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Latest commit c96f843 Sep 14, 2020 History
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152 lines (136 sloc) 4.77 KB
* @author Toru Nagashima <>
* See LICENSE file in root directory for full license.
"use strict"
const escapeStringRegexp = require("escape-string-regexp")
const LINE_PATTERN = /[^\r\n\u2028\u2029]*(?:\r\n|[\r\n\u2028\u2029]|$)/gu
const DIRECTIVE_PATTERN = /^(eslint(?:-env|-enable|-disable(?:(?:-next)?-line)?)?|exported|globals?)(?:\s|$)/u
const LINE_COMMENT_PATTERN = /^eslint-disable-(next-)?line$/u
module.exports = {
* Make the location ignoring `eslint-disable` comments.
* @param {object} location - The location to convert.
* @returns {object} Converted location.
toForceLocation(location) {
return {
start: {
line: location.start.line,
column: -1,
end: location.end,
* Calculate the location of the given rule in the given comment token.
* @param {Token} comment - The comment token to calculate.
* @param {string|null} ruleId - The rule name to calculate.
* @returns {object} The location of the given information.
toRuleIdLocation(comment, ruleId) {
if (ruleId == null) {
return module.exports.toForceLocation(comment.loc)
const lines = comment.value.match(LINE_PATTERN)
//eslint-disable-next-line require-unicode-regexp
const ruleIdPattern = new RegExp(
const m = ruleIdPattern.exec(lines[0])
if (m != null) {
const start = comment.loc.start
return {
start: {
line: start.line,
column: 2 + start.column + m.index + m[1].length,
end: {
line: start.line,
2 +
start.column +
m.index +
m[1].length +
for (let i = 1; i < lines.length; ++i) {
const m = ruleIdPattern.exec(lines[i])
if (m != null) {
const start = comment.loc.start
return {
start: {
line: start.line + i,
column: m.index + m[1].length,
end: {
line: start.line + i,
column: m.index + m[1].length + ruleId.length,
/*istanbul ignore next : foolproof */
return comment.loc
* Checks `a` is less than `b` or `a` equals `b`.
* @param {{line: number, column: number}} a - A location to compare.
* @param {{line: number, column: number}} b - Another location to compare.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if `a` is less than `b` or `a` equals `b`.
lte(a, b) {
return a.line < b.line || (a.line === b.line && a.column <= b.column)
* Parse the given comment token as a directive comment.
* @param {Token} comment - The comment token to parse.
* @returns {{kind: string, value: string, description: string | null}|null} The parsed data of the given comment. If `null`, it is not a directive comment.
parseDirectiveComment(comment) {
const { text, description } = divideDirectiveComment(comment.value)
const match = DIRECTIVE_PATTERN.exec(text)
if (!match) {
return null
const directiveText = match[1]
const lineCommentSupported = LINE_COMMENT_PATTERN.test(directiveText)
if (comment.type === "Line" && !lineCommentSupported) {
return null
if (
lineCommentSupported &&
comment.loc.start.line !== comment.loc.end.line
) {
// disable-line comment should not span multiple lines.
return null
const directiveValue = text.slice(match.index + directiveText.length)
return {
kind: directiveText,
value: directiveValue.trim(),
* Divides and trims description text and directive comments.
* @param {string} value The comment text to strip.
* @returns {{text: string, description: string | null}} The stripped text.
function divideDirectiveComment(value) {
const divided = value.split(/\s-{2,}\s/u)
const text = divided[0].trim()
return {
description: divided.length > 1 ? divided[1].trim() : null,