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'use strict';
const resolve = require('resolve');
const isCoreModule = require('is-core-module');
const path = require('path');
const log = require('debug')('eslint-plugin-import:resolver:node');
exports.interfaceVersion = 2;
exports.resolve = function (source, file, config) {
log('Resolving:', source, 'from:', file);
let resolvedPath;
if (isCoreModule(source)) {
log('resolved to core');
return { found: true, path: null };
try {
const cachedFilter = function (pkg, dir) { return packageFilter(pkg, dir, config); };
resolvedPath = resolve.sync(source, opts(file, config, cachedFilter));
log('Resolved to:', resolvedPath);
return { found: true, path: resolvedPath };
} catch (err) {
log('resolve threw error:', err);
return { found: false };
function opts(file, config, packageFilter) {
return Object.assign({
// more closely matches Node (#333)
// plus 'mjs' for native modules! (#939)
extensions: ['.mjs', '.js', '.json', '.node'],
// path.resolve will handle paths relative to CWD
basedir: path.dirname(path.resolve(file)),
function identity(x) { return x; }
function packageFilter(pkg, dir, config) {
let found = false;
const file = path.join(dir, 'dummy.js');
if (pkg.module) {
try {
resolve.sync(String(pkg.module).replace(/^(?:\.\/)?/, './'), opts(file, config, identity));
pkg.main = pkg.module;
found = true;
} catch (err) {
log('resolve threw error trying to find pkg.module:', err);
if (!found && pkg['jsnext:main']) {
try {
resolve.sync(String(pkg['jsnext:main']).replace(/^(?:\.\/)?/, './'), opts(file, config, identity));
pkg.main = pkg['jsnext:main'];
found = true;
} catch (err) {
log('resolve threw error trying to find pkg[\'jsnext:main\']:', err);
return pkg;