, MT.MAP)) {
return false
let ck = null
for (let j = 0, len2 = keys.length; j < len2; j++) {
const k = keys[j]
if (this.canonical && ((ck = cbor_keys[k]))) {
if (!this.push(ck)) { // Already a Buffer
return false
} else if (!this._pushString(k)) {
return false
if (!this.pushAny(obj[k])) {
return false
if (opts.indefinite) {
if (!this.push(BREAK)) {
return false
} else if (this.detectLoops) {
return true
* @param {any[]} objs Array of supported things.
* @returns {Buffer} Concatenation of encodings for the supported things.
* @ignore
_encodeAll(objs) {
const bs = new NoFilter({highWaterMark: this.readableHighWaterMark})
for (const o of objs) {
* Add an encoding function to the list of supported semantic types. This
* is useful for objects for which you can't add an encodeCBOR method.
* @param {string|Function} type The type to encode.
* @param {EncodeFunction} fun The encoder to use.
* @returns {EncodeFunction?} The previous encoder or undefined if there
* wasn't one.
* @throws {TypeError} Invalid function.
addSemanticType(type, fun) {
const typeName = (typeof type === 'string') ? type :
const old = this.semanticTypes[typeName]
if (fun) {
if (typeof fun !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError('fun must be of type function')
this.semanticTypes[typeName] = fun
} else if (old) {
delete this.semanticTypes[typeName]
return old
* Push any supported type onto the encoded stream.
* @param {any} obj The thing to encode.
* @returns {boolean} True on success.
* @throws {TypeError} Unknown type for obj.
pushAny(obj) {
switch (typeof obj) {
case 'number':
return this._pushNumber(obj)
case 'bigint':
return this._pushJSBigint(obj)
case 'string':
return this._pushString(obj)
case 'boolean':
return this._pushBoolean(obj)
case 'undefined':
return this._pushUndefined(obj)
case 'object':
return this._pushObject(obj)
case 'symbol':
switch (obj) {
return this._pushNull(null)
return this._pushUndefined(undefined)
// TODO: Add pluggable support for other symbols
throw new TypeError(`Unknown symbol: ${obj.toString()}`)
throw new TypeError(
`Unknown type: ${typeof obj}, ${(typeof obj.toString === 'function') ? obj.toString() : ''}`
* Encode an array and all of its elements.
* @param {Encoder} gen Encoder to use.
* @param {any[]} obj Array to encode.
* @param {object} [opts] Options.
* @param {boolean} [opts.indefinite=false] Use indefinite encoding?
* @returns {boolean} True on success.
static pushArray(gen, obj, opts) {
opts = {
indefinite: false,
const len = obj.length
if (opts.indefinite) {
if (!gen._pushUInt8((MT.ARRAY << 5) | NUMBYTES.INDEFINITE)) {
return false
} else if (!gen._pushInt(len, MT.ARRAY)) {
return false
for (let j = 0; j < len; j++) {
if (!gen.pushAny(obj[j])) {
return false
if (opts.indefinite) {
if (!gen.push(BREAK)) {
return false
return true
* Remove the loop detector WeakSet for this Encoder.
* @returns {boolean} True when the Encoder was reset, else false.
removeLoopDetectors() {
if (!this.detectLoops) {
return false
this.detectLoops = new WeakSet()
return true
* @param {Encoder} gen Encoder.
* @param {Date} obj Date to encode.
* @returns {boolean} True on success.
* @ignore
static _pushDate(gen, obj) {
switch (gen.dateType) {
case 'string':
return gen._pushTag(TAG.DATE_STRING) &&
case 'int':
return gen._pushTag(TAG.DATE_EPOCH) &&
gen._pushIntNum(Math.round(obj.getTime() / 1000))
case 'float':
// Force float
return gen._pushTag(TAG.DATE_EPOCH) &&
gen._pushFloat(obj.getTime() / 1000)
case 'number':
// If we happen to have an integral number of seconds,
// use integer. Otherwise, use float.
return gen._pushTag(TAG.DATE_EPOCH) &&
gen.pushAny(obj.getTime() / 1000)
* @param {Encoder} gen Encoder.
* @param {Buffer} obj Buffer to encode.
* @returns {boolean} True on success.
* @ignore
static _pushBuffer(gen, obj) {
return gen._pushInt(obj.length, MT.BYTE_STRING) && gen.push(obj)
* @param {Encoder} gen Encoder.
* @param {NoFilter} obj Buffer to encode.
* @returns {boolean} True on success.
* @ignore
static _pushNoFilter(gen, obj) {
return Encoder._pushBuffer(gen, /** @type {Buffer} */ (obj.slice()))
* @param {Encoder} gen Encoder.
* @param {RegExp} obj RegExp to encode.
* @returns {boolean} True on success.
