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254 lines (212 sloc) 7.02 KB
'use strict'
const constants = require('../constants')
const ObjectFormatter = require('../formatUtils').ObjectFormatter
const getObjectKeys = require('../getObjectKeys')
const hasLength = require('../hasLength')
const stats = require('../metaDescriptors/stats')
const recursorUtils = require('../recursorUtils')
const DEEP_EQUAL = constants.DEEP_EQUAL
const UNEQUAL = constants.UNEQUAL
function describe (props) {
const isArray = props.stringTag === 'Array'
const object = props.value
return new DescribedObjectValue(Object.assign({
isIterable: object[Symbol.iterator] !== undefined,
isList: isArray || hasLength(object),
}, props))
exports.describe = describe
function deserialize (state, recursor) {
return new DeserializedObjectValue(state, recursor)
exports.deserialize = deserialize
const tag = Symbol('ObjectValue')
exports.tag = tag
class ObjectValue {
constructor (props) {
this.ctor = props.ctor
this.pointer = props.pointer
this.stringTag = props.stringTag
this.isArray = props.isArray === true
this.isIterable = props.isIterable === true
this.isList = props.isList === true
compare (expected) {
if (this.tag !== expected.tag) return UNEQUAL
if (this.stringTag !== expected.stringTag || !this.hasSameCtor(expected)) return UNEQUAL
hasSameCtor (expected) {
return this.ctor === expected.ctor
formatShallow (theme, indent) {
return new ObjectFormatter(this, theme, indent)
serialize () {
return [
this.ctor, this.pointer, this.stringTag,
this.isArray, this.isIterable, this.isList,
Object.defineProperty(ObjectValue.prototype, 'isComplex', { value: true })
Object.defineProperty(ObjectValue.prototype, 'tag', { value: tag })
exports.ObjectValue = ObjectValue
const DescribedObjectValue = DescribedMixin(ObjectValue)
const DeserializedObjectValue = DeserializedMixin(ObjectValue)
function DescribedMixin (base) {
return class extends base {
constructor (props) {
this.value = props.value
this.describeAny = props.describeAny
this.describeItem = props.describeItem
this.describeMapEntry = props.describeMapEntry
this.describeProperty = props.describeProperty
this.iterableState = null
this.listState = null
this.propertyState = null
compare (expected) {
return this.value === expected.value
createPropertyRecursor () {
const objectKeys = getObjectKeys(this.value, this.isList ? this.value.length : 0)
const size = objectKeys.size
if (size === 0) return recursorUtils.NOOP_RECURSOR
let index = 0
const next = () => {
if (index === size) return null
const key = objectKeys.keys[index++]
return this.describeProperty(key, this.describeAny(this.value[key]))
return { size, next }
createListRecursor () {
if (!this.isList) return recursorUtils.NOOP_RECURSOR
const size = this.value.length
if (size === 0) return recursorUtils.NOOP_RECURSOR
let index = 0
const next = () => {
if (index === size) return null
const current = index
return this.describeItem(current, this.describeAny(this.value[current]))
return { size, next }
createIterableRecursor () {
if (this.isArray || !this.isIterable) return recursorUtils.NOOP_RECURSOR
const iterator = this.value[Symbol.iterator]()
let first =
let done = false
let size = -1
if (first.done) {
if (first.value === undefined) {
size = 0
done = true
} else {
size = 1
let index = 0
const next = () => {
if (done) return null
while (!done) {
const current = first ||
if (current === first) {
first = null
if (current.done) {
done = true
const item = current.value
if (done && item === undefined) return null
if (this.isList && this.value[index] === item) {
} else {
return this.describeItem(index++, this.describeAny(item))
return { size, next }
createRecursor () {
let recursedProperty = false
let recursedList = false
let recursedIterable = false
let recursor = null
return () => {
let retval = null
do {
if (recursor !== null) {
retval =
if (retval === null) {
recursor = null
while (recursor === null && (!recursedList || !recursedProperty || !recursedIterable)) {
// Prioritize recursing lists
if (!recursedList) {
const replay = recursorUtils.replay(this.listState, () => this.createListRecursor())
this.listState = replay.state
recursor = replay.recursor
recursedList = true
if (recursor !== recursorUtils.NOOP_RECURSOR) {
retval = stats.describeListRecursor(recursor)
} else if (!recursedProperty) {
const replay = recursorUtils.replay(this.propertyState, () => this.createPropertyRecursor())
this.propertyState = replay.state
recursor = replay.recursor
recursedProperty = true
if (recursor !== recursorUtils.NOOP_RECURSOR) {
retval = stats.describePropertyRecursor(recursor)
} else if (!recursedIterable) {
const replay = recursorUtils.replay(this.iterableState, () => this.createIterableRecursor())
this.iterableState = replay.state
recursor = replay.recursor
recursedIterable = true
if (recursor !== recursorUtils.NOOP_RECURSOR) {
retval = stats.describeIterableRecursor(recursor)
} while (recursor !== null && retval === null)
return retval
exports.DescribedMixin = DescribedMixin
function DeserializedMixin (base) {
return class extends base {
constructor (state, recursor) {
ctor: state[0],
pointer: state[1],
stringTag: state[2],
isArray: state[3],
isIterable: state[4],
isList: state[5],
this.deserializedRecursor = recursor
this.replayState = null
createRecursor () {
if (!this.deserializedRecursor) return () => null
const replay = recursorUtils.replay(this.replayState, () => ({ size: -1, next: this.deserializedRecursor }))
this.replayState = replay.state
hasSameCtor (expected) {
return this.ctor === expected.ctor
exports.DeserializedMixin = DeserializedMixin