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Switch branches/tags

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123 lines (108 sloc) 4.3 KB
* @fileoverview Rule to ensure that filenames match the exports of the file
* @author Stefan Lau
// Rule Definition
var path = require('path'),
camelCase = require('lodash.camelcase'),
upperFirst = require('lodash.upperfirst'),
parseFilename = require('../common/parseFilename'),
isIgnoredFilename = require('../common/isIgnoredFilename'),
getExportedName = require('../common/getExportedName'),
isIndexFile = require('../common/isIndexFile'),
transforms = {
kebab: require('lodash.kebabcase'),
snake: require('lodash.snakecase'),
camel: camelCase,
pascal: function (name) {
return upperFirst(camelCase(name));
transformNames = Object.keys(transforms),
transformSchema = { "enum": transformNames.concat([ null ]) };
function getStringToCheckAgainstExport(parsed, replacePattern) {
var dirArray = parsed.dir.split(path.sep);
var lastDirectory = dirArray[dirArray.length - 1];
if (isIndexFile(parsed)) {
return lastDirectory;
} else {
return replacePattern ?, '') :;
function getTransformsFromOptions(option) {
var usedTransforms = (option && option.push) ? option : [ option ];
return (name) {
return transforms[name];
function transform(exportedName, transforms) {
return (t) {
return t ? t(exportedName) : exportedName;
function anyMatch(expectedExport, transformedNames) {
return transformedNames.some(function (name) {
return name === expectedExport;
function getWhatToMatchMessage(transforms) {
if (transforms.length === 1 && !transforms[0]) {
return "the exported name";
if (transforms.length > 1) {
return "any of the exported and transformed names"
return "the exported and transformed name";
module.exports = function(context) {
return {
"Program": function (node) {
var transforms = getTransformsFromOptions(context.options[0]),
replacePattern = context.options[1] ? new RegExp(context.options[1]) : null,
filename = context.getFilename(),
absoluteFilename = path.resolve(filename),
parsed = parseFilename(absoluteFilename),
shouldIgnore = isIgnoredFilename(filename),
exportedName = getExportedName(node, context.options),
isExporting = Boolean(exportedName),
expectedExport = getStringToCheckAgainstExport(parsed, replacePattern),
transformedNames = transform(exportedName, transforms),
everythingIsIndex = exportedName === 'index' && === 'index',
matchesExported = anyMatch(expectedExport, transformedNames) || everythingIsIndex,
reportIf = function (condition, messageForNormalFile, messageForIndexFile) {
var message = (!messageForIndexFile || !isIndexFile(parsed)) ? messageForNormalFile : messageForIndexFile;
if (condition) {, message, {
name: parsed.base,
expectedExport: expectedExport,
exportName: transformedNames.join("', '"),
extension: parsed.ext,
whatToMatch: getWhatToMatchMessage(transforms)
if (shouldIgnore) return;
isExporting && !matchesExported,
"Filename '{{expectedExport}}' must match {{whatToMatch}} '{{exportName}}'.",
"The directory '{{expectedExport}}' must be named '{{exportName}}', after the exported value of its index file."
module.exports.schema = [
oneOf: [
{ type: "array", items: transformSchema, minItems: 1 }
type: [ "string", "null" ]
type: [ "boolean", "null" ]