* @ignore
static _pushRegexp(gen, obj) {
return gen._pushTag(TAG.REGEXP) && gen.pushAny(obj.source)
* @param {Encoder} gen Encoder.
* @param {Set} obj Set to encode.
* @returns {boolean} True on success.
* @ignore
static _pushSet(gen, obj) {
if (!gen._pushTag(TAG.SET)) {
return false
if (!gen._pushInt(obj.size, MT.ARRAY)) {
return false
for (const x of obj) {
if (!gen.pushAny(x)) {
return false
return true
* @param {Encoder} gen Encoder.
* @param {URL} obj URL to encode.
* @returns {boolean} True on success.
* @ignore
static _pushURL(gen, obj) {
return gen._pushTag(TAG.URI) && gen.pushAny(obj.toString())
* @param {Encoder} gen Encoder.
* @param {object} obj Boxed String, Number, or Boolean object to encode.
* @returns {boolean} True on success.
* @ignore
static _pushBoxed(gen, obj) {
return gen.pushAny(obj.valueOf())
* @param {Encoder} gen Encoder.
* @param {Map} obj Map to encode.
* @returns {boolean} True on success.
* @throws {Error} Map key that is undefined.
* @ignore
static _pushMap(gen, obj, opts) {
opts = {
indefinite: false,
let entries = [...obj.entries()]
if (gen.omitUndefinedProperties) {
entries = entries.filter(([k, v]) => v !== undefined)
if (opts.indefinite) {
if (!gen._pushUInt8((MT.MAP << 5) | NUMBYTES.INDEFINITE)) {
return false
} else if (!gen._pushInt(entries.length, MT.MAP)) {
return false
// Memoizing the cbor only helps in certain cases, and hurts in most
// others. Just avoid it.
if (gen.canonical) {
// Keep the key/value pairs together, so we don't have to do odd
// gets with object keys later
const enc = new Encoder({
genTypes: gen.semanticTypes,
canonical: gen.canonical,
detectLoops: Boolean(gen.detectLoops), // Give enc its own loop detector
dateType: gen.dateType,
disallowUndefinedKeys: gen.disallowUndefinedKeys,
collapseBigIntegers: gen.collapseBigIntegers,
const bs = new NoFilter({highWaterMark: gen.readableHighWaterMark})
entries.sort(([a], [b]) => {
// Both a and b are the keys
const a_cbor =
const b_cbor =
for (const [k, v] of entries) {
if (gen.disallowUndefinedKeys && (typeof k === 'undefined')) {
throw new Error('Invalid Map key: undefined')
if (!(gen.pushAny(k) && gen.pushAny(v))) {
return false
} else {
for (const [k, v] of entries) {
if (gen.disallowUndefinedKeys && (typeof k === 'undefined')) {
throw new Error('Invalid Map key: undefined')
if (!(gen.pushAny(k) && gen.pushAny(v))) {
return false
if (opts.indefinite) {
if (!gen.push(BREAK)) {
return false
return true
* @param {Encoder} gen Encoder.
* @param {NodeJS.TypedArray} obj Array to encode.
* @returns {boolean} True on success.
* @ignore
static _pushTypedArray(gen, obj) {
// See
let typ = 0b01000000
let sz = obj.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT
const {name} = obj.constructor
if (name.startsWith('Float')) {
typ |= 0b00010000
sz /= 2
} else if (!name.includes('U')) {
typ |= 0b00001000
if (name.includes('Clamped') || ((sz !== 1) && !utils.isBigEndian())) {
typ |= 0b00000100
typ |= {
1: 0b00,
2: 0b01,
4: 0b10,
8: 0b11,
if (!gen._pushTag(typ)) {
return false
return Encoder._pushBuffer(
Buffer.from(obj.buffer, obj.byteOffset, obj.byteLength)
* @param {Encoder} gen Encoder.
* @param { ArrayBuffer } obj Array to encode.
* @returns {boolean} True on success.
* @ignore
static _pushArrayBuffer(gen, obj) {
return Encoder._pushBuffer(gen, Buffer.from(obj))
* Encode the given object with indefinite length. There are apparently
* some (IMO) broken implementations of poorly-specified protocols that
* REQUIRE indefinite-encoding. See the example for how to add this as an
* `encodeCBOR` function to an object or class to get indefinite encoding.
* @param {Encoder} gen The encoder to use.
* @param {string|Buffer|Array|Map|object} [obj] The object to encode. If
* null, use "this" instead.
* @param {EncodingOptions} [options={}] Options for encoding.
* @returns {boolean} True on success.
* @throws {Error} No object to encode or invalid indefinite encoding.
* @example <caption>Force indefinite encoding:</caption>
* const o = {
* a: true,
* encodeCBOR: cbor.Encoder.encodeIndefinite,
* }
* const m = []
* m.encodeCBOR = cbor.Encoder.encodeIndefinite
* cbor.encodeOne([o, m])
static encodeIndefinite(gen, obj, options = {}) {
if (obj == null) {
if (this == null) {
throw new Error('No object to encode')
obj = this
// TODO: consider other options
const {chunkSize = 4096} = options
let ret = true
const objType = typeof obj
let buf = null
if (objType === 'string') {
// TODO: make sure not to split surrogate pairs at the edges of chunks,
// since such half-surrogates cannot be legally encoded as UTF-8.
ret = ret && gen._pushUInt8((MT.UTF8_STRING << 5) | NUMBYTES.INDEFINITE)
let offset = 0
while (offset < obj.length) {
const endIndex = offset + chunkSize
ret = ret && gen._pushString(obj.slice(offset, endIndex))
offset = endIndex
ret = ret && gen.push(BREAK)
} else if ((buf = utils.bufferishToBuffer(obj))) {
ret = ret && gen._pushUInt8((MT.BYTE_STRING << 5) | NUMBYTES.INDEFINITE)
let offset = 0
while (offset < buf.length) {
const endIndex = offset + chunkSize
ret = ret && Encoder._pushBuffer(gen, buf.slice(offset, endIndex))
offset = endIndex
ret = ret && gen.push(BREAK)
} else if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
ret = ret && Encoder.pushArray(gen, obj, {
indefinite: true,
} else if (obj instanceof Map) {
ret = ret && Encoder._pushMap(gen, obj, {
indefinite: true,
} else {
if (objType !== 'object') {
throw new Error('Invalid indefinite encoding')
ret = ret && gen._pushObject(obj, {
indefinite: true,
skipTypes: true,
return ret
* Encode one or more JavaScript objects, and return a Buffer containing the
* CBOR bytes.
* @param {...any} objs The objects to encode.
* @returns {Buffer} The encoded objects.
static encode(...objs) {
return new Encoder()._encodeAll(objs)
* Encode one or more JavaScript objects canonically (slower!), and return
* a Buffer containing the CBOR bytes.
* @param {...any} objs The objects to encode.
* @returns {Buffer} The encoded objects.
static encodeCanonical(...objs) {
return new Encoder({
canonical: true,
* Encode one JavaScript object using the given options.
* @static
* @param {any} obj The object to encode.
* @param {EncodingOptions} [options={}] Passed to the Encoder constructor.
* @returns {Buffer} The encoded objects.
static encodeOne(obj, options) {
return new Encoder(options)._encodeAll([obj])
* Encode one JavaScript object using the given options in a way that
* is more resilient to objects being larger than the highWaterMark
* number of bytes. As with the other static encode functions, this
* will still use a large amount of memory. Use a stream-based approach
* directly if you need to process large and complicated inputs.
* @param {any} obj The object to encode.
* @param {EncodingOptions} [options={}] Passed to the Encoder constructor.
* @returns {Promise<Buffer>} A promise for the encoded buffer.
static encodeAsync(obj, options) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const bufs = []
const enc = new Encoder(options)
enc.on('data', buf => bufs.push(buf))
enc.on('error', reject)
enc.on('finish', () => resolve(Buffer.concat(bufs)))
* The currently supported set of semantic types. May be modified by plugins.
* @type {SemanticMap}
static get SEMANTIC_TYPES() {
return current_SEMANTIC_TYPES
static set SEMANTIC_TYPES(val) {
current_SEMANTIC_TYPES = val
* Reset the supported semantic types to the original set, before any
* plugins modified the list.
static reset() {
Object.assign(SEMANTIC_TYPES, {
Array: Encoder.pushArray,
Date: Encoder._pushDate,
Buffer: Encoder._pushBuffer,
[]: Encoder._pushBuffer, // Might be mangled
Map: Encoder._pushMap,
NoFilter: Encoder._pushNoFilter,
[]: Encoder._pushNoFilter, // Mßight be mangled
RegExp: Encoder._pushRegexp,
Set: Encoder._pushSet,
ArrayBuffer: Encoder._pushArrayBuffer,
Uint8ClampedArray: Encoder._pushTypedArray,
Uint8Array: Encoder._pushTypedArray,
Uint16Array: Encoder._pushTypedArray,
Uint32Array: Encoder._pushTypedArray,
Int8Array: Encoder._pushTypedArray,
Int16Array: Encoder._pushTypedArray,
Int32Array: Encoder._pushTypedArray,
Float32Array: Encoder._pushTypedArray,
Float64Array: Encoder._pushTypedArray,
URL: Encoder._pushURL,
Boolean: Encoder._pushBoxed,
Number: Encoder._pushBoxed,
String: Encoder._pushBoxed,
// Safari needs to get better.
if (typeof BigUint64Array !== 'undefined') {
SEMANTIC_TYPES[] = Encoder._pushTypedArray
if (typeof BigInt64Array !== 'undefined') {
SEMANTIC_TYPES[] = Encoder._pushTypedArray
module.exports = Encoder