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524 lines (462 sloc) 15.9 KB
'use strict';
const fs = require('fs');
const sysPath = require('path');
const { promisify } = require('util');
let fsevents;
try {
fsevents = require('fsevents');
} catch (error) {
if (process.env.CHOKIDAR_PRINT_FSEVENTS_REQUIRE_ERROR) console.error(error);
if (fsevents) {
// TODO: real check
const mtch = process.version.match(/v(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
if (mtch && mtch[1] && mtch[2]) {
const maj = Number.parseInt(mtch[1], 10);
const min = Number.parseInt(mtch[2], 10);
if (maj === 8 && min < 16) {
fsevents = undefined;
const {
} = require('./constants');
const Depth = (value) => isNaN(value) ? {} : {depth: value};
const stat = promisify(fs.stat);
const lstat = promisify(fs.lstat);
const realpath = promisify(fs.realpath);
const statMethods = { stat, lstat };
* @typedef {String} Path
* @typedef {Object} FsEventsWatchContainer
* @property {Set<Function>} listeners
* @property {Function} rawEmitter
* @property {{stop: Function}} watcher
// fsevents instance helper functions
* Object to hold per-process fsevents instances (may be shared across chokidar FSWatcher instances)
* @type {Map<Path,FsEventsWatchContainer>}
const FSEventsWatchers = new Map();
// Threshold of duplicate path prefixes at which to start
// consolidating going forward
const consolidateThreshhold = 10;
const wrongEventFlags = new Set([
69888, 70400, 71424, 72704, 73472, 131328, 131840, 262912
* Instantiates the fsevents interface
* @param {Path} path path to be watched
* @param {Function} callback called when fsevents is bound and ready
* @returns {{stop: Function}} new fsevents instance
const createFSEventsInstance = (path, callback) => {
const stop =, callback);
return {stop};
* Instantiates the fsevents interface or binds listeners to an existing one covering
* the same file tree.
* @param {Path} path - to be watched
* @param {Path} realPath - real path for symlinks
* @param {Function} listener - called when fsevents emits events
* @param {Function} rawEmitter - passes data to listeners of the 'raw' event
* @returns {Function} closer
function setFSEventsListener(path, realPath, listener, rawEmitter) {
let watchPath = sysPath.extname(realPath) ? sysPath.dirname(realPath) : realPath;
const parentPath = sysPath.dirname(watchPath);
let cont = FSEventsWatchers.get(watchPath);
// If we've accumulated a substantial number of paths that
// could have been consolidated by watching one directory
// above the current one, create a watcher on the parent
// path instead, so that we do consolidate going forward.
if (couldConsolidate(parentPath)) {
watchPath = parentPath;
const resolvedPath = sysPath.resolve(path);
const hasSymlink = resolvedPath !== realPath;
const filteredListener = (fullPath, flags, info) => {
if (hasSymlink) fullPath = fullPath.replace(realPath, resolvedPath);
if (
fullPath === resolvedPath ||
!fullPath.indexOf(resolvedPath + sysPath.sep)
) listener(fullPath, flags, info);
// check if there is already a watcher on a parent path
// modifies `watchPath` to the parent path when it finds a match
let watchedParent = false;
for (const watchedPath of FSEventsWatchers.keys()) {
if (realPath.indexOf(sysPath.resolve(watchedPath) + sysPath.sep) === 0) {
watchPath = watchedPath;
cont = FSEventsWatchers.get(watchPath);
watchedParent = true;
if (cont || watchedParent) {
} else {
cont = {
listeners: new Set([filteredListener]),
watcher: createFSEventsInstance(watchPath, (fullPath, flags) => {
if (!cont.listeners.size) return;
const info = fsevents.getInfo(fullPath, flags);
cont.listeners.forEach(list => {
list(fullPath, flags, info);
cont.rawEmitter(info.event, fullPath, info);
FSEventsWatchers.set(watchPath, cont);
// removes this instance's listeners and closes the underlying fsevents
// instance if there are no more listeners left
return () => {
const lst = cont.listeners;
if (!lst.size) {
if (cont.watcher) return cont.watcher.stop().then(() => {
cont.rawEmitter = cont.watcher = undefined;
// Decide whether or not we should start a new higher-level
// parent watcher
const couldConsolidate = (path) => {
let count = 0;
for (const watchPath of FSEventsWatchers.keys()) {
if (watchPath.indexOf(path) === 0) {
if (count >= consolidateThreshhold) {
return true;
return false;
// returns boolean indicating whether fsevents can be used
const canUse = () => fsevents && FSEventsWatchers.size < 128;
// determines subdirectory traversal levels from root to path
const calcDepth = (path, root) => {
let i = 0;
while (!path.indexOf(root) && (path = sysPath.dirname(path)) !== root) i++;
return i;
// returns boolean indicating whether the fsevents' event info has the same type
// as the one returned by fs.stat
const sameTypes = (info, stats) => (
info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY && stats.isDirectory() ||
info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_SYMLINK && stats.isSymbolicLink() ||
info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_FILE && stats.isFile()
* @mixin
class FsEventsHandler {
* @param {import('../index').FSWatcher} fsw
constructor(fsw) {
this.fsw = fsw;
checkIgnored(path, stats) {
const ipaths = this.fsw._ignoredPaths;
if (this.fsw._isIgnored(path, stats)) {
if (stats && stats.isDirectory()) {
ipaths.add(path + ROOT_GLOBSTAR);
return true;
ipaths.delete(path + ROOT_GLOBSTAR);
addOrChange(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts) {
const event = watchedDir.has(item) ? EV_CHANGE : EV_ADD;
this.handleEvent(event, path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
async checkExists(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts) {
try {
const stats = await stat(path)
if (this.fsw.closed) return;
if (sameTypes(info, stats)) {
this.addOrChange(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
} else {
this.handleEvent(EV_UNLINK, path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === 'EACCES') {
this.addOrChange(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
} else {
this.handleEvent(EV_UNLINK, path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
handleEvent(event, path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts) {
if (this.fsw.closed || this.checkIgnored(path)) return;
if (event === EV_UNLINK) {
const isDirectory = info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY
// suppress unlink events on never before seen files
if (isDirectory || watchedDir.has(item)) {
this.fsw._remove(parent, item, isDirectory);
} else {
if (event === EV_ADD) {
// track new directories
if (info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY) this.fsw._getWatchedDir(path);
if (info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_SYMLINK && opts.followSymlinks) {
// push symlinks back to the top of the stack to get handled
const curDepth = opts.depth === undefined ?
undefined : calcDepth(fullPath, realPath) + 1;
return this._addToFsEvents(path, false, true, curDepth);
// track new paths
// (other than symlinks being followed, which will be tracked soon)
* @type {'add'|'addDir'|'unlink'|'unlinkDir'}
const eventName = info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY ? event + DIR_SUFFIX : event;
this.fsw._emit(eventName, path);
if (eventName === EV_ADD_DIR) this._addToFsEvents(path, false, true);
* Handle symlinks encountered during directory scan
* @param {String} watchPath - file/dir path to be watched with fsevents
* @param {String} realPath - real path (in case of symlinks)
* @param {Function} transform - path transformer
* @param {Function} globFilter - path filter in case a glob pattern was provided
* @returns {Function} closer for the watcher instance
_watchWithFsEvents(watchPath, realPath, transform, globFilter) {
if (this.fsw.closed || this.fsw._isIgnored(watchPath)) return;
const opts = this.fsw.options;
const watchCallback = async (fullPath, flags, info) => {
if (this.fsw.closed) return;
if (
opts.depth !== undefined &&
calcDepth(fullPath, realPath) > opts.depth
) return;
const path = transform(sysPath.join(
watchPath, sysPath.relative(watchPath, fullPath)
if (globFilter && !globFilter(path)) return;
// ensure directories are tracked
const parent = sysPath.dirname(path);
const item = sysPath.basename(path);
const watchedDir = this.fsw._getWatchedDir(
info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY ? path : parent
// correct for wrong events emitted
if (wrongEventFlags.has(flags) || info.event === FSEVENT_UNKNOWN) {
if (typeof opts.ignored === FUNCTION_TYPE) {
let stats;
try {
stats = await stat(path);
} catch (error) {}
if (this.fsw.closed) return;
if (this.checkIgnored(path, stats)) return;
if (sameTypes(info, stats)) {
this.addOrChange(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
} else {
this.handleEvent(EV_UNLINK, path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
} else {
this.checkExists(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
} else {
switch (info.event) {
return this.addOrChange(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
return this.checkExists(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
const closer = setFSEventsListener(
return closer;
* Handle symlinks encountered during directory scan
* @param {String} linkPath path to symlink
* @param {String} fullPath absolute path to the symlink
* @param {Function} transform pre-existing path transformer
* @param {Number} curDepth level of subdirectories traversed to where symlink is
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async _handleFsEventsSymlink(linkPath, fullPath, transform, curDepth) {
// don't follow the same symlink more than once
if (this.fsw.closed || this.fsw._symlinkPaths.has(fullPath)) return;
this.fsw._symlinkPaths.set(fullPath, true);
try {
const linkTarget = await realpath(linkPath);
if (this.fsw.closed) return;
if (this.fsw._isIgnored(linkTarget)) {
return this.fsw._emitReady();
// add the linkTarget for watching with a wrapper for transform
// that causes emitted paths to incorporate the link's path
this._addToFsEvents(linkTarget || linkPath, (path) => {
let aliasedPath = linkPath;
if (linkTarget && linkTarget !== DOT_SLASH) {
aliasedPath = path.replace(linkTarget, linkPath);
} else if (path !== DOT_SLASH) {
aliasedPath = sysPath.join(linkPath, path);
return transform(aliasedPath);
}, false, curDepth);
} catch(error) {
if (this.fsw._handleError(error)) {
return this.fsw._emitReady();
* @param {Path} newPath
* @param {fs.Stats} stats
emitAdd(newPath, stats, processPath, opts, forceAdd) {
const pp = processPath(newPath);
const isDir = stats.isDirectory();
const dirObj = this.fsw._getWatchedDir(sysPath.dirname(pp));
const base = sysPath.basename(pp);
// ensure empty dirs get tracked
if (isDir) this.fsw._getWatchedDir(pp);
if (dirObj.has(base)) return;
if (!opts.ignoreInitial || forceAdd === true) {
this.fsw._emit(isDir ? EV_ADD_DIR : EV_ADD, pp, stats);
initWatch(realPath, path, wh, processPath) {
if (this.fsw.closed) return;
const closer = this._watchWithFsEvents(
sysPath.resolve(realPath || wh.watchPath),
this.fsw._addPathCloser(path, closer);
* Handle added path with fsevents
* @param {String} path file/dir path or glob pattern
* @param {Function|Boolean=} transform converts working path to what the user expects
* @param {Boolean=} forceAdd ensure add is emitted
* @param {Number=} priorDepth Level of subdirectories already traversed.
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async _addToFsEvents(path, transform, forceAdd, priorDepth) {
if (this.fsw.closed) {
const opts = this.fsw.options;
const processPath = typeof transform === FUNCTION_TYPE ? transform : IDENTITY_FN;
const wh = this.fsw._getWatchHelpers(path);
// evaluate what is at the path we're being asked to watch
try {
const stats = await statMethods[wh.statMethod](wh.watchPath);
if (this.fsw.closed) return;
if (this.fsw._isIgnored(wh.watchPath, stats)) {
throw null;
if (stats.isDirectory()) {
// emit addDir unless this is a glob parent
if (!wh.globFilter) this.emitAdd(processPath(path), stats, processPath, opts, forceAdd);
// don't recurse further if it would exceed depth setting
if (priorDepth && priorDepth > opts.depth) return;
// scan the contents of the dir
this.fsw._readdirp(wh.watchPath, {
fileFilter: entry => wh.filterPath(entry),
directoryFilter: entry => wh.filterDir(entry),
...Depth(opts.depth - (priorDepth || 0))
}).on(STR_DATA, (entry) => {
// need to check filterPath on dirs b/c filterDir is less restrictive
if (this.fsw.closed) {
if (entry.stats.isDirectory() && !wh.filterPath(entry)) return;
const joinedPath = sysPath.join(wh.watchPath, entry.path);
const {fullPath} = entry;
if (wh.followSymlinks && entry.stats.isSymbolicLink()) {
// preserve the current depth here since it can't be derived from
// real paths past the symlink
const curDepth = opts.depth === undefined ?
undefined : calcDepth(joinedPath, sysPath.resolve(wh.watchPath)) + 1;
this._handleFsEventsSymlink(joinedPath, fullPath, processPath, curDepth);
} else {
this.emitAdd(joinedPath, entry.stats, processPath, opts, forceAdd);
}).on(EV_ERROR, EMPTY_FN).on(STR_END, () => {
} else {
this.emitAdd(wh.watchPath, stats, processPath, opts, forceAdd);
} catch (error) {
if (!error || this.fsw._handleError(error)) {
// TODO: Strange thing: "should not choke on an ignored watch path" will be failed without 2 ready calls -__-
if (opts.persistent && forceAdd !== true) {
if (typeof transform === FUNCTION_TYPE) {
// realpath has already been resolved
this.initWatch(undefined, path, wh, processPath);
} else {
let realPath;
try {
realPath = await realpath(wh.watchPath);
} catch (e) {}
this.initWatch(realPath, path, wh, processPath);
module.exports = FsEventsHandler;
module.exports.canUse = canUse;