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Andrew Eisenberg Fix dependabot issues
Latest commit 531c6ba Oct 21, 2021 History
0 contributors

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254 lines (208 sloc) 7.63 KB
'use strict'
const constants = require('../constants')
const formatUtils = require('../formatUtils')
const recursorUtils = require('../recursorUtils')
const DEEP_EQUAL = constants.DEEP_EQUAL
const UNEQUAL = constants.UNEQUAL
function describeComplex (index, value) {
return new ComplexItem(index, value)
exports.describeComplex = describeComplex
function deserializeComplex (index, recursor) {
const value = recursor()
return new ComplexItem(index, value)
exports.deserializeComplex = deserializeComplex
function describePrimitive (index, value) {
return new PrimitiveItem(index, value)
exports.describePrimitive = describePrimitive
function deserializePrimitive (state) {
const index = state[0]
const value = state[1]
return new PrimitiveItem(index, value)
exports.deserializePrimitive = deserializePrimitive
const complexTag = Symbol('ComplexItem')
exports.complexTag = complexTag
const primitiveTag = Symbol('PrimitiveItem')
exports.primitiveTag = primitiveTag
class ComplexItem {
constructor (index, value) {
this.index = index
this.value = value
createRecursor () {
return recursorUtils.singleValue(this.value)
compare (expected) {
return expected.tag === complexTag && this.index === expected.index
formatShallow (theme, indent) {
const increaseValueIndent = theme.item.increaseValueIndent === true
return new formatUtils.SingleValueFormatter(theme, value => {
if (typeof theme.item.customFormat === 'function') {
return theme.item.customFormat(theme, indent, value)
return value.withLastPostfixed(theme.item.after)
}, increaseValueIndent)
prepareDiff (expected, lhsRecursor, rhsRecursor, compareComplexShape, isCircular) {
// Circular values cannot be compared. They must be treated as being unequal when diffing.
if (isCircular(this.value) || isCircular(expected.value)) return { compareResult: UNEQUAL }
// Try to line up this or remaining items with the expected items.
const lhsFork = recursorUtils.fork(lhsRecursor)
const rhsFork = recursorUtils.fork(rhsRecursor)
const initialExpected = expected
let expectedIsMissing = false
while (!expectedIsMissing && expected !== null && expected.isItem === true) {
if (expected.tag === complexTag) {
expectedIsMissing = compareComplexShape(this.value, expected.value) !== UNEQUAL
expected = rhsFork.shared()
let actualIsExtraneous = false
if (initialExpected.tag === complexTag) {
let actual = this
while (!actualIsExtraneous && actual !== null && actual.isItem === true) {
if (actual.tag === complexTag) {
actualIsExtraneous = compareComplexShape(actual.value, initialExpected.value) !== UNEQUAL
actual = lhsFork.shared()
} else if (initialExpected.tag === primitiveTag) {
let actual = this
while (!actualIsExtraneous && actual !== null && actual.isItem === true) {
if (actual.tag === primitiveTag) {
actualIsExtraneous = === DEEP_EQUAL
actual = lhsFork.shared()
if (actualIsExtraneous && !expectedIsMissing) {
return {
actualIsExtraneous: true,
lhsRecursor: lhsFork.recursor,
recursorUtils.unshift(rhsFork.recursor, initialExpected),
next => {
if (next.isItem !== true) return next
return next
if (expectedIsMissing && !actualIsExtraneous) {
return {
expectedIsMissing: true,
recursorUtils.unshift(lhsFork.recursor, this),
next => {
if (next.isItem !== true) return next
return next
rhsRecursor: rhsFork.recursor,
const mustRecurse = this.tag === complexTag && initialExpected.tag === complexTag && !== UNEQUAL
return {
isUnequal: !mustRecurse,
lhsRecursor: lhsFork.recursor,
rhsRecursor: rhsFork.recursor,
serialize () {
return this.index
Object.defineProperty(ComplexItem.prototype, 'isItem', { value: true })
Object.defineProperty(ComplexItem.prototype, 'tag', { value: complexTag })
class PrimitiveItem {
constructor (index, value) {
this.index = index
this.value = value
compare (expected) {
return expected.tag === primitiveTag && this.index === expected.index
formatDeep (theme, indent) {
const increaseValueIndent = theme.item.increaseValueIndent === true
const valueIndent = increaseValueIndent ? indent.increase() : indent
// Since the value is formatted directly, modifiers are not applied. Apply
// modifiers to the item descriptor instead.
const formatted = this.value.formatDeep(theme, valueIndent)
if (typeof theme.item.customFormat === 'function') {
return theme.item.customFormat(theme, indent, formatted)
return formatted.withLastPostfixed(theme.item.after)
prepareDiff (expected, lhsRecursor, rhsRecursor, compareComplexShape, isCircular) {
const compareResult =
// Short-circuit when values are deeply equal.
if (compareResult === DEEP_EQUAL) return { compareResult }
// Short-circut when values can be diffed directly.
if (
expected.tag === primitiveTag &&
this.value.tag === expected.value.tag && typeof this.value.diffDeep === 'function'
) {
return { compareResult }
// Try to line up this or remaining items with the expected items.
const rhsFork = recursorUtils.fork(rhsRecursor)
const initialExpected = expected
do {
if (expected === null || expected.isItem !== true) {
return {
actualIsExtraneous: true,
recursorUtils.unshift(rhsFork.recursor, initialExpected),
next => {
if (next.isItem !== true) return next
return next
if ( === DEEP_EQUAL) {
return {
expectedIsMissing: true,
recursorUtils.unshift(lhsRecursor, this),
next => {
if (next.isItem !== true) return next
return next
rhsRecursor: rhsFork.recursor,
expected = rhsFork.shared()
} while (true)
diffDeep (expected, theme, indent, invert) {
// Verify a diff can be returned.
if (this.tag !== expected.tag || typeof this.value.diffDeep !== 'function') return null
const increaseValueIndent = === true
const valueIndent = increaseValueIndent ? indent.increase() : indent
// Since the value is diffed directly, modifiers are not applied. Apply
// modifiers to the item descriptor instead.
const diff = this.value.diffDeep(expected.value, theme, valueIndent, invert)
if (diff === null) return null
if (typeof theme.item.customFormat === 'function') {
return theme.item.customFormat(theme, indent, diff)
return diff.withLastPostfixed(theme.item.after)
serialize () {
return [this.index, this.value]
Object.defineProperty(PrimitiveItem.prototype, 'isItem', { value: true })
Object.defineProperty(PrimitiveItem.prototype, 'tag', { value: primitiveTag